The Start of the Talk

My One and Only Tigger

Author's POV

     Class ended and it's time for lunch. Everyone but you started to go out of the room.

"Yah, (your name). You're not going to eat?" asked Jieun. you just shook your head and rest your head on the desk. The other members just left, knowing what's going on with your situation. 


     Yesterday, you had finished your homework and you heard a knock on the door. Before you had opened the door, you had hid you secrets in a lock that's under your bed since the bed covers all your stuff and it leads to a secret entrance that nobody else but you knows, even though you live in the basement. After you had locked your stuff and you opened the door, you saw your y step-mother. 

"Clean all this up, you filthy child!!!!!!!!" She started to shove a basket of clothes to you. Before she left she said "and finish cleaning the whole house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" When you started to closed and locked the door, you started to wash the clothes. Even though wanted to cuss, you knew that she would hear it. However, you sometimes like to put itching powder on their clothes just for your amusement and good thing that you got some cure for that just incase if you got them since sometimes your annoying y  step-sister makes you throw her clothes away because since they're "too old fashion for her" even though she got them a week ago. So instead, you purposely change the colors or make the ugliest pictures on her shirt and put a whole lot of itching powder or powders that just makes her look like she has the chicken pox. Even though it's not your thing to do this, it was the only way to release your anger and it's better than holding it in and get all depressed, which you'll get gray hair eventually. you didn't want to be like the Cinderella or any movies that is similar to Disney's Cinderella because you think that fighting for yourself free is the better option than living in hell and always listening to their words all the ing time. 

~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~

You just slept on your desk since you didn't have the appetite to eat due to the tiredness your "family" had gave you. As you fell into a deep sleep with your arms crossed on the table ad your left cheeck is resting on it, Yongguk had came into the class since he left something.

"Huh?............who's sleeping there?............" He slowly walked up to our desk. "'s her..........." Yongguk was about to walk away, but something told him to stop. He started to think if he should ignore you or not. As he slowly walked away from you, he sat in front of you as you were sleeping on the desk.

Yongguk's POV

     As I sat down in front of her and watched her sleep peacefully, I didn't know why but my heart started to beat faster for no reason. I don't know why I'm acting like this since we just met not that long ago. I slowly pushed some of her that's covering her beautiful and angelic face. My hand automatically carrassedher cheecks, not wanting to leave her touch. Wait, I................falling for her?'s that possible if...........I couldn't think of anything else but leaned in loser to her face until I saw her move and that's when I started to back away from her. Part of me got scared that she didn't notice it, but the other part was sad about it for some reason..................

Your POV

     I woke up and saw that Yngguk guy sitting in front of me. Even though I'm thankful that he saved me a slap the which he didn't have to do, I still have to keep a straight face, after what he has done to Jieun................ "What do you want?.........." As I slowly sat up from my seat.

"Uhhhhh................I needed to get something......." Then he just left from his spot and went to his desk to get something. I just had went back to sleep since I was ing tired and the two devil es might want me to do something for the........again........since they think I'm their little slave or something...............But,.................why does my heart feel weird whenever I see him?................

Author's POV

     School has ended and you were packing your stuff slowly since you didn't want to go home even though it's Friday. Secret came up to you after they all had finished packing their stuff up. 

"Yah,(your name). Are you going to come with us to the karaoke bar?"

"I wish, Hana know................."

"Ah yeah..................I forgot....................." said all of them in unison.

"That always ruin our mood....................."

"Hehe, got no other choice, Sunhwa............just wait another year..................." they all nodded their heads.

"And remember if you need anything, just tell us and we'll be there, (your name)." said Hyosung.

"Yeah,............cause we can't have you be controlled by those two..................wish my parents had taken our to our place, but no..........she had to reject it..............gosh.........I hate them so ing bad............"

"Yeah, I wish they had done that a long time, Jieun..............."

"Well,........... see you later I guess, (your name)." They all said melancholy, wishing that they can pull you out from this situation since they also know that your step-mother and step-sister are fakes. As you were walking out of school, you felt someone following you but you just ignored it. As you walked out of the school, you turned around and saw nobody behind you. The more you walked faster, the more you felt someone right behind you. When you turned to the corner, you were leaning against the wall and when you heard the person's footstep, you were about to go wushu on that person until you saw it was Yongguk.

"Yah,............why the hell are you following me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Yah, I can't take the risk of being followed by those mob of girls over there and're a pretty good at beating Kris back in class."

"Hah, that's your excuse?...........Lame..............." You continued to walk, which eventually Yongguk started to catch up to you. "Yah, what the hell are you doing?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"What?..............Can't I follow someone who's a badass like you?" Even though you great that he called you a badass because of your wushu moves, part of you said not to fall for his trap. You just continued to walk as Yongguk kept asking you a lot of questions. You wanted to laugh at him for asking a lot of questions in a cute way, but you got annoyed as he kept calling your name so that you can respond to him. You started to feel relieved that you're almost home, but you were angry by the fact that you had to face the es in your house again as usual.

"Yah,(your name)~~~~~~~~~~~~Why aren't you answering me~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Gosh.............why are you like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh?..................." you said in softly so that he wouldn't hear it.

"Did you say Tigger?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! God, he's my favorite~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" He started to flash his smile:


"Okay...............later, Tigger.............." When you entered the house and shut the door, a smile appeared on your face before you had entered the house to do more hell work from the step-mother............

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Uyen1005 #1
Chapter 33: Who????whoo?!?!??who dead?!??!!!?!!?update fasterrrrr!!!
The6mighty #2
Chapter 33: No please dont violet
Chapter 31: Yongguk, you better pick up the phone, so violet isn't really a mean person. It was all an act to keep jin safe
Update when you can! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Uyen1005 #5
Chapter 28: who is "problem"???!!please update faster author-nim!!! I'm dying to know who is PROBLEM....maybe Kris!!,Jin!!,Violet!!!update faster okay??
Chapter 28: "From: Problem" ??? Violet? Jin? idek. BUT ERRRMAAHHH GAWWDDD!!! GUKKIE!!! <3 GAAAAHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE! THE PROM FLASHBACK!
Chapter 27: awwwww gukkie the perfect bf! <3 and violet... dk her past, but doesn't mean she can start acting like a to everyone after whatever happened.
Chapter 26: kyahhhh bts is hereee!!!!!!!! hahhaha gukkie was all jealous of jin! hahahhahaah so cute!!! thank you suga for clearing up that they're cousins before gukkie beats the out of jin! hhahahah. who is it at the end? was it kris?!! i think it was kris... maybee lol
Chapter 25: ;_____; sad update!!! omg i hate the mom even more now!!!
Chapter 24: violet.. b*tch.. -,- will bts be making an appearance in the future chapters?