Tetsu; the Iron Fisted Elder



Tetsu glared at Summi; knowing full well that, despite his affinity to fire, he can not defeat him. 
Tetsu (snapping his fingers again): "This time, I want to fight you and not letting Sajiro get in the way."
Yutaka (gulping): "But he's dead."
Tetsu (sending a menacing glare at Yutaka): "I know that. I was at his funeral."
Summi continuously and fruitlessly tried to put himself out but he stopped burning. 
Summi (sending a deadly sight at Tetsu): "You bastard. I'm going to kill you, just like I should've done 15 years ago." 
Tetsu didn't flinch nor move a muscle. 
Kaiya (thinking and looking at Tetsu): Just who is he. Summi threatened his life and he's not scared. Is it true that Tetsu … no, it can't be. 
Tetsu (creating a ball of fire in his hand): "I can defeat you with just this ball of fire."
Yutaka (flying to Tetsu and stopping behind him): "But the Tama no Kasai is weak against him. I tri--"
Tetsu (holding the ball next to his ribs): "I know that. But it's how you use it that counts. Not who you use it on."
Tobias (scratching his scalp): "What does that mean?"
Tetsu (looking at Tobias): "It means that because it is weak, it is still very strong."
Yutaka (talking through his right hand): "Crandor, what does he mean?"
Crandor (lifting Yutaka's soul up in the air to meet eye to eye with him): "He means that, he is able to use such a novice technique and turn it into an advanced attack.”
Yutaka Soul (jumping off of Crandor’s Claw): “So that means … “
Crandor nodded.  
Back in the real world: Yutaka snapped out of his trace-like state and looked at Tama no Kasai grew and grew into a shuriken. 
Tetsu (gripping the fire created shuriken): “Summi, I predict that you will lose your right arm.”
Summi (throwing right hand in the air): “That’s a laughhhhhh!!” 
Just as predicted, Summi’s right hand; just above the elbow, ejected blood and the fiery shuriken disappeared. His right arm dissolved into water and splashed into the ocean below him. 
Summi lowered his stub of an arm and looked at it. 
Yutaka (thinking): ''I didn’t see him throw it''.
Tobias (thinking): ''It was so fast I didn’t see him even move his arm''. 
Kaiya (thinking): ''Is it possible that he can stop time?'' 
Tetsu levitated motionlessly in the air. Summi  shot out his stubby little arm and countless octopus tentacles sprang from the wound and they formed a whole another arm for him. 
Tetsu snapped his fingers again and Summi’s newly restored arm burst into flames. 
Summi tried to shake it off but it didn’t go out. 
In the distance: Raitrious watched the battle but did not aid his brother in the battle.
Raitrious (crossing arms and thinking): All I have to do is to keep my chi level down and let Yutaka, Tobias, and Kaiya or maybe Tetsu kill Summi. Then, while they’re celebrating, I’ll swoop in and steal Summi’s Water Manipulation Abilities.
On the battlefield: Tetsu didn’t move and did flinch. 
Yutaka (igniting his hand into a knife shape): “I’ll cut off his head!”
Just as Yutaka flew passed him, Tetsu grabbed him by his collar and threw him to his friends. 
Yutaka (getting his footing back): “What the hell was that for?”
Tetsu (not looking at Yutaka): “Never attack an enemy that is on fire.”
Kaiya (help Yutaka up): “Why is that?”
Tetsu (looking at Kaiya):” Because the enemy, while on fire, can pull you in and, either, kill or several injure you.” 
Yutaka gulped again. 
Tetsu (watching Summi lose his newly restored arm): “I have been in over 1,000 wars and won each war.”
The trio was speechless. 
Summi’s newly restored dropped into the ocean, dissolving. 
He looked at his, now dissolved, arm and Tetsu.
Tetsu (crossing arms): “Want anymore?”
Summi (nodding): “No! No!”
A bolt of lightning struck Summi’s head and he was taking to an unknown location. 
Tetsu snapped his fingers again and he disappeared in a burst of flames. 
Tobias (looking at the others): “That was weird.”
Tobias caught fire and disappeared. 
Yutaka and Kaiya (watching the fire turn into smoke): “TOBIAS!!”
Kaiya burst into flames, also.
Kaiya (trying to put herself out): “What the hell?!”
Kaiya disappeared just as the vanished. 
Yutaka (looking around for them): “This isn’t funny! Where did you-”
Yutaka burst into flames and he, too, vanished. 
To Be Continued…
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please update authornim.....
luckyxstarz #2
it's a orginal story like he said on the top
...this isn't a fanfic.
Sonicman0123456789 #4
Nice...nice. Oh btw I'm waiting for the rest of the post so keep em comin :)