I Remember

I Remember


It's been a couple of weeks since that memorable weekend with your boyfriend. He now goes over with Bang every couple of nights to spend quality time with you and Emily. This makes you feel extremely happy; you love seeing Daehyun, no matter when it is.


Tonight is different though, while Bang and Emily are going to be at your home, you and Daehyun are going to stay at his dorm. The rest of the members are going out to party, meaning that the dorm will be all to the two of you.

Emily drives you to the dorm and picks Bang up. You wave your goodbyes to them as you walk into B.A.P's dorm. It is extremely clean, and overall very neat. You smell the amazing scent of kimchi coming from the kitchen. You walk in, finding Daehyun wearing an adorable Matoki apron.

"Hey you," he kisses your cheek, "I hope that you're hungry."

You nod, "I didn't eat yet, do you need help to make it?"

He points over to the rice maker, "Actually, I just realized that I didn't start making the rice yet... Aish, could you do that for me?"

"Yeah, sure," you head over and begin to wash the grains of rice.

"Make it really yummy, ___," Daehyun comments as he peeks over your shoulder at the sink.

You kiss his cheek. "Of course I'll make it yummy," you flutter your eye lashes flirtatiously.

He bites his lip and quickly grabs your waist. "Your ridiculously y, did you know that?" he breathes heavily.

You blush and bend your head over to kiss his exposed neck.

He smirks and pulls you in for a deep kiss.

You kiss him back passionately, trying hard to dry your hands with a nearby towel in the process. Once your hands were dry, you hold his face and pull him in closer. You onto his upper lip rhythmically.

As he walks you out of the kitchen, your feet slips under the wooden floor. You give out a small squeal before falling back, Daehyun catches you midair.

He chuckles softly, "Alright, I think that we should at least finish cooking first."

You bite your lip and nod, you quickly go over to finish washing the rice.


****Note from the author: Please, if you're under age, don't read until you see {****} again. It's a scene and I don't want to screw up your innocent minds:)


Once you start the rice maker, Daehyun grabs you to continue with the kiss. His suddenness surprises you a bit, but you love it. He carefully walks you over to the couch, where he continues to plant kisses on you. You decide to surprise him a bit by climbing on top; he lays on the couch and you sit on top of him, gently nibbling on his neck. He softly moans, you feel him becoming ually aroused. You continue tormenting him with your lips.

You feel him gently holding your thighs and playing with the waistline of your sweats. You encourage him to pull them down and you do the favor of kicking them off onto the floor next to you. He eagerly rubs your bare thighs, going closer to your center every time. You can't hold yourself anymore and pull his hands up to your center, letting him feel you as much as he likes.You help him take off his shirt, exposing his perfect abs and you happily rub his chest with your cold, bare hands. He moans but you cut him off with another kiss.

He suddenly breathes into your mouth, "My bed's over there," he motions over to the other room. You nod and get up, and he carries you over. You continue to wrap your arms around his neck and refuse to withdraw your lips.

"Aish, you're ridiculous," he smiles at you.

"That's why you love me, Oppa," you breathe. You know how insane it drives him when you call him that.

Laying on top of you, on his bed, he continues to plant kisses on your face. You play with his belt and his jeans.


"Wait," he stops midway, "I don't want to something you'd regret."

You shake your head, "You're fine, Oppa. I want to continue."

You see him bite his lip in thought, fighting his hormones, "I don't want to force you into this."

"Oppa," you whisper, "I want to do this." You continue to pull down his jeans and he gives in, helping you in the process.

"Bang has condoms," he whispers as he begins to get up, "I found them in his room the other day, he keeps them for emergencies."

You nod as you watch him leave the room to grab some. As you wait for him, you quickly pull off your top. Daehyun cusses softly at the sight of you, trying to control himself greatly.

"If it..." Daehyun mutters as he takes out a , "If you want to stop, you have to tell me."

You roll your eyes playfully, "Oppa, it's fine."

"No, I'm serious, ____," he concerns.

"Okay, Oppa. I'll tell you if I want to stop."

He begins kissing you again, your hormones scream out once more. You kiss him back and part his mouth with the tip of your tongue. You stick your tongue into his mouth and find his tongue to play. Your tongues fight together, pressing against each other hungrily.

"Okay," he whispers, "I'm going to do it now."

You nod and allow him to continue. You throw your onto the floor beside you.

"If it hurts..." Daehyun whispers again.

"Oppa, just do it."

He nods and slowly pushes himself into you. You feel sudden pain but bite your lip to hold it in.

Daehyun frowns, "It hurts, doesn't it? I should just..."

You shake your head, "Oppa, it's supposed to hurt at first."

He bites his lip and continues, he slowly rocks his hips into yours, keeping his eyes on you with every movement.

You begin to feel pleasure and softly moan, "Daehyun..."

He stops midway, "You're okay, right?"

You nod and smile, "It feels really good..."

He kisses your forehead, "I'm glad to hear that."


****Note from the author: Okay, under aged children, you are free to read on:)


As Daehyun goes over to finish washing up for the night, you find a t-shirt of his and put it on. This t-shirt is bigger than the one a couple of weeks ago and hangs down to your thighs, covering your bottom pretty well.

He walks in with his boxers on, smiling to find you wearing his shirt, "You must love stealing your boyfriend's shirts," he comments as he heads over to his bed.

You shrug, "They smell like you so I like it even more." You walk over to pick up your and begin to put them on.

"Yah!" Daehyun protests, "You only need my shirt!"

"You're wearing boxers-"

"That's different."

You give off a sly smile but continue to put on your and crawl into bed next to him. He wraps you close to his bare chest as he covers you with the blankets, he sighs happily.

You turn over to view his face, you touch his jaw line gingerly. You kiss his lips one more time, "I love you."

He smiles brightly, "I love you too."

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mrsbangllyann #1
Omg author-nim...I can't believe this...I finally found u after more than 1 year...I have been searching for u for the past year....thank goodness..let me introduce myself properly to u author-nim...I was one of the passionate reader of this story back when u posted it in Facebook....I basically commented in every freaking chapters when this story was in Facebook...before I could finish ready the whole story...u went missing just like that...since then I started to hunt down this awesome story and finally did it today.....after more than one year had pass at the time of 2:25 a.m this morning...just wanted to say im a big fan of your writing and imaginative skills...love u athor-nim
From:a long lost reader
RangerDita #2
Chapter 43: ahhh.. why did wrote thid sad chappie authornim??
poor of her. . TT______TT
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: what happen with dae??
thanks for update author
Chapter 40: I lovers it very much haha~<3
Great job