I Remember

I Remember


He promises to come get you at seven, meaning that dinner will be with him.

"Emily," you call out to your friend, "Tell Bang to come over, I feel terrible for leaving you alone for dinner."

She smiles, "Oh, actually, I'm going over to his place later. Thanks for thinking about me though."

This time, it's your turn to smirk at her.

"Ooh," you sing, "Someone's going to be naughty tonight?"

Her face turns red, she covers her face in embarrassment, "No! I'm just going over for dinner. I'll be back."


Your curiosity about her and Bang now gets to you, you can't help yourself from asking.

"By the way," you start off, "Can I ask something?"

She looks at your oddly, "Yeah, anything, what's up?"

You turn away, "Umm.. are you and Bang going out or something.." your voice trails off.

You suddenly hear her laughing again, shocked, you look at you.

"Oh yeah," she realizes as she recovers from her laugh, "You don't remember."

You nod as you bite your lip.

"Bang and I started going out a couple of months ago," she winks, "The guys all know."

You continue to bite your lip, not knowing how to respond.

"___, it's not a big deal that you're asking, I don't mind." Emily reassures you with a smile.

You blush, "It just seems like it's all so secretive, that's why."

Emily shakes her head, "We just shy away a lot, that's all. We love each other but you know, it's still embarrassing to do some things with people watching."

Now you completely understand what she means.

"Of course," Emily searches through her phone, "We're nothing like you and Dae. You two have a longer history together and are so adorable together."

You blush.

"And you two aren't afraid of doing stuff out in the open," she continues.

"What do you mean?"

"This," she smiles as she shows you her phone screen.

You blush as you see it, it's a picture from last night, the moment where you kissed Daehyun on the dance floor.

"It's really adorable," Emily compliments, "I sent the picture to Daehyun and it seemed like he loved it just as much as I did. I swear, I should be a photographer, this picture is priceless."

You bite your lip, "What did he say when he got the picture?"

Emily turns to you and smiles brightly as she answers, "He said, 'That's my girl'."

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mrsbangllyann #1
Omg author-nim...I can't believe this...I finally found u after more than 1 year...I have been searching for u for the past year....thank goodness..let me introduce myself properly to u author-nim...I was one of the passionate reader of this story back when u posted it in Facebook....I basically commented in every freaking chapters when this story was in Facebook...before I could finish ready the whole story...u went missing just like that...since then I started to hunt down this awesome story and finally did it today.....after more than one year had pass at the time of 2:25 a.m this morning...just wanted to say im a big fan of your writing and imaginative skills...love u athor-nim
From:a long lost reader
RangerDita #2
Chapter 43: ahhh.. why did wrote thid sad chappie authornim??
poor of her. . TT______TT
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: what happen with dae??
thanks for update author
Chapter 40: I lovers it very much haha~<3
Great job