Together Again

I Have Twice a Problem

"Dong Hyun oppa, we've missed you SO much!" said Hana. She, too, shared Boyfriend's happiness. They've gathered in the living room and sat on the floor in front of Dong Hyun.


"Oppa, you look thin! Was life there that bad?" said Sowon.


"The way you look at me makes me feel like a story-teller for children!" laughed Dong Hyun.


"Hyung, just tell us what happened! You're actually here!" said Minwoo.


"Yes, I actually am!" said Dong Hyun sarcastically. "Well, Ricky here got me out."


"Why?" said Kwang Min, looking at Ricky momentarily.


Dong Hyun and Ricky shared a knowing grin. 


"It was the right thing to do," said Ricky simply.


"Since when have you been out? Did you get out just today?" asked Young Min.


"Actually, we got out two days ago," said Dong Hyun sheepishly, shooting another look at Ricky.


"What?! Why didn't you go here?! We almost did another stakeout!" said Hyun Seong.


"It was all Ricky's fault," said Dong Hyun.


"Uhm, uh, hehe, yeah, it was. I was responsible for that note you got," said Ricky, growing even more shy with every word.


"What was that for? It wasn't funny, not funny at all!" said Jeong Min.


"I just wanted to know how much you would give for your hyung," explained Ricky. He chose not to give the other details to his plan.


"Dong Hyun oppa already knows that, didn't you, oppa?" said Hana. Dong Hyun lightly blushed at her attention.


"I-I did. I tried telling him that, but the stubborn kid wouldn't listen," said Dong Hyun.


"Sorry, sheesh! I really can't explain but..." said Ricky. Changjo lept in to save him.


"But you wanted to hint that you wished that whatever these dudes would do to get Dong Hyun hyung back, CAP would do for us too. Guess what, Ricky hyung? That'll happen when the moon turns blue and the ravens grow white feathers."


"Which is... never, right?" said Minwoo.


They laughed at the maknae's cuteness.


"I'm sorry you two," said Sowon, looking at Ricky and Changjo. "You have to put up with those heartless people."


"Their not THAT heartless," said Ricky, actually defending Teen Top. "They care for us a bit. Our relationship is very different than what you guys have."


"Yeah. You guys grew with each other," added Changjo.


"But in their defense, they're not so bad at all," said Ricky.


There was silence for a while until Kwang Min spoke up.


"You guys are cool maknaes. Your groupmates should see that, they really should. You must be quite talented too."


"Alright! Let's celebrate, since Dong Hyun hyung's back. Let's eat out!" said Young Min.


"Is it wise? Teen Top could be out there," said Sowon.


'You really think Teen Top will try to get the better of us now?" said Kwang Min.


"I say we go," said Hana.


"Wise girl's said it. We go. It's all on me," said Dong Hyun.


"You're paying? You still might be the impostor!" laughed Jeong Min.


"CAP hyung? Pay for all of us in a dinner out? You're kidding!" said Changjo.


They all laughed as they got out of the house.

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i'm gonna edit this fic slowly. what do you guys think?


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kwangminshypika #1
Chapter 40: OMG ♥
articfox1399 #2
Your story is so awesome!! :3
Sweet ending !!!
thank you, Park_JiHyun~! =))
i came to a conclusion that teen top is more appropriate for being the "bad guys"... so let's edit
lov4ever #7
lmfao..... lots of love drama kekekeke
@lilosuitehart: yup, writing the update now. w8... who likes who? dong hyun to hana? =))
lilosuitehart #9
omg!!! he likes her!!! awww so cute!!!! update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!