Chapter 39: Goodbye

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Karin had talked to her professor and adviser that week about her absence and they gave her permission. Stopping by the music room one afternoon, she told Alexa, Shin and Junyoung that she would visit her parents and that she won’t be able to play the piano for them.

“Go ahead, Karin. Don’t worry about us,” her understanding oppa said with a sincere smile.

“Just call if you need anything,” Shin said softly, sitting beside Jin.

Alexa hopped excitedly next to Karin, with a grin, “Don’t forget to bring something for me when you come back.”

“Yah, Alexa! She is not going there for a shopping spree!”

“Aish, Jin! It’s because I beat you to it. Go ask her to buy some souvenirs for you too,” she stuck out her tongue.

Jin was going to answer back when Shin forbade him and Karin just watched them, laughing.

Donghae kept looking at his wristwatch; he wanted to see her before she leaves the next day. They were in one of KBS dressing rooms for another performance. Even though Karin could go there and watch, chances of other people seeing them together were high, so she decided to stay at home. It was already 1:00 in the morning when Donghae arrived at her doorstep. He let out a deep sigh, Karin would be now sleeping soundly in her room. Turning towards the gate, he felt a pat on the back. Jin saw him coming, and he wanted his hyung to see her before she leaves tomorrow. Jin opened the door to her unit and let Donghae in.

“Aish, this girl,” Jin scratched his head as he saw Karin sleeping on the couch, hugging a pillow.

She had fallen asleep waiting for him. Donghae knelt and gently brushed strands of her hair, gazing at her. Not wanting to wake her up, he carefully lifted her up and carried her in his arms towards her room. Jin followed to open the door. Laying her gently on bed, Donghae leaned to kiss her forehead. Jin closed the door afterwards, so that he could spend time with her.

Karin stirred on her sleep, she was having a dream. Donghae held her hand, and comforted her, “I’m here… No one’s going to harm you.”

Her eyes slowly opened, and blinked, then saw Donghae sitting beside her.

“It’s okay. You were just having a dream,” he patted her shoulder. “Go back to sleep.”

She rubbed her eyes, and pushed herself up with her right hand. “Fishy.”

“Yes, it’s me. Sleep,” he chided, pushing her gently back to lie down.

“Fishy,” she said once again, smiling then wrapped her arms around his neck.

Donghae chuckled at her sudden show of affection. her hair, he said, “I came home late, sorry.” She smiled as she rested her chin on his shoulder, “Still, you came. Thank you.”

 “I’ll miss you,” he mumbled.

She pulled away hearing that and gave him a reassuring smile, “I’ll be back on Sunday, I promise. You won’t even realize I’m gone.”

He shook his head looking down, before tilting his head up to meet her eyes, “My heart will always feel that its owner is far from it. Can’t I go with you? I’ll ask-“

Karin put her finger on his lips, “Trust me.”

“I just want to show them how serious I am with you, how badly I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Also, I want them to like me… for you. See me as a man, worthy of you.”

Karin blushed at his words and said, “It’s like you wanted to ask my hand in marriage.”

“Exactly!” he said with full confidence and determination, before hugging her tight and muttered, “I am not giving you to anyone.”

She patted his back, “Tomorrow, I’ll make sure that I’ll stay by your side forever.”

However, his heart and mind weren’t at ease. He still had this fear at the back of his head.

“What if your parents… what if they say ‘no’?” He loosened his hold and searched answers in her eyes. “What if they won’t let you come back because of me? What if I don’t see you again? And that Jake… what if-“

Karin took all his worries away by pressing her soft lips against his. He didn’t expect her to do that and it took him some time to realize that she was really kissing him. Karin chuckled as she felt a smile form on his lips and broke of the kiss. “Any more questions?” she asked like what he did the other night.

Donghae was laughing, shaking his head. “My princess is having so much fun. She should take her rest now.”

“I’ll sleep after you leave,” she replied, chuckling.

“Nope. I’ll put you first to sleep before I leave,” he insisted.

Karin obliged and laid back, as Donghae tucked her on bed.

“Sweet dreams of me princess,” he lightly kissed her pink cheeks.

He began singing a lullaby, which made her laugh, “I’m not a baby!”

Donghae shushed her and continued singing until she fell asleep in the middle of the song. “Just like a baby,” he chuckled, and then left afterwards.


From the apartment to the airport, Jin kept teasing her, asking what happened between her and his hyung earlier. Even though, he knows full well that they just talked, he just couldn’t help but make fun of her. It is seldom that he sees her flustered and red in the face. Soon, they bid their goodbyes as soon as the passengers were called.


Donghae checked the time; he knew that she had already boarded the plane. Both Karin and Jin sent him messages. All he could do now was pray and wait for her return.

“Donghae-shiii, whenever you are ready…”

“Oh, yes. I’ll be right there.”

Super Junior was having a photo shoot for the beverage advertisement. The make-up artists were doing final touches when he overheard the photographer and his assistant talking.

“Why isn’t he here yet?” the older guy asked. “That young boss, as much as possible, gets himself involved in everything related to the marketing of the product.

“Sir Jacob had to attend to some family matters. He left Seoul early today.”


Donghae couldn’t sleep that night. He kept himself from contacting her, not wanting her to worry about him. He was so sure that Jake followed Karin to her parents. The fear of losing her overwhelmed him. He felt so helpless, he wanted to go to her but he couldn’t.

Early the next morning, he went to his manager’s office.

“I wanted to help you but I am not in a position to give you permission. I’m sorry,” his manager sincerely said.

“But, please… I badly need this. I haven’t asked for anything and did everything I was told. Can’t you at least grant me this simple request? I’ll be back soon I promise.” He was desperate, even begging on his knees, but seeing the look on his manager’s face, he knew it was impossible. He heaved a deep sigh, and left the office, with a heavy feeling. He wanted to scream and punch someone, but held everything in.

He had been wandering aimlessly inside the building and when he came to his senses, he found himself in the exit. Staring at the staircase, it reminded him of a friend. Taking out his phone, he made a call. If there was one person who could help him, it would be that person.

True enough, in just one day, Donghae was now sitting happily on a plane. He left a note to his Leeteuk hyung, who understood his situation and told the others. He could imagine his manager going ballistic when he finds out. But, he could care less. What’s important is that he would be with his princess in a matter of hours.

After a long travel, the plane finally landed in the international airport in Athens. However, all the flights to Santorini were fully booked. The airport personnel were kind enough to show him a travel brochure to Santorini, which he eventually bo

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Sungmin's hope in Ch. 35 has finally come true! Well, it's my hope for him xD Congratulations! I am so happy :D Sorry for spilling it here.


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Re-reading this story again for how many years!
Chapter 72: Ahh! Here I am again! For the second time around reading your story. I consider this one as a legend though. Congrats once again! Merry Christmas to you!
Chapter 72: I dont really like it.... Because I really love it. Well tbh, I really love stories wherein haebaby and an oc is the character. I am going to read the sequel and other kahae stories of yours. Congrats for this one and Fighting authornim!
ok i don't really get how come your stories don't have that much update and views ! ???!!
do you know how seriously good you write ? you're amazing ! you have really strong plot and story line ! your characters are very realistic and perfectly described ! you actually know what you are doing which is really rare !
i'm kind of going through your fics one by one and till now i haven't been disappointed at all!
this one i think i liked the most because i actually could place my self in karin's shoes although i'm surely not as nice and kindhearted as her ! every chapter was amazing ! the emotions , the actions , the conversations , it WAS realistic and that is very important to me actually ! because i don't read fics only to pas time , i read to get ideas, inspirations for my own life and you gave that to me so thank you and keep working and writing thins as beautiful as i guess you are ! i can't say i'm your n 1 fan because i'm sure many people got hundreds of spots before me in your fan line but i'll definitely say i'm one of those fans !
lots of love ^^
Chapter 72: This is the third time I read this fic and every time I simply love it! Off to the sequel! It's lovely keeper
Chapter 72: This is one of the greatest story I've ever read. Simple yet beautiful. Made me cry but smile at the end ^^ loved it ♥
clicking the 'random story' key lol and found your story
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I can'r read chapter 22 too
I mean chapter 14 part 2 and 15:)