CHAPTER 42: Destination (complete)

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Hello! :)

I am finally back with the complete update.

 Erratum: It takes 30 hours from Seoul to Greece, so, Pau has 48 72 hours to take him to Karin and back.



The two girls looked at their hands and turned their heads up to look at Donghae.

“But you have us oppa. The difference between now and your dream is our presence.”

He believed what Hira said and was holding their hands securely as they made their way out of the airport. At a glance, he looked like an overprotective brother holding his little sisters, so that they won’t wander off or get lost. However, their situation was the exact opposite. He was so afraid that his dream would come true, that upon exiting the plane, he grabbed hold of their hands and never did let go. The two decided to go along with him or they won’t arrive at Karin’s place peacefully.

Jin walked a distance ahead of them, avoiding the stares and glances from the people inside the airport. He originally planned going alone even though he promised he would stay put and wait for her call. Looking behind him, he saw the flustered look on Donghae’s face. A deep sigh escaped from his mouth – two promises broken in less than two days. It couldn’t be helped though. His hyung learned about Jake going after Karin and his dream made it even worse.

“Jin, wait for us!!” Donghae called as he briskly walked towards Jin, the two girls catching up with his pace. Jin stopped, realizing how far he was from them.

“Jin-sshii,” Hira’s hand was on her chest as she panted. “You have really long legs,” she said in between breaths.

“I’m sorry,” Jin chuckled and apologized noticing her flushed cheeks. They rested for awhile before heading out of the airport.


The sun had already set, leaving orange and red streaks at the horizon, while the rest of the sky was already black.

“Ahhh,” Hira smiled widely looking around. “We finally made it!”

“Yes, we did!!” Pau and Hira did a high-five and giggled.

“Happy now?” Pau asked Donghae who was awfully quiet. She need not hear his reply for his smile gave it away. 


Billions of stars lit up the night sky, shining brightly in the heavens as they bear witness to fate’s mysterious ways. A brave heart unwilling to be separated for so long from its other half had conquered everything just to be with the one it yearned for. If only fate were kind enough to grant their happiness from the very start…

Looking outside from the window, Karin let out a deep sigh of frustration as she covered her face with her palms. Two days passed by quickly without any progress. They were her parents, but ever since he came, she started doubting her place as the daughter. Karin couldn’t have a decent time alone with them. Jake had stuck to her parents like glue, keeping her from confessing to them. Inasmuch as she wanted to yell at him in anger and expose him in front of her parents, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. She was brought up not to harbour hate or anger against a person, but just this once, she might break that rule she had put upon herself.

Shaking her head to erase the smug on his face, Karin opened her laptop and started browsing the net. After a tiring day touring around the city, her parents told her to get some rest before dinner. She would just use the remaining time watching videos of him who always brings a smile on her face, chasing away the monster in her head. Laughing at Donghae’s silly antics, Karin felt lighter than before. She put the video on pause and stared at his eyes. It felt like his gaze pierced right through the screen, colouring her cheeks. She remembered the times when he looked at her with eyes filled with love.

I think… I think I miss you already…

She laughed at herself for thinking that, finally admitting it to herself even though she was the one telling him that she won’t be gone for long. Seems like watching his videos to take away her longing wouldn’t work now unlike before. Being apart from her parents, she somehow got used to not having the feeling of missing or looking for someone. Her heart squeezed suddenly just by thinking about it.

A brief rap on her door cut through the silence in her room. She opened it, not happy to see the person in front of her.

“What do you want?” she asked coldly, looking straight ahead, not meeting his eyes.

“You,” he lowered his head to her level, grinning.

Karin held on the knob and was about to close the door on him when he said, “Dinner is ready. Your parents asked me to call you.”<

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Sungmin's hope in Ch. 35 has finally come true! Well, it's my hope for him xD Congratulations! I am so happy :D Sorry for spilling it here.


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Re-reading this story again for how many years!
Chapter 72: Ahh! Here I am again! For the second time around reading your story. I consider this one as a legend though. Congrats once again! Merry Christmas to you!
Chapter 72: I dont really like it.... Because I really love it. Well tbh, I really love stories wherein haebaby and an oc is the character. I am going to read the sequel and other kahae stories of yours. Congrats for this one and Fighting authornim!
ok i don't really get how come your stories don't have that much update and views ! ???!!
do you know how seriously good you write ? you're amazing ! you have really strong plot and story line ! your characters are very realistic and perfectly described ! you actually know what you are doing which is really rare !
i'm kind of going through your fics one by one and till now i haven't been disappointed at all!
this one i think i liked the most because i actually could place my self in karin's shoes although i'm surely not as nice and kindhearted as her ! every chapter was amazing ! the emotions , the actions , the conversations , it WAS realistic and that is very important to me actually ! because i don't read fics only to pas time , i read to get ideas, inspirations for my own life and you gave that to me so thank you and keep working and writing thins as beautiful as i guess you are ! i can't say i'm your n 1 fan because i'm sure many people got hundreds of spots before me in your fan line but i'll definitely say i'm one of those fans !
lots of love ^^
Chapter 72: This is the third time I read this fic and every time I simply love it! Off to the sequel! It's lovely keeper
Chapter 72: This is one of the greatest story I've ever read. Simple yet beautiful. Made me cry but smile at the end ^^ loved it ♥
clicking the 'random story' key lol and found your story
AFF has a new feature which allows us to read chapters offline. Go to the chappy of interest. And then click on the button next to 'bookmark' which says 'save offline' (found below the chapter title). Continue clicking until you reach the last chappy you want to read offline. Then, on your profile or in the topmost black bar, you'll find the Offline tab. Click it. Can you see the urls? Click and bookmark them. Now, you can view fics offline.

I wonder if it works with the pocket app. You just copy the url and paste it in pocket. But AFF links couldn't be loaded before. Try using the Offline urls and see if the app can load it.
I can'r read chapter 22 too
I mean chapter 14 part 2 and 15:)