Caught In A (Lie)

Wings ||Bts Vkook||

"Hyung,what's with the noise?" Namjoon coming out from the bathroom and dry his hair.

"Joonie,come quick.Taehyung and Jungkook" Jin pull Namjoon by his hand and panic is visible across Jin's face.

"What's wrong with them?" Namjoon looks lost and just let Jin drag him across the living room.

"They just got into a fight and i'm scared if something bad happen to both of them" 

"But why do they fight?I don't get it" 

"Hurry Joonie.." Jin pull Namjoon try to search for the two maknaes.

"Where are these kids.I'm worried" 

"There.I think it's them" Namjoon pointed to the two figure standing under the lamp post.

Jungkook wipe his tears harshly and he walks towards the road.He felt betrayed by his hyung that he trusted and loved.He missed his parents so much.Maybe this is time for him to meet them.He walk closer and closer towards the road ignoring Taehyung calling for him.

One more step and i'm done.

Jungkook already saw a car coming his way.He step on the road closer feeling nothing.He close his eyes ready for the car to crash his bones and send him up to heaven.The car's honk is getting louder and the bright light blinding his eyes.He feel his body is floating in the air and his body is aching so bad.Blood is dripping down his face and he is lying on the road losing his consciousness.

Taehyung saw the car coming towards Jungkook and he suddenly gain his strength.He lurch himself towards the maknae and push the younger to the side of the road before the car hit him.Jungkook knock his head on the sidewalk making him black out.

The car hit Taehyung hard send him flying before he fall to the ground.Taehyung swear he can hear his bones crack and he can hear someone scream for his name.Taehyung lying on the ground hardly breathing and he look at Jungkook's direction.The younger already pass out because of the hit on his head.Taehyung saw someone running to him and people are screaming.

"Call 911!" One of the crowd yell.

Taehyung is slipping in and out of consciousness.When he's about to shut his eyes,he can feel someone tap his cheek lightly several times.

"Hey,Tae.Don't close your eyes.Stay with us okay?" Jin whisper in his ears and it sounds like a lullaby to him.He wish he can sleep just for a while.His throat feels dry and he can't breath properly.

"H-hyung..Jung..kook.." Taehyung struggle between his breath.

"He's with Namjoon and he seems fine.Keep your eyes open okay?Don't fall asleep.The Ambulance is on their way" Jin wipe the blood on Taehyung's face with his sleeve.Taehyung find it's hard to breath and he thinks he broke his ribs.

"This is all my fault" Taehyung chokes and Jin pat the younger's head.

"Shh..shh...don't talk too much.This is not anyone's fault okay?" Taehyung nod his eyes before he went limb on Jin's lap.

"Oh ...Tae wake up" Jin tap his cheek to wake him up bit to no avail.Jin curse under his breath.

"What took them so long damn it!Namjoon,How's Jungkook?" 

"He seems fine but i'm scared if he have internal injuries" Namjoon said almost crying.After a long fifteen minutes that seems like forever,the ambulance finally arrive and take both of them to the hospital.Namjoon have called the rest of the members to inform them about the accident and they were shock as well.All of them are pacing back and forth in the waiting room.

"God please don't let anything bad happen to any of them and please save them" Jimin pray and the others starts to gather around Jimin.They pray in circle and they've been waiting for almost four hours.Both of them are still in the emergency room.

"Hyung,how did this happen?" Hoseok suddenly ask and Jin don't know how to tell them.

"They just got into an argument and it's getting worse when Jungkook starts yelling and almost hurt Taehyung"

"There must be a reason why he is acting that way.Both of them are inseparable and no way Jungkook would hurt Taehyung or vice versa" Yoongi suddenly said and Jimin nod his head in agreement.

"Yes i agreed with Yoongi hyung.I mean Jungkook is so soft and he can't even kill a fly"

After waiting for like forever,finally the door creak open revealing a surgeon that performed surgery to the both of the maknaes.

"Doctor,how is the surgery going?Are they doing fine?" Namjoon ask impatiently.

"The surgery is going alright and so does the patients.But one of them have a major injury not like the other one.Don't worry,both of them are doing fine.You can visit them but not now.Maybe you can come again tomorrow and pay them a visit" The doctor explains and Jin bow to him after thanking him.

"Let's go home guys.We will come again tomorrow okay?Let them rest for tonight" all of them just nod and everybody look tired after waiting fo so long.


Jungkook opens his eyes slowly after hearing the beeping sound beside him.His body is aching and his head hurts.He try to sit but a hand push him back to his bed.

"Stay there Jungkook.Just tell me what do you need" Yoongi said smiling.Jungkook is looking at the five of them in confusion.

"Where am i?" 

"You're at the hospital Jungkook-ah"

"Why am i here?And why are there only five of you?" Jungkook is looking at their faces one by one.One member is missing and he ask in confusion.His head hurts a little when he try to remember what really happened to him last night.He remember he have an argument with Taehyung.He also remember he pushed Taehyung to the ground.And he did remember the bright light and the honk.He flinch when the memory flash in front of his eyes and his lips quiver.It can't be.

"Where is Taehyung hyung?" Then the room went silent.No one dare to tell the confuse boy the truth.

"Jin hyung?" Jungkook is staring at Jin demanding an answer but Jin only heave a sigh.

"You should rest Jungkook-ah"

"No,what happened to him?Why is he not here with all of you?Where is he?"

"Jung..." Jimin try to calm him down but Jungkook try his hard to get out of the bed.

"You really don't remember what happened to both of you last night?"

"I remember i had a fight with Taehyung hyung.I remember i pushed him to the ground and i also remember the honking but i can't remember what happens next.Please somebody tell me where is he?" Jungkook looks so desperate and Jin have no choice but to tell him the truth.

"I will tell you what really happened but you need to take a deep breath okay?The truth is that moment when you try to jump in front of the speeding car,Taehyung saved you by pushing you out of the road but he got hit instead"

Jungkook's lips trembling and his hands are shaking upon hearing the truth.He shakes his head several times and try to get out of the room.

"I want to see him" Jungkook push Hoseok who try to stop him.

"He's still unconcious and he needs to rest but he's fine.You can visit him tomorrow." Namjoon said but Jungkook push Namjoon out of his way.

"No i need to know if he's alright.This is all my fault.I want to see him now please.I will just watch him from outside his room.That will be enough" Jungkook pleads and they have no choice.Jin already ask the doctor's permission and Jungkook is allowed to visit Taehyung.

Jimin push Jungkook who's sitting on the wheelchair carefully and stop in front of the room numbered with 0613.Jungkook take a deep breath and his hand is shaking.Jimin push the door slowly and Jungkook eyes starts to water.There is Taehyung lying on the bed with bandaged head and casted foot.He also looks pale and helpless.The sound of the beeping machine irritates him.What's breaking Jungkook heart even more is he never saw Taehyung this weak and not to mention Taehyung is his angel that was supposed to protect him.He can't imagine that an angel can look this helpless.

"Tae hyung got hurt because of me.If i listen to him that time this wouldn't happen and he's here with us smiling like he always do.I should've let him explain.I also hurted his feelings" Jungkook sobs and Jimin rub circles on the crying boy's back to sooth him.

"It's not anyone's fault okay?Don't worry Jungkook.He's fine" Namjoon said 

"But why is he not waking up?" Jungkook ask and Jin smiles at him

"The doctor said it is because of the medication effect.He will wake up soon so don't worry"

"Jin hyung is right.You should rest too" Hoseok add.

"Come on.Let's go to your room.Taehyung needs to rest so he can recover quickly and so do you" Yoongi push the wheelchair outside the room.

Jungkook just nod his head even his heart says no.He wants to stay longer but they are right.Let Taehyung rest so he can recover fast.Jungkook give a quick glance one last time to Taehyung before leaving.

"Get well soon my guardian angel"

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Chapter 44: Please update!! I read this in one day!! Im addicted to this!!<33
BTS_ThrashGirl #2
Chapter 44: Update!!!!
I have been waiting for an update for like centuries~ I hope nothing bad happened to author nim and that she can update soon. Fighting!~
shanetae #4
Chapter 44: yeah is nice chapter but top taehyung is best :)
Chapter 44: btw TOP TAEHYUNG FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 44: hot damn
Chapter 44: Omg finally an update! Also, I was praying for Jungkook to be top and he is! My hearteu is...omg
kulitlang08 #8
Chapter 44: finally taetae is discharged from the hospital...and that taekook moment!!! almost!!!

jimin and hoseok trying to stop yoongi from killing namjoon...jin stopped them just in time...hehehe...

looks like yoonmin will be doing it!!! hehehe...:)

looking forward for the next update...
Bigevil #9
Chapter 44: Haa u took so long..I was waiting..pls update soon