Jeju Island trip Part 2~

First love

''WAAAAAA!!! YEPPU-DA!!'' The girls screamed when they walked out Jeju airport. But not only the girls were amused. Everyone, Boyfriends, Zin, Seok-hyun and Shinwoo were equally amused. Donghyun walked towards Yoora. ''Yoora-ah where are we going now? ''  Yoora took out a file with all the doctuments from her bag and gathered everyone.  '' Ok! The schedule of the day . First, we're going to check in the hotel , after that we'll meet at 2pm at the lobby. Then we'll go and have our lunch . Then some free time . At 7pm, we'll meet up for dinner then we'll end our day. Any questions?!''  

''Which hotel are we staying at?! '' Minwoo asked. '' Lotte Hotel!'' Yoora answered . '' What's the schedule tmr? '' Minzy asked. '' I'll announced our everyday schedule in the morning! So it'll be kind of a surprise!'' Yoora exclaimed. '' So.. how are we going to the hotel..?'' Jeongmin asked. '' They told me that there will be a car to fetch us..'' Yoora mummbled and looked around. A  limousine bus stopped infront of them and the driver alighted the bus and walked towards Yoora. ''Yoon Yoora-sshi?'' the ahjusshi asked. '' Neh.. '' Yoora replied. '' Im your driver for your next 3 days in Jeju. You can just call me ahjusshi.'' The driver introduced. ''Annyeong Haesaeyo, these are my friends..Minzy, ..........(introduced all of them to the driver.) '' Yoora said. '' Ne, Annyeong Hasaeyo. Do you guys need my help with your lagguages? '' The driver asked and all of them shook their head and carried their own lagguages on to the boot of the limo and went into the limo . 

Everyone was so amazed as this is their first time in a limo and thruought the whole 45 minutes journey from Jeju airport to their hotel. All of them alighted the limo and walked towards the lobby while Yoora went to the desk counter to check in and collect their keys. ''Im back with the keys!'' Yoora exclaimed . '' There's a total of 4 rooms, one of them is a deluxe room wihich can fit 4 person and 13 of us so there will be a room with 4 person . Minzy, Seohyun and EunJi , you three girls will take up a room , here's your key to room 1543 . Oppa, there's 6 of you go you guys can take up 2 room. '' Yoora said and handed them the keys. ''What about me?!'' Zin and Shinwoo both exclaimed at the same time. ''There's only one room for me and aegi....I guess .. you both have to share a room with me.....'' Yoora mummbled . '' Thats fine with me!'' Zin smiled .

 ''NO! THEY CAN'T STAY IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOU!'' Minwoo and Kwangmin said when they heard that the two creeps are sharing a room with Yoora and immidiately opposed. ''But..'' Yoora stopped. After awhile of quarreling , Donghyun decided to let Minwoo, Kwangmin, Zin and Shinwoo to play a game and the 2 winners will get to stay with Yoora. After a few rounds , Minwoo and Zin won they game and got to stay with Yoora and Seok hyun. After that, everyone went back to their rooms and unpack their stuffs. 

Room 1543 -  Minzy, Seohyun and EunJi
Room 1544 - Donghyun , Jeongmin , Shinwoo 
Room 1545- Jo twins and HyunSeong
Room 1546 - Yoora, Seok-hyun , Zin and Minwoo . 

''WAAAAAAA!!'' Yoora, Seok-hyun , Zin and Minwoo was so surprise that its a very beautiful room,with a balcony, a big bathroom , 2 king sized bed and 2 wardrobes. 3 of them explore around the room excitedly while Yoora unpack hers and Seok-hyun's stuffs. ''Omma!'' Seok-hyun shouted .''Wae-yo?'' Yoora shouted back unpacking her lagguage. ''I WANT TO BATHE!'' Seok-hyun shouted and pointed towards the bathtub. '' Seok-hyun ah! Do you want Minwoo appa to bathe with you?! '' Minwoo exclaimed. Seok-hyun nodded his head. '' Yoora-ah! I'll bathe Seok-hyun for you! OKAY?!'' Minwoo asked Yoora. '' Ouh? Its ok Minwoo oppa, i'll bathe Seokhyun. '' Yoora replied. '' Ya.. Im his dad too right...'' Minwoo pouted.  ''Arasso. Komawo Ae-gi appa (Baby's father) '' Yoora teased and handed towels and their clothes to Minwoo . '' KA-JA! (Lets go!) '' Minwoo yelled and ran into the toilet with Seokhyun excitedly and closed the toilet door. 

 '' Where are we having lunch at? '' Zin asked as he walked to the bed beside Yoora's and sat there to unpack his stuffs. '' 10 minutes walk to the seafood restuarant for lunch..'' Yoora replied coldly unpacking her stuffs. '' Oh.. What are we going to do during the free time..?'' Zin asked again . '' Its free time ... You can go anywhere...'' Yoora stared at Zin as if he's dumb. '' But.. This is my first time in Jeju.. What if i got lost.? '' Zin said. '' Too bad...'' Yoora teased and pouted at Zin sarcastically . ''Then..where are you going during the free time!?'' Zin asked. '' Youngmin oppa says he's bringing me to the beach..'' Yoora answered. ''ONLY HIM!?'' Zin exclaimed. ''No Duh... And the rest of Boyfriends. We're going together with Seok-hyun.'' Yoora replied. ''Can i go too!?'' Zin asked shamelessly. ''No. You.. can't.. '' Yoora said and glared at Zin . ''But.. Im alone!..'' Zin argued.

'' Go somewhere with Shinwoo oppa or Minzy and the rest.. They told me that they have plans. I'll help you tell them you're following them! '' Yoora exclaimed . She picked up the hotel phone and called Eunji's room and told them that Zin will be following them after lunch . ''Now.. You have plans after lunch! Which is going to explore around the hotel and everywhere near the hotel! '' Yoora smiled at Zin while he goes speechless and continued packing his bag. Yoora hung up all her clothes, Seok-hyun's clothes and even help Minwoo upacked his lagguage. ''Why are you helping Minwoo to unpacked his stuffs?!'' Zin exclaimed. '' He's bathing for Seok-hyun ..thats the least i could do for him right.. Whats wrong?'' Yoora replied. 

'' We're done bathing!'' Seokhyun ran out of the toilet and Minwoo followed out.  ''Oppa, i've unpacked your stuffs for you. You guys can rest awhile . Im going to bathe. '' Yoora told Minwoo and went to bathe. '' Appa.. Im tired..'' Seok-hyun pouted at Minwoo. Minwoo carried Seokhyun up and put him on a bed. ''Sleep awhile ok? Appa will wake you up when its time for lunch. '' Minwoo said to Seok-hyun and tugged him into bed. ''Why are you treating the kid so good? He's not even yours..'' Zin said to Minwoo. '' What's your problem now? '' Minwoo glared. ''You like Yoora right? Thats why you'r treating her ''son'' so good..right..?'' Zin smirked. ''Ah...A...Aniyo.. Who says i like Yoora?!" Minwoo stuttered. ''Jinjia? You dont like Yoora?'' Zin asked again . ''Neh.. I dont like her..'' Minwoo mumbled. '' Great.. One less competition. '' Zin replied and lied on the bed.

 '' Mwo?! YOU LIKE YOORA!?'' Minwoo turned to Zin and pulled Zin up from the bed by his collar. ''Ne! You have a problem with that?!'' Zin pushed Minwoo's hands away . ''OF COURSE! A VERY BIG PROBLEM! YOU CAN'T LIKE YOORA!'' Minwoo scolded.'' Wae?! She's not anyone's . I have the choice to like her!'' Zin argued. '' NO YOU DON'T! You can't like her! '' Minwoo yelled.  '' WAE?! YOU SAID YOU DON'T LIKE HER RIGHT?! Even if you do! I'll still like her!'' Zin shouted. '' I LIKE YOORA! YOU CAN'T LIKE HER UNDERSTAND?!'' Minwoo shouted.'' What are you guys shouting about?''  Yoora walked out of the toilet . Minwoo ran to Yoora and said '' Dont go close to that guys. He's a creep!'' Minwoo told Yoora. Zin shaked his head in disbelief and lied back to his bed. 


Annyeong readers! Im sorry for not updating for a long time. Im really very busy recently and will be busy still . My exams are over but im still having more exams coming up so updating will be only when im free. So im really sorry if you guys gotta wait for very long for my next update. This chapter is a little crappy cause my brain is kinda clogged up right now and can't really continue. I'll try my best to update more if i can alright!~ ♥

@steph_ly0013 : Aww.. Thanks for loving my stories! I'll try to update as much as i cant alright! Thank you for supporting !~♥

@Iloveminwoo- : Kekeke.. Its a Boyfriend fanfic. So most probably, Yoora wouldnt end up with Zin . But who knows.. Cause me myself doesnt know the ending~ . It'll see how the stroy flows~ Thanks for enjoying my fanfic!~ ♥

@fren123 : Awww! Thats so sweet of you ! Im busy too recently...So not much update will be updated.. :( HAHAHA! Everyone's liking Zin and Yoora together!! I like Zin alot cause he's really ...My type..? HAHAHAHAHA! Anyw, X-5's in my country like right now cause they're coming for a concert i can't attend :( Hope your college is going good so far! Take care!~♥


*Im in a good mood today, so i might write another chapter when im back from my dinner!~ *



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steph_ly0013 #1
Please let yoora end up with zin :) theyre so sweet together. and plus love your update :)
Aika0330 #2
eeyyy i kinda really want her to end up with zin.. >.<
both of they.. I want you tell about them equal.. can you? i'm so loving this fanfic!
awww my~!!<br />
totaly wanna know what happens next~!
Aika0330 #5
wahhh~ why did she have to leave? that's so sad :'C but anyways, please update soon! I love your fanfic! <3
ghiseop #6
wieeeee.! finally an update.! ^^
update soon~~
where next part??
emiliehtelost #9
as;dlfaks;dflkasdjf Dongjun is one of my ZE:A loves~ <br />
Just eek >u< *happy dances* ... Anyway, I can't wait for more DongJun<br />
(Watch Out is too cute! Did you see the comeback stage? It's adorable ~(///u///)~ Gahhh~!)
SungHyoBin #10
'' Zin oppa...? '' Yoora replied. i hope she likes him