Chapter 6

A New Beginning

Donghae POV

“Is dinner almost ready?” Leeteuk smiles and walks over so he doesn’t need to talk to hard, otherwise Aria will wake up “ Not yet, it will talk an hour I think” an hour is still quite long and Aria is right I should be helping. “You two look cute together” Leeteuk says with a wink. Together that thought of me and her together makes me smile “Hyung will you please help me move her to my room, she can sleep there”  Leeteuk seems to be thinking for a moment “Sure I will help, but how do you want to move here” slowly I let go of her hand and move in front of her. Okay now carefully, I move my arms under her so I can lift her up “Like this hyung” I look at Leeteuk and he already has his phone in his hand and is taking pictures. “Let’s go hyung. You need to open the door for us”

 I start moving towards my room and Leeteuk follows  still taking pictures..They need to send every picture they have taking to me. It might be annoying at the time the picture taking but I am also happy, now I will have a picture of our first day together and that is great.
 “ Leeteuk, you need to send me every picture you have taken “ He opens the door and is still taking pictures “I will send all the pictures of you two, you can thank me and the rest later”
 When I am just about to lay her down Leeteuk stops me “Wait you two look really cute know, let me take a picture “  I look down at her, what makes me smile. I lay her down and cover her, I really want to kiss her head..Should I or..Maybe to early right? Instead I just pad her head and with Leeteuk we walk out of the room.

“So Donghae what do you think of Aria? “

Ahh Hyung is always straight to the point “Hyung .. I... Ehm...” how to answer...

“ Do you like her? “ Do i like her? What was it again what someone once said to me?  Sometimes the answer is already clear you are just over thinking it, just let your heart speak.
Just let my heart speak, okay..I close my eyes and just let the words flood out of my mouth “ I think I like her, I am not sure what this feeling is..It is strange I never had this kind of feeling before.”

“Mm, Donghae it sounds like you like her. And it sure looks like it, wait until you see the pictures. The way you look at her, It is like.. ehmm..” 
“Looks like what?”  I can see him thinking, but really does it have to last so long?
“ I looks like the start of a new chapter of your life “
 a new chapter of my life? Yaah, this doesn’t help at all “Hyung! What is that suppose the mean?!” Leeteuk quickly covers my mouth and  whispers    “Do you want to wake her up?”

He is right she is sleeping, but this is so frustrating...What does he mean by that? A new chapter? Like in a book? He drags me to the quicken and it seems like they are already done cooking and setting the table. “Hyung lets continue this conversation later, lets help them.” Leeteuk nods and we start helping with setting the table.


Leeteuk POV

Donghae is setting the table and joking around with Ryewook. I quickly call over Siwon and Eunhyuk, I want to know what they think of Aria and Donghae. She seems like a sweet girl, I like her.  “Teuk what is it?” Eunhyuk looks serious must be because I look serious, well this is better  it is something serious. “ What do you think of Aria? Siwon you know her the longest, what is she like? “ they both look a bit confused but they know me well and know that I am just asking to make sure that no one of us gets hurt. “I think she is nice” Eunhyuk is fast to respond. Siwon waits a little but seems like he has made his mind up “We all don’t know her very long, but I do believe that you can see from the first minute what kind of person and character someone has. “
he stops and looks where Donghae is, before continuing  “ The first impression  I got from her was.. That she is a very loving and caring person. Did I tell you how we met? “
I look at Eunhyuk and he is shaking his head “ No you haven’t told us yet? Did you met on the plane?” 

Siwon nods and starts speaking “Our first meeting was  her sleeping on my shoulder” I feel my eyes go wider and from the look on Eunhyuk face he is just as shocked as I am                                         “Don’t be shocked, nothing happened. She was having a bad dream and I woke her up and we started talking. “                                                                                                                                               Siwon explained everything very detailed but I still don’t get how this is suppose to show her character

“Siwon how does this explain what kind of person  and character she has” Siwon look at me with a expression I am not done yet which makes me laugh “hyung I will explain. Usual when you wake someone up, they are cranky and in your case they even get made. But she looked happy and that really shows how kind she is and she even apologised for falling asleep”

“So that shows that she has good manners?”
“Yes that shows that she has good manners, but more than that what I noticed for what kind of person she is, is that she is loyal, serious, sweet, strong but also really sensitive . I don’t know what she has been trough but one thing I am sure, It has hurt her.”

She really sound like a good girl and what Siwon just told all of us there is not really anything to worry about. She is really as sweet as she seems. Should I ask about her and Donghae? Couldn’t hurt right?

“What do you think of her and Donghae? “ Eunhyuk looks down to the floor, he doesn’t seems pleases about it. But about her, he doesn’t has a bad word..He wouldn’t right..? No he wouldn’t... Or would he? No..He wouldn’t like her? Right?

“I think they are made for each other” Siwon looks happy about it, Eunhyuk on the other hand. “they are really a resemble of each other. She also looks a lot like you too Hyukjae “  This seems to light up Eunhyuk face and Siwon is right about that. I think they will also get along fine.

“Boys, we shouldn’t talk about this with Donghae yet, let’s just wait a little. Okay” The both nod and they join the rest. I think Aria will be a great new family member and hopefully things between Donghae and her will blossom. I have never seen him glow so much around a girl, this between Aria and him. That might just be the real deal...I am sure of it.



Aria POV

I open my eyes and I am in a different room. I am in bed even, did someone carry me here? The room looks nice. I get up to look at the photos there, in every pictures is Donghae. This must be his room then, so does that mean he carried me here? A lot off pictures of him and Eunhyuk, they must be really close then. His room looks really nice. I really shouldn’t snoop around, this is wrong. He is already kind enough letting me sleep here. When did I actually fall asleep?
I was talking with Donghae on the couch, which was actual really fun. I feel my cheeks rise, I should contain my smile. I look like a little school girl.
Wait a minute.. I was talking to Donghae and then I wake up here. This means...Oh no... I remember, I fell asleep on his shoulder. The second time this has happened to me.. I hide my face in my hands.  Thinking about hands though... That makes me think of Donghae, we held hands.. And ofcourse there are my cheeks rising again. But isn’t it a little early for something like holding hands? On the other hand, i never had this feeling before. Not even with..No. I shouldn’t compare Donghae to him.

Donghae is everything he isn’t, what Donghae makes me feel is different and somehow feels like it will last forever. Am I crazy for thinking that? Or more so, For hoping that it will last forever?

Quietly I leave the room and slowly I walk to the quicken. I hear the boys talking about pretty much everything. “Skrrr” I stepped on something and the boys are all quiet, just when I am about the panic Leeteuk speaks “Guys what do you think of Donghae and Aria? Or better said Donghae what do you think of Aria?” My mouth falls open, I don’t want to hear this..My heart stars beating fast of the nerves..What if he doesn’t like me? I should leave, but I also don’t want to I should..yes I should. Where to? I should just hide for a little..Ehm in this room? I quickly open a door but the door is also opened from the inside and I fall right in the arms off someone and together we end up on the floor.

I open my eyes and look straight in the eyes  of Eunhyuk . Of all the guys I have to be honest, am I glad it is him. I don’t know why I haven’t noticed this before.. His eyes are really pretty.. Without saying anything we just both stare each other in the eye. I open my mouth , but I mumble something that I can’t even understand and he mumbles something back. His lips,  they look like cherries. Cherry red. I look back at his eyes and he is staring at my lips. Almost automatically I bite on them and he does the same with his lips.. We look back at each other eyes and this gives me butterflies..This feeling is different from Donghae and I don’t know what it is or what it means...

We couldn’t have been lying on the floor long but looking in his eyes it seems like time was flying by and standing still.  We are still staring at each other and he looks down again to my lips and then looks past me with a shocked look and then I hear a cough from behind.

Oh no, I close my eyes. I can’t imagine how this must look.. I am lying on top off Eunhyuk in apparently the bathroom and on top off that we are on the floor and his hands.. One of them is around my waist and back and the other one is lower around my . One of my hands is on his chest and the other on beneath his back.  We both look back at each other and he slowly removes his hands and he even has a sad look on his face while doing this. I try to get up and I find a pair of hands helping me, Siwon is helping me get up I look at the door post and everyone is standing there. They look concerned but somehow also a little bit amused. Siwon lets me go and go to Eunhyuk and checks if he is okay. Siwon is not even a second away and Donghae is already holding my hand and checking if it is alright.  He looks worried and checks both of my hands. He looks up to me and he seems kind of sad, and a little bit jealous? I smile at him and that seems to remove the sad look and he smiles back “Are you hurt anywhere?” I look at Eunhyuk and shake my head. How could I be hurt, Eunhyuk literally took the fall for me. Although my hand does hurt, it is also a bit red.
“Does your hand hurt?” Donghae slowly takes my hand and starts slowly rubs with his fingers on my hand to see if it hurts. When he comes to the middle of my hand it really hurts. I try the hide it, but I guess it still showed on my face and he quickly takes his fingers away from my hand. What strangely  gives me a sad feeling. When he was touching my hand, I had like a.. like a nice feeling. I don’t know anymore what I am feeling

“It doenst hurt too much” I say to Donghae. He doesn’t looks convinced, but I don’t want him to worry about me. He takes both my hands in his and kisses both of them. My heart stops and I am filled with a weird but pleasant feeling. It is like time stops again and everyone is quite. It seems like I am not to only one how can’t believe this is happening. This isn’t a dream right?

“Are you hungry?” he asks me and I just nod. Then he turns to the rest “Shall we go and eat?” I look at them, they are smirking, but also a bit surprised. Leeteuk has his phone in his hand and is smirking the most. They all look so silly and knowing that they have been staring along makes me blush.

Would they also have see me and Eunhyuk on the floor, I think so..Speaking of Eunhyuk, I look at him and he looks hurt. Siwon is taking care of him, but I should be helping him too. I fell on him and a part of me also wants to help. Okay breath and just ask if he needs help, no need to be akward, right?
I am just about to ask Eunhyuk how he is doing and Donghae grasp my hand and together with the other boys we walk to the dinner room.  Siwon and Eunhyuk stay behind and before I leave the room and look Eunhyuk in the eye. He seems to want to say something to me and tries to get up, but Siwon stops him and Donghae takes me out off the room.


Eunhyuk POV

I try to get up and to go too Aria, but Siwon stops me and looking Aria in the eye she leaves with Donghae. Hand in hand..

“Hyukjae “ I look to Siwon and he seems to be very careful about what he is going to ask “Do..ehmm..Are you developing feelings for Aria?” He stops and carefully looks at my face when he sees that I am not irritated about this questions he continuous “It isn’t a problem if you are, I mean she is great and all. But like we talked about earlier with Teuk hyung. “ I interrupt him before he can continue  and to be honest it is great that I can share my feelings about this and have someone help me.
“I.. I am not sure what it is I feel for her. “ I look at him straight in the eye so he knows i mean everything. “The feelings I get when I think or see her, are more than nerves. She makes me want to do things to her.” Saying that I realise how wrong that sounds..” I don’t know how the name the feeling and how to deal with it. I have just met her today, so it may go away right?”  Siwon seems very serious about this as well and closed the bath room door and starts to talk

“I know we met her today, but in the end liking someone and falling in love with someone is not  ruled by time but by the heart. And no one controls the heart. If you don’t know what this feeling is, go and find out. “ What he says is all true, you fall in love in the strangest way.. But am I in love?

“But how do I know that I really like her or that I am falling her? How should I find out?” I feel helpless..I want to know what this feeling is.. But how!? “You get to know her better, go out with her. Take her on a date.” That isn’t a bad idea...but what if she says no? Then I will look like a fool, and I don’t want to get hurt. I am about to ask Siwon how to ask her out when he gets up and says one last thing before leaving. “I know you are scared to ask her out and you don’t want to get hurt, but if you really want to know. Go for it. “ he stops and then with a sad expression he says “Like I said before be sure you like her. Donghae..He..It might not be love between them yet, but what they have is something that already looks like love. Did you see how he looks at her and how he glows around her, how he acts and how he cares for her? He has never been around a girl like that. If you are sure that you won’t mess up between you and her, go for it. And ask her out quickly because Donghae likes her. But also about his feelings, he is your best friend after all.” He gives me a tap on the shoulder and joins the rest.

He is right though...The way Donghae is around her..He never acted like that with a girl. Never. I walk to the rest of the room and there they all sitting around the table. Aria is next to Leeteuk and Siwon, Donghae is sitting a crossed of her.  Should I ask her out? I look at her and there is that feeling again... I want to know what this feeling is, but do I have the right too? I look back at her lips..her lips... I was really surprised that the door was opened when I opened it as well, more so that we fell together. I am glad that she fell on top, I tried to grab her so she wouldn’t hurt to much. Looking at my hands they tingle, I never have touched a girl like that. To prevent them for hurting, to protect them.. I wanted to protect her when we fell, if she got hurt...I would feel terrible...When we layed on the floor I..the feeling...Ooh it was like time was passing but also was standing still... Looking at her lips I wanted to kiss her and never let her go.. I look back at her and this time to her eyes, her beautiful eyes, they aren’t dark brown but light brown and dark at the sides.... I stare back at her lips and back at her eyes. This time she is looking at me as well and she smiles at me.. Ohh that smile...

“Hyukjae! You are back, come and eat. It is great!” Leeteuk smiles and I break away from Aria’s gaze and sit next to Heechul. Did I imagine it or did she looked sad when I turned my head to look away from her?  I look back at her and she does look a bit sad, but Leeteuk starts to fool around and she is smiling again..

 I am sure of it, I am going to ask her out. I have to be quick, before Donghae ask her. When should I ask her? Looking at her, I am sure of one thing I don’t want to wait too long.

I know when... Tonight. 

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The cover is also mysterious and beautiful
Probably the most beautiful on this platform
This story was amazing
owandmt #4
Chapter 30: Wow!! An update after such a long time.
Thank you thank you.
It's getting harder for Ari. I hope she can find her way out soon.
By the way, I'm still Team Hyukjae. Can't help but love him in this story.
owandmt #5
Chapter 28: This is such a nice story...
Thank you so much author nim. Can't wait for the updates.
Btw, I'm Team Hyukjae