Fight Part 1

My One and Only Tigger

Author's POV

          After that date, your days had went fine since there wasn't any nagging at your home and you were just waiting for the year to be over and finally become a senior. Also, you were becoming 18 (I'm using the Korean age, which in the U.S. it would be 17, but since it's the age 18, I'm going to use it as the legal age in the U.S.) soon since your birthday is coming up around June (lol, that's the month of my birthday also XD). Even though Violet is becoming more y around you ever since the school knew about you and Yongguk, at least she wouldn't dare go right up to you and beat the out of you, for now............... As you were heading to your locker and opened it to get some stuff before class started, you heard two girls that's not far from you talking.

"Hey, did you hear about Violet?"

"What about her? She's just the all-usual queenka that we all know, besides the fact that she can also be a .............."

"I heard that she's still trying to hit on Yongguk. even though he's with (your name)........"

"Oh hell no..................I didn't know that Violet would go that far.........." As the two girl were walking away, you were just standing there in anger and confusion because you knew that Violet would do anything to get what she wants, but at the same time it was just too selfish of her to just barge into something that can affect what will happen in the future. So you're really doing this..........after what I have done for you in the past?.............. You heard the minute bell and had rushed to class so you wouldn't get caught by the school president and serve detention after school. When the lesson started in class, you couldn't help but think about the conversation that you had earlier before. It shouldn't cause you to worry a lot since you know that Yongguk loves you very much, but on the other had, something might happen out of nowhere. Most of all, you had a terrible feeling that something might happen once she does start her plans. While you were dozing out in class, the teacher was calling your name.

"(your name)-shi..............."

You came back to reality. "Ne, songsengnim..............."

"According to the unit circle, what is the sine of 90 degrees?"

"The answer is one."

"Excellent..........." and the teacher had went on with the lesson. As you were staring out of the window, you felt someone tapping your shoulder and when you turned around to look for a while, it was Hyosung.

"Yah, kwenchana? You were dozing off for a while?" Hyosung whispered quietly behind you.

" shouldn't really be worried about it."

"Hmmmm................yeah right...........something fishy must be going on, huh?................" You shrugged and continued to "listen" the lecture.

              Lunch finally came and everyone was running to the cafeteria while you on the other hand are taking our time since you don't feel like going, even though you're hungry. As you were walking, someone ran up to you from behind and jumped on your back. "Yah!~~~~~~~~~~~(your name)!!!!!!!!" You turned around with an annoyed face as you were looking at Hana.


"What?...........Why so moody, (your name)...............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

You turned around to face Hana. "'s nothing..............." You saw Hyosung, Sunhwa, and Jieun coming as you were talking to Hana.

"That doesn't sound like our (your name).................what's going on in your mind?" said Jieun.

"Does it have to do with Violet......................." Sunhwa mumbled the last word. You just nod your head while looking outside of the school. As the rest of them were talking, you saw a girl talking to Kris outside, but Kris looked annoyed. When Kris looked up and saw you were looking, he was surprised that you were there, but he didn't turn away from you. He kept asking himself random questions in his mind as he kept looking at you while ignoring the girl he's with.  Sigh, why didn't I tell her before it was too late? I wonder wonder what would have happen if I had made the first move instead of Yongguk.......... He turned back to the girl,  but then looked back up and saw you were walking away with the girls. 

              As you were walking outside and on your way to meet the others at the usual spot, Violet purposely bumped into you as she was walking with her "crew". "Ugh, watch where you going you !!!!!!!!!!" That had brought everyone's attention.

"Mwoh? You were the one who bumped into her, so stop making up bull, Violet." said Hyosung.

"What bull?.............It clearly was her who bumped into me though." At that time, the rest of EXO and B.A.P arrived at the scene.

"You bi-" Sunhwa was about to beat Violet the heck out of her, but you pushed her back and looked at her.

"It's okay..................let me handle this." The you turned back to face Violet again. "Now what's up with the princess of iness today?"

"What? iness? Hah, when did I have that title? It should be the Queen of Beauty."

You turned to Secret as you covered your hand to make it look like you were telling a secret, but purposely speak louder than usual. "More like the Drama Queen............." When you turned around, some people were lauhging, especially EXO, B.A.P, Yongnam,and of course Secret.

"Oh you worthless piece of sh-"

"I'd better get going now. It's better to leave and meet the others than to deal with something that's not worth my time cause.................ain't nobody got time that,..................especially if it's you..............."

You were about to walk away, but Violet grabbed your arm. "You don't even know who you're messing with..............I would be careful if I were you..............."

You looked at her. "Psht, after what I have done for you and what you have done to my cousin Jin?............... I don't think so............."As you were walking away, Violet just stood there for a while before she got her senses back and walked away as if nothing had happened. You were walking to the usual spot as EXO, B.A.P, and Yongnam were following behind.

"Yah, (your name)​.................are you okay?...............after what you had just said.............?"

"Yeah...................I hope so................"

"Noona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You turned around and saw Zelo about to give you hug, but Yongguk pulled him away.

"What were you going to do, makene?.................."

"Wae?.................I just wanted to give her a hug because nonna's daebak!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"I know that she is and that's what I love about her. Now stop it."

"Awwwwww, come on hyung~~~~~~~~~~~~" As the both of them were arguing, Lay walked beside you. 

"Hey, is everything okay? It looks like something is bothering you when you walked away.............."

"Aniyo.................nothing is bothering me............"

"Okay then.............but if something is bothering you, let me know cause you know that I'm here for you."

"Arraso.............." After Lay had walked away, Jieun patted your back while Hana was hugging you from the side  as Hyosung and Sunhwa were sitting on the floor feeling depressed because the five of you knew what happened to your cousin Jin, but you were the one who saw the whole thing.


              It all happened when you were still in eighth grade and your cousin Jin was also the same grade as you, but the both of you went to different schools. Even though the both of you lived in different places, the both of you kept close contact with each other and he was the only person that you felt like he is the only person that you can rely on, besides your father and Secret. When you were waiting for Jin to pick you up, you actually knew Violet at that time and she's actually not the y person that most of the school knows. She was actually nice and innocent at that time and the both of you got along okay, even though the both of you didn't talk a lot to each other because you weren't talkative and the both of you didn't have the same classes. Violet decide to wait with you since you were the last person at school and she told her chauffeur to wait. When Jin arrived, he saw you talking to Violet and when he saw her, he didn't know why his heart was beating fast as she was smiling.

"Hey, Jin oppa!!!!!!!!!!!" You turned to wave at him and you saw his face a little red. "Oh yeah, Violet this is my annoying cousin, Jin. Jin meet Violet." Jin and Violet had said hi to each other awkwardly, but for some reason, Jin felt like the world stop and it was the only two of them there.

"Jin.................JIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jin came back to reality.


"Excuse for my cousin who can...............blank out at times........"

"Haha, kwenchana."

"Well.............I should get going now since this idiot owes me Statbucks.......See you tomorrow, Violet!!!!!!" You were waving to Violet while pulling Jin as Violet waved back and left with her chauffeur. Throughout the whole walk, Jin was zoning out while you were talking to him since he's thinking about Violet.

"Damn it, you idiot!!!!!!!!!!"

"Huh? What did you say, (your name)​?"

"Yah, what the heck re you thinking about?"

"N-nothing..........." Jin then walked away quickly. 

"Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, why the heck wears your face red when you came to pick me up? Is the rest of BTS also going to come alongside? YAH,OPPA!!!!!!!! SAY SOMETHING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(to be continued in the next chapter)

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Uyen1005 #1
Chapter 33: Who????whoo?!?!??who dead?!??!!!?!!?update fasterrrrr!!!
The6mighty #2
Chapter 33: No please dont violet
Chapter 31: Yongguk, you better pick up the phone, so violet isn't really a mean person. It was all an act to keep jin safe
Update when you can! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Uyen1005 #5
Chapter 28: who is "problem"???!!please update faster author-nim!!! I'm dying to know who is PROBLEM....maybe Kris!!,Jin!!,Violet!!!update faster okay??
Chapter 28: "From: Problem" ??? Violet? Jin? idek. BUT ERRRMAAHHH GAWWDDD!!! GUKKIE!!! <3 GAAAAHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE! THE PROM FLASHBACK!
Chapter 27: awwwww gukkie the perfect bf! <3 and violet... dk her past, but doesn't mean she can start acting like a to everyone after whatever happened.
Chapter 26: kyahhhh bts is hereee!!!!!!!! hahhaha gukkie was all jealous of jin! hahahhahaah so cute!!! thank you suga for clearing up that they're cousins before gukkie beats the out of jin! hhahahah. who is it at the end? was it kris?!! i think it was kris... maybee lol
Chapter 25: ;_____; sad update!!! omg i hate the mom even more now!!!
Chapter 24: violet.. b*tch.. -,- will bts be making an appearance in the future chapters?