
First love

The van was silent except for Yoora's crying sound. Yoora who was sitting at the last row with Minwoo and JeongMin beside.The second row was Jo twins and HyunSeong while Donghyun is at the front sit. Yoora was facing the window tearing . Minwoo and the rest keep turning to Yoora to check if she's okay. ''Yoora-ah.. neo gwaen-chanh-na? ( Are you okay?) '' Youngmin turned back and looked at Yoora. Yoora just put her thumbs up and wiped her tears away but the tears just kept rolling down . 

''What happened? Why are you crying?'' Minwoo whispered to Yoora. ''Nothing..'' Yoora replied softly. '' Ddi Shinwoo done something that made you sad?..'' Minwoo whispered to Yoora. Hearing Shinwoo's name, Yoora started crying again and turned to Minwoo's shoulders and cried real hard. ''Na-ppeun-nom..'' Yoora cried and hit Minwoo's legs softly. Minwoo stopped Yoora by holding her hands and continue letting Yoora cry on his shoulders saying ''gwaen-chanh-na.. You have us, Donghyun hyung, HyungSeong hyung, JeongMin hyung, YoungMin hyung, Kwangmin and Me by your side. Ul-ji-ma (dont cry) . '' Minwoo Whispered to Yoora.

After awhile, it went silent. Not even Yoora's crying sound was heard. Everyone turned back to look. '' Why isn't she moving..?'' HyunSeong whispered . '' Molla..'' Minwoo mouthed. Kwangmin stretched his body to reach for Yoora's hair which was covering Yoora's face and pushed is softly to the back of her ears. Yoora's eyes suddenly opened and stared at Kwangmin. Kwangmin was taken aback and slowly, a smile appeared on Yoora's face. '' Yoora-ah, Non-ul-sul teh che-yae-por  (You'r the prettiest when you smile)..''  ''Komawo..'' Yoora sit up and said.  ''Oppa.. what do you guys wanna have for dinner today?'' Yoora asked. '' Does anyone have a food in mind? '' Donghyun questioned. 

'' BBQ! ''  Everyone shouted. ''OKAY! BBQ THEN!'' Donghyun agreed and everyone cheered. '' Oppa! I know there's a bbq shop near the company ! How about there?!'' Yoora exclaimed. '' Yoora-sshi, when its about food you seem so energetic eh?'' Jeongmin teased. ''Dang-yang-ha-ji! (Of course) . I'm hungry! '' Yoora chuckled. Yoora's phone suddenly rang , '' AH! Unnie-yi-da! (its my sister) '' and she picked up the phone . After a short conversation , Yoora hung the phone. She quickly search her keys in her bag looking worried . ''Mwo geul-reo-ge geog-jeong?  What are you worrying about? '' Minwoo asked. ''Tonight my sister is bringing Seok-hyun to stayover at Hyorin unnie's place so no one will be at home. But.. I forgotten to bring my keys out.... Can i sleep over at the practice room? I promise i wouldnt tell anyone!'' Yoora pleaded.

''O-tto-ke? We're going back to our dorms to sleep tonight ..''  Donghyun said. '' I can sleep alone in the practice room. I'm totally fine with it!" Yoora pleaded. ''Let me think about it , i'll tell you after our dinner alright?'' Donghyun replied. Yoora nodded her head and after a 2 hours ride, they reached the bbq shop . '' THIS IS THE PLACE!'' Yoora shouted in the van pointing out the window. The van stopped and Kwangmin opened the door, one by one they came out from the van. When it's Yoora's turn , Kwangmin stretched out his hands to help Yoora down , Yoora held Kwangmin's hands and jumped down the van . '' Aigo! Yoora-ah you'r 16 not 6. '' Kwangmin teased. Yoora did a mehrong and ran into the shop while Kwangmin close the door. 

They quickly get a seat and order the food. After eating for about 1 hours, its already 7.30pm. ''' Donghyun hyung, so are you going to allow Yoora to sleep in the practice room today?'' Minwoo said chewing his food.  '' Why don't she sleep with us today?'' Jeongmin proposed the idea and chewed his food. '' MWO!?'' The maknae line looked at Jeongmin shockedly. '' YA! I mean she can sleep in our dorm with us. Stop thinking those weird THINGS! YA! You guys are under 19! '' Jeongmin raised his voice and hit the maknae line on their heads. '' COOL! '' Donghyun agreed. ''Anyone opposed to this idea?'' Donghyun continue. '' OB-SEO-YO!'' Everyone replied. '' YAY SLEEPOVER!'' Jo twins yelled. Yoora smiled and continue eating her food.  Its around 8pm when they finished their dinner. 

After paying the bills the 7 of them walked together back to their dorm. HyungSeong opened the door to their dorm and everyone ran in. ''JA-JJANG! This is our dorm!'' The maknae line yelled. '' Waa.. Ge-ket-ta! (its clean) Do you guys clean the dorm yourself?'' Yoora asked. '' Ani.. We have part time helper..'' Jeongmin answered. ''AHH...'' Yoora replied. ''Yoora did you bring an extra uniform for school tmr? '' HyunSeong asked. '' AH! Ob-nen-dey! (No i didnt!) O-tto-ke?!'' Yoora panicked. ''Hyung, i rmb there's a female student who studies at the same school with us. She just live beside our house.'' Youngmin said.'' YA! I RMB! I think i saw her just now  in school.. But i cant rmb her name. '' Kwangmin added. ''Great! Yoora-ah! Why dont you ask her to lent you one set of her uniform!? '' HyunSeong said. ''Jeongmal..? Ok! Jeongmin oppa! You'll accompany me there right?'' Yoora turned to Jeongmin and looked at him with her puppy eyes. ''Arasso..'' Jeongmin nodded his head. Everyone then seperated to wash up and stuffs while Yoora and Jeongmin leave to their neighbour's place.

Jeongmin rang the doorbell. ''Oppa! How bout you ask the girl?! The chances she would lent it to you will be higher if you just give an excuse! I'll be over here hiding!'' Yoora ran away and hide behind the wall. ''Nu-gu sae-yo?'' A girl opened the door. ''AH! You'r my classmate! ? '' Jeongmin exclaimed. '' Neh..Can i help you ? '' The girl asked. '' Its abit embarrassing to ask.. but .. do you have an extra set of school uniform..?'' Jeongmin asked shyly. The girl looked at Jeongmin shockly and asked him why do he need an extra set of girl's uniform . Jeongmin told her that his friend need it and the girl when back to her room to take the clothes and asked Jeongmin to wait outside. After awhile , the girl opened the door and handed the clothes over to Jeongmin .'' I'll give you back after i wash it alright. How about you give me your number so i'll call you when i sent your clothes over? '' Jeongmin asked. The girl wrote her number and name down then closed the door. Jeongmin walked towards Yoora '' Your clothes!'' Jeongmin gave it to Yoora.

''There's piece of paper which has the girl's name and number on it, after you wash it give it back to her yourself. Its so embarrassing you didnt saw how that girl looked at me. And that girl is from my class.. '' Jeongmin said. ''Jeongmal..?'' Yoora said. They walked back into their dorm and Yoora place the set of uniform on the table and sat on the sofa. She reached out the the piece of paper and read '' 011- 82-31-1458-144(5) Why does this number look so farmiliar..? '' Yoora thought out loud. She continued looking and yelled '' JIN HYEWON!?'' . 


Annyeong readers! Another update today cause i dont have any papers tmr!~ I might or might not update tmr depends on wherethe i finished revising my books.~ Hope you guys like this chapter full of boyfriends cause i figured out i've been writting too much on the other groups neglecting boyfriend so. YEA..~ 

@theonlyonefate :  Yea.. I was actually considering Girls day but i still prefer 5 dolls so yea..~Komawo for commenting! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!♥

@crystal_chong : ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you like today's chapter!~ Enjoy!~ ♥

@marcheng : ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ! ~ ♥ Did you enjoy today's chapter?! Full of Boyfriends! ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ♥


I lost like 3 subscribers after i posted Block B, Infinite and 5 dolls. You guys dont like them? Or you guys dont like the story line? Comment me about it alright!~ ♥



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steph_ly0013 #1
Please let yoora end up with zin :) theyre so sweet together. and plus love your update :)
Aika0330 #2
eeyyy i kinda really want her to end up with zin.. >.<
both of they.. I want you tell about them equal.. can you? i'm so loving this fanfic!
awww my~!!<br />
totaly wanna know what happens next~!
Aika0330 #5
wahhh~ why did she have to leave? that's so sad :'C but anyways, please update soon! I love your fanfic! <3
ghiseop #6
wieeeee.! finally an update.! ^^
update soon~~
where next part??
emiliehtelost #9
as;dlfaks;dflkasdjf Dongjun is one of my ZE:A loves~ <br />
Just eek >u< *happy dances* ... Anyway, I can't wait for more DongJun<br />
(Watch Out is too cute! Did you see the comeback stage? It's adorable ~(///u///)~ Gahhh~!)
SungHyoBin #10
'' Zin oppa...? '' Yoora replied. i hope she likes him