Isle of Ischia

A Blessing or A Curse


A/N: Since you asked...;) The marathon starts now. For those asking what happened during the FanXing it is! By the way, for those waiting for SuChen, their arc may or may not be included in the marathon but at least the wait will be shorter, right? *Runs away...*


"Martin! Martin! It's time to eat!" Yixing waved her hand as she called the gorgeous boy playing on the shore. She promised to spend more time with him after she got back from Ischia. But since she had tons of things to do and lots of loose ends to attend to, she managed an out of town trip a couple of months later. She sighed when she saw the boy got up slowly and walk towards the cottage with a small red pail in tow. He sprinted lightly before he reached the shade and threw himself to her arms.


"Are you hungry, baby?" She asked after she planted a soft kiss on his temple. He nodded. She scooped heaps of herbed mashed potato on his plate and gave him half-a-rack of barbequed spare ribs. After all that had happened, she decided to take him out today.


Since she came to Italy, Yixing had been volunteering in an orphanage in Florence. Even if she decided to move to Milan for more opportunities, she won't forget to visit if her schedule allowed. Sister Sophie of the Santa Felicita Convent went to Brazil together with the representatives of her Order in Rome for an extensive charity and medical work. She went back with a boy in tow. She said she found him almost dead of starvation near their camp site. The doctors that were with them at that time told her that the boy could not speak or refuse to speak because of trauma and that he hadn't eaten for a least a week. The stagnant rainwater in one of the worn out tires in the dumpster kept him alive. With much convincing from her Bishop, she was able to take the boy home.


When she's in Santa Felicita, Yixing would always be assigned in teaching the kids or reading them stories or helping them with artworks. The boy would always stay in the room but would not join any of the activities. It was like he was very much afraid to be left alone but was at the same time scared to talk to anyone. She could see it in his green eyes. He would just stare at the kids blankly and everyone assumed that it's because he couldn't understand them. Only a couple of nuns in the whole convent actually spoke Portuguese.


With an intense desire to communicate with the boy, she self-studied Portuguese. A desire she could not explain to herself until now. She lived in Madrid and Salamanca and her Spanish was satisfactory and Portuguese wasn't that difficult. She didn't know if it was his good looks or the reeking sadness in his eyes or the utter loneliness she herself felt but she felt a certain connection. It was as if she could see herself in him when she lost her mother and Yixuan. She could only imagine how difficult it was for the boy. She was seventeen when Lixun died but the pain was almost unbearable. She was on the brink of following her mother at that time if not for her sister.


She started to give him special attention and eventually, the boy eased up to her. She was able to convince him to join the activities and then they discovered that he was able to understand everyone all along. One of the kids mentioned something bad about his parents and he went ballistic, yelling in Italian then in Portuguese and then in Italian again while beating up the poor boy. But after the fight, he went back to his own world and refused to speak to anyone again except Yixing.


"Mom, that is too much." He said in broken English, pointing to the mashed potato.


"Oh no. You have to finish this all. Look at yourself, you are so skinny!" She said playfully while caressing his cheek. He groaned in protest but started eating.


"Is Chris joining us later?" He asked in between bites of the ribs. The spoonful of mashed potato was caught up in .


 "Err, I'm not sure yet." She focused her eyes on her plate and thanked heavens Martin did not probe more. Of course she knew that Christian won't be coming today. Or ever. She gritted her teeth.


"Do you really think I am joining you on that stupid trip?" Yixing asked Yifan haughtily. He was packing basic necessities on a carryall bag and he handed her an identical Louis Vuitton to put her own things.


"You should always travel light. Everything else we could just buy in Naples." He was talking coolly and he was deliberately ignoring her complaints. She exploded.


"Yah, Choi Yifan!" She yelled to get his attention and she was quite successful. But he just looked at her with a nonchalant expression.


"What?" He asked.


"What do you mean what? Are you nuts? Don't tell me we really are going to that forsaken island?"

"Where else could we be going?" He retorted and continued packing.


"Stop answering me with questions! I am not going on that dummy honeymoon! You of all people should know we shouldn't be doing this!" Luckily, all the rooms in the mansion were heavily soundproofed. No matter how angry she was because of Yifan, she didn't want anybody to hear their argument.


"Would you want us to make that honeymoon real then, Buin?" He finally dropped the last piece of toiletry he was supposed to place in his bag and faced her. There was a sly smile on his face as he slowly walked towards her direction. She didn't realize that she was backing away from him until she felt the edge of the bed on her legs before she fell. She can't break their eye contact; she was mesmerized by his light brown eyes and gummy smile. She went rigid when he joined her on the bed and hovered on top of her. She wanted to scream blue murder but she appeared to have lost her voice.


"Please. . ." She was pushing him but it was like pushing a boulder.


"Please what?" The playful glint on his eyes was still there. "Please stop or please," He came closer and when their lips were about to touch, "Make it real?" He whispered. Was he really going to assert his claim as her husband? If he would, she knew her strength's nothing compared to his. She closed her eyes. And she wanted to die at that moment when he laughed out loud. Her eyes fluttered open and that was the time that she noticed he was not on top of her anymore. He was leaning on the door jamb. She could feel the blood rushing to her face. "Okay, okay Yixing. I'll give you what you want. The plane ride wouldn't last forever. It can wait, you know." He was still laughing heartily and she really wanted to hit him.


"I don't think I’d want that." She breathed after she recovered her composure. "I would lose another ground for divorce, right? Non-consummation of marriage. You know how badly I want to be out." She countered and sauntered out of the room leaving him in his sour expression.




The trip to Italy was great if only it was not like traveling alone. They used the Choi family’s private jet and they were like in a five star hotel rather than a plane. She could bet this was far more luxurious than the Air Force One. He didn't talk to her during the whole course of the flight and she wanted to thank him for that. She didn't know what to say to him either and any conversation would definitely end up in a fight. They landed early morning and the waiting chauffer drove them straight to the Port of Naples. He guided her out of the limo to the dock. And she could see the change in his demeanor. He became more attentive and touchy. She wanted to snort. She knew it was all for show.


A uniformed man was waiting for them outside a large yacht. It was a lot bigger than the others that were docked in the same area. She caught the name: Leucippides.


"Dare il benvenuto a bordo, il Signore, Signora. I am Andres Casartelli and I will be your captain." He smiled.


"Grazie." She smiled back and she felt Yifan's arm tightened around her shoulders as sort of warning. What did I do this time?


"No need, Andres. I can perfectly navigate this. We wanted to have the whole island for ourselves." He lifted his chin up and met his eyes. It was as if he was challenging him to oppose. Andres broke the staring contest first.


"Molto bene." He smiled a knowing smile.


"Grazie. I'll take it from here." Yifan was almost rude when he stepped on the gangplank passed him. His arm still tight around her. He readied for their voyage silently once Andres was out of sight. She had a haunch that he was ignoring her deliberately. He couldn't be that angry still, right? She firmly believed she had more reasons to be mad.


To entertain herself, she toured around the whole yacht. It was as grand inside as it was outside. She went to the kitchen and found the well-stocked pantry. She was feeling a little bit hungry and decided to cook for both of them. She was almost done cooking when she felt that she was not alone anymore. He sat on the bar stool, elbows on the counter. "Watcha cookin'?" He asked, all grumpiness gone. This guy is bipolar.


"Smoked salmon fritata." She spared him a brief glance.


"Wow. I didn't know that you can cook." She could sense the admiration in his voice, she suppressed a smile.


"Who am I going to depend to but myself?" She asked instead.


"I think it would be best if we'll eat at the deck. I'll arrange the table." He stepped out of the kitchen without waiting for her answer. She could tell that they were not sailing yet. She was wondering if he really knew how to navigate the boat or he just wanted to send the captain away. Of course it would be difficult for him to pretend to be nice the whole time if there’s an audience.


She brought the baking dish to the deck straight from the oven. He was waiting for her in a small table near the railings of the front deck. He took the dish and placed it on the table and pulled a chair for her. "Smells good!" He praised.


"Thanks." He proceeded to put food on her plate, acting like a real doting husband. "Thanks." She repeated stupidly after he was done. She was really mystified by all his actions and she was tired guessing.


"No problem, Buin." He beamed. She chose to ignore the fact that it was the second time he called her wife and they ate in silence for a few minutes. She threw her gaze to the ocean. "Why Leucippides?" She decided to start a conversation. If she was going to spend days with him, a truce with be a good idea.


"That's Mama’s name in Greek." He replied absently. He was busy eating the fritata and her eyes widened in realization.


"This is yours?!" She asked. Yacht renting's common in Naples. She didn't imagine that they're maintaining such a property in Italy when they're all very busy to even take a break from work.


He shook his head, his mouth still full. He drank water and, "She belongs to my family not me."


She rolled her eyes. As if there’s any difference. "She'll be jealous, will she not?" She was caressing the railing, smiling.


"We'll see." He smiled back. "Leucippides hates Hunnie though. She was brand new when we all went to Italy to have a vacation years ago. She was running superb and Papa decided to cruise north. We were supposed to meet Sehun in Vienna were she had her play. The moment she stepped in, she wouldn't run anymore. We all decided to take a plane back here but the captain called Papa even before our plane could take off. The engine's fine and was running smoothly again. We were teasing her about it for God knows how long." He recollected, the smile on his face nostalgic.


"Speaking of your sister, where is she?" She woke up one morning and didn't see any trace of Sehun at all. Max told her that she left the night before and didn't elaborate. She just remembered to ask Yifan now.


"She went to see her, er, boss." He looked at his plate. And he looked like he was hiding something from her.


"Oh. Her editor? Where?" She asked again.


"Um, yeah. In the US." He didn't look like he wanted to share the information so she decided to take the hint.


"She really is very talented, you know. I've been reading her books but I've yet to see any of her plays." She remembered that one time she really wanted to see the play in Madrid but the tickets were too pricey. She could not afford even the cheapest.


"She really is." The pride in his voice was almost tangible. "At first, she was just writing out of rebellion. She was in Geneva at that time. Mama received a call from the headmistress that her prodigal daughter's been feigning sickness to skip classes. Malingering." He laughed. "And they found her just hanging out at one of the unused rooms and she won't tell anybody why. She's writing her mostly not good experiences while studying abroad, about being a genius. The first novel was too fearless for a nine year old and the boarding school almost sued us when it got published." He was laughing about the memory and Yixing can see how Yifan loved his sister. She knew the feeling.


"Anyway, can you really drive this thing?" She wanted to get away from that topic.


"You don't drive a boat. You sail." He snickered.


"Boat my foot." Nobody would dare to call this watercraft a boat. It was more of a ship even. "Alright, do you know how to navigate this then?"


"You have a lot of confidence in my capabilities." He sounded hurt.


"I just want to reach Ischia alive." She got the plates and the baking dish and went straight to the kitchen with looking at him.


The whole passage turned out to be peaceful and Yifan really knew how to sail. She should give him credit for that. But he was back to his unexplained silence again and she didn't want to intrude.


She had read about Ischia Island before, had seen photos. But all of those didn't give justice to what she's seeing just from afar. Atop the land mass were white buildings that looked like a nuisance in the thick vegetation. When she thought they were almost a mile away from the port, Yifan anchored the yacht and lowered a high powered speedboat from the rear deck. After everything's been secured, he guided her to the speedboat and they continued the short trip to the small dock.


"Would Leucippides be okay there?" She was worried about it.


Yifan laughed without humor. "Someone would be there in a few minutes to take care of it while we're away. Besides, we own this side of the island. No one would dare touch our property here."


He took their bags out of the speedboat while she marveled at the magnificent view. The white buildings from afar were houses and the largest one would be a light house. Or was that a bell tower?


"In which part of the island are we?" She asked while they walk the short distance from the dock to the villa, her black sneakers were a contrast to the powdery white sand.


"Forio." He replied simply. "Have you been here before?" He asked. She shook her head.


"I've been wanting to go though. It was just too expensive.” Then she realized something. “Uh, you mentioned earlier that you own this part of the island. I thought your family just. . .rented it?" That was the gift that she received from Hankyung, right? She could still remember the exact words on the card.


Yifan stopped in his tracks. He looked like he didn't mean to divulge that information. "Um," He swallowed, "Actually, we own the whole town of Forio but my parents allowed some of the natives to inhabit here. That's why you see the houses above. The church and the agora, too, on the other side of town. The only condition is that they shouldn't alter the island more than necessary. Every few months, someone visits here to conduct ocular inspection." He explained while they thread the narrow winding path to the villa.


"Bloody," She caught herself running out of breath as the path becomes steep. "Celery."


"Are you alright?" He asked her, worry on his face. He dropped their bags at once and he was beside her in a second. "Yixing, what's wrong?" He was holding her shoulders now.


"Nothing," Deep breath. "I was just tired." She lied. He mistook her surprise as something else. They own the whole town?! It might be a small town but a town is a town is a town.


"Would you want me to carry you?" He asked again but he was already crouching in front of her, ready to piggyback her.


"No, I'm okay really. Just shorten your strides. I can't keep up." She joked.


"Oh. Sorry." He straightened up hesitantly and gathered their bags and led her slowly up to the villa.


"How come you get to own. . .a town?" She asked curiously. She really can't come to terms with it.


He chuckled a bit. "Mama's great great great grandfather got the Isle of Ischia from one of the descendants of the Emperor Augustus as a payment. You know how the ancient people own lands, right?" She nodded. "Since my mother would be the direct and only living descendant at present, she inherited the whole island but Papa helped her develop this when they got married. Of course there were people who get to live here and they were given space to settle. If I'm not mistaken, it was only ten years ago that everything were permanently awarded to the people. We just retained Forio as our own private space 'cause this is the most beautiful part of the island."


She was rendered speechless. His parents gave the most part of their island away? And Yifan was just too modest to say that technically, they own not just the town but the whole Ischia Island? And she thought that owning a town's incredible enough. She wanted to scream. Some guys have all the luck!


She noticed that the path became wider and it gave way to a private driveway but no matter how she looked, a car wouldn't be able to get through the path were they came from unless there would be another way. A tunnel perhaps? She snickered at the thought.


"What's so funny?" He gave her a look.


"Nothing." She looked at him from perusing the long and winding path and she was speechless again. Behind Yifan was the carved wooden double doors that looked like ten times her weight. Her eyes went up and found herself looking at a traditional Mediterranean villa. Red brick walls covered with climbing plants, stone coated steel roof, pale white columns. She was not able to see it below because it was in the heart of the thick vegetation. There were hibiscus in different colors, birds of paradise, daisies and whitebushes and they were all in harmony with the theme. It was not over the top like their Seoul mansion but it was as engrossing.


"I don't think I like the effect of the island to you. You're spacing out a lot." He beamed.


"Yah!" She moaned in protest. He was already on the front porch but before her could take his keys out, the doors opened and revealed an old plump lady. Based on her features, she could tell that she's a native.


"Kris! It’s good to see you again! You've grown so much since I last saw you!" She exclaimed in Italian. She hugged him tightly and then her eyes flew to her. “You must be the young mistress Choi! My, you are so beautiful!" Hopefully, she speaks in normal tone before she breaks her eardrums. He introduced her as Adelaide and she’s in-charge of the house.


She just nodded and smiled a bit. She didn't speak directly to her assuming she won't be able to understand. She heard her bidding Yifan goodbye and assuring him that everything they need was taken cared of. One smile for her and she was gone to the winding pathway.


"Now that we are alone, what do you want to do first?" The underlying message in his question sent shivers to her spine. His enchanting smile didn't help a bit.


 "Uh, sleep?" He was about to say something when, "Alone." She specified. She stomped to the house ignoring the exquisite interiors as much as she could. "Where's my room?" She lifted her chin defiantly. She swore that if he used the we-are-married-we-should-stay-in-one-room argument one more time, she will break his nose.


"Second door to the right, coward." He gestured to the grand staircase. He was laughing his hearts out which she answered through banging the door.


Next days were what anybody would call a dream vacation. Yifan was unbelievably a good host. Since they were not there for a conventional honeymoon, she just considered herself as a visitor of their estate. After that senseless banter, she slept the rest of the day off and woke up the next day feeling recharged. She cooked breakfast for them, determined to be friends with Yifan. They were still husband and wife and she figured that the best way to get what she wanted was to be civil with him.


He seemed to be pleased with their truce and he invited her to tour the island. They went to the thermal spas, to Castello Aragonese and toured the small villages in the whole island. They went snorkeling, banana boating, aqua cycling, jet skiing and he even taught her how to run the speed boat.


"YAH!" The water splashed to her face when he accelerated the speed boat. She hit his arm.


"Stop it! We're gonna sink!" He was giggling.


"You are so mean!" She made a face.


"You want to learn how?" He was indicating the wheel. She shook her head frantically.


"Oh no no no! I might get us killed!" She thought it was a preposterous idea.


"I was a champion swimmer. C'mon, it's easy. When you learn how to use this, driving on land would be much easier." He slowed the speedboat until they were on a relative stop. He taught her the basics first and then the more complex techniques. She really enjoyed it. She might not be able to afford a speedboat but she will cherish the experience forever.


And then one feeling was starting to get its way out of the deepest part of her. A feeling that she thought was long gone.


"Achooo!" She sniffed. "It's your entire fault!" She picked another box of Cleenex from the tall stack that Adelaide, the housekeeper, bought. She'd been sick since they came from boating. Once she learned how to use the speedboat, she can't stop. It was addicting. Yifan almost begged her to stop. Good thing he brought extra fuel. They were nearing Naples when he noticed that they were running out of it. And due to exhaustion, her frail body that's not very used to outdoors gave in.


"Uhuh. It's my fault. I shouldn't have taught you how to use that stupid boat!" He brought a depressor out and walked towards the bed. "Here, say ahhh." He checked her tonsils, her temperature and her heartbeat. And then he fished out medicine from his bag.


"Do all doctors bring meds and medical supplies always?" He looked like he brought a pharmacy with him.


"Force of habit." He said. "Shouldn't you be thankful that I brought these with me?" He looked irritated. He was holding a clear vial and a syringe.


"Thank you." She didn't want an argument. Then she heard a faint sound which she realized was coming from her teeth gritting together. "I-I'm. . .co-cold."


"Yixing!" She felt that he injected something in her arm before everything went blank.


She opened her eyes and the large windows indicated that it was already dusk. Or was it dawn? But that was not the thing that woke her up. She tried to stir but cannot. It felt like there were a thousand comforters covering her and she can't breathe. But it was not the soft quilt she remembered using the other night. It was warm and soft and, "Aaahhhhhhhh!"


"What, what?!" Yifan fell on the floor, wincing. "What happened?" He was up in a second and went back to her side.


"Why are you sleeping beside me?! And why are you hugging me?!"


Yifan rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, Buin. Don't act like a bride. You were shivering last night even after I turned the heaters up. By the way, are you okay now? How are you feeling?" He walked towards her and the concern and tenderness on his face was something difficult to ignore.


"Y-yes. I'm sorry I woke you." She lowered her head from embarrassment.


"No problem." He guided her back to the bed and covered her with a thick comforter. She was looking at his face and wished for something she remembered wishing some years ago. She felt panic when she saw him extracting another comforter from the closet. "W-Where are you going?"


"Here on the couch. I won't leave you, alright? Now, go back to sleep, Yixing." He settled himself over the couch which seemed too small for him. She felt pity. The bed was big and good enough for maybe four people.


"Uhm, that's very uncomfortable. You can share the bed with me. . .you are not going to contract my flu, are you?" Now, she was hesitant.


"I'm vaccinated. Aren't you afraid I'm going to do something to you?" His voice was teasing.


"No because I'm going to kick your before you can think about it." She tapped the space beside her and she saw him reluctantly move to climb the bed. She smiled a winning smile. She was already hearing his even breathing but she still couldn't sleep. She turned ever so carefully to look at his sleeping form. He looked like an angel. It was the same impression she had five years ago when she first saw him.


One of Yixuan's doctors referred them to Yifan when the complications of Cooley's anemia got the better of her nervous system. The doctor told her that he was one of the shareholders of the hospital and a very much celebrated Neurosurgeon. She was expecting an old bald doctor based on his profile and to say that she was swept away her feet when she met him was an understatement. A man of few words and very soothing presence made his way not only to Yixuan's heart but to hers as well. Through the painful months of her sister's deteriorating condition, she relied to him, found solace in him. He was her best friend. She remembered telling him everything except one thing about herself. And she felt like he did the same. His life, though lived in utter luxury, was simple compared to hers.


She found herself wishing that she was another person, that she was worthy of this doctor's attention, that he was there not because Yixuan needed his help but because he wanted to stay beside her. She found herself falling in love with Choi Yifan.


But that was seven years ago. She killed that feeling a long time ago. What's important's today. And she had Christian in her present. And her future. The person lying next to her might be her husband but that will be changed soon. After their divorce, they’ll go back to their own lives as two different people. With no common denominator aside from a stupid piece of paper that once bound them.


And then he stirred, he unconsciously placed his arm around hers and snuggled close until their faces were less than an inch apart. She went stiff. And then smiled sheepishly when she remembered her old wish. What if she made that old wish true for herself?


Her earthly self won. She closed the distance between their faces slowly. The only intention was to brush her lips to his. But he deepened the kiss. And she finally understood what utopian dream meant.


She woke up the next morning feeling sore but happy. She didn't find him beside her but there was a note and a long-stemmed red rose on the bedside table. It read: Dearest Buin, Gone fishing for our lunch. Stay in bed. I want to find you where I left you when I come back. Love, Nampyeon. She smiled. He didn't say anything last night but his actions did all the talking. She could tell that he was surprised to know that it was her first time. But he was very considerate and very passionate.


She tried to weigh her feelings while taking a dip on the Jacuzzi. She can't feel any remorse for what she allowed to happen last night. She remembered Christian. Not only once that he asked her to cross the boundaries of physical relationship but she refused. And he understood. In the eyes of the Lord and in the eyes of men, she didn't break any law. Yifan's her husband. And she loved him. Still. That's what she realized just now. Maybe the marriage will work. Maybe Yifan felt something about her, too. Would it be too much to take chances? Before she wrapped herself with a towel, she already came up with a decision.


The next days were pure bliss. They were snuggling close to each other after they made love. Yifan was whispering sweet nothings to her ears. It was not very clear to her as sleep was trying to pull her from the other end until, "I can't allow you to go back to that good-for-nothing accountant of yours, Yixing. You are mine." His voice was determined.


"Why?" She asked stupidly.


"What if you get pregnant? I wouldn't let anybody introduce himself as the father of my child." And he drifted to sleep while all her dreams shattered to pieces. May be it was really not for her to dream a happy ever after. She was too indebted to fancy something like that.


She wrote a letter for him and even before the sun rose to the east, she was gone. Maybe there was a reason why she learned how to run the speedboat all along.


She went back to Milan and when she was sober enough to talk to anybody, she decided to meet Christian. He was a little surprised to see her. Since she believed he deserved no less than the truth, she told him everything and asked for forgiveness. In all incredulity, he forgave her. And she can't grasp why he was so ecstatic to learn that she's married to one of the richest bachelors in the world.


"Choi Yifan of Choi Hospitals, Choi Airways? Choi Group?" He narrowed his eyes at her. But he was smiling. "I can't believe you didn't tell me that. But don't worry, I understand. That was in the past and your divorce is underway, right?" She was about to tell him that she's not going to marry him. Not when she’s still very much in love with Yifan. And that there's no space for another. But his next question was really astounding. "How much alimony did you ask from him?" He didn't even wait for her to answer. She didn't think about that. "Nevermind. You should ask for stocks. You already gave yourself to him, right?" He was nonchalant about the situation that she felt her blood rose to her face and then to her hand that slapped his face hard.


Thoughtful, responsible, a perfect gentleman. And a complete . "I am not a , Mr. De Luca." She left him still holding his face in the middle of the bistro.


"Lei ascoltava?” It seemed like Martin was talking for ages but nothing registered to her as she made a rather long trip down memory lane.


"Of course. What was the last thing you said, baby?" Martin rolled his eyes heavenward and she had to giggle at that.



 A/N: Hope you remember who Martin is...also, drop more comments to inspire me for the marathon, okay? LOL

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Chapters will be posted every Sat morning Eastern Time. How do you like the new family member Minkyung? :)


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xiumino #1
Authornim please update
Smittenbysujuexo2ne1 #2
Authornim, how are you? Hope you're doin fine. I miss you're updates. Please do not abandon this fic. Fighting :)
i always reread this story if i have time. and i'm already attached to this fic. i hope you're doing good. :)
Hi. I hope you're doing good. I just want to say that this fic is one of my favorites. I miss your updates~ ;u;
queenmewh #5
i'm actually waiting for a while now and i was contemplating if i should comment or not. but regardless if you want to continue or not, i hope you know that i legit love your story and i am one of those who would welcome you back with open arms if ever you decide to come back <3
queenmewh #6
love, i know that you're probably busy or something. but i just want to say that i really miss your story and i feel so deprived </3 i know others don't like being pressured and rest assured i am not, but i just want you to know that this is one of the best genderbend fics out there and i hope you know that. thank you for your fic and i hope to hear from you soon! <3
Chapter 61: what happened with the story? no more updates?
Chapter 61: So Chen will have some connection with baek here? Who is that woman? Who talk to baek?
And now I realize that chanyeol like just waiting for baek to make him called off the wedding...
Chapter 61: (°O°) omg where is Baek?
awww Kaisoo ♡♡♡
and Suho?
Chapter 60: Baek.... You really do that to Channie :"........
XiuHan~~ Damn it kids freaking finally
Now SuChen my babies i waiting for you luv