A Date Together

My One and Only Tigger

Your POV

         I was stirring around the bed until I felt something around my waist and the bed felt heavier than usual. When I turned around on my right side, I see my silly and lovely Tigger sleeping soundly right beside me, even though he's snoring a bit which I found it kind of cute and silly at the same time. Since his arms were around my waist and I needed to go use the bathroom, I tried to move Yonguk's arms off of me slowly I wouldn't distract him from getting his sleep. However, when I was trying to get up, Yongguk pulled me back down as he wrapped around my waist tighter as he was still sleeping. 

"Yah.........I need to use the bathroom, you freaking Tigger!!!!!!!!!"

"Hmmmm..............but I wanna cuddle more with you~~~~~~~" I was getting a little annoyed with him since I really needed to uses the bathroom so I had no choice but to slap his head, which he fell off of the bed and pulled me down with him. "Owwww........what was that for?~~~~~~~"

"Well that's what you get for not listening to me~~~~~~~~~"

"Aigoo........you're so adorable that I can kiss you all day long~~~~~~~~"

"Y-yah!!!!!!!!!!!! You be-"


".......the es.........." I mumbled for a second before I could think of some excuse as I saw Yongguk trying to hold in his laughter. "Ummm............I'd rather not tell you about though............."

"Oh just spill it. I'm sure it's not something ty about yourself, you brat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Ugh..................I wish I can just get rid the both Of them already!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted silently so those two es won't have to hear my "annoying voice",  but it's the other way around.

"You sure you guys want to know?"

"JUST ING TELL US NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Remember the bag I took out last night?"

"What about the bag?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" said Jen.

"Well it was a dead rat, but......................"

"But what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"I think the family is still here cause I saw it ran upstairs."

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I guess they're screaming their heads off while running around the house. I laughed t the point I was about to roll over the floor, laughing my off but I someone started to laugh his off while holding his stomach. Hmmm..........I didn't think it was that funny though...........oh whatever......................

"Ummmmmm............................are you guys done yet?....................."


"But how am I supposed to get it out f the house if I don't know where they're hiding. They might be in your rooms right now."

"JUST GET THEM ING OUT OF THE HOUSE SOMEHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SIGH WE'RE GOING TO BE SHOPPING AND STAYING AT THE HOTEL UNTIL THEY'RE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!" The last thing I heard was the door slammed loudly and the engine of the car.

"Fine by me...........................I'm not going to call you back anytime soon anyway.................." I turned around and saw Yongguk still laughing hard. "What? It's not that funny............."

He got up while wiping his tears away before he spoke. "True, but their screams was just hilarious and............."

"And what?....................." He started to walk closer to me with a smirk on his face.

"I'd never seen my babe become a jokester and somewhat a badass...........That's y..........." he winked back at me as he was biting his lower lips.

"Hah, oh whatever. You should get back to your place. You smell a bit."

I was about to go use the bathroom and then brush my teeth until a certain person started to speak. "Yah, where are you going?"

"Do I really need to tell you?"

"Want me to come with you?~~~~~~~~~"

"Oh just shut up and get back to your place already..............." I was about turn around and walk away until Yongguk s his arms around my waist and held onto me tightly. I felt hot for a second, but I stayed calm. "Yah..................what are you doing?......................"

"You should smile more. You look beautiful~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

I turned around slowly to face him. "What th-" I was stopped by a kiss. Despite the numerous numbers of sweet, hot, and smoking kisses that we had, I still blush easily. As Yongguk puled away slowly and showed his gummy smile, I walked away fast to the bathroom as I heard Yongguk chuckled. After I slammed the door and walked to the counter, I saw my face blushing like crazy. "Aish.............calm down, (your name)...........you shouldn't be shocked about this..............." Out of no where, I started to think about the kiss. Ahhhhh.................this is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yongguk's POV

        I was waiting (your name) in her room and started to look around since I got bored not having (your name) around by my side. I noticed a bi-fold photo frame next to her bed. As I looked closely at the photo, I assumed the left picture is (your name) when she was little with her appa, while the right side of the picture is her mother. She looks so happy when shes around with her father and she definitely looks just as beautiful like her mother. On the other hand, the little version of (your name) does look a little familiar though. Part of me is telling me that I know her from somewhere, while the other art was doubting it. I shrugged the thought off of my mind and started to think about something else. Since her "step-mother" is being a , I thought it would be nice to drop a little gift for her as a way of saying "welcome to hell". I ran back to my place to get the exact "gift" that I planned in my head before (your name) comes out of the bathroom.

Author's POV

         After you came out of the bathroom, you decided to go back to your room to see if Yongguk was still there. On your way back to your room, you heard something upstairs, but you decided to ignore it since you thought it was just something that fell to the floor and it's none of your concern to gather their up since they just like to waste their money on useless that they would barely even use. You were about to head back to your room until you heard something in the hallway. As you were walking to the hallway, you grabbed the closest object, which is an umbrella, since you're not sure who's in the house and well..............you're on your self-defense mode now. You were about to hit the person until that person popped out of nowhere and grabbed the umbrella to prevent you hitting that person and you were about to kick that person where the sun doesn't shine until that person called out your name.

"Yah, (your name)​!!!!!!!!!!!! It's me, it's me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you looked up and saw it was just Yongguk, standing right in front of you. You sighed in relief and put down the umbrella down. Since you were kind of pissed that Yongguk scared the crap out of you, you smacked him at the arm. "Owwww.............apayo!!!!!!!!"

"Well that's what you get for scaring the out of me. What were you doing up there?"

"Uhhhh...............I was......................" you leaned in closer to Yongguk since you felt a little suspicious about his actions earlier.

"What were you doing?......................."



"................." he just scratched the back of his neck while looking down on the floor. When he looked up at you, he motioned you to come closer to him. As you came in a little closer, Yongguk still motioned you to come closer. You hesitated a little, but slowly came in closer to the point where both of your noses were almost touching. Before you had said something, Yongguk had already kissed you. You just stood there, thinking whether if you should smack him on the head when he pulls away or do something else. When he pulled away after giving you a long, passionate kiss, you just stood there blanked out for a second, but just walked away quickly.

"Yah, where are you going?" As you head back to your room, you plopped back on the bed since you were lazy and didn't have school today. You were about to go take a snooze until somebody started to talk.

"(your name)................let's go out today~~~~~~~~"

"Mmmmmm...........................I wanna sleep some more..............."

"But I wanna go on a date with you~~~~~~~~~~~~~" you weren't responding back to him, which he tried to think of something to get your attention. At first, Yongguk shook you and tickled you on the sides, but you didn't respond since you were holding in your laughter and he decided to snuggle with you since nothing worked.

"Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!What are you doing?!"

"Since you won't respond, I guess we'll just snuggle here then."

You sat up. "Mwoh? No, you need to go back home!!!!!!!!!!!"

This time,Yongguk was sleeping on your lap. "Not unless you go out with me today~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Aish...............really?..............." As you were struggling to escape from Yongguk's grip on your thighs, you sighed after 10 minutes of struggling and gave up.

"Fine..............just for today though................."

             Yongguk got up and jumped all over the room since he finally got your attention. Even though he can sometimes annoy you, most of the time you found it adorable when he tries to get your attention and/or becomes all smiley and goofy all of the sudden.  After you told Yongguk to get out of the room so you can change into a simple outfit, the both of you had just went out the house and decided to walk around the city. The both of you were having fun as you guys got dukbokki and some kimbap around Myeong-dong. As the both of you went to a store, the both f you were walking around the store while holding hands until something had caught you eyes: 


            You thought it was pretty and cute, but wasn't sure if Yongguk would like it. "Is there something wrong, (your name)?"

"Aniyo, I'm just looking around. Let's look over there!" As you pulled Yonguk to the other side of the store, Yongguk looked at the necklace for a while before he was pulled away by you. The both of you got hungry and you were about to go to the jajangmyeon restaurant since you were craving some now, but Yongguk stopped for a second.

"Be right back, babe. Just go in the restaurant first. I forgot to get something."

"Ohhh..............ne.........." As you were walking to the restaurant, Yongguk went back to the store to get something. While you were waiting for him, you got two bows of jajangmyeon for you and Yongguk along with some dumplings and some side dishes:


        While you were about to eat, Yongguk just came in and started to eat also.

"Yah, what took you so long?"

"Nothing." As the both of you were eating, Yongguk started to say something. "Hey, (your name). Do you wanna go to N Seoul Tower later on?"

"Sure. I haven't gone there for a while." The both of you started to eat again so the both of you can go can get to the tower. After Yongguk paid for the bill, even though you refused at first, the both of you head to the N Seoul Tower:


          You loved how it looked when you first got there, but most of all you loved how beautiful it the tower is inside and outside, especially when you get to see a lot of cute stuff. The first thing you noticed was this:


        You decided to take a picture and post it on your Instagram so you can brag it to all of your friends. Once you went into the tower, the first thing you wanted to go is the Teddy Bear Museum since it's housed in the N Seoul Tower. You had loved this place because it reminded you of the drama "Goong (Princesses Hours or Prince Hours or whichever one it is since there's two different version........from what I remember before?)":


          Suddenly, you ran up to this place because it made you want to feel like a princess and..............you want to feel like on just for a while since you thought the place was authentic: 


"Yongguk can you take a picture for me?"

"Wae? You're going to be sticking to them instead of me.............."

You begged him to take a picture for you, but he still wouldn't budge to take it for you. You let out a sigh and you didn't really want to show your ageyo, but you had no other choice. "Oppa~~~~~~~~~~Pwease?........." Yongguk was suddenly shocked to see you act like this, especially when you gave him the puppy eyes which he couldn't resist much. "Hmmm?............Yongguk oppa?~~~~~~~~~~~~" You tilted your head to the side and swing his arm side to side.

"Oh fine.........I can't resist your cuteness when I'm with you...................." You jumped for joy and passed your phone to Yongguk as you ran up to the chair. After he took the photo for you, you told him to take a photo with you , but he refused to until you exploded your ageyoness again in front of him. With a chuckle, Yongguk found a security guard an asked him politely if he can take a pictur for him, which the security guard was willingly to help. When the whole talking pictures and selfies selcas were done in the Teddy Bear Museum, Yongguk then took you the elevator so that the both of you can go to the top of the tower:

         images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRrCh198z_A6yI59aFPXWk(but in this story it's around the evening so the sky should be a little darker than this picture)

            You ran out of the elevator and looked around the place. Everywhere, you see locks hanging all over you and then you ran to the locks that formed a tree. As you were bus taking photos of the whole scene, Yongguk was just laughing at your silliness and cuteness and he went to the store and get these locks: 


"Yah, (your name)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You ran up to him "Waeyo?"

He held up the locks and said "Wanna write something?"

"Okay then." As the both of you were writing on the locks, the both of you looked over at each other's writing and coincidentally the both had written "BYG + (your first initials from your whole name)​= Forever Love". The both of you just laughed at each other then walked to find the perfect place to put your locks together. After putting the locks on the fence and took a selca with each other, you turned back around to enjoy the scenery as Yongguk was giving you a back hug.

"(your name)~~~~~~~~~~~~"


"Was it fun today?"

"Hmm............honestly.................I'd never had so much fun and laughed like this ever since......................sigh....................my father left.................." you were holding back your tears and Yongguk's grip around your waist tightened. After a couple of minutes, you had calmed down, but then saw something shiny right in front of you face then was around your neck. When you looked down, you saw this:

img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=28473597 (Yongguk gave you the necklace with the heart.)

"What?..................How did..............." Then, you noticed he had the other half around his neck (the circle on on the left side of the picture above).

"(your name)...........I know you were looking at the necklace when we were at the shop earlier." He suddenly, took both of your hands and kissed them softly. "Even though we haven't gone out for a very long time when I had first laid my eyes on you, I felt something inside of me." He took one of your hands and placed it on his left chest as you jerked a little. "After some time has gone by, I didn't know why my heart is beating like this when I'm around you and,............ I know I might have said this before, but every word I said just now is true......." You felt tears forming in your eyes as Yongguk stepped closer to you. "You might think this is either cheesy, weird, or any other thoughts that is going on through your mind................but, I'm not those type of guys who wants to take advantage of you cause I do really want to show you how much I want to be with you, make you smile because of me, and mostly......................love you...................." Yongguk slowly kneeled down on the floor, which had attracted some of the people's attention.

        You saw people looking at your direction as some were recording the both of you from the corner of your eyes. Instead of freaking out like those main female characters in some dramas out of nowhere, a tear fell from your eyes, which freaked Yongguk a bit when he noticed it. "But................how do I know it's true?............I mean what if you change out of nowher? What if something happens between us in the future? What if-" Yongguk just got up and kissed you, which caused the rest of the audience to cheer. Your eyes were wide for a second, but then you responded the kiss like your there was no tomorrow and your life depended on that kiss. As the night had gone by you were only thinking about what just happened: Even though we never know what will happen in the future, I'll love you just like right now and forever, kissing me under the stars because all I know is that I love you and that's all that matter right now.........................

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Uyen1005 #1
Chapter 33: Who????whoo?!?!??who dead?!??!!!?!!?update fasterrrrr!!!
The6mighty #2
Chapter 33: No please dont violet
Chapter 31: Yongguk, you better pick up the phone, so violet isn't really a mean person. It was all an act to keep jin safe
Update when you can! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Uyen1005 #5
Chapter 28: who is "problem"???!!please update faster author-nim!!! I'm dying to know who is PROBLEM....maybe Kris!!,Jin!!,Violet!!!update faster okay??
Chapter 28: "From: Problem" ??? Violet? Jin? idek. BUT ERRRMAAHHH GAWWDDD!!! GUKKIE!!! <3 GAAAAHHH THAT WAS SO CUTE! THE PROM FLASHBACK!
Chapter 27: awwwww gukkie the perfect bf! <3 and violet... dk her past, but doesn't mean she can start acting like a to everyone after whatever happened.
Chapter 26: kyahhhh bts is hereee!!!!!!!! hahhaha gukkie was all jealous of jin! hahahhahaah so cute!!! thank you suga for clearing up that they're cousins before gukkie beats the out of jin! hhahahah. who is it at the end? was it kris?!! i think it was kris... maybee lol
Chapter 25: ;_____; sad update!!! omg i hate the mom even more now!!!
Chapter 24: violet.. b*tch.. -,- will bts be making an appearance in the future chapters?