Sneaking Out Plan Turned Out Differently

My One and Only Tigger

Your POV

     "!!!!!!!!! I'm going to be dead!!!!!!!!!!" Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Why did I had even invited him in................I'm so totally going to be busted if that finds out................especially by Jen since she's going to tell Violet about this whole ............. "Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've got to get you out of here!!!!!!!!!!" as I ran down the stairs and grabbed Yongguk's arm as I was about to drag him out from my bed until he pulled me back down. I felt his arms were snaking around my waist and felt his chin resting on my shoulders.

"Nahh....................let's stay like this for now............."

I turned around and pushed him back a little. "Yah, do want to die?"

"I would love it if you'd kiss me first~~~~~~~" I slapped his chest. "Oww.............that hurts~~~~~~~~"

"Well that's what you get..........." Yongguk just chuckled and as the both of you stared into each others eyes, the both of your faces started to get closer until the point that both of your lips were about to touch until someone decided to scream again.

"Damn it you !!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't you hear what omma just said?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Get your mother ing here and gather our !!!!!!!!!" You got up from the bed and went upstairs as Yongguk groaned as he fell to the bed while kicking his feet.

"Agh.................why she she had to ruin that moment?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Oh quiet down, Tigger. You don't want to be caught by my stepmother............." I went upstairs and closed the door behind me. Once I was outside, I saw the and little Jen outside, standing there next to their car while holding her bags.

"You should have came out earlier, you piece of !!!!!" She shoved the bags in my face, as well as Jen but she had a weird expression as she was looking at me, as if she found out about something that she hoped it wasn't true. However, I decided to brush the thought off and carried the bags inside the room. I put Jen's stuff in her room and left then head to the 's room. As I put her bags down and was about to leave the room, a brown envelope on her make up table had caught my eyes. I got a little curious about what was in there and as got closer to see what was written on it, it said "Private" on it. I was about to take it until I heard someone's footsteps. I walked straight to the door and saw the there.

"You got the stuff in there already?' I just nodded at that time. "Good. Did you steal anything in my room?"

"What is there even to steal in your room?"

"Oh just just the up and get the out now!!!!!!!!" As I walked away and head towards to my room, I couldn't hep thin about what was inside that "Private" envelope and it tempted me to steal it when she's not around in the house. I went into my room and closed the door, then beng greated by Tigger the child.

"Aeeeeee...............(your name)~~~~~~~~~What took you so long?~~~~~~~~"

"Aigoo.......I was just outside for like ten minutes and now you're clingling onto me?......sigh........."

"But at least you're mine and you love me~~~~~~~~~~~~"

" I wonder how does the other deal with you when you act like this..........."

"Well at least they do act like me since we all do kin of act childish..........." he said as he was scratching the back of his neck while looking at the floor shyly.

"Awwww~~~~~~~~~~~~is someone shy?~~~~~~~~~~~Aigoo, kyeopta~~~~~~~~~" I started to pinch his cheeks.


"You brat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You didn't even cook dinner yet!!!!!!!!!!! Hurry up or else you won't get to eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I took my hands off of Yongguk's face and marched to the kitchen as I was murmuring, "Huh, won't to get to eat my ........I basically eat half of the food that I freaking make for you guys................" I started to make the food and kept thinking what I should make since there wasn't much food to make. I decided to use the leftovers from last night and preheat it up an make it look fancy since I didn't feel like making anything too complicated and I also made some kimbap, kimchi fried rice, and some soup since I know that Tigger would be hungry and I would be eating with him since I didn't want to eat with them. As I set the food on the dining table for the es, I just remembered that Yongguk's shoes were still sitting at the doorway next to my other shoes and the other es shoes. I ran up there and got the shoes then ran back to the kitchen to get the food quickly. Before I left the kitchen, I found a random bag and stuffed the shoes inside it then left the kitchen with the food in the tray. As I left the kitchen, the caught me right at the moment.

"What the are you even doing now?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Now I have to think of an excuse or else I'll be ed up.

"Well............would you rather sit with a sick person who has been almost dying from coughing too much or stay away?........."

"Ewwww...........did you even coughed  at our food?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"I wore a mask before I cook since you don't want to be sick..............."

"Then what's in the bag?..................."

"Do you wanna see it for yourself since I'm sick?...............It might be something tha-"

"Ew ew ew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind about that!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"At least you aren't sick like me right now -cough cough- I would be getting you all sick............maybe even worse tan my situation right now........."

"Oh how considerate of get the out or else you'll infect us!!!!!!!!!!!" I just left them and went into my room. As soon I got into my room and walked down the stairs, I saw Yongguk ran up to me and looked at the food cutely. Oh why does this Tigger have to be cute~~~~~~~~~~He's either cold or childish sometimes............

"Omo, did my babe make this all for me?~~~~~~~~~"

"Maybe~~~~~~~~~~" and I tilt my head to the side as I just played along with him. The both of sat down on the floor and Yongguk placed the food on the floor as I placed his soes that were still in the bag next to my bed before we started to dig in. We started to get more comfortable with each other as we talked more. As I was about to eat a piece of kimbap, I was interrupted by Yongguk. "Hmm?............What's wrong?" He just opened his mouth sided. I was confused for a second, but I just fed him the kimball that I was going to eat.

"Hehe........thank you babe!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~" Why is he doing this me!!!!!!!!! I'm going to die because of his load of cuteness here!!!!!!!!!!! I was about to eat some kimchi fried rice until Yongguk called my name.



"What? You don't want to be fed by your amazing boyfriend?"

"Hahaha, but you had out that in your mouth already though..........."

"But we had kissed before and also ma-"


" You brat!!!!!!!!! What the are you screaming for?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

"Uhhhhh...........there's a rat in house!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Both the and Jen were screaming their heads off and it made me laugh, even though it also hurt my ears due to their high pitch screaming.

"Works every time........." I continued to eat, but it was a little awkward because Yongguk keeps on staring at me with a smile as chin is resting on his hands and his elbow in on the table for support. 

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I was going to wipe something off my face until Yongguk grabbed my wrist and leaned in close to my face. He then closed the gap between us, giving me a short but sweet kiss before pulling away.

"Since when did I have such a beautiful, smart and badass girlfriend like you? Since the first day I had laid eyes on you?~~~~~~~" he had even showed his gummy smile that I adore a lot. Since when was he this cheesy and why does it sound like a similar reference to my favorite drama Secret Garden? I mean even thoughts cheesy enough, it did made my heart melt enough that I'd almost fell for it hard, but I turned away from him since I'd knew that I'm blushing hard right now as I covered my face with my hands.

"Y-yah..........s-stop acting like that.............." All I heard some some ruffling sounds and a pair of arms snaking around my waist and I also felt a kiss on my right cheek.

"But I know you love it and stop covering your face............. I don't want you to hide your beauty away..........." As he gave me another kiss, I felt even hotter now. Why does this goof ball have so much cheesy quotes and knows how to make me blush?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The both of us continued to each, but this time Yongguk won't go back to his seat and is clinging to me like a koala. This Tigger doesn't even want to stop being all cheesy with me. We had finished the food as we talked about ourselves and I had brought the empty dishes back to the kitchen then placed the dishes along with the other dished from the dining table into the washing machine. I'll just deal with them later on in the morning since I needed to get Yongguk out of here. I rushed back to my room so that Yongguk can leave my room without getting caught since the and little are sleeping now, even though it's too early for them to sleep at 8:30, but it might be because they are wearing those facial masks."

"Yah, it's a good time now for you to go back home without getting caught by my step mother! You should go now!" I ran to my cabinets and gather my underwear and got my pajamas that weren't my chair that is next to my desk.

"Awwwww..........but we were bonding with each other~~~~~~~~~~"

I ran up the strais and turned around before u left to take a shower. "It's not good if you stay here. You don't even know what my step mother would the time I get back here, you should be already gone and your shoes are in that bag that's next to my bed." I turned around and ran to the bathroom. As I was showering, many thoughts had came, wondering when I would be free from this hell hole prison that I have been in for a long time. I finally came out of the shower and wore my pajamas then dried my hair before brushing my teeth since I was getting a little tired myself. I walked back to my room, noticing that Yongguk wasn't in my room anymore.

"Hmmm........I guess he did leave then........ " I walked up to my bed after turning off the lights and I pulled the blanket over me. I leaned on my left side and saw Winnie the Pooh and Tigger were next to each other. I just sighed and wondered if Yongguk was sleeping. I was about to sleep until I felt an arm around my waist. I got scared and was about to  punch that thing until it grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. I didn't know what was going on until I heard the voice.

"I'd knew you would be missing me........"

I backed away a little and saw Yongguk laying next to me. "Yah.........why are you still here?.........."

"Hmmmmmm........let's just sleep now............." He just pulled me in closer and I was about to push him away, but he held onto me tighter.

"You still didn't answer my question, Tigger..........." Yongguk didn't respond back as I heard him snore a bit. I looked at his face and brushed some strands of his hair away. I even wonder how and why I fell in love with this great guy here. I pecked his lips before I slept, so that I can drift off to dreamland and also cuddling with the one I love before a new day comes again.............

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Uyen1005 #1
Chapter 33: Who????whoo?!?!??who dead?!??!!!?!!?update fasterrrrr!!!
The6mighty #2
Chapter 33: No please dont violet
Chapter 31: Yongguk, you better pick up the phone, so violet isn't really a mean person. It was all an act to keep jin safe
Update when you can! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Uyen1005 #5
Chapter 28: who is "problem"???!!please update faster author-nim!!! I'm dying to know who is PROBLEM....maybe Kris!!,Jin!!,Violet!!!update faster okay??
Chapter 28: "From: Problem" ??? Violet? Jin? idek. BUT ERRRMAAHHH GAWWDDD!!! GUKKIE!!! <3 GAAAAHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE! THE PROM FLASHBACK!
Chapter 27: awwwww gukkie the perfect bf! <3 and violet... dk her past, but doesn't mean she can start acting like a to everyone after whatever happened.
Chapter 26: kyahhhh bts is hereee!!!!!!!! hahhaha gukkie was all jealous of jin! hahahhahaah so cute!!! thank you suga for clearing up that they're cousins before gukkie beats the out of jin! hhahahah. who is it at the end? was it kris?!! i think it was kris... maybee lol
Chapter 25: ;_____; sad update!!! omg i hate the mom even more now!!!
Chapter 24: violet.. b*tch.. -,- will bts be making an appearance in the future chapters?