I Remember

I Remember

[POV: Daehyun]


I didn't go home that night, but I did text Bang to let him know that I'm okay. He told me to stop searching but I explained that I can't help it. It's already four in the morning the next day, I can't just stop now.

Even though I haven't been with her in months, it still pains me to know that she's out there missing.

I still love her. I really do.


I continue looking around town, trying to find any sign of her. I end up at the park, a place where we used to spend hours together at.

I trail through the empty park all alone, trying to get my thoughts out straight.

As I walk in further into the park, I recall an old evergreen tree where used to lay under on late afternoons.

The spot we called, Ours.

The tree should be a bit further ahead, so I begin to jog up there, just to refresh the memory of being there with her. But as I walk ahead, I hear a faint sound.

The sound of a girl crying. It can't be.


I run ahead, closer and closer towards the sound. I eventually see the tree before me, and right below it-

It's her.

I step towards her, my heart striking in pain by my sight. Her face is covered in dry blood and her eyes are filled with tears. Her clothes aren't even on her, they seem to be ripped apart, barely covering her body.

"____," I softly whisper.

She jerks her head up, mouth slightly left open as she cries. She pinches her eyes closed and looks off in another direction.

She pretends to not notice me.

I quickly take off my coat, revealing my thin tank top underneath; my body freezes in the cold but I hold it in as I wrap my coat gently around her. I sit a respectful distance away.

"_____," I mutter gently. I'm hesitant of trying to go too far with her, she looks as if she could shatter at this point.

She turns her eyes into mine, I see that they're filled in fear.

My heart sinks, "____, please. Just let me take care of you. I'll call the police to come over, we've all been looking for you." I take a small scoot closer to her.

She sniffs softly as she nods.

"What happened?" I look towards her sadly, "Please, tell me. What happened?"

"There were..." she sniffs, "Three guys. They took me and-"

She continues crying out loud again. I take the chance to come in close and hold her in close to me.

"You don't have to tell me right now," I whisper softly into her ear.

She nods, "Thank you," she chokes out, "Daehyun, thank you."

I nod and quietly start getting up, taking my phone out of my pocket. I suppose that it'll make sense to call the police right now.

But her hand grabs hold of my arm, tugging me back down.

"Please," she whimpers, "Don't call them yet, I want to stay here a little longer. I want to think about some things out first. I can't just-"

"But," I interject, "They're all so worried, ___."

"Daehyun, please," she continues pleading, "Just stay with me for a little longer. Just us. I need to just..."

Just with the look on her face, I give in. I sit down next to her, pulling her into me, letting her head lean against my chest. We continue sitting there, without a word said to each other.

Just listening to each other's heart beats.

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mrsbangllyann #1
Omg author-nim...I can't believe this...I finally found u after more than 1 year...I have been searching for u for the past year....thank goodness..let me introduce myself properly to u author-nim...I was one of the passionate reader of this story back when u posted it in Facebook....I basically commented in every freaking chapters when this story was in Facebook...before I could finish ready the whole story...u went missing just like that...since then I started to hunt down this awesome story and finally did it today.....after more than one year had pass at the time of 2:25 a.m this morning...just wanted to say im a big fan of your writing and imaginative skills...love u athor-nim
From:a long lost reader
RangerDita #2
Chapter 43: ahhh.. why did wrote thid sad chappie authornim??
poor of her. . TT______TT
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: what happen with dae??
thanks for update author
Chapter 40: I lovers it very much haha~<3
Great job