Happy Ending to All Disaster~~~~~~~

My One and Only Tigger
Author's POV
Once everyone had turned their attention towards to the person who was shot, everyone was shocked to see who it was, especially you and Jin. Violet was shot, right exactly at her left side, where the heart was.
“Violet!!!!!!!!!!!!!” As you were running up to her , Jin grabbed the gun off the floor and shot Dan into his head.
“Violet!!!!!!!! Hang on there!!!!!!!! Yah, call the ambulance!!!!! Ppali!!!!!!!”
“(your name)...........”
“Shhhhh…..don’t talk…..” As you were cradling her head, Jin was standing right behind you and staring as Violet with a blank expression. Jin slowly walked up to Violet as she was struggling maintaining her breathing. “Jin…….”
It took a while for Jin to look at Violet and say something to her. “Damn it, Violet………….why the did you do that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” Out of no where, tears were forming in Jin’s eyes.
“You’re such a fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have told Jin abou-”
“Hajinmah, (your name)...............”
“Wait……….what do you mean by that (your name)?...............” When you looked at Violet, she kept giving you the ‘don’t tell him’ look.
“Mianhe, Violet………...we can’t hide this from him forever………..” you looked up at Jin. “The reason why Violet broke up with you oppa is to protect you…….”
“Protect?..........Why does Jin hyung need to be protected? I mean he knows the basic moves to defend himself during that time?.........."
"Jimin.............sigh.........it's becau-"
"(your name)........don-"
"Because Dan would kill you, Jin...........Violet had break up with you so you wouldn't get hurt......even if it means that you would hate her forever or she has to die for you........." Jin looked confused and knelt down, thinking about the past memories he had with Violet.
"So............that was the real reason why you broke up with me.............it was to protect me?............." Violet didn't look at Jin as she was bearing the pain on her chest. "Why didn't you tell me from the start?!?!?!?!?!? We could have figured out a plan an-"
"And what, Jin?...........even if you have found out, you still would be in danger even more...........I couldn't risk losing you............."
"Violet.............." Violet was about to say something until she screamed because pain got even worse. "Violet!!!!!!!!!!!" Jin started to pick up Violet and sobbed even louder than before. "Yah..........hang on!!!!!!! The ambulance coming soon............"
Violet just shook her head and smiled at Jin. "It's no use, oppa.........."
"Just shut up now!!!!!!!!!!! Everything is going to be fine..........." Jin hugged Violet even tighter.
"It feels good to hug you again..........but I don't know if I can get another one later on.........."
"I SAID SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone else in the room looked away, including you.
"If I can be this close to you again, even if I have to die for it after trying to protect you, then it's worth it..........." Jin couldn't hold back his tears anymore and cried them out while looking down on the floor as Violet lifted her hand to touch his cheek. "Oppa,.........saranghe............" Suddenly, Violet's hand fell.
"Y-yah...........Violet..................bestie?..............." Jin shot his head back up immediately.
"Violet..........Violet................wake up...................." Jin kept shaking her, but there was no response. Jin sobbed as he was cradling Violet and then screamed at the top of his lungs, which the sound of sirens became noticeable.
(At the hospital)
As the rest of the members were getting treated, Secret and Jen ran into the hospital and searched all over the place, only seeing you, Jin, Jongup, Tao, Kai, and Yongnam outside at the hallway. They all ran up to you and hugged you.
"Yah..............kwenchana?.........." You just nodded a little as Jieun ran up to Yongnam and hugged him.
As the rest of the girls released you from the hug, Jen noticed that Violet wasn't here. "Wait...........where's Violet?............" Once Jieun whipped her head back to your direction, Jin started to tear up again as you were thinking about what happened to Violet. Instead of giving a response, you shook your head. The girls were standing in frustration as they were comforting you.
"Oppa........mianhe........if I had knew it sooner, Violet wouldn't have been in the state she's now in............"
Jin shook his head and patted you on the shoulder. "Anyi..........it's my fault that I didn't think about why she broke up with me earlier..............." You wanted to say something, but you just hugged Jin from the side until someone came.
"Hey, (your name)?"
You wiped your tears and looked up to the person who's speaking to you. "Ohhh...........Hyuna, Hyunseung...........What brings you here?............"
"It's about your step-mother............."
(At the police station in the interrogation room)
You were being interviewed by the detectives about you so-called step-mother, which the worse part was you were sitting across from her.
"Madam, what were you doing when Miss (your name) was being all tied up?"
"Well, sir.......I was trying to save her, but Dan and his men were trying to avoid me going to (your name), who looked all torn up and beaten up to death........." Your step-mother started to fake cry. Psht..........you don't need to lie.............you're going to be locked up anyway...............
"Mhm.............then what's this contract?" Your step-mother looked at the document and looked surprised. "I don't know what this is, sir..........." As the detective was walking away from her, your step-mother smirked a little before trying to look innocent. Right at that moment, you gave the detective the "she-is-lying" look.
"Hmmm................." The detective was searching through the files. "Oops, I forgot something from my office. Please wait for a while."
"Neh............." As the detective walked out of the room and closed the door, your step-mother went back t her original state, the y mode. ............It's show time.............
"Step-mother.............why are you lying?..........."
"Oh stop it you numb twit............you need me to survive............"
"Ummm..............no I don't................."
"Oh just shut the up!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Not after you were trying to kill me when I was all tied up..........." you said that out loud on purpose.
Your step-mother slammed her palms on the table. "What did you say?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
"You heard me............" you smirked at her. Suddenly, she slapped right across your left side of the face.
"Don't you dare respect me!!!!!!!!!!!! I was the one who raised you up until now!!!!!!!!!!"
"Anyi............I was the one to raise myself up.............you were just having fun torturing me with the loads of you have.................and plus..you were going to force Jen to marry someone that she doesn't even now just so you would be fed off by the man's wealth...................."
"Well that's funny..........you were also going to be married off to someone you don't even know......I mean...........what can that Bang ing boy do for you?.........."
"Don't you dare talk about my boyfriend like that!!!!!!!!!!"
"Or what?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You can't do anything about it since we're here trapped in the same room together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Oh really?..............."
"Haha................and you know what?......I didn't even give two s about you or your ing father!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I ever wanted was his money!!!!!!!!!! And the best part is that because of him, I use all of his money that caused him to be at fault. HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I got away with everything that I did all thanks to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"So you admit that you were the one who signed the contract with the shark loans and brought down the three businesses that my appa worked hard for his entire life? Even when you were trying to kill him and change what had written in his will so that you can get all of his property and wealth?............."
"EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait...................how do you know about that?................."
You started to clap sarcastically while smirking at her. "Congratulations......for spilling the beans out............step-mother.............."
Suddenly, the detective, Hyuna, and Hyunseung came into the room. "Madam, you are under arrest for being involved in a black market with Dan and other gang members."
As Hyunseung was cuffing your step-mother's wrists, she was struggling. Before she was dragged out of the room, your step-mother stopped and turned around to face you. "You brat!!!!!!!!!!! What have I done to you to deserve this treatment?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
"Everything.............." You picked up the packet filled with files on the table, which mostly consist of what your step-mother have done based on what your father had kept over the years. "and thanks to appa, now he can actually rest in peace..........."
After you were done with the interview and getting your step-mother into jail for good,  you were walking out of the stations and saw someone standing right in front of you. "(your name)..........." You ran up to him and huged him, like you depended on his to live.
"Yongguk..............." Yongguk pulled away to get a closer look at you and kissed your lips. After the long kiss, the both of you pulled away.
"Kaja..........let's go home now........." The both of you held hands until you were home.
Your POV
(The year 2015)
After the hectic past events, it took Jin a while to accept what happened to Violet and move on from it. While Jen, on the other hand, recovered quickly about what her mother has done. After graduation, Jen and I had found out that she was actually kidnapped when she was only 3. Now that actually make sense to me because Jen doesn't look anything like that woman. After two years, Jen had found her real family. Turns out that her family owns one of the biggest malls in Seoul. I guess she's pretty lucky to have a family, huh?.........But at least her real biological family treats me like their own, especially when it comes to spoiling the both of us during family gatherings. And me...........well, it turns out that Jen's parents knew my father very well and had given the position of chief international officer and the general manager, the two positions that appa were mostly involved. EXO gang is involved with the music industry, like Secret, BTS, and BAP. I thought they would work together as one, but I guess they want some competition on certain times............Jieun and Yongman officially got married last year, I heard Hyosung had gotten together with Kikwang, Hana is focusing in her dance studio, and Sunhwa is focusing on her acting career. I went out to a nearby cafe close to work to meet up with the old gang (Secret and SNSD), including unnie(the angel twin sister of the step-mother and after hearing what happened to her, she was disappointed and didn't contacted her for a while).
"So, (your name). How's you and Yongguk doing?"
"Good, unnie. Waeyou?"
"Aigoo...........good? That's it?"
"What? Jen, you know Yongguk is busy with his music. I mean I have to understand him."
"So you don't want to have kids with Yongguk?"
"No, I do want to have kids, Sunny............it's just that I don't think the both of us are ready to start a family together yet......especially the load of work that we have now............."
"Oh come on, (your name). I mean look at me. I'm starting a business yet trying to keep my life together."
"But yours is different, Jessica...........You have been working in the idol world for like at least seven years or so.......I have to look out for the whole company while Yongguk is focusing on his music an-"
"(your name)............it's okay.............you just need to trust yourself that you can balance your life..........."
"Well that's easy for you to say since about half of you guys are dating now.........." Everyone else started to laugh and I joined in. Sudden;y, I received a text message from Yongguk.
To: (your name) 1004
From: Tigger~<3
Hey babe! Wanna meet up after work?
To: Tigger~<3
From: (your name) 1004
Yeah. Were should we meet up then?
To: (your name) 1004
From: Tigger~<3
At your favorite cafe? Is that all right with you?
To: Tigger~<3
From: (your name) 1004
Yeah, that's fine. See you there, my Tigger~<3
To: (your name) 1004
From: Tigger~<3
See you there, babe!~<3 Chu Chu~~~~~~
"Silly Yongguk.........." Everyone had their eyes all on me...............awkward...........
"So~~~~~~~~~What did Yongguk text to you?~~~~~~~~~~~"
"And here we go again..............." As everyone else started to fangirl, I turned away from the group, smiling like an idiot.
Author's POV
As you were waiting to get out of work, you kept thinking about the whole marriage thing. You kept on thinking about when you'll be having kids with Yongguk, while also thinking about what if you and Yongguk's relationship won't last any longer. While you were in your thought bubble, your phone rang. When you looked at the phone, it was an email, but when you were looking at the time, you started to freak out. "!!!!!!!!!!! I'm late!!!!!!!!!"
You grabbed your stuff in a hurry and ran up o the elevator. Once the elevator had reached to the lobby, you ran out of the mall and call for the taxi. When you entered the cab and told the driver your designated place, you were fumbling in the backseat, thinking that you would be late. After paying the driver, you speed walk in your heels to this cafe: 
Ever since this cafe had opened, you started to come here more often because the desserts and drinks were just perfect for your taste buds. You went inside on the cafe and sat near the windows, where Yongguk was also there drinking some iced Americano: 
img_0796.jpg(not sure if this is the right building, but according to Google,that's how You Are Here Cafe looks like)
"Aigoo........what took you so long?~~~~~~~"
"Aish..........stop that ageyo of yours..........."
"But you love it though!!!" You just shook your head and ordered the usual vanilla latte and brownies. You stole some macaroons from Yongguk after ordering, which surprisingly he didn't notice. Even though you aren't a coffee person, somehow you started to become addicted to vanilla latte with some brownies and macaroons on the side. As your drink and brownies came, you noticed that Yongguk was fidgeting a lot.
"Tigger? Why are you moving around your seat a lot?"
"I...................I have something to tell you................" Yongguk couldn't look straight into your eyes, which caused you to worry about what might happen next.
"M-mowh...y-you?................" As many thoughts were running into your mind, the music changed into a different song (I would suggest, A, B, or C; whichever you like, just go with it cause............you'll know by the time you listen to the songs............). You looked around the room, wondering what the hell is going on. Huh?.........this song...............why is it playing in the situation that I am going to be in now?............ When look back at Yongguk, the only thing you saw him doing was kneeling with one foot while the other foot was supporting his weight. Now everyone paid their attention on the both of you guys, especially when Martina, SooZee, and Leigh are spazzing so much about what the hell is gong on while Simon is just recording the both of you.
"Y-yah...........what are you doing?..........."
Yngguk held both of your hands. "(your name).............ever since I have met you, I thought I was in an entire different world. I mean......hah............everything about you is..........just more than amazing.............When we got together..............I started to change........you changed me a lot (your name)..........If I haven't met you, I wouldn't have been here........Even until now, I wouldn't be here today or even doing this right now......."
"Yongguk......." As you started to tear up, Yongguk pulled a box from his jacket pocket and opened it:
"Oh my gosh..............." You were about to literally cry right in front of everyone in the cafe.
"(your name), even though I might have messed up in the past before I have even met you and we have struggled to get this far together, I think it's worth it because I have you now so...............woud you marry me?.........." Everyone was waiting for your response until you sobbed pretty loud to the point people were wondering if you were too happy about what had just happened or you have something hiding from Yongguk.
"Crap..........(your name).........d-don't cry, (your name).......Aish I-"
"Yah!!!!!!! Be cause you made me cry, now my eyeliner is ruined........." Everyone in the cafe giggled as you were trying to speak clearly, even though you spoke every word with a sob. "If I had known earlier, I would have worn the water proof one instead. Gosh, why are you making me cry so much now........."
"So..............is that a yes?........"
"Of course!!!!!!!!!!!! What else do you think after making me cry to death?!?!?!?!?! Gosh you sure are evil when it comes with making me feel so emotional..........." As Yongguk put the diamond ring to your left ring finger and then lifted you up into a hug, everyone was cheering for you while there were some people crying because they were touched.
"Komawo, (your name)!!!!!" You just giggled before Yongguk had kissed in front of everyone. Everyone started to hoolar at the both of you even louder. I guess that's how journey goes, especially when it has to do with fighting for the person that you love because every obstacle in life does have a spark of happiness and success if you just believe in it....................
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Uyen1005 #1
Chapter 33: Who????whoo?!?!??who dead?!??!!!?!!?update fasterrrrr!!!
The6mighty #2
Chapter 33: No please dont violet
Chapter 31: Yongguk, you better pick up the phone, so violet isn't really a mean person. It was all an act to keep jin safe
Update when you can! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Uyen1005 #5
Chapter 28: who is "problem"???!!please update faster author-nim!!! I'm dying to know who is PROBLEM....maybe Kris!!,Jin!!,Violet!!!update faster okay??
Chapter 28: "From: Problem" ??? Violet? Jin? idek. BUT ERRRMAAHHH GAWWDDD!!! GUKKIE!!! <3 GAAAAHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE! THE PROM FLASHBACK!
Chapter 27: awwwww gukkie the perfect bf! <3 and violet... dk her past, but doesn't mean she can start acting like a to everyone after whatever happened.
Chapter 26: kyahhhh bts is hereee!!!!!!!! hahhaha gukkie was all jealous of jin! hahahhahaah so cute!!! thank you suga for clearing up that they're cousins before gukkie beats the out of jin! hhahahah. who is it at the end? was it kris?!! i think it was kris... maybee lol
Chapter 25: ;_____; sad update!!! omg i hate the mom even more now!!!
Chapter 24: violet.. b*tch.. -,- will bts be making an appearance in the future chapters?