Birthday Surprise.....or His Birthday Wish

My One and Only Tigger

Hello guys,............sorry if I posted a little late since it took me a pretty long time to get this section of this story finished and................well if you see the title above and wonder why the word birthday is there..................Yongguk's birthday is on the March 31 and...............why not make his wish come true?.................Shall we start this story then?....................


Author's POV

     After what happened yesterday, you didn't even bother to look or even talk to Yongguk, even though he tries to get your attention during class whenever the teacher is writing stuff on the board or whenever he has the time and chance to, which eventually he didn't get your attention. Some of the members though Yongguk was just trying to get your attention and you were annoyed with it, but they thought it was weird of you not talking to Yongguk. During break, Secret, Yongnam, all of BAP except Yongguk started to have their little discussion at the back of the room while you and Yongguk were in your seats. They talked in a low voice so that you and Yongguk won't be able to hear it.

Yongnam: "Hey you know why is my twin like this?.........He's not like his usual self?........."

Jieun: "I don't even know what's going on with  (your name) either..............."

Hana: "Yeah.............she's awfully quiet these days.............."

Jongup: "I think I probably know why.....................but I'm not so cure if it's true............"

Everyone in the group started to stare at Jongup.

Himchan: "Really?.............Since when does our clueless Jongup become so cautious about stuff?..........."

Jongup: "Oh just shut up and listen to me, hyung............."

Zelo: "Damn,...........I never seen Jongup hyung so feisty like this..............."

Jongup: (glares at Zelo and then faces back to everyone else) Anyway..............When (your nameand I were having lunch, I saw her looking out of the window and I noticed she saw Yongguk outside with Violet............

Everyone in the group but Jongup: Mwoh?!?!?!?!?!?!

Jongup: Shhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah.............I didn't know what happened out there, but (your nameleft after seeing Violet hugging Yongguk hyung and I guess that's the reason why (your name)​ became silent................after that happened..............even though it wasn't as dramatic as Violet kiss-

Everyone else: Just stop there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jongup: Okay, okay.....gosh................

Yongnam: what?....................

Hyosung: Yah.............. it's clear that they both like each other.............we just need them to merge somehow.................

Daehyun: But the problem is how though.....................

Everyone was silent until Jieun had said something.

Jieun: Oppa...............isn't your birthday coming up soon?...................

Yongnam: Yeah...............why?...............

Jieun: (looks at the rest of Secret and they got the signal, leaving the guys confused) Actually..................I have an idea..............

     Class had ended earlier than usual and you finally went home since you felt tired and you knew that your y step-mother would be nagging at you for not finishing your chores, even though your step-mother would always call her younger sister to check if you had finished your chores whenever she's away, which the younger sister never bothers to nag at you since she knows how you feel living in this condition. Even though you weren't close with your step-mother's younger sister, you liked her way better than your y step-mother since she always looks after you after your father left and she always prefer you to call her unnie since she'd rather have you as a sibling or live with you than her biological sister and she really loved you because you always care for others and she doesn't like the way that her biological sister treats you all the time whenever she comes to visit. As you were walking out of school, you heard someone was calling you and when you turned around, you saw Sunny and Tiffany.

"Ohhh................unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!" you guys had ran up to each other and hugged. Even though they have a packed schedule, it was nice that they had dropped by and visit once in a while if they can.

"Aigoo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ someone's happy to see us!~~~~~" said Tiffany.

"Yah, you guys barely come and visit me like before................gosh, I even wonder why your company doesn't give you a break for once................"

"Awww~~~~~~~~~~~~~(your name) cares about us~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Aigoo, you're such a cutie pie~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Ahahhhhh~~~~~~~~~~~stop it, Sunny~~~~~~~~~~~~~" you were too distracted trying to get Sunny's hands off of your face that you didn't know that Kris was walking towards your direction.

"What the hell is going on?......................" you turned around and saw Kris. You just glared at him.

"Aigoo..............(your name) is still the same whenever she sees you, Kris............"

"Tiffany noona..........."

"(your name)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you looked and Kris and saw Secret running towards you.

"Ohhh..............what's up, girls?............."

"We.................want" said Hyosung as se was catching her breath.

"Hmmmmmmm..............................but I don't feel like it today..............."

Tiffany and Sunny were dragging you into their van. "Too late..........your going with us no matter what................." Sunny started to stick her tongue at you.

"Yahh..................I don't want to~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Less nagging and hurry up now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't even know when we'll hang out again more often~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Aish..................these girls................."

     After you and the girls had left to the mall,you knew that they were going to crazy once they get to the mall. During the whole shopping time, you had bought these dress since you wanted something new to wear:

     After you had went shopping for a while, you told the girls you were going to leave son and then left the mall. You wanted to go back home and think about how are you going to move out of the house since you didn't want to be stuck in that same house where you had to work all day and night, even though your unnie wouldn't mind you living with her until you graduate and get your diploma. You were even considering about finding a job because you wanted to be independent instead of using the money that your relatives and unnie would give you secretly since you felt guilty of using their money. When you arrived back home and was about to go to your room, you heard something in the kitchen. As you were slowly walking to the kitchen, you took out your pocket knife that your unnie gave you since she gave it to you if anything happened to you, especially in this type of situation right now. You were about to shove the pocket knife when the person turned around until the person turned around.

"Holy crap.................(your name)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Omg, unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you put your pocket knife back in your pocket and hugged unnie back.

"I guess you remembered about using your pocket knife, huh kiddo?..............."

"Haha............." You brought unnie to the living room and the both of you sat down on on the couch. "Anyway..........what brings you here today?......"

"Well,..........since my brat sister and her daughter isn't here, I might as well come and visit you!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Awwwww~~~~~~~~~~~unnie misses me~~~~~~~~~"

"Omg, stop doing that...................anyway,...........anything going on these days?............"

"Hmmm.................nothing much.............same routine as usual............"

"Then what about boys or love relationships?............" At that time, you had became silent. "Yah.................kwenchanah?............"

"Sigh..................actually..........I don't even know myself..............."

"Huh?.............What do you mean by that?..............."

"Well.................I don't know..............I mean............a lot of girls like him and when they try to talk to them,..............he usually pushes them away but.................."

"But what?............"

"Well..............whenever he's round with me....................he's.............uhhh......................weird I guess you can say.............." your unnie stayed silent for a while, but she started to laugh he off. "Yah...................why are you like that unnie?............"

"Haha.............sorry kiddo.............well..............was he acting in a cute way?................"

"I guess you can say that since I tried to hold in my laughter................."

" do you feel about him?..............."

"I...............sigh............seriously don't know............whenever I'm around with him, my heart starts to beat like crazy that.................I don't know......."

"Aww~~~~~~~~~~~~~looks like someone's in love~~~~~~~~"

"Oh shut up, unnie~~~~~~~~" Throughout the whole day, you and your unnie were spending time with each other. Even though it was for a short time since she had to go back to work the next day, you had lots of fun since since you get to spend some time with someone. A few days later it was already Monday you were on your spring break, but you were suddenly woken up by the sound of you phone. It took you some time to pick up the phone.

"Hello? Who's this?.............."

"YAH, (your name)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET THE HELL UP CAUSE WE'RE GOING TO BE GOING OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ahhhh.........................I don't want to, Hyosung~~~~~~~~~~~~~" you suddenly heard the door bell ring and you lazily got out of bed and went to answer the door because you were irritated with the sound of the door bell ringing like crazy. When you opend the door, Secret just pushed you to your room.

"Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!What the are you guys doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"We're not taking no for a answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Awww...................come on now, Sunhwa......................"

"And's my boyfriend's birthday today and even though I got a gift for him already, it's not going to be fair for Yongguk since Yongnam and Yongguk are twins................"

"Aish...................why are you guys bothering me about it then?................."

"'re going to the party at their place with us since we don't want you miss out all the fun~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Ugh........................." You wore the dress that you got yesterday since you didn't feel like looking through your closet and wore this to match the outfit while grabbing a random purse that had your phone and wallet in it: 


     Even though you didn't want to go since you weren't in the mood, the girls made you. At the mall, the girls had went all over the place and you were thinking how they became your best sisters. Throughout the walk, the girls were buying so much stuff that you thought they were on their shopping craze mode again. You guys had walked pass a bakery after a long journey at the mall and Jieun stopped her tracks.

"Oh, . I forgot to buy cake..................(your name)...............can you buy a Tigger cake here?"

"Mwoh?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Why me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Hehe...................we ran out of money and plus...................we need to get back to the house to prepare for the party................Please, (your name)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Sigh.......................fine..................but just because  don't want to see you doing that again..................."

" mean,........but thank you..............." As you walked into the shop, you went up to the counter and looked at the pictures of the cakes. After  minutes or so, you finally found this:


"Well,...that's close enough since the other ones aren't Tigger and the other Tigger cakes are sold out...................." You got the cake and paid for it. When you walked outside of the store, the sky was about to get dark since the girls were speding all their time buying a lot of things. As you were walking up to Yongnam and Yongguk's place, you had received a text from Hana.

To: (your name)

From: Hana...................

     Hey, (your name). We're going to be running a little late since someone forgot to buy kimchi fried rice and more lamyeon (ramen)...................Meet you there in a bit~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Ohhhh.............come on...................." You had arrived to Yongnam and Yongguk's and you were hesitating on ringing the bell at first. " what am I going to do................." you were paced back and forth for a while until you pressed it because you accidentally punched  it with your fist in nervousness. ".................." You were about to walk away intil you heard the door open.

"Ohhh..............................who are......................." You slowly turned around with an embarrassed smile. When you turned around, you saw it was Yongguk since you can tell that he has a sharp jaw-line.

"Uhhh...................hi...............Yong-" you were about to greet Yongguk until you just realized that he was shirtless. Yongguk's heart skipped a beat once he saw you. that really her?....................She's so........................beautiful............

You turned away from Yongguk. "Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!......................I-I.................I'm sorry........" Yongguk then realized he was just in his sweatpants.

"O-ohhh......................just come in and I' right back..............." As you took off your shoes and went inside the house, you thought the whole house was pretty big like your living room:white-backdrop-for-tv.jpgbeautiful-kitchen-ideas-layout.jpg

"'s even bigger than my place..........." You went to the kitchen and placed the cake on the counter. As you looked around the kitchen and the living room, there wasn't any food prepared or any decorations done. "That's weird.................I thought the girls told me that the party is going to be here.............................." You decided to call up the girls as you went outside of the backyard since you saw a door handle to the backyard.

"Yeah,  (your name). What's up? And I put the phone on speaker"

"Didn't you tell me that you guys were supposed to be at the birthday boy's' place and decorate, Hyosung?.........................Why don't I see anything being decorated?......................"

"Don't you remember,  (your name)?.................."

"True............Sunhwa...............true......but I thought the food would be there, too?..........."

"Uhhh...........................We forgot to pick up the food.........................."

"I see....................but why isn't the other birthday boy here?...................." You turned around and saw Yonggukin the kitchen, getting something to drink.

"How should I know where oppa is........................" Suddenly, you saw Yongguk was about to open.

You ended the call and ran back inside the kitchen."Yah!!!!!!!! What the hell are you doing?!?!?!?!?!?!" You were too late after you saw Yongguk open the box. You had accidentally bumped into Yongguk and was about to fall on your until Yongguk held you around your waist, but he also fell since he lost his balance.After you fell on the floor and you  then realized that you felt something, you opened your eyes and saw Yongguk on top of you and his face was really close to yours. You were about to push Yonguk away as you were avoiding his gaze, but yongguk put both of your hands above your head and kissed you. What the just happened?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!Ottokei?!?!?!?!?!?!?! On the other hand, Yonguk was just cursing at himself.  What the am I even doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that  I can't control myself from kissing her.................. it...........I need her right now...........You didn't know what to do, but you slowly fell into the kiss and kissed him back. You guys a had a smoking hot 15 minute make-out session and when you heard the sound of the door, both you and Yongguk got up. The both of you tried to act normal when the others came in, along with EXOGreat....................I have to deal with Kris..................T_____________T

"Hey, (your name). You're here!!!!!"

"Yeah....................mostly it was the girls who dragged me here, Tao............."

"Hey,...........we don't want you to miss out the fun~~~~~~~"

"Oh whatever..........................."

"Haha...............but at least you would be having fun since Girls' Generation noonas are coming here also since they free schedule."

"What?!?!?!?!!? And they didn't tell me that they're coming................God, when they arrive, I'm going to kill them...............but first..............where's the bathroom?.............." 

" twin will show you the way, right Yongguk?......" as Yongnam had emphasized the last two words.

"Aish..........fine....................." You just followed Yongguk as you stick your tongue at the others, which made them laugh. Yongguk stopped his tracks after walking to the other side of the house.

"Just turn to the right and you'll see the bathroom................" You looked around the house and behind Yongguk to see if anyone was there. After you check ed clearly, you pecked on Yongguk's lips and backed away from him, leaving him surprised.

"Shhhhhhh..............." as you put a finger (the pointing figer....or whatever it's called.............) over your lips. "It's our little secret.........." You winked at Yongguk before you ran to the bathroom and closed the door. You didn't what's wrong with you, but you felt good about it. While with Yongguk, he just stood there for a while as he took some time to process what had just happened. As he was walking back to the group, all he just did was smile throughout the party. Throughout the day, he was having the time of his life, even his family members came. Everything was going fine and he even see his mother and older sister, Natasha, getting along with you. Everybody was having fun at the party, even though you were annoyed with Kris who's bullying you. When you and Yongguk had made eye contact, you smiled back at him and winked at him before you were dragged by Natasha for another girl talk. Yongguk laughed from what he just saw and Yongnam went up to him.

"Looks like someone is having fun~~~~~~"

"'s gerat that everyone is here."

"Hey birthday boys, come on's time for cake!!!!!!!"

"Got it, noona!!!!!!" said Yongguk and Yongnam in unison. As Yongnam and Yongguk blew out their candles after the birthday song, Yongguk looked up at you and smiled. What a great birthday............... Suddelny, Zelo put frosting on Yongguk, while Jieun did that to Yongnam. Soon, everyone else joined in the fight, while the mother just stood there, shaking her head while laughing at everyone in the scene and she thought to herself: Kids these days,..........having so much fun......... Sigh.........I miss those days..............wish I could go back to those days.......................

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Uyen1005 #1
Chapter 33: Who????whoo?!?!??who dead?!??!!!?!!?update fasterrrrr!!!
The6mighty #2
Chapter 33: No please dont violet
Chapter 31: Yongguk, you better pick up the phone, so violet isn't really a mean person. It was all an act to keep jin safe
Update when you can! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Uyen1005 #5
Chapter 28: who is "problem"???!!please update faster author-nim!!! I'm dying to know who is PROBLEM....maybe Kris!!,Jin!!,Violet!!!update faster okay??
Chapter 28: "From: Problem" ??? Violet? Jin? idek. BUT ERRRMAAHHH GAWWDDD!!! GUKKIE!!! <3 GAAAAHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE! THE PROM FLASHBACK!
Chapter 27: awwwww gukkie the perfect bf! <3 and violet... dk her past, but doesn't mean she can start acting like a to everyone after whatever happened.
Chapter 26: kyahhhh bts is hereee!!!!!!!! hahhaha gukkie was all jealous of jin! hahahhahaah so cute!!! thank you suga for clearing up that they're cousins before gukkie beats the out of jin! hhahahah. who is it at the end? was it kris?!! i think it was kris... maybee lol
Chapter 25: ;_____; sad update!!! omg i hate the mom even more now!!!
Chapter 24: violet.. b*tch.. -,- will bts be making an appearance in the future chapters?