Chapter 12

Star-Crossed: How We Began
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[Sol Han Na’s POV]


I was up early, as expected. My body clock’s still set up to wake at the break of dawn. I was doing it for years that it’s going to take a while before I can change it. I washed my face and went downstairs. Manager Song said she’s going to fetch us at 8AM. I still have time to do other stuffs.


I headed to the kitchen and fumbled through the refrigerator. I decided to cook some fried rice for breakfast. I’ll remember to remind Manager Song about the dorm’s food supply later. We’re really running out of stock.


I took the apron from the drawer as Kyungsoo oppa instructed me last night. I didn’t have any trouble wearing it right now since I was perfectly calmed down. I wonder if I could continue this even when I meet the members later. I hope I could.


I cooked the rice as I carefully washed the ingredients - carrots, potatoes, some garlic, and onions. I chopped them and went straight to fry some bacon and eggs while waiting for the rice to finish. I saw how the members ate last night and now know how much food is needed to be prepared for them.


Seeing that the members aren’t up yet, I decided to take a bath after cooking. 


Choosing the right thing to wear took up most of my time. Seeing how properly dressed the CEO and Manager Song were yesterday, I suddenly felt conscious about how I looked. I rummaged through my stack of clothes, forgetting to arrange them back in order, to find anything suitable to wear. In the end, I settled into my old blouse, coat, and  jeans. Somehow, I looked a bit formal wearing these.


I went down and saw the members gathered at the living room, watching the early news.


“Good Morning, Han Na,” Suho greeted, smiling sweetly at me.


I smiled back. “Good Morning, oppa. I prepared some breakfast at the kitchen. Should I just bring the food here?”


“No, no. We’ll eat at the table,” Suho stood up and closed the television. “You must be up so early to prepare the food. Did you not sleep well?”


“No, oppa. I did. I am just used to waking up early in the morning,” I answered.


Chanyeol walked towards me and draped his arm over my shoulders. I felt myself flush. Goodness, it’s too early for this.


“No more talks. Let’s eat, okay? Manager Ji Hye’s about to arrive soon,” he said as he walked with me towards the kitchen. 


The other members were already there, staring merrily at the prepared food. I made my way towards my seat.


“It looks delicious, Han Na,” Baekhyun, sitting beside me, said.


I smiled. “Thanks, oppa.”


Kai, who already began eating, raised his hand in a thumbs up sign.


I raised my hand in a thumb sign, too, and motioned for him to continue eating. Soon enough, the table was cleared.


All of us were sitting leisurely at the living room, waiting for Manager Song to arrive, when Kyungsoo spoke out of the blue.


“So how did you became a trainee, Han Na?” 


I froze. I almost forgot that they didn’t know the story yet. 


Sehun snapped his fingers. “Right. You told me you’ll tell the story, noona.” 


I felt the members’ gazes shift towards me and my palms began to sweat. No need to be nervous, Han Na. They’ll find out soon enough.


“I... I was at my job in a convenience store in Jejudo when the CEO came and accidentally met me,” I began.


“Wait, job? Aren’t you supposed to be studying?” Suho asked, wonder in his eyes.


“I had to stop. I was supposed to enter a university but... I decided to stop because of some financial problems,” I replied.


“So you chose to work?” Suho urged.


I nodded. “I had to, oppa. To help my family.”


“Okay... What happened next?” Kyungsoo spoke this time.


“I was at the store, restocking some ramyun on the shelves, when the CEO heard me singing. He went to me and asked me to work under his company,” I began. I looked at the members’ faces and saw that they were listening intently and so I continued, “It took us quite a few time before I finally believed he was telling the truth and not some prank or hidden camera sort of thing. But in the end... I said no.”


The members gasped. “You did... what?” Chanyeol asked, wide-eyed.


“I said no. He gave me his calling card in case I change my mind. I kept it. I was so sure I am never going to use it but...” I stared at the floor for a moment, thinking carefully what to say next. I drew a deep breath and continued, “My father is a fisherman and the next day, he met an accident.”


They gasped again.


“He was on his boat, in the middle of the sea, when he had a heart attack. He was rushed to the hospital. The doctors said there was some prolem with his heart and he needs to undergo a surgery so he could be safe. That night, I was thinking of a possible way to get the money needed for my father’s surgery. I thought of getting a few more jobs, lending from other people... but the idea hit me. I took the card and knew what I was supposed to do.”


“So you used it?” Baekhyun asked. He has been looking at me with eyes full of pity and I could hardly stop myself from shedding tears.


I nodded. “I called the next morning. Fortunately, the CEO answered and we talked. I told him I would accept the job but only under one condition.”


I was looking at the members as I said it and I swore something suddenly passed by in their eyes. Pity? Worry? Shame? 


“What condition, noona?” Sehun asked, unable to stop himself.


“I told him I would accept his offer if he could promise me that he would assist us in paying for my father’s surgery,” I replied, suddenly feeling so ashamed that I had to lower my head. 


“And he said yes?” Suho asked, incredulous.


I nodded helplessly.


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Currently typing the latest updates. I'm hoping that I could finish Book 1 this week and start again with the second. Please look forward to it! :)


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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 57: I really like the story but the making baekhyun jealous thing was a little too much for me. It's very repetitive with Baekhyun getting jealous all the time
snowyshawol16 #2
The story is awesome
Yongmi5 #3
Chapter 57: The story was great. I read this in one day! I thought I was seeing double because my eyes were so tired!! Hana and Baek are so good together. I am going to start the 2nd book now.
Chapter 56: Finally I ended the first book :) wow this story is amazing! You're really a good writer! I hope more people can read your story. I swear you make me love Baek even more <3
bjonas84 #5
Chapter 57: This is the story ever..... it's so sweet and beautiful thank you... I'm gonna start with book 2...
Mongieee #6
Will read this first. ^^
callmedongsaeng #7
Chapter 57: Is that man at the end is Myungsoo? whoaaa, I'm so excited for the book 2 XD
Chapter 56: Chapter 55: 3 words: I.LOVED.IT... Can't wait for book 2 :-)
callmedongsaeng #9
Chapter 56: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. this is the end ;(( I felt happy because they ended up together, I felt sad too because this story the end ;( I'm Sorry I can't give you The long comments. It's because I'm not fluent in English :" And please make the book 2 :D I felt something's gonna happens between them :))
mamaizzah #10
Chapter 56: OMG. This story is really DAEBAK. YOU made a very wonderful job. I am looking forward for the second book. Ohhh, DAMN.I really wish i can be that hanna girl. your story attract me to read it until the end. thank for the wonderful art.i will always support you. FIGHTING:)