I Remember

I Remember


You don't see Daehyun that often anymore. The preparation for the One Shot comeback is making him quite busy, and the Live On Earth Seoul Concerts just make it worse.

He calls you every night after the long hours of practice, and no matter how late it is, you always answer. You two talk about your days together on the phone, you eagerly listen to him talk about work.

But the phone calls start to become shorter through time, without seeing him, it's just harder for you to talk to him without tearing up. You miss him like crazy. Acting like a crazy fangirl, you spend most of your time googling pictures of him, just to help with your pain.

You haven't seen him in about a month.


You now have a job, all thanks to Emily. It's a tutoring job where you tutor students from ages seven to twelve on weeknights. It's a simple job for you and you get paid quite well; you're relieved that you can now finally help Emily pay the bills.

You and Emily spend most your time talking about your boyfriends and how much you miss them. Emily is the lucky one though, she sees Bang every week when she stops by their building on her way home from work. She says that it's not really a big deal because she doesn't really get to talk to him or anything, but you're jealous that she even gets to see him. You tell yourself that once you actually can drive again, you'll be driving there all the time just to watch Daehyun rehearsing.


Tonight, Emily has plans. She's planning to visit her parents for the weekend and as she packs, she continuously apologizes for leaving you alone.

As you send her off to her car, she apologizes again.

"Actually," she suggests, "I can tell my parents that something came up instead."

You shake your head in disapproval, "Em, it's fine. I can call some people to get together or something, I'm not that much of a loner."

"No you're not but-"

"Em," you smile as you stare into her hazel brown eyes, "Just go, I swear, I'll be fine."

She bites her lip, "Okay, but if you need me, you must call me ASAP. Okay?"

You nod, "Alright, I promise."

She waves and drives off, you stand there until you can no longer see her car anymore.

In your home, you make a check list of things to get done during the weekend. The list consists of things such as reading, cleaning, doing the laundry, studying, and reading some more.

You order Chinese delivery as you sit down on the couch and read the hours away.


Your cell beeps a message and as you pick it up, you see that it's almost one in the morning. You sigh and open the message, it's from Daehyun.

If you're not asleep yet, please call me.  xoxo

You smile as you dial him.

He answers immediately, "Thank God that you're not asleep. I haven't heard your voice yet today."

You laugh softly, "I didn't even realize how late it was until you texted."

"Reading again?" he chuckles knowingly.

You bite your lip, smiling.

"I miss you," he whispers into the phone.

Your heart aches, "I miss you too. When can I see you again?"

"Aish.." you hear him cussing in thought, "Actually, isn't Emily away? Bang told me something about that earlier today."

"Yeah, she's away for the weekend."

"So you're alone."

You shake your head, "It's fine, really."

"Can I.." you hear him hesitating, "Can I go over for a little?"

You feel your heart skip a beat, "Of course, come anytime you want."


Before he comes, you quickly shower and dress into pajamas. You are now fully awake and ready to catch up with him.

He comes at a little after two, as you open the door for him, you see the sweat beads on his forehead remaining. This tells you that he's been working really hard.

As he enters your home, you turn all nervous, not sure of how to start a conversation. When he turns to you, he simply smiles and pulls you into a hug.

He breathes into your ear as he hugs you tightly, "I missed you so much, I can't even explain it."

You inhale his scent before responding, "I missed you too."

He pulls his face away to look into your eyes gently, he leans in for a kiss.

It's been so long since you've kissed his perfect lips and so you turn insane. You kiss him back and quickily, the kiss turns into a passionate one. You on his upper lip.

He pulls away and chuckles. Smiling at you, he asks, "Could we lie down a bit?"


You nod and motion towards your room upstairs, he surprises you by picking you up in a princess style and carrying you up into your room.

As he carries you up, you remind yourself of all the risks of bringing a man into your bedroom. You reassure yourself by remembering that Daehyun would never force you into anything and that you're a grown woman who can now take care of herself.


****Note from the author: Please, if you're under age, don't read the rest of this chapter. There's no but there's a lot of lip locking and I don't want to screw up your innocent minds:)


As he's sitting on top of your bed, you crawl on top of him, continuing to lock lips. You straddle your legs around his waist, feeling his growing underneath you. You run your fingers through his hair insanely, tugging on it, causing him to moan.

His hands investigate the bottom of your shirt and slowly crawl up your spin, you feel him outlining your bra but hesitating to move on.

You encourage him to proceed by removing your shirt in a quick fashion, you toss it onto the floor beside you and Daehyun continues to play with your body.

He holds your waist and turns you to the side, he gently drops you onto your back on top of your bed.

"Eeek!" you squeal as you fall back, he chuckles and you smack him in response.

He crawls on top this time, kissing your neck gently. You feel shivers run down your spine and you bite down on your lip hard.

You begin to undo his shirt, taking the time to it, one by one. Once his abs are completely exposed, you gracefully touch him with hungry hands. He does you the favor of tossing his shirt onto the ground and pressing himself against you. Skin to skin, your bodies scream at each other for more.

He eventually takes the responsibility and pulls away, "We can't go any further," he breathes heavily, "I don't think that I could control myself anymore."

You nod in understanding; really isn't an option for you at this time. You don't even have any condoms on hand.

Daehyun sighs as he falls on his back, he lays next to you on your bed and breathes, "I love you, did you know that?"

You laugh softly, "I did know that." You turn to face him, locking eyes, you whisper, "And, I love you too."

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mrsbangllyann #1
Omg author-nim...I can't believe this...I finally found u after more than 1 year...I have been searching for u for the past year....thank goodness..let me introduce myself properly to u author-nim...I was one of the passionate reader of this story back when u posted it in Facebook....I basically commented in every freaking chapters when this story was in Facebook...before I could finish ready the whole story...u went missing just like that...since then I started to hunt down this awesome story and finally did it today.....after more than one year had pass at the time of 2:25 a.m this morning...just wanted to say im a big fan of your writing and imaginative skills...love u athor-nim
From:a long lost reader
RangerDita #2
Chapter 43: ahhh.. why did wrote thid sad chappie authornim??
poor of her. . TT______TT
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: what happen with dae??
thanks for update author
Chapter 40: I lovers it very much haha~<3
Great job