I Remember

I Remember


You enter Daehyun's car with a small smile. He grins back at you as he steps on the gas pedal.

"I had a lot of fun last night," he smirks in your direction.

You blush and nod, "I did too."

"You should come over more often."

You bite your lip and smile, "I should."

As the car drives into your street, you dial Emily's number on your cell.

"Em, we're already out here. Tell Bang to come out."

"Aish!" you hear Emily yell. You're taken back a step, Emily never curses.

"Um..." you say loudly.

"Just, just hold on!" Emily continues yelling, you hear the panic in her voice, "We're... we're still cleaning up!"

You laugh, you realize why she's panicking.

"Alright, we'll stay out here." You hang up your phone and laugh.

"They need some more time apparently," you tell Daehyun. He smirks back at you, knowing why as well.

Daehyun doesn't waste any time. he gets straight to it, he takes hold of your face and deeply kisses you. You recall the previous night, your hormones raging insanely, you kiss him back hungrily. You slowly lift yourself off of your seat and wrap your arms around his neck. You smash your face against his. He does the same.

Suddenly, you see the flash of a camera go off in a distance. Panicked, you pull away abruptly and look out the window.

"___? What happened?" Daehyun concerns over you.

You continue looking, "I swear. I think that I say a camera's flash go off."

Daehyun searches out the window with you and quickly shakes his head, "I didn't notice anything. Maybe you're imagining things?"

You nod your head, embarrassed, "You're probably right. I'm sorry."

He shakes his head and smiles gorgeously, "No need to apologize," he pulls you in for another kiss.

After Bang leaves with Daehyun, you start teasing Emily, "Hmm... so what did you guys do last night?"

She blushes and points a finger at you with a laugh, "That goes for you too!"

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mrsbangllyann #1
Omg author-nim...I can't believe this...I finally found u after more than 1 year...I have been searching for u for the past year....thank goodness..let me introduce myself properly to u author-nim...I was one of the passionate reader of this story back when u posted it in Facebook....I basically commented in every freaking chapters when this story was in Facebook...before I could finish ready the whole story...u went missing just like that...since then I started to hunt down this awesome story and finally did it today.....after more than one year had pass at the time of 2:25 a.m this morning...just wanted to say im a big fan of your writing and imaginative skills...love u athor-nim
From:a long lost reader
RangerDita #2
Chapter 43: ahhh.. why did wrote thid sad chappie authornim??
poor of her. . TT______TT
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: what happen with dae??
thanks for update author
Chapter 40: I lovers it very much haha~<3
Great job