Guess Who's Here?

My One and Only Tigger

Your POV

           After that confession from Yongguk, the news had spread quickly. Gosh, this is not going to be good............ As I was walking to class with Yongguk while holding my hand, the rest of BAP members, Secret, and Yongnam rushed up to the both of us. comes the mob......... They were running up to us like crazy and Hana jumped on me while she's laughing like crazy. "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (your name), why didn't you tell me about this earlier?!"

"Were you hiding stuff from us?!" said Hyosung

"Since when did you guys start dating?!" said Sunhwa

"Aigoo, my baby is growing up!!!!!!!!!" as Jieun was fake crying about the whole situation.

I glared at Yongguk for a second. "And you asked me why I didn't want people to know about our situation?..............."

"What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I needed to let everyone else know you're taken y me and that you're mine~~~~~~~~" and he started to act cute as he was giving me a back hug. Ugh, why did I even fell for this freaking lovable and silly dork?................ As the rest of the group were starting to ask the both of us many other questions which some of them were too embarrassing to be answered, I saw EXO walking our way but then Kris started to walk away from the group. I started to look at the group and saw the rest of EXO but Kris walked away. Hm, I wonder what's his problem now?.................... 

Kris's POV

       I was walking with the guys in school and I couldn't get my mind of the situation that had happened with Yongguk and (your name).


      School had ended already and I was about to leave until Luhan hyung came up to me.


"Hey hyung, wassup?"

"Are you going to even confess to (your name)​ yet?"

"What do you mean by confessing to her? I don't even like her............" I avoided his gaze since I didn't want t admit that I have feelings for her.

"Well, if I were you, I would tell her sooner or later before someone else takes her away from you..............." after Luhan hyung had left, I stood there for awhile, thinking what would happen if (your name)​ would be aken by someone else, but then I shooked the thought off and went out of class. I saw (your name)​ walking outside of the classroom and saw (your name) walking out of the gates. I rushed out of the school just to catch up to her and was about to call her until I saw her talking with someone. I thought I still had a chance until I heard their conversation and I noticed that it was Yongguk talking to her.

“(your name)......................I know we haven’t known each other that well but I……….sigh………...I don’t know why, but I think of you out of nowhere and I thought I was just being crazy. However, as time went by I started to think about you even more and whenever I saw you, my heart will beat faster out of no where. I didn’t know how or when I fell for you, but all I know right now is that I want to be with you, protect you, go on dates with you, and especially live you.” I thought I heard this wrong until I saw Yongguk taking (your name)’s hand and placed it on his chest. That should have been should have been me there………… As I was trying to hear the rest of the conversation, part of me was praying that she wouldn’t have feelings for him and what made me became pissed was seeing Yongguk getting on one knee as said ‘would you be my lady’, but the most painful thing to see was (your name) had agreed to be Yongguk’s lady. I didn’t know what to do as I stood there and watched the both of them run away. I felt my heart falling into pieces and my mind blanked out. I didn’t even know what to do as I started to punched the wall then fell to the ground as I cried out the pain that was bottling up in my heart. I guess I was a step late to tell her what I actually felt for her…………..

Author’s POV

    You were already back at home and found out that your stepmother and stepsister were not at home and the better part was that the house was that the house was clean, which gave you some time to rest for a while until they come back and give you a load of work to do. You were just lying on the couch and was about to take a nap until you heard your phone ring. You justs replied without even looking at the caller ID.


“Aigoo, did I wake up my baby from her beautiful dream of me?~~~~~”

“Baby?.............” you got up from the couch and looked at your phone and realized it was Yongguk calling. “Yah,...........what do you want now?………………” you started to walk to the kitchen to get something to drink.

“Awwww, but I missed hugging and kissing you~~~~~~~~~~”

“Sigh, I wonder why I even fell for this Tigger……………..” you started to shake your head while pouring orange juice into a cup with one hand while holding the phone with the other hand.

“Because you love me~~~~~~~~~~~~~”

“Hah, yeah right…………….” then you took a sip from your orange juice.

“Awwww~~~~~~~~~why are you so mean to me~~~~~~”

“When are you going to stop acting like this be like a man?................” you murmured it.

“YAH!!!!!!!! Since when I’m not manly!!!!!!!!!!” You were about to reply back until you heard the doorbell ring. As you were walking to the door, you replied back to Yongguk. “I never seen you manly before in my whole entire life when you’re around with me.”

“Well that’s because I love you~~~~~~~”
“And here it goes again~~~~~~~~~~~~~”

“What?....................would you rather see me manly or being all cute and lovable around you?”

You were holding the doorknob and was about to open the door and end the call soon with Yongguk. “Hmmm……………..I dunno~~~~~~” When you swung the door open, you saw Yongguk outside and holding this in his arms:


"Is this manly enough for you?"

Isn't that? does he know that I wanted this.............unless.........You looked at the stuf animal for a while and the looked back at Yongguk."Yah...............what's this about?...............and how did you know that I wanted to get this?........."

"I just wanted to surprise you, my lady~~~~~" You took Tigger in your arms and hugged it tight.

"Wahh~~~~~~~~~~~~~it's so fluffy!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Haha, cute................."

"Hehe, thanks, Yongguk~~~~~~~~~~~" you hugged Yongguk and it took him a while to repsond back.

"You're welcome and call me 'Oppa'.........we're together already~~~~~~~~~"

"Hmmmmmm................Nah............I prefer to call you Tigger instead." you stook your tongue out and ran back inside te living room as Yongguk took off his shoes and shut the door. The both of you were spending a qualify time together and were having fun as you brought him to your room, hich you weren't really embarrased since at least  wasn't as bad as living in the attic that is full of old junk that your stepmother kept because she thinks it's going to be valable in the fture, even though they were just basically designer clothes that were worn once or twice. As you set Tigger next to Winnie the Pooh, Yongguk kept messing around with your stuff and you didn't realy mind until you saw him holding a snow globe from the shelf that your mother left before she was gone.

"Yah!!!!!! Don't touch that!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the only thing I have left from my mother!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oops, sorry babe............." Yongguk placed it back on the middle of the shelf so that it wouldnt fall from the ground.

"It's okay...............Come on, I wanna make ice cream since it's kind of hot in this weather now......."

"Or we can-"

"Don't even think about it!!!!!!!!" as you were slapped Yongguk's arm and ran upstairs, you were running for your life until you heard this:

"You worthless child, come outside and gather our right now!!!!!!

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Uyen1005 #1
Chapter 33: Who????whoo?!?!??who dead?!??!!!?!!?update fasterrrrr!!!
The6mighty #2
Chapter 33: No please dont violet
Chapter 31: Yongguk, you better pick up the phone, so violet isn't really a mean person. It was all an act to keep jin safe
Update when you can! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Uyen1005 #5
Chapter 28: who is "problem"???!!please update faster author-nim!!! I'm dying to know who is PROBLEM....maybe Kris!!,Jin!!,Violet!!!update faster okay??
Chapter 28: "From: Problem" ??? Violet? Jin? idek. BUT ERRRMAAHHH GAWWDDD!!! GUKKIE!!! <3 GAAAAHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE! THE PROM FLASHBACK!
Chapter 27: awwwww gukkie the perfect bf! <3 and violet... dk her past, but doesn't mean she can start acting like a to everyone after whatever happened.
Chapter 26: kyahhhh bts is hereee!!!!!!!! hahhaha gukkie was all jealous of jin! hahahhahaah so cute!!! thank you suga for clearing up that they're cousins before gukkie beats the out of jin! hhahahah. who is it at the end? was it kris?!! i think it was kris... maybee lol
Chapter 25: ;_____; sad update!!! omg i hate the mom even more now!!!
Chapter 24: violet.. b*tch.. -,- will bts be making an appearance in the future chapters?