I Remember

I Remember

[POV: Daehyun]


I noticed quickly by her behavior that she was not herself. Once she pulled her hand away from a kiss, I knew for sure something was up.

"_____, what's wrong? Tell me!" I demand, becoming frustrated.

Then I see tears falling down your face, my heart sinks in response. I barely hear her whispers.

Did I just make my baby cry?

I try to call out to her again but she runs out the door without taking another look at my face.


My band members come in with apologetic looks on their faces.

"Dae," Bang begins, "We wanted to tell you but-"

"Tell me what!?" I snap, "Tell me that my girlfriend doesn't want to look or even talk to me!? Well you damn right should've!"

I see through my tearing eyes, the members shocked looks. I see Zelo's face sadden at my words.

I begin to feel regret for yelling but have no intention of apologizing.

"Hyung," Youngjae whispers, "It's not Bang's fault, it's not ours, it's not her's."

I look at him in confusion, nodding for him to continue.

"Hyung," Youngjae whispers, "____, she's suffering from memory loss. It's Amnesia."

My heart slams against my rib cage, I feel my chest aching with sudden pain. My breathing begins to quicken as my tears begin to flow.

I shakily ask, "Temporarily right? Oh god, please tell me it's not-"

Zelo cuts in, "Hyung, they don't know yet. There's no signs that say that it's coming back yet."

I look down into my shaking hands and watch my tears fall onto my bed sheets.


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mrsbangllyann #1
Omg author-nim...I can't believe this...I finally found u after more than 1 year...I have been searching for u for the past year....thank goodness..let me introduce myself properly to u author-nim...I was one of the passionate reader of this story back when u posted it in Facebook....I basically commented in every freaking chapters when this story was in Facebook...before I could finish ready the whole story...u went missing just like that...since then I started to hunt down this awesome story and finally did it today.....after more than one year had pass at the time of 2:25 a.m this morning...just wanted to say im a big fan of your writing and imaginative skills...love u athor-nim
From:a long lost reader
RangerDita #2
Chapter 43: ahhh.. why did wrote thid sad chappie authornim??
poor of her. . TT______TT
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: what happen with dae??
thanks for update author
Chapter 40: I lovers it very much haha~<3
Great job