I Remember

I Remember


It has been almost two weeks since that horrific incident with Daehyun. You haven't seen him since that day and had no intention of seeing him anytime soon.

You pace back and forth hastily today though, you ramble through your closet and continuously test out your make-up to double check if fuchsia and white are really a good color mix.

Today is the day that Daehyun's going to be officially released from the hospital.

You would expect his hyungs to throw a gigantic celebration party for him tonight but they're holding off for tomorrow because apparently Daehyun requested to take you out on a date tonight instead.

"Aish!" You yell at yourself in the mirror, "I basically blew him off and everything yet he still wants to give me another chance?"


With the help of Emily's super skills in fashion, within an hour, you are dressed in a lilac mini-dress with your hair up in a messy, yet perfect bun. Your eyes were outlined carefully with makeup and your lips were light pink, making it hardly seem like there's any lipstick on to begin with.

You look at yourself in the mirror in approval, "Emily, you're the best," you give her two thumbs up.

She begins cheerfully dancing, "Of course! That's what friends are for!" She gives you a small hug before heading for the door, "Bang and I are going out with the guys to prepare for the party tomorrow, you two have fun!" she smiles, "Oh and Dae said that he'll be dropped off here in an hour!" She winks at you 'Good Luck!' before closing the door behind her.

You sigh, Ah, I guess that I just need to kill an hour now.

You run over downstairs and flip the TV on. Emily tells you that your favorite drama is Secret Garden but what is that you hardly remember any of it. You've been re-watching the episodes and truthfully, you're enjoying every bit of it.

You play an episode and start watching, you enjoy the episode by yourself until your exhaustion conquers you and you fall asleep on the couch.

You wake up to the sound of the front door opening, you jump out from your sleep, quickly attempting to fix yourself.

Daehyun appears at the entrance to the room with a bouquet of flowers behind him, he gives off a cheesy smile and tries his best to ignore the awkwardness.

"Were you sleeping?" he immediately asks.

You quickly grab a mirror to check if your makeup is so bad that it is obvious.

"No," he laughs, "your eyes always look like that when you wake up so I could tell. You look beautiful, don't worry."

You slowly put the hand mirror down and nod, Wake up? He's seen me wake up before? Oh please don't tell me that we have one of those ual relationships.

As your mind is scrambling with thoughts, Daehyun hands the flowers to you, you notice that they're beautiful carnations."Oh my.. Thank you." you smile as you accept them.

"Your mom has always told me that you think that carnations are prettier than roses." Daehyun smiles.

You feel touched and smile, "Well, I do, so thank you." you thank.

Maybe this date won't be so bad after all.

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mrsbangllyann #1
Omg author-nim...I can't believe this...I finally found u after more than 1 year...I have been searching for u for the past year....thank goodness..let me introduce myself properly to u author-nim...I was one of the passionate reader of this story back when u posted it in Facebook....I basically commented in every freaking chapters when this story was in Facebook...before I could finish ready the whole story...u went missing just like that...since then I started to hunt down this awesome story and finally did it today.....after more than one year had pass at the time of 2:25 a.m this morning...just wanted to say im a big fan of your writing and imaginative skills...love u athor-nim
From:a long lost reader
RangerDita #2
Chapter 43: ahhh.. why did wrote thid sad chappie authornim??
poor of her. . TT______TT
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: what happen with dae??
thanks for update author
Chapter 40: I lovers it very much haha~<3
Great job