Chapter 33

Cinderella not Juliet

One week later~


It seemed as though Gikwang oppa was avoiding you. You hung out more often with the Beast oppas. At the moment, you were still discussing what to do with Donghae oppa. He was holding campaigns and things were looking more and more in his favor. You decided to confront your family about the plans but then, one more problem remained: Gikwang. You weren't sure what to do and all about it, especially since you might be pregnant. On the way to the hospital to pick up the results, in the car, you were thinking really hard to yourself. The car arrived at the hospital and you got off absent-minded. 

When your guard wasn't looking, a hand shot out and put a hankerchief over your mouth. You felt dizzy and then you black out. But before then what passed through your mind was....*Gikwang oppa*


Gikwang's POV

*Man, I really wish ________-ah, didn't have to start this conversation again. Of course, singing is an important part of my life but I finally realized how much more important SHE is to me.* I sighed and sat down on the couch. *Where is _______-ah, I need to tell her this*

__________-ah's guard came busting into the room, breathing heavily and panting hard.

"Y-YOUR HIGHNESS!" He shouted.

"What is it?" I asked, bewildered.

"Princess _______-ah, has been taken away while we were driving to the hospital!" 

"WHAT?! How could you let this happen? Do you know where she is?" I shouted.

The queen came walking hastily into the room, "What's the matter? I just got a call from the hospital, saying _______-ah never stopped by to pick up the results. And why are you here? Where is the princess?" She asked looking at the guard.

"Mother....He said ______-ah has been kidnapped." I told her panicing. *WHAT DO I DO NOW?! _______-AH, THIS IS A JOKE ISN'T IT? WHERE ARE YOU?*

The queen fainted and attendants came in to help her regain consiousness. I knelt down on the floor....*No, I must be strong and find ______-ah, she's waiting for me.*

"I need you to help describe what was happening at the time...and I need you to tell me why she was going to the hospital" I told the guard with a calm facade.

"She was going to get the pregnancy test results. I turned away for a minute to confirm something with the hospital security. I heard a scream and when I turned around, the Princess was being dragged away, unconcious."

I nodded bitterly and went by myself to go phone national security and.....the hospital. The hospital immediately faxed a document to the palace. My mother-in-law regained conciousness and read the report with me. She burst into tears when the results came back positive. _______-ah was pregnant. WITH MY CHILD. I slumped back down and punched the wall with my fist. *This is all my fault...I should've been on her side instead of arguing with her. Now her life AND our child's life is in danger.* I cried in fustration.

Mother-in-law comforted me by my back, "Gikwang-ah.....we will get her back. She's a strong girl. But right now you have to be stronger for her and your child."

I nodded and thought to myself, *_______-ah, I'm coming wait for me.*


:(( PLease enjoy, subscribe and friend ^_^

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ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
Chapter 36: Omg who is this guy
Please update it too good
Im a new reader as well
Ok... When are u gonna updateee? D:
miruka #5
Who is that guy?!! It can't be lee donghae isn't it?
Who is that guy? and what happened to make him do this.
Anyways, hopefully nothing happens to the baby and they save the both of you.
SAVE THEM GIKWANG. Your wife and baby needs you.
14 streak #7
TT^TT SOMEONE SAVE _______!!!!!
........... update soon >.<
I love you too and please update so I can love you thrice ..
Thank you very much for reading guys :) I LUB U ALL
Oh My God ! please update soon !!