Vector Field: The Lobby


The magnetic flux density (also called magnetic field) is a vector field that at a given point in space is specified by two properties - direction and magnitude.


Life is a fast phase and fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like. It was a quote. And Lee Sungmin proved it by himself.


A year ago, meeting Cho Kyuhyun was never painted in Lee Sungmin’s vision of life. Suddenly, three same classes encountered them together, eyes met, and fixated on each other. A month ago, Sungmin was asked by the School’s Assembly to ‘take care’ of Kyuhyun, who possessed opposite personalities from him. Perfectionist in life, Sungmin decided that he wanted to challenge and prove himself with the task. And the blonde, turned out, did not fond of the rebel in first impression. A day ago, Sungmin impulsively went to look for ‘the missing’ Cho Kyuhyun by himself in unfriendly neighbourhood. Sungmin’s reasons were simple, his concerns and longing for the other. In result, the blonde President started to confuse with his own feeling. Was it because of his determination to prove himself (and to satisy his ego) that Sungmin unconciously became worried of Kyuhyun? Or was it something else? Confusing? Yes, Sungmin would very much agree.


In his confusion, Lee Sungmin was sure of two things. All he knew that everything happened so fast and fate was playing with him, in a cruel sense of humor. He felt that the universe conspired to make something happen. The key was on Sungmin’s hand, whether he regarded it as a gift, or a curse.


These whole things happened to him and the exhausted body resulted from his little trip to Dukryang didn’t stop the blonde to have a rather weird dream. Less scary than before, in his three hours of sleeping, Sungmin was running towards a light. The light seemed very close to approach yet very far to go. When he reached that light, something odd made him stumbled and floored down. This time, there was no 5 years old kid, Sungmin was completely alone. Then, just like before, Sungmin woke up in a very painful headache for a good 10 minutes.


Even the pain could distract him from thinking too much, when it got better, Sungmin helplessly allowed his worried to eat him alive. If last night’s fiasco could be regarded as a solution and everything seemed alright related to Kyuhyun, the restless was still there. Few times Cho Kyuhyun broke his promises. Therefore, the blonde President could not help to be concerned about today. And it got him wondered.


Will Cho Kyuhyun attended his class today?


Glimpse of hope started to sprout when the blonde opened his door, and found Kyuhyun in front of his eyes at the earliest morning Sungmin ever ready for school. Sungmin’s eyes glowered a little, he startled for a moment.


Sungmin blinked, as if to prove his vision. “Kyu...hyung...”


Cho Kyuhyun was there. He stood there casually. His back leaned on the wall, right leg slightly up with heel also glued on the wall. Nothing was change with his style. The uniform’s long sleeves shirt was folded up to his elbow, hands in his pants’ pocket, blazer hung around loosely in his right hand, sling bag coiled up sideways on his shoulder, and of course, a cigarette stuck between his lips.


It’s really him.

A sudden feeling of calm enveloped the blonde.


The rebel glanced up to Sungmin with his dark eyes. He raised his body to stood straight.


“What are you doing here this early?” Sungmin greeted him with question. Despite his relieved, the blonde felt confused to find Cho Kyuhyun at 06.00 am in front of his door.


Kyuhyun took out his cigar with his right hand before answered. “Fulfilling my promise...” he smirked before continued “Haunting you.”


~I’ll be the first and the last you saw everyday~


Sungmin held his chuckled and released a soft smile instead. “You’re not sleeping in here right?” he joked, trying to ease the mood.


Kyuhyun curled up his side lips upwards, making a wider smirk.


Sungmin froze in realization. “...are you...” his question was hanging in doubt.


Kyuhyun refused to answer, he just raised his right hand to put the cigar back to his mouth.


“You’re not allowed to smoke here.” The blonde snatched his cigarette away from the rebel’s mouth before asked again to confirm “Did you sleep here?” a worried tone was clear in his voice.


Look at you... Already worried over such thing...

It was a pleasure for the rebel’s eyes to see the blonde President anxious over small thing. And he would love to keep that moment for a while. “What do you think?” rather than answering, Kyuhyun challenged the other.


The blonde’s face wrinkled. “I think you were stupid if you slept here.” Sungmin said, half irritated.


Kyuhyun released a sneer chuckle before replied “I was here since an hour ago.”


This amusing bastard doing a stupid thing again...

Sungmin won’t let himself drawn in exasperation, so he took a deep breath to calm down. “Why didn’t you knock? You can ‘haunting’ me inside.” He stressed the word.


“What for? You’re going out eventually. And I’m not sure you’re awake an hour ago.” In a swift motion, Kyuhyun took back his cigarette from Sungmin’s possession. Instead putting it back to his mouth, the rebel lifted his hand and showed the cigar right in front of Sungmin’s eyes. “Is this what you want?” he whispered while moving his hand in a slow, yet firm, movement to throw the cigar into the bin on the left side of Sungmin’s frame door. A snob smirk was painted on Kyuhyun’s face.


Sungmin shook his head lightly with Kyuhyun’s display of arrogance. He sighed and gave the other a disbelieving look while curling up his lips, making a smile.


The rebel leaned forward to close their gap. He lifted his hand to grab the blonde’s head from behind and pull it towards himself. The blonde’s lips and his were supposed to connect if Sungmin did not moved his head backwards in a sudden motion.


“I don’t like a smell of cigarette in the fresh morning.” Sungmin held the rebel’s chest with his hand, keeping a secure gap between their bodies. “Unless you take care of that, or wait until the end of the day.” Sungmin was referring to their body contact in general, or their kissing in specific.


The blonde President started to walk away down the hall, leaving the rebel in vexation. Sungmin smiled. He felt satisfied to return the other’s cocky attitude.




“Let’s have breakfast, you haven’t eat anything aren’t you?” Sungmin opened his bag and pulled out a bundle of paper bag. “I have egg sandwich.” He said while unwrapping the paper.


Sungmin and Kyuhyun were sitting at the lobby area. Like any other day, the blonde wanted to enjoy the morning scenery at the lobby before the class started. The sound of water fountain and chirping birds would calm his heart. And the sight of beautiful statutes with yellowish light of sunrise would brighten up his mood. Therefore, the blonde President was already making a comfort spot on one of the bench to do his paperworks. And Kyuhyun, of course the rebel was haunting him.


Kyuhyun was going to close his mouth from open-wide yawn when Sungmin inserted a sandwich between his lips. If the rebel was not alert, he almost choked by the sudden food. Any other day, Kyuhyun would be annoyed being treated that way from anyone, including his Mom. But not today, when the blonde President doing the honor, he didn’t react negatively. Find no reason to protest, Kyuhyun chewed the sandwich obediently.


“Not bad...” he commented while munching his food.


Sungmin rolled his eyes. “Well, I’m sorry if you have an average cook as boyfriend.” He replied, a small pout was formed on his lips.


First, Sungmin’s chocolate drink, and second was his sandwich. It was not because Sungmin wanted to be praised with his ‘regular hand-made everyone could make’ food. No, it was not that. Sungmin was feeling a little bit annoyed because there were still another available words for Kyuhyun to say or comment, not a rather skeptically ‘not bad’ per se. A simple ‘thanks’ would be perfect. Lee Sungmin knew Kyuhyun rarely, almost never, said ‘thank you’ or showing his gratitude. Only one time Sungmin heard it from the other, and he felt really happy afterwards. However, if ‘thank you’ was too high-standard to ask for, Sungmin would prefer a nod or silence as a reply.


“I didn’t have comparison okay? Last time I had a meal for breakfast was 2 years ago.” Kyuhyun munched and continued. “So don’t sulk.” He glanced at Sungmin who was keeping his pouted lips. “As much as I think you’re cute with that pout, just stop it. You look ugly.” As Kyuhyun finished his words, he chuckled.


What? Am I pouting?

Sungmin was asking himself whether he had done it unconciously. Upon his realization, the blonde’s expression changed in an instant. “Well, sorry again if you have an ugly boyfriend.” This time, the pout dissapear as Sungmin only glared at the rebel. He stiffen his face, making sure his lips was not forming any kind of unnecessary pout.


“Exactly, I’m screwed rite?” Kyuhyun replied cynically, another chuckled followed after.




The lobby area started to get pack within the next 45 minutes upon arrival of many students. Some of the students were just passing by, while a lot of other students filled the lobby area, sitting at the unoccupied benches or standing around the fountain.


In normal condition, Lee Sungmin was undoubtly the legitimate reason behind all those students populating the lobby area. However, today was different. Today was abnormal since Sungmin was not sitting alone. Lee Sungmin got company who was sitting lazily on his right side. Rumor has it the boy was Sungmin’s boyfriend. Once, their intimate interactions were captured in photos and got spread all over the school, making a huge commotion. It wasn’t a mistake to say that Cho Kyuhyun also responsible, as much as Sungmin’s, for the mass of youths gathered at the lobby.


Skilled in gambling, fights and manipulating people, Kyuhyun already had a well-known reputation. Who wouldn’t know Cho Kyuhyun in Dukryang? Almost whole population knew him because of his capability, especially in gambling. Despite his relatively young age, he was the one and only male that won all of gambling match for 2 nights in a row during Casino Nights Festival in Super Generation club.


Not only he got a very skillfull and agile hands, Cho Kyuhyun was also smart, sharp and had a high sensitivity in calculating. All those potentials resided in a body with a pair of dark eyes, sharp jawline, pointed nose, thick lips and eyebrows. All females would very much agree that Kyuhyun was a good-looking man. Of all the things mentioned, one could figured out that Cho Kyuhyun was accustomed being a center of attention.


On the other note, when he supposed to be familiar, the rebel was feeling rather unpleasant with pair of judging eyes he got right now. It was different kind of attention, and it was too exaggerating for his liking. He got irritated while Sungmin, his blonde President, seemed oblivious due to his own paperworks.


The rebel’s face wrinkled and his eyes turned sharper when he heard few whispers passing through the air. Either Kyuhyun’s auditory was too good like a dog, or those people were stupid enough to let their voices audible. Kyuhyun voted for the second, because in his own opinion, amount of money was directly proportional with level of stupidity. In other words, rich people had a great tendency to be stupid.


Kyuhyun didn’t like those audible whispers of ‘no way’, ‘it was a mistake’, ‘I can’t believe he’s gay’, ‘Sungmin needed our help’, ‘maybe Sungmin is just experiencing’, ‘why must that barbarian?!’, ‘Sungmin deserved much better’. Their gibberish just increasingly proved Kyuhyun’s theory that rich people are mostly stupid.


Aren’t they had another things to do?

The rebel wondered inside while few whispers of ‘look at him, really a shame for our Sungmin’, ‘he didn’t even know how to sit properly, really a disgrace’ were still catched by his ears. Enough is enough, and Kyuhyun wanted to do something that would make them fuss and panicked.


The rebel was still thinking when suddenly Sungmin shifted a little, making himself more comfortable. Kyuhyun turned his head and found the blonde was still reading a paper while holding a sinful pen. Why it was sinful? Because the tip was pressed on the moist texture of Sungmin’s bottom lips. Owned the habit, Sungmin nibbled his pen lightly while his eyes were still focused on the paper.


Kyuhyun smirked. The rebel raised his body more upright and took the blonde’s pen away slowly. “Don’t do that.” Kyuhyun voiced, loud enough for everyone to hear. “You made me regret as a human.” He cupped Sungmin’s chin with his two fingers. “Now I wish to become a pen for the rest of my life.” Kyuhyun brushed his thumb over Sungmin’s lips gently.


After three seconds of silence, loud gasps and shrieks were filling the lobby area.

“No! No! Noo!”

“He can’t be serious!!”

“What did he done to our President!”

“That barbar!!”

A lot of noises were mixed, making incoherent sentences. The crowd got wild after the couple’s public display of interaction.


on that!

Cho Kyuhyun smirked. He was happy and satisfied. Just like he calculated, his action had successfully made all of these people went ballistic. Well, these rich people needed to be taught a little about life lesson. And life was such a drama afterall.


What the...

Contrast to the rebel, the blonde President was completely speechless. Cho Kyuhyun got him slightly agaped. It was a luck that the rebel was not doing anything further. Sungmin was anxious the rebel would kiss him on the lips afterwards. Thank god there was some sanity left in Kyuhyun’s brain.


“You polluted our beautiful lobby with that disgusting act of yours, Lee Sungmin.” A rather loud voice was heard, making other noises slowed down a little. “Hmph. It was a mistake afterall to have you as a President.” The same voice continued, this time, sounded deeper than before, and definetely insulting.


In a snap, both Kyuhyun and Sungmin glanced towards the owner of the voice who was walking slowly to their bench. A black-haired boy with sharp small eyes kept enough distance from the couple. He stood with his head held high, making a statement of arrogance. His wavy, messy-styled hair was in contrast with his neat attire.


“Good morning Jongwoon.” Sungmin greeted with his bright smile, making the slightly intense atmosphere became warmer.


“Tsk.” Jongwoon chuckled while inserted both of his hands in his trousers. “You are a disgrace example Lee. We cannot have a gay President here. It’s immoral and humiliation for our school.” His eyes were glared sharply towards the blonde. “You disappointed us, you. are. a shame.” Jongwoon made himself clear by stressing each words. His tone was full of contemptible sense.


Hearing those words made Kyuhyun clenched his fists and contracted his face. His anger was suddenly present and it clearly visible.

This -

The rebel was about to get up when suddenly he felt Sungmin’s palm wrapped over his clenched fist, keeping him in motion. Kyuhyun glanced upon Sungmin who rather looked calm and still smiling.


“How come having a lover turned me into a shame-disgusting-immoral kind of President that humiliating the whole school and making it into a devil's lawn?” Sungmin challenged with a confident tone, while putting his stuff back to his bag.


“You have a boy as a lover, and it’s sickening for us.” Jongwoon snapped back.


Sungmin setted his eyes directly at Jongwoon. He sighed and looked around his surroundings. He saw many eyes were looking at him. The president couldn’t guess what kind of emotion they had behind those eyes. Suddenly, his hand clasped tightly. The rebel’s hand that was inside his grip was moving the other way around, covered his hand this time.


Sungmin was being encouraged, and secured. He felt safe.

“Sickening? How come a wonderful emotion like love make you sick?” Sungmin smiled before continued. “Besides...I fall in love with a person, not a gender.” Sungmin said in a firm tone, yet it still gave a warm feeling to hear. Kyuhyun lifted their clasped hands. He completed Sungmin’s statement with a soft peck on Sungmin’s hand.


It got them speechless. Jongwoon, including the crowd around them, was at the frozen state. They all stunned. Sungmin’s words were like a blow that kept them silent, especially for Kim Jongwoon, the self-proclaimed rival of Lee Sungmin.


Several girls who were touched by Sungmin, were just smiling afterwards. Their dissapointment, with mostly Cho Kyuhyun, was forgotten. And an admiration respect substituted after.


Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin up from his seat and started to drag him away from the scene. The rebel deliberately raised their clasped hands, making sure everyone saw it, and intertwined their fingers securely. When the couple walked passed the stunned-still Jongwoon, Sungmin halted their steps, making the rebel also stopped by instinct.


“And Jongwoon, you underestimate all students here if you thought that I disappointed them with having a boyfriend.” Sungmin smiled. “I won the election because they trusted me with my capabilities. And it has nothing to do with my ual orientation. You’re definitely judging all students for having narrow-minded if you said I disapponted them.” Sungmin was looking around the crowd before continued. “I trust them for having an open-mind and they trusted me. It’s just as simple as that.” Sungmin bowed a little to the crowd before let himself being dragged by Kyuhyun.




*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

Sound effects of a camera was repeating over and over again, capturing valuable moments that happened at the School’s lobby. “Lee Sungmin, you’re really an eye-candy.” A skinny boy was clearly abusing his DSLR camera to picture the moments.


*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

“I will have a good issue this week.” He smiled widely from ear to ear, proudly showing his teeth and gums in the process.









a/n: Dear clouds, if it's make you feel better, I loooovvveee Yesung! (after Min of course). Trust me. If it don't make you feel better, then what can I say except...bear with it, he will get better eventually. Sorry if they haven't reach their session yet, they'll be there. Hope this one enjoyable :D

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I really miss this story T-T
Kpopandjrocklover567 #2
Chapter 52: Oh this is such a good story. I am really loving the KyuMin chemistry in this story. I wonder what Role Siwon will have in this story.
fetri89 #3
Chapter 52: This is killing me T_T
How am i supposed to wait for next chapter?

But i like the way your story spread the asdfghjkl emotional taste between kyumin. No, i ing love it!
When kangteuk started to make some annoyed apperance for the mother and son, i believed this wont be easy.
Still dunno what kind of conflict with Siwon's intervene. Too simple if its just a-love-triangle. Hahahahaha..
nigerna #4
Chapter 52: Something when in relationship that unsecure feeling always come....thanks for update
Chapter 52: Kyu y r u like that :< thank u for the update!!!! I was really shocked :o cant wait for the next chap <3
bubu137 #6
Chapter 52: yeaayyyy an update ^^

but awww kyuhyun's doubt ruined it all hope they'll get their sweet time soon..
can't wait for next chapter ~^^
zuttoo #7
Chapter 52: Owww my... Kyu hyung's insecurities... But im loving the angst. Kekeke.. Thanks for updating. You made my day!! ^_^
Chapter 52: I was just re-reading this last week and after reading your update, I realized I really missed their sweet and innocent interacting at the start. I hoped they'll end their quarrel soon. =(
melikesheenim #9
Chapter 52: Thanks for the lovely yet heartbreaking update! Forever loving this story!
LGamerZ #10
Chapter 52: omggggggt of course i'm still here and i'm even more cjzbfkzjczjofzbc with this end i cant wait for a next chapter ♡♡♡♡