Noona called!

Wanna give you my heart

The next day...


You prepared yourself for school and went to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast. After cooking, you took 3-4 bites and left the dining room.

You took your bag from your room and then knocked at Ljoe's room. But he didnt respond.

"Ljoe, im going first! Take care~" You muttered. Still no response, you left already.

Ljoe, on the other hand, was fixing his hair on the mirror when you knocked on his door and he just ignored you.

When you said you're going first, he paused and wanted to say that he wanted to come with you but no words came out from his mouth. He sighed.


While walking on the road, you suddenly remembered last night. You hands laced with Ljoe's hands.

You stared at the hand that was laced with him last night. You blushed and smiled.

*It was so quiet last night when we walked home... but it didnt feel awkward at all... I thought I was feeling comfortable with him though~*


At school, actually, you rarely hang out with Sunmi and Yura since it was getting busy because Prelim Exams is near. When lunch came, Sunmi and Yura came running to you.

"Hyemi-ah!!!" They chorused, calling you. You spun and saw them and gave them a bearhug.

"Err.. Hyemi-ah, as if we didnt see each other for a long time uh?" Yura said. You all laughed.

"I feel like it! But uh... can I... not go lunch with you guys today?" You shyly asked.

Sunmi raised an eyebrow. "Waeyo??"
You bit your lip and ducked your head. "Err.. L... wanted to eat with me.."

Sunmi and Yura widened their eyes in shock and gave you a slight hit on your shoulder. You looked up and they are now evilly smiling.

"Hyemi-ah, are you and L... DATING?" They both asked, excited.

You covered their mouth in shocked. "YAH! We're not dating!!"

They both shrugged from your hands, so you removed it so they can speak.

"Tss!! Then why will you go eat with him instead of us?" Yura teased.

"Err.. i dont know.." You replied, shy.

"Arasseo~ Arasseo! Just promise to eat with us tomorrow okay?" Sunmi said.

You brightened up and gave them a hug. "I MISS YOU GUYS" With that you left.


While walking near the cafeteria, you felt a hand on your wrist. You spun and saw L, with Ljoe and Eli. You met eyes with Ljoe. He rolled his eyes. You furrowed your brows.

"Hyemi-ah, come, eat with us!" L beamed. Your jaw dropped.

"I thought.. I was going to eat with you?" You asked. You saw Ljoe rolled his eyes again. You gave hima death glare.

"Well, we'll be seating opposite from Ljoe and Eli's table." L said. You pouted. "Okay~"

When you entered the cafeteria with the 3Ls, students started giving you death stares and started gossiping. You ducked your head. L saw you and he wrapped his arms on your shoulder. Ljoe saw it and started storming.

You felt an arm on your shoulder, you looked up and saw L smiling.

"Dont worry, you're with me" He gave you a wink. You smiled.

L lead the table you will be sitting at while Ljoe and Eli sat together from the opposite table.

"What do you want to eat?" L asked you. You tapped your chin to think but then you saw eyes on you.

"Can I just order the food with you on the counter? I think i'll be in trouble if you'll leave me here." You honestly said what you felt.

L smiled and nodded. He took your wrist and went to order food.

Ljoe saw it all and started storming. *Why is she with him? And err! IM HERE HELLO.. HER FIANCEE*

"Yah~ Aren't you hungry? Come on! Let's buy!" Eli said.

Ljoe gave him a glare. "JUST BUY FOR ME"

"Woah~ What's up  with you dude!" Eli got shocked by the sudden angry mood of Ljoe. He patted Ljoe's shoulder and left to buy food.

In a few moments later, you , L and Eli went back together with the foods.

You were sitting with L on the table. Happily eating.

While Ljoe was sitting with Eli. Ljoe keeps on taking glance on you while biting his sandwich. Eli can see his eyes getting tense up. *What's with Ljoe? Dont tell me he's getting angry because Lwas with the girl he just dumped before?* Eli thought.

Suddenly, Ljoe's phone rang. He took it and answered it without looking at the caller ID.



Ljoe widened his eyes by the familiar voice. He looked at the caller ID, it was his noona.


You actually heard him said NOONA, you paused from eating and carefully listening to his conversation over the phone.  *Noona? Was that the noona he was muttering last time?*

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Please check my new story "ONE MORE TRY" thank you! hehe -babyandme


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Chapter 75: sweet moment. I like the childish side of Ljoe. The best moment is when Ljoe sulk and compared him with hyemi puppy...."Byunghyun the puppy and Byunghun the fiancee "
14 streak #2
Chapter 75: Awwww so fluffy ><

The last chapter gif... omfg chunjoe ><
nerdyviv #3
Chapter 75: awwwwww this is so cuteeee like they said hatred will eventually turn in to love :) hehe good job authornimmm!!!
Chapter 20: Title it " can I ask you question !!
Chapter 75: so sweeeeeeeeet~!!
Chapter 75: Authornim please make sequel
I really really reallllllllllllllly love this story.
I'm waiting for sequel authornim~fighting !!
Chapter 3: hahaha i like this line *....Is she not amazed on how handsome am I?* cocky much huh myungsoo XD
Chapter 75: You should make a sequel for this story.
This story was SOOOOOO good it needs a sequel.