The End

Pinky Promise

"And I present to you, the graduating class of 2011."

All of my college classmates started to cheer and I glanced over at Jonghyun who was sitting in the crowd and grinned widely. He cheered and hollered and smiled right back at me. With that, all the rest of the students dispersed from their seats and went to go greet their loved ones. I waved to and hugged some of my friends when I felt someone gently come up behind me and kiss me on the cheek. My friends winked and nudged each other and slowly backed away.


I smiled and turned around in Jonghyun's arms and hugged him, "I finally did it." I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I finally did it. I finally became a doctor and graduated, just like my mom wanted me to.

"I knew you would," Jonghyun pecked me on the cheek again.

"Hmm. There's no graduation gift?" I joked.

"I'm sorry, I had no time and my schedule was messed up. I transferred like 20 different planes from Germany to get to America to see you graduate and then I had to convince the manager hyungs again and bargain Key to go on the TV show instead of me and-"

I shut him up just by putting my arms around him and squeezing him, "I was joking. I'm just glad your here." Jonghyun sighed of relief and hugged me back. His hands went down my back and crept on my arm to hold my hand.

"Come on let's get out of here already, I want to take you somewhere." Jonghyun led me to his car. As we were driving away, I looked back to the university one last time. It's not like I wasn't going to see it again, it just felt like the school wasn't my school anymore. I had made my mark and left. I sorrowfully turned away and looked at his gorgeous face as he was driving.

I hadn't seen him since I left Korea again after I was done with the summer medical assignment. Sure enough, I graduated pretty quickly just like the professor said, only about 3 months later. This was the first time I didn't leave Korea in tears because of Jonghyun. Of course I missed him but I didn't cry because I knew that I would see him again soon. And this time,  he wasn't nearly upset as the past two times. On top of that, we webcammed and talked on the phone every single day except for the days he had rigorous filming.

We arrived about 20 minutes later at the airport.

"Where are w-" I started.

Jonghyun gently placed his lips on mine. I smiled. 3 months without this.

"I'm taking you back to Korea with me," Jonghyun grinned. I frowned back at him.

"Wait, what? But I have to find a job now and you can't just randomly take me away. I have all my clothes and stuff at-"

"-Your aunt's house?" Jonghyun finished for me, watching me panic with amused eyes. I nodded.

"Well...." Jonghyun started off slowly, "You said that after you graduated you wanted to work in Korea, right?"

I nodded again.

"So that's no problem... And trust me, your ready to leave America," Jonghyun chuckled. I cocked my head in confusion. Jonghyun just smiled and pointed to the back of his car. I looked at the backseat to see a bunch of my bags and suitcases. I opened one of them and all of my clothes were neatly folded in there.

"Thank your aunt," Jonghyun said.

"Are you seriously just going to take me like this?" I asked.

Jonghyun nodded, "Why, you don't want it?"

I shook my head, no, "No... I want it. I'm just surprised and..... really really happy."




When we arrived to Korea, Jonghyun had to put on his hoodie on again for disguise. It was about 9 in the night and we weren't tired at all because we had gotten 14 good hours of sleep on the airplane.

"Your hungry, right?" Jonghyun asked. I nodded and rubbed my grumbling stomach. Me and Jonghyun took a bus from the airport and passed by all the places we used to go together. We went up the huge hill that we walked up so many years ago and went down the other side, lined with beautiful cherry blossoms.

I leaned my head on Jonghyun's shoulder and he put his arm around me.

"Close your eyes," Jonghyun whispered, "And don't open them."

"Why?" I asked.

"Why do you ask so many questions? Do you not trust me?" Jonghyun asked sternly. I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt the bus stop and Jonghyun took my hand and led me out of the bus.

When we got to the secret destination, Jonghyun stood with his hands cupped over my eyes, "You can't look until I tell you okay?"

"Fine," I said. Jonghyun let go of me and I waited for his cue.

"Open," Jonghyun whispered.

I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times and then opened my mouth wide in surprise.

"Surprise!" Jonghyun and multiple others screamed. They blew little noise makersand popped confetti into the air. There was a huge banner that said "Congrats, Grad." All of B2ST and SHINee were there. Even Hyeyoung was there.

I couldn't control myself from smiling when everyone came to hug me. Hyeyoung held out a hand and said Congratulations. I shook it and smiled, "Thanks." We were all in ajhumma's ramen shop and I started to cry when I saw her holding a cake with her nimble hands.

"Ajhumma," I held in my tears as she set down the cake and wiped her hands on her apron. I ran to hug her and she smiled and pat my back.

"Hana honey," She wiped my tears away, "Congratulations. I knew that you- and Jonghyun would both do great things."

Kikwang then came up to me looking down a little and cleared his throat, "Hey Hana. Congratulations." He held out a boquet of flowers and another teddy bear that said 'I'm sorry.'

I just laughed and accepted it and hugged him. Everything was perfect now. Everything was how it was supposed to be. Everything was back to normal.

"Woot! Party!" Yoseob screamed. Everyone started to laugh. About 3 hours into the party, Jonghyun pulled me out suddenly.

"I want to show you something... Close your eyes," Jonghyun said.

"Again?" I laughed.

"Just do it," Jonghyun ordered. I did so and he held my hands and walked me somewhere. We walked about five minutes and he led me inside somwhere. There wasn't any noise anymore. Jonghyun stood behind me and cupped his warm hands over my eyes again.

When he let me see where I was, tears automatically filled my eyes. It was our resturaunt. Our Pine Tree Resturaunt except for fixed up and beautiful. The chairs were all renewed and the dust was swept off of the floor. The holes in the roof were fixed and it looked like a newly renovated resturaunt. But that wasn't what made me cry even more. Where we sat during our first date there were candles on the table shaped into a heart. Cheesy, yes, but the sweetest thing ever.

Jonghyun called my name, "Hana." I turned to face him with tears in my eyes and he walked towards me with a jar in his hands.

"Here," he said. I opened the jar and inside were soft pink cherry blossoms. I looked up at him with my hand cupped over my mouth when Jonghyun turned over the lid in my hand, revealing a message . It said:


Ten thousand cherry blossoms.

To my fated girl.

I won't ever let go. Pinky promise.




okay. this is the official end.

i mean, epic fail. -.- sorry ;; it really does seem like ch. 42 was the last chapter. heh. well this is it. this is the OFFICIAL final chapter. thanks so much you guys, i'm blessed to have you. altho i'm not doing a PP sequel right after this, i'll do it after my new fic.

pinky promise.


<3 한나. i love you guys.

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Chapter 44: I am glad they are together..... so i don't have to cry now like i did after completing The Person Who Once Loved Me.

A Happy Ending.... i loved it.
zettyez #2
Chapter 44: Last 20 chapters i cried a river! Beautifully written!
KokoroNoTakara #3
Chapter 44: OMG this was amazing!!! Thank you so much!!!
KokoroNoTakara #4
I cant wait to read this but alas I have to head to bed... This will be the first thing I read come morning...
Chapter 43: I beg for a special chapter, please! I want to read more <3
One of my favorites fanfic in AFF!!!! Great story!!! I love it!!!! Author-nim, can you make a sequel??? Or special chapter???
Chapter 44: Omg so cutteee!
You were pulling and pushing at my heartstrings there author-nim, but in the end everything was settled ^^
Chapter 44: Awwwww i wish i had a boyfriend like that but i really enjoyed reading your fanfic ^____^
Chapter 25: That's a weird way to break up with someone she didn't even have to guts to tell jonghyun herself -__-