Chapter 46

Wanna give you my heart

Soon, after class you immediately leave the school and went straight to Seoul Restaurant.

As you were walking down the streets, you keep on looking in every stores.

*Should I buy something for him?* You thought. *Wait, why will I buy something for him?*

You waved your thought away. But then a cake store caught your eye.

*Atleast I should buy him a congratulatory cake for dying his hair* You smiled and went inside.

After getting the cake in a matter of minutes, you went out and headed again to the restaurant.

Soon, you arrived and entered at the Seoul Restaurant, you searched for Ljoe.

*Since his hair is already black, it's harder to look for it now.* You thought.

"Miss, are you going to eat alone?" A waiter suddenly asked you.

You blinked and looked at him. "Uhm, is there a black haired guy who's wearing the same uniform as mine arrive already?"
The waiter shook his head.

*I guess he's not yet here..* You thought. "Im going to eat with another person.."

"Sure ma'am, let me lead you to an empty table." The waiter said. And he lead you to an empty table.

"What's your order ma'am?" He asked.

You smiled. "Let me have a water first. I'll order the food once my friend had arrive."

"Sure ma'am." He said and left.

*I wonder if he's already on his way..* You thought as you stared at the cake you bought.

"It seems like he loves meat.. im sure he's going to order those food he wanted a while ago.." You smiled.


30minutes have passed, and Ljoe's not yet arriving.

*Where is he?* You took out your phone and see if he send a message but there's none.


1hour just passed, and Ljoe's not yet there.

You decided to call him, but then he wasnt picking it up.

*Where are you Ljoe?*





Flashback a while ago:

After the class, Ljoe went to Eli and L and told them that he cant hang out with them for some more minutes since he needs to go somewhere else.

As Ljoe stepped out of the campus, he smiled widely.

*Be ready to treat me the foods I wanted Hyemi!* He thought.

Then suddenly, his phone rang.

He took it out and saw the caller ID: Noona. He smiled and answered the phone.

"Noona!" He beamed.

"Byunghun~ah... How are you?"
"Im fine! What's with the sudden call?"

"Are you busy? Can we meet?"

"Can we? Just for an hour..please?"

"Well.. noona..."
"Sure noona, where are you?"

Then Ljoe ran to where Yoona was. Totally forgetting about you and his meet up in the restaurant.




2 hours already had passed, you were now so bored and really tired of waiting for Ljoe.

*Ljoe, why arent you showing up? What happened to you? You're not even answering my phone?*  You felt your heart crashed into million peaces. Ljoe hasnt showing up.

You took a long sip on your drink but then it was already empty.

"Oh.. my drink's already empty?" You blinked.

A waiter came up to you. "Miss, are you going to order now? It's been two hours since you arrived-"
"No, im going home now, it seems like my friend got stuck to some where he was. Thank you anyways and sorry for the wait." You said and left the restaurant. Your eyes are getting watery but you held it.

*Dont cry Hyemi, probably this is one of his punishment for me. To be childish and told you to cook for him, instead you suggested to treat him, and he thought he'll not go for you to suffer since you didnt said sorry to him awhile ago.. Yeah, that it is. I should have thought of this awhile ago. I looked so stupid there in the restaurant.* You thought as you were passing by on the streets.

Your eyes are getting blurry that you cant already see what's on your way.

Suddenly, you bumped into someone. You bowed and apologized and started to walk again but then you felt a grip on your wrist.

You bowed again and apologized.

"No, Hyemi, it's okay." The person who was holding you said.

You blinked and wiped away your tears before looking up to him. You sniffed.


"Why are you crying?" L asked.

You sniffed. "Im not, a dust came in my eyes." You lied.

"Really?" He asked. You nodded.

He held your hand that made you jumped a little.

"Should I accompany you first?" He asked. But then you shook your head.

"It's okay L. I  need to go home now." You said.

L smiled. "Are you sure? You doesnt seem to be happy?"
You forced a smile. "Im happy. Dont worry, i am really fine."
L let go of your hand. "Then, go home safe okay?"

You nodded and waved at him. "Thank you L."

L watched you as you walked away. *I wonder why she's crying..*



Soon, you arrived your house. You saw that the lights are still off and thought Ljoe wasnt at home yet.

You sighed and your eyes are starting to water again but you held it again.

*DONT CRY HYEMI* You thought and opened your house.

Byunghun, your puppy greeted you, you bent down in his level and ruffled his hair.

"Byunghun~ah, im glad you're here!" You said and smiled, now the tears fell down.

"Oh god, why am I crying? Isnt it funny Byunghun?" You said and laughed.

"He didnt show up, a total JERK right?" You said again to your puppy.

"Are you hungry Byunghun? You want to eat?" Your puppy barked.

You went to the kitchen and took your puppy's food and serve it to him.

You took an ice cream in the fridge and started eating spoonfuls of it.

"He's such a jerk!"

"A total Jerk!"

"He's crazy!"


You started tearing up and started sniffing.



"cant you be use to his attitude? He's always like that."

You sniffed harder and soon the ice cream you were eating was already done.

"Oh? It's empty already?" You said. And then you felt your brain's freezing already.

"Ahhhh~ My head is aching." You stood up and went on the living room and laid down yourself there.

You slowly closed your eyes. "jerk.." was the last word you murmured before heading to your dreamland.


"Jerk?" Ljoe asked as he heard your murmur when you closed your eyes.

He then approached you and started shaking you. "Hyemi~ah, wake up.."

You slowly opened your eyes and saw his face just inches away from you. You widened your eyes and anger filled you. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"Hyemi~ah, sleep in your room, not here." He said.

You sat up, not taking your eyes on him.

Ljoe just looked at you and then softened as he saw your eyes swollen. *Did she cried? .......a lot?*

"Look, im sorry for not showing up a while ago in the restaurant.. Something happe-"

"Dont be sorry, im sleepy so im going to my room now." You stood up but Ljoe put you down back.
"Yah!" You yelled.

"Im really sorry, so please, dont be angry to me.. and... did you cry?" He asked.

"CRY?! Oh come on, why will I cry? I know this is one of your pranks so dont worry, i did not cry because YOU did not show up." You forced a smile but failed.

"Im really sorry." He said.

"Shut up, im going no-"

He then hugged you that made your sentence cut. You felt your heart beat started beating so fast. You gulped. "Y-Yah!"

He did not show any move, he was just hugging you. He also felt his heart beat getting faster. "Im really sorry"

You blinked. *Ljoe..*

"Should I treat you tomorrow for an apology?" He asked. *I dont want you to get mad at me..* He thought.

You didnt answer back. He released the hug and looked at you. "Please?" He said.

You rolled your eyes. "If you'll not show up again, then we're DONE. I'll tell our parents to just cancel this thing that we have already started."
Ljoe smiled widely and kissed you on your forehead. You blinked as you felt butterflies in your stomach and thought all of the pains you were experiencing a while ago had gone.

"I..I..I Ill go now in my room." You said and ran to your room.

Ljoe smiled. *Thank you*




In the room, you covered yourself with your blanket.

*Ljoe, are you trying to make me fall again for you? Not again Ljoe, dont.. I gave you my heart once and it got tore. Dont let me give my heart again to you and tear it up really hurts...*

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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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Chapter 75: sweet moment. I like the childish side of Ljoe. The best moment is when Ljoe sulk and compared him with hyemi puppy...."Byunghyun the puppy and Byunghun the fiancee "
14 streak #2
Chapter 75: Awwww so fluffy ><

The last chapter gif... omfg chunjoe ><
nerdyviv #3
Chapter 75: awwwwww this is so cuteeee like they said hatred will eventually turn in to love :) hehe good job authornimmm!!!
Chapter 20: Title it " can I ask you question !!
Chapter 75: so sweeeeeeeeet~!!
Chapter 75: Authornim please make sequel
I really really reallllllllllllllly love this story.
I'm waiting for sequel authornim~fighting !!
Chapter 3: hahaha i like this line *....Is she not amazed on how handsome am I?* cocky much huh myungsoo XD
Chapter 75: You should make a sequel for this story.
This story was SOOOOOO good it needs a sequel.