CHAPTER 32: Avoiding you (Intensity level 2)

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Karin hurriedly went inside her room, and as soon as she closed the door, she broke down in tears. She never wanted to be a burden to anyone. “I… told you... to stop… seeing me… every night…” she said in between sobs. “I… told you… didn’t I?” She slumped in the floor crying.


Karin cried herself to sleep that afternoon and woke up around dinner time. Not in the mood to cook or eat, and badly in need of someone to talk to, Karin went to Jin’s unit. The door was closed. She then remembered that Jin was away on an out-of-town trip for his photography class.


His heart sank to see her room dark once again and it wasn’t even midnight. It has been days since she went to the S.M. building, and Donghae couldn’t get a hold of her. She was not answering his calls or replying to his messages. Are you avoiding me? Why, Karin? Before his tears begin to fall once again, Donghae turned back and walked towards the gate, helpless and weak inside. 


Suddenly, her room lit up, and he could see her shadow moving. It was a sign that his earnest prayers were answered. Without sparing any moment, he called out, “Karin, I’m here! Please open the door!”


Karin heard his voice, sending shivers down her spine. She wasn’t prepared to see him. “Karin, I just want to see you!” Her knees weakened at his call, leaving her kneeling on the floor. “No… go home Fishy…”


“Karin! Please!” He knocked on her door, tears already streaming down his face. Donghae kept calling her name, screaming his heart out, but Karin remained inside her room. “Stop it! Just leave me alone!” She was covering her ears with her hands, trying to drown his voice.


Rumours about Donghae going out late at night to see a girl were all over the internet. Netizens posted up photos of his audi parked within the same area on different dates, around the same time. The pictures weren’t incriminating, but the management advised him to just stay inside their dorm after his activities. Despite of it all, Donghae chose to be with her. He scolded himself for being too careless. He parked it in different places, but still within the university area, making it suspicious. Unfortunately, she wasn’t oblivious to it. Karin saw the photos, and feared the worst of what might happen to him.


Her angry neighbours went outside after waking up from his loud voice, and saw Donghae on his knees, sobbing. “Do you know what time it is?!” One yelled, glaring at him. “Can you give us some peace and quiet?!” He slowly turned around and bowed in apology to them. In seconds, doors being slammed shut, leaving him alone, once again, in the dark and cold night. A kind lady took pity on him, seeing his tear-streaked face, “it is better if you just go home, and rest. Everything will be fine tomorrow.”


He nodded and dragged his feet towards the gate, taking one last glance at her room. Karin…


He didn’t show up for work the next day. Donghae had to see her, and he couldn’t wait any longer. Completely disguised, he went to the university and waited in front of her building. It was still early, and the students were too preoccupied to notice him.


An hour passed, and there was still no sign of her, but he wasn’t giving up hope. His eyes never left the entrance to the building. Please, let me see her…


 “Karin~” His tears were about to fall, but the heavens heard his prayer, Karin walked out of the building that moment. Donghae’s excitement faded as soon as saw her puffy, red eyes.




Karin stopped walking as soon as she saw him standing in front of her. Confused and scared, Karin quickly turned to the opposite direction and ran, leaving a stunned Donghae behind. “Karin, wait!” he yelled, as soon as he came to his s

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Sungmin's hope in Ch. 35 has finally come true! Well, it's my hope for him xD Congratulations! I am so happy :D Sorry for spilling it here.


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Re-reading this story again for how many years!
Chapter 72: Ahh! Here I am again! For the second time around reading your story. I consider this one as a legend though. Congrats once again! Merry Christmas to you!
Chapter 72: I dont really like it.... Because I really love it. Well tbh, I really love stories wherein haebaby and an oc is the character. I am going to read the sequel and other kahae stories of yours. Congrats for this one and Fighting authornim!
ok i don't really get how come your stories don't have that much update and views ! ???!!
do you know how seriously good you write ? you're amazing ! you have really strong plot and story line ! your characters are very realistic and perfectly described ! you actually know what you are doing which is really rare !
i'm kind of going through your fics one by one and till now i haven't been disappointed at all!
this one i think i liked the most because i actually could place my self in karin's shoes although i'm surely not as nice and kindhearted as her ! every chapter was amazing ! the emotions , the actions , the conversations , it WAS realistic and that is very important to me actually ! because i don't read fics only to pas time , i read to get ideas, inspirations for my own life and you gave that to me so thank you and keep working and writing thins as beautiful as i guess you are ! i can't say i'm your n 1 fan because i'm sure many people got hundreds of spots before me in your fan line but i'll definitely say i'm one of those fans !
lots of love ^^
Chapter 72: This is the third time I read this fic and every time I simply love it! Off to the sequel! It's lovely keeper
Chapter 72: This is one of the greatest story I've ever read. Simple yet beautiful. Made me cry but smile at the end ^^ loved it ♥
clicking the 'random story' key lol and found your story
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I can'r read chapter 22 too
I mean chapter 14 part 2 and 15:)