Danger and Hope

The Six Bunnies

He pulled away and looked down at my face, he smirked and laughed

"First kiss?" he said lifting my chin up so he could see my spaced out face, I was speachless, I couldn't say a word. It handn't sunk in that Daehyun had actually kissed me, I was still in dream world. "Take that as a yes" he chuckled before kissing my forehead. "Let's go Maya" he said taking my hand and leading me out of the room.

"Y y you k kissed me?" I said finally brushing my fingers over my lips. Wait a minute, HE TOOK MY FIRST KISS!!!! I slapped his arm.

"Ow what was that for" he pouted, who was this dude? Where did the real Daehyun go?

"That was for taking my first kiss without my permission" I yelled, I grabbed his collar and stood on my tip toes and without thinking kissed him. I pulled away and stuck out my tongue before running to my room leaving Daehyun who was still stood bewildered in the same spot.

WHAT THE HECK DID I JUST DO? I thought jumping on my bed, then I'd realised something. I sat up in my bed with my heart beating hard against my rib cage but what I was ecpecting wasn't there. The men were gone, so was the glass and blood, the window was untouched and my room was just like normal. Where did they go? I know it happened because I had a gash in my arm to prove it.

I looked down at my bandaged arm, it stung like crazy. I walked into the hall and opened the door, I looked both ways before heading to the stairs. I'm sure that they had medicine somewhere in this building. I found a door that said infirmary and was about to turn the handle when I felt a hand across my mouth. I was about to flip the guy when I heard a familiar voice.

"Wow, it's me Baby-ah" it was Himchan. I put a hand over my heart and sighed as best I could with a hand on my mouth. He let me go and smiled a beautiful smile, it made me jealous.

"What are you doing out here Himchan-ssi?" I whispered opening the door,

"Called me Oppa" He said following me in.

"Himchan-O o oppa" I stuttered looking down at my feet.

He picked up a small box from the stainless steel table. "Sleeping pills, our Leader maybe tough looking but the wars still haunt him in his sleep" he mumbled looking ar the box, they must have seen some horrible things, but not as worse as I've seen. He looked up but did a double take with my arm. "What's happened Baby-ya?" he said taking my arm gently, I shivered and he let it go with a worried face.

"I was being clumsy, I got a drink of water but fell and landed on some broken glass" I lied, it's a good thing I'm good at acting other wise he would have seen right though me.

"Okay Baby-ah, good night" he smiled before leaving me alone, I looked around for some pain killers but they weren't easy to find. The box was on the top shelf of a medicine cabinate, and I'm only 4 foot 5. I managed to get them by standing on a stool, after taking two I walked back to my room.

I instanly fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, the pills must have been really strong.


In the morning I was woken by a rush of cold.

"YA Maya it's 9am TIME FOR SCHOOL" yelled Youngjae, I sat up in my bed absolutely soaked. Youngjae had a bucket in his hand. I glared at him and was about to jump out of bed when I remembered the pain. I hissed and held my arm, the pain's worse then yesterday. Youngjae walked over and studied my arm.

"How did you do this?" he said with a serious face. I told him the same tale that I'd told Himchan. I pushed him out of the room while I got dressed, I chose to wear a purple hoodie over a short sleeved black shirt to cover the bandage. I slipped on my G Dragon socks on and waited for Sophie to bring my breakfast in. I ran down to the study and was greeted by 7 boys. I caught a glimpse of Daehyun across the room, well it was more like a stare. 

"Our Baby-ah" yelled Himchan running over to me, he embraced me with a gentle hug and kept to my uninjured side. "How's the arm Baby?" he smiled while pointing to my arm. I nodded in reasurance and walked over to the table with my tray of food, but someone grabbed it from me. It was Daehyun. 

"Your injured, let me take it" he smirked from under his mask, he found it... Damn.

"It's not that bad" I mumbled but Youngjae ruined it by handing me a box of painkillers

"It looked like you were in pain this morning, I hope this helps" he said handing me a plastic cup of water. "Plastic" he said tapping his nose cheekily. I took one and started eating my breakfast. The others had their own breakfast of pancakes and syrup. Daehyun had the most, I'm suprise by how much he could eat, he stuffed his face like he hadn't eaten in years. After breakfast it was time for lessons but after dinner I didn't expect what happened. 

Daehyun had got into the other's heads that I could do with fighting lessons to help protect themselves, and guess who the teacher was... Daehyun.


Sorry for the small chapter :( but enjoy :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)