I Remember

I Remember


The location of the party is a fancy restaurant that holds a karaoke bar and a large dance floor. A DJ was even hired for the evening. TS Entertainment had agreed beforehand that this party would be completely private and the restaurant was completely reserved for the evening. The only ones that will be present are B.A.P, Secret, you and Emily, and the some TS ENT employees. 

As you enter, you admire the glass lightnings and the decorated tables. On the top, there is a banner, written in bold is "Welcome Back, Jung Daehyun !"

You see Daehyun smiling brightly at the setting, you feel his smile warming the place up.

The members, one by one, come to congratulate Daehyun on his discharge. Daehyun smiles and sincerely thanks each and every one of them.


Emily comes a bit late, dressed in a fashionable blue dress. She gives you her signature hug.

"You look beautiful, Em!" you brightly compliment.

She smiles brighter than ever, "Awwh, thank you ___! You look beautiful yourself!"

"Thanks," you smirk happily.

"Come, let's dance," she hurriedly drags you onto the dance floor and signals the DJ, he nods.

After School's Flashback, which drives Emily insane as she begins dancing the choreography. You laugh and join her.


After a couple of songs, Zelo and Jongup decide to steal the dance floor and begin to free style amazingly. Everyone cheers them on. The DJ knowingly plays "No Mercy", your favorite B.A.P song yet. The guys all jump onto the dance floor and dance, you and Emily happily join them.

During the famous crotch grab, Channie steals all stage with his, "Baby wussup", causing everyone to laugh at his charisma. He will always be the most charismatic of the group.

Hours slip by through endless dancing, which is enjoyed by all of you.


When the waiters begin to come out with the meals, everyone hurries to sit, waiting to settle their hunger.

Daehyun gladly sits next to you and holds your hand underneath the table, you bite your lip and hold his hand back tighter. Emily takes the seat the other side of you, with Bang next to her. You see her and Bang peck a quick kiss as they sit. Embarrassed, you turn away. I didn't see anything, you tell yourself over and over. Looking around, it appears that no one but you has witnessed it.


Zelo stabs his meal hungrily but is scolded by Youngjae, "Yah! We have to toast first, dummy!" Zelo drops his fork and pouts.

The wine glasses get distributed quickly, everyone but Jongup and Zelo pour in red wine.

Youngjae stands, waiting for silence.

"Everyone," he begins, "As we all know, we are all gathered here to celebrate Daehyun's discharge from the hospital."

Respectfully, everyone claps.

Youngjae continues, "Hyung," he motions to Daehyun, "We all are glad to know that you're back."

Daehyun smiles, "I'm glad too."

You squeeze his hand a bit tighter and smile.

Youngjae nods, "So everyone, cheers for Daehyun!"

"Cheers!" Everyone clinks their glasses.


You're one of the last ones at the table, everyone has already finished eating and begun to dance again. You feel a familiar arm come around your waist. You bite your lip and smile at Daehyun.

He smirks, "Yah! I said to stop biting your lip."

"Too bad," you play and continue biting.

He resists, "Come on, join me on the dance floor."

You begin to protest.

"I don't care," he insists, "Just come and dance. One dance with me, that's all I'm asking."

You hesitant but follow him to the dance floor.


You want to stab the DJ because the moment you and Daehyun arrive at the dance floor, the song changes to piano, romance written all over it.

Daehyun smirks at your disapproval. "I asked him to play this," he whispers into your ear.

You stick your tongue out at him.

He chuckles and grabs your waist, together you rock slowly to one side and another. The song becomes louder and you now recognize it.

It's I Remember by Bang and Yoseob. The song that Daehyun once covered.

Your favorite song.

Daehyun smiles, "I know you don't remember," he pulls you in tighter, "But we danced to this song, just like this before."

You blush, "I really like this song."

"I know you do," he huskily whispers.

You look up into his two perfect eyes and smile.

He puts a strand of your hair behind your ear, "I love you," he breathes.

You turn red and look away, avoiding eye contact, "How many times have you told me that?" you bite your lip.

"Not enough," he simply replies and pulls you in even closer.

He tilts your chin up and stares at you.

"What?" you mouth, a smile twitching at the corners of your mouth.

"You know what."

You continue to play, "Maybe I don't."

He smirks, "I'm not giving up until you do so."

"Ah, fine," you playfully roll your eyes before reaching up to kiss his lips.


You all of a sudden hear guys howling and girls awwwhing. You pull away in embarrassment. You had completely forgot that you two are being watched.


You sneak a peek at Daehyun and see him smiling at you.

You smile back.

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mrsbangllyann #1
Omg author-nim...I can't believe this...I finally found u after more than 1 year...I have been searching for u for the past year....thank goodness..let me introduce myself properly to u author-nim...I was one of the passionate reader of this story back when u posted it in Facebook....I basically commented in every freaking chapters when this story was in Facebook...before I could finish ready the whole story...u went missing just like that...since then I started to hunt down this awesome story and finally did it today.....after more than one year had pass at the time of 2:25 a.m this morning...just wanted to say im a big fan of your writing and imaginative skills...love u athor-nim
From:a long lost reader
RangerDita #2
Chapter 43: ahhh.. why did wrote thid sad chappie authornim??
poor of her. . TT______TT
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: what happen with dae??
thanks for update author
Chapter 40: I lovers it very much haha~<3
Great job