
My One and Only Tigger

Author's POV

(In Yongguk/Yongnam's house) 

Yongguk was pacing back and forth around the room while he was pulling his hair, thinking about the many possibilities about what would happen to you after being kidnapped all often sudden. It has been two days ever since the kidnapping incident happened.

“Hyung, calm down. (your name) will be fine.”

“Ugh………….WHY SHOULD I, YOUNGJAE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (your name) IS ING KIDNAPPED AND WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL ING HAPPEN TO HER?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Yongguk, calm down.........."


“YAH!!!!!!!!! CAN WE NOT FIGHT AND JUST FIGURE OUT WHERE THE HELL IS  (your name) AND WHY DID VIOLET GET KIDNAPPED ALSO?!?!?!?!?!” said Jen. Suddenly, someone knocked the door. Yongguk rushed to the door, hoping it was you who came back, but his smile vanished when he saw it wasn't you. Tiffany barged in the room as the rest of the SNSD members had followed her in. As Yongguk was closing the door with a sour expression, every member was going up to someone, asking them what the hell happened to you. Yongguk, on the other hand, leaned against wall, feeling lost about the situation. "Where the hell are you, (your name)......." and he threw his head back, being in his own little sad world as the commotions was still happening.



(On the other hand with you and Violet)

It has been two days since you were stuck and even the countless times you tried to use the phone to call for help, there's always someone right outside.

"Aish...........these guys.........."

"Well.....we have been stuck in this building for a pretty long time........."

"Oh come on, (your name). The only reason why we're stuck here is because of me. And the worst part is that you were involved with it too."

"Sigh..........that's what we get I guess and it's your fault that you didn't ask for help........"



 School had ended already and you left everyone else earlier than expected than usual. As you were heading to the school garden, there was a guy wearing sunglasses and a suit, but he can't fit it due to his belly and behind him were a group of men who looked like "bodyguards". The guy was standing in front of Violet looked like he was giving her the lecture about something. After the group of men had left, I walked up to her.

"What was that all about?"

"It's nothing.......really........."

"What? It wasn't the first time that happened to you..............Anyway, what did you want to tell me?"

"Sigh................but before I do tell you, promise me that you won't tell anyone, even him.........."

"What does that have to do with him?"

"Just don't tell Jin about the reason why I left him. It's better if he didn't know my situation........."

"Fine...........But why did you tell me to come here? We could have been somewhere else like a coffee shop or something......"

"Then other people would be wondering why are we together........"


"I heard your step-mother is trying to get rid of you somehow........"

You sat on the bench that's under the tree. "Ehhh.........I'm not surprised about that..........."

"No!!!!! You don't get it. What I meant by that is she's trying to find someone to kill you!!!!!!!"

At that moment, you just froze in your spot but then laughed off the situation. "Sigh........I knew this day would come to me soon......."

"And the worst part is I think it has to do with that bastard............."

"You mean the loan shark?"

"Yeah,.......that guy who you just saw leaving before............."

"That !!!!!!!!!!!" You were about to throw a tantrum, but Violet grabbed your wrist.

"Just calm own for now..............I'm just guessing, it's not true for sure..........." You just sat down and sighed. As you were looking at the sky, many things were going through your head, wondering what will happen to the both of you two.

~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~

After you snapped out from your daydream, Violet was looking around the room and noticed something outside the window.

"Hey,  (your name)............Look outside the window." As you looked outside, you didn't notice anything but some buildings.

"What? I don't see anything special outside."

"No, look at the signs.........."

It took you a while for you to get what's going on. "'s it?............"

" is.............." Using your legs, you were trying to push the phone that was hidden under your now dirtied-torn dress to your tied-up hands as Violet was keeping out of intruders.



(Back in Yongguk/Yongnam's place)

Everyone became dead silent after that long commotion until Jieun spoke. “Speaking of Violet, I’m wondering if she has to do with the kidnapping…..I mean (your name) and Violet don’t get along like how they used to……..”

“What do you mean by ‘how they used to’, Jieun?” Jongup asked out of curiosity.

"Sigh..............I guess we might have to tell them the whole story, huh, Namjoon?"
"Might as well then, Jin........" Namjoon took a breath before while Jin walked to the window. "Before high school, Jin and Violet used t be together......."
"MWOH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" BAP, EXO, and Yongnam shouted at the same time.
"Wow.....calm down guys.......... Anyway, (your name) and Violet used to be best friends an-"
"WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! But I thought Violet hates (your name)............" Baekhyun cut off Namjoon.
"Well.........true and Violet treated (your name) and the rest of us differently.........."
"And yet we still don't even know how she changed suddenly.............." Suga comforted Jin as Jin gave him a reassuring smile telling Suga he's fine. As the room became silent, Yongguk's phone went off. Everyone's eyes were on him now. When Yongguk looked at the phone number, he didn't want to pick it up because he didn't know who it was, but his gut told him otherwise.....................
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Uyen1005 #1
Chapter 33: Who????whoo?!?!??who dead?!??!!!?!!?update fasterrrrr!!!
The6mighty #2
Chapter 33: No please dont violet
Chapter 31: Yongguk, you better pick up the phone, so violet isn't really a mean person. It was all an act to keep jin safe
Update when you can! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Uyen1005 #5
Chapter 28: who is "problem"???!!please update faster author-nim!!! I'm dying to know who is PROBLEM....maybe Kris!!,Jin!!,Violet!!!update faster okay??
Chapter 28: "From: Problem" ??? Violet? Jin? idek. BUT ERRRMAAHHH GAWWDDD!!! GUKKIE!!! <3 GAAAAHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE! THE PROM FLASHBACK!
Chapter 27: awwwww gukkie the perfect bf! <3 and violet... dk her past, but doesn't mean she can start acting like a to everyone after whatever happened.
Chapter 26: kyahhhh bts is hereee!!!!!!!! hahhaha gukkie was all jealous of jin! hahahhahaah so cute!!! thank you suga for clearing up that they're cousins before gukkie beats the out of jin! hhahahah. who is it at the end? was it kris?!! i think it was kris... maybee lol
Chapter 25: ;_____; sad update!!! omg i hate the mom even more now!!!
Chapter 24: violet.. b*tch.. -,- will bts be making an appearance in the future chapters?