The Bunnies Return

The Six Bunnies


"Maya can you get table 3?" Soozee called from behind the kitchen doors, I picked up my silver tray and notebook before walking quickly over to table 3

"Hello I'm Maya Williams, I'll be your waitress for today, what can I get you?" I repeated the usual line I say many times a day, I get the usual polite smile by the customers as I do every day, they read out their orders and I scurried off to the kitchen and dropped off the order... it's been almost 4 months since I last saw B.A.P, after that dream in the library I woke up alone in my room, they'd moved out of the dorm and left me to take care of myself... afterall I turned fully human so they didn't have any use for me anymore

"Maya there's a phone call for you" manager called while peeping around the corner, I paused from my job and looked at her shocked... a call? I never get a call from the work phone. I followed her into the office and picked up the phone

"Hello?" I called but the answer I got back made my heart almost jump out of my mouth

"Maya? It's Yongguk..." the familiar deep voice was just like always, scary as hell

"Yongguk what are you doing calling me?" I was irritated of course but I was also happy to hear my friend's voice again

"Are you mad at us?" he asked hesitantly, I sighed and tapped my foot while trying to calm my anger down

"Manager can I have a moment please?" I asked my tiny manager who was fiddling with the bottom of her sleeve while biting her lip in worry. She nodded before running out of the room, I turned around and took the recordin device from under her desk and then covered the camera's in each corner. "Still mad? You left me alone after I had just became human, I was defensless and scared" I yelled while trying to calm my trembling anger

"We're sorry but we were endangering you, as a human your too easy of a target" he said quickly as if he was expecting me to stop him at any moment, there was a short break before he started to talk again. "Maya we're coming back soon so you don't need to worry, your still at the dorm right?" he said trying to cheer me up, I leaned against the desk and smirked

"I don't need your help anymore, and I sold the apartment and moved to Busan" I said before putting the phone down, "aunt Jess change the number will you" I said looking in the corner of the room where my aunt Jessica was stood leaning agains the wall with a smirk on her face

"You didn't tell them that your not human" she sounded as angry as I was, I shook my head and looked down at the phone

"No, I've only just learned how to live by myself again, if it wasn't for you I would still be in that big apartment alone in the dark waiting for them to return. Now I have a job and I'm totally independant" I said pleased with myself, she laughed before walking over to the phone, she touched it once and vanished after winking at me

"Maya are you done yet? I need to check my files for this week's accounts" manager lied, she'd already fixed the accounts for this week. I uncovered the cameras and turned the recording device back on

"Yeah manager-nim, I'll be right out" I said before checking around the room one and then leaving, the rest of the night I worked at the restaurant. I've been here for 3 and a half months, I came to Busan looking for Daehyun... I felt a lump in my throat... the person I won't forgive easily is Daehyun, if they find me then I will deffinatly not talk to Daehyun.

"Hey sweet cheeks" I was just about to open the door to my apartment until that familiar annoying voice called from behind me, I turned around to see Minho standing down the hallway. Unlike the others Minho had stayed with me, afterall my parents did tell him to be my gardian.

"Minho-ah" I cheered and ran over to him, I jumped up and threw my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me and sighed

"It's only been a week but it's felt like forever, so how is my little sister doing?" he put me down and smiled at me with shiny white teeth

"Great, I got promoted to co-manager so my pay is almost double" I boasted, he sighed and looked to his coat pocket that probably held his totally empty wallet, he looked up and ruffled my hair

"OH!!! YOU GOT A HAIR CUT!!! I just noticed" he said pointing to my shoulder length curls, I sorted the mess he'd made and nodded

"Yeah, it was getting too long so I cut it all off" I said like it was no big deal but to be honest I cried what Soozee cut it off after I asked her

"Maya" his expression grew serious, I groaned and turned away from him and opened my apartment door, he followed me in. "Maya your not doing this because you want to get him out of your head are you?" Minho's tone was more serious then I've ever heard

"No it's not because of Dae..." I couldn't even say his name anymore, Minho noticed and sighed while leaning against the doorway

"Maya I know they contacted you today, they're on their way here" Minho confessed, I turned around and threw him an angry look

"You said you weren't in touch with them anymore" I shouted making him stand up straight as he'd only just noticed what he'd said, "Minho you told me you have nothing to do with them since that night" my voice trembled as I started to loose control, I felt a tear roll down my cheek and Minho noticed

"Maya, don't cry. I have to stay in touch with them and you know why, they're still worried about you and before all this happened you were their partner remember, and then there was Daehyun who loved... no he still loves you more then anything else in this world" Minho came over to me and put his hands on my arms

"Why did they leave me then?" I said in a pathetically weak voice, he sighed before pulling me in for a hug

"Because they wanted to protect you baby, they did he wrong thing but they were only thinking of you, I mean you are a human now" his words made my heart hurt, like someone had plunged a daggar into my chest and kept swirling it around

"It's not fair" I sniffled while he my hair softly, I felt him nodd and he pulled me away from him but kept his hands on my arms

"Let's get you ready" he said with a warming smile, I sniffled once and nodded before he took my arm and led me into my bedroom. "Okay then, let's see what you've got to wear" he said like he knew what girls do before guys come over to their house

"Oppa, that's not what we do" I said laughing and sniffling at the same time, he ducked his head in defeat and sat down next to me on the bed

"So show me what you usually do then" he said before taking out his phone, pretending to not be interested

"I need a shower first so you wait here" I got up and ran over to the bathroom to take a quick shower, with my hair in a towel I walked into the bedroom in my nightie and slippers. "Okay, I'm going to show you a little insight to what girls do" I said putting my hands on my hips, Minho lifted his gaze from his phone to me and sighed

"Go for it" he said lifting his arms up towards my wardrobe, I shook my head and pointed to my desk

"You do your hair and makeup before you get dressed other wise the clothes could get dirty" I explained, he sat up a little more interested and nodded. "Okay now pay close attention" I said pointing a finger, he nodded and winked at me joking like always

"What ever you say boss" and after that he watched my every move as I dried and styled my hair with my fringe in a french braid and a little bit of foundation to cover my freckles. I then looked at three differen't outfits and tried them all one but non of them seamed fit enough... "Sky blue is more of your colour" he said pointing to the dress I'd hung up for special occasions, I looked at it and smiled

"I love that dress, it reminds me of Zelo" I said before sitting down on my bean bag chair, Minho threw me a concerned glance

"You still haven't gotten over them have you?" he said as a matter of fact but I nodded and looked down at my hands

"No I haven't. It's been almost 5 months since they left and I still think about them every day... I still wonder where they are and if they're well... they've been a big part of my life and I suddenly lost a whole chunk of my life... it was like a part of me left when they did. I've not been able to smile as much or laugh, I try stupid and reckless things that I won't disscus with you no matter how hard you try" I said making him put a worried expression on, I sighed a laugh and looked at the dress. It's a sky blue above the knee dress with thin straps and a black belt around the waist, I wore it for a co-worker's birthday last month.

"They're here" Minho's head snapped up and he looked towards the door, I got up and took the dress

"Go let them in" I said pushing him out of my room, I slipped the dress on and walked into the noisy apartment, the members were just coming out of the hallway. Once they saw me they turned scilent...

"Maya..." Yongguk started but never finished what he was going to say, I scanned the faces but non of them were him... there were only 5 here... Youngjae noticed and scratched the back of his head

"Daehyun is still at the car, he hasn't been sleeping lately so we're letting him rest a while" he said in a voice I'd only dreamed of lately... they all look so stranger like... their hair still blonde but they all look so different... Youngjae had lost weight and Zelo was taller... I could feel the tears welling up but I kept them at bay

"Maya noona we're all so sorry, they did a stupid thing. Me and Daehyun hyung were against leaving but with 4 against 2 it wasn't really fair" Zelo said rushing forward... not good, if he continues like this I really will cry

"It's okay Zelo, I believe you" that's all I could manage without breaking down, we all sat down in my small livingroom and for the first few minutes it was nothin but silence

"So how have you been?" Himchan said breaking the silence, I looked up clueless due to being caught off guard

"Um, I've been well, I got a job and it's a good pay" I said starting off strongly but it faded into a whisper, I wanted to hit myself with how I was behaving. I told myself that if I ever saw them I'd kick their butts... but now that they're here all I want to do is cry... just then the door burst open and someone burst in. We all stood up but then I saw his face... the black mask covering half his face... a new lean body... and those striking eyes with the tiny mole under his left eye...

"Maya?" his voice honey sweet, the voice I've been missing for 5 months

"Daehyun?" I squeaked, he was stood still in the entrance and was breathin heavily

"M...Maya I'm so sorry" he said in a wobbly voice... no you'll make me cry... " Maya... I'm sorry" he began but then he broke down. I ran forward and pretty much jumped on him, he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me so hard but I didn't care, just so long as he never let's me go again.

"Y...You left" I stuttered while trying to be angry but it wasn't working... at all... he chuckled and sniffed

"I know, and I'm sorry for that, but it won't happen again, we made a stupid mistake and we'll never leave you alone again, never ever ever ever ever again" he repeated while still out of breath

"Why are your breathing heavily?" I said trying to change the subject so I won't completely make myself a wreck

"I sprinted up 30 flights of stairs" he said looking down at me with an exhausted look, "even for a Matoki that's a lot" he joked but then he went back to hugging me. We stayed like that for quite a while but eventually we did need to talk as a group

"We've been pretty busy with our schedules but we still have to follow the orders of Mato too, we've been trying to hunt down the rogue half Mato but we've had no luck. Just then my aunt appeared behind Yongguk... AUNT JESSIE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

"Maya?" Yongguk looked at me confused, I looked at him and tried not to make it obvious that I'm still not human

"Oh, um, yeah so how are you going to hunt them down then?" I said trying to keep my sigh away from my aunt, Yongguk turned around and obviously saw nothing and turned around

"We don't know yet but we'll eventually learn how to track it down" Himchan took over the talking, "if only you were still half Matoki, this would be a whole lot simpler" he said before looking at the other members who were nodding in agreement

"Why would it be better if I was still half Matoki?" I said feeling guilty, this time Youngjae spoke

"Because half Matoki can sense each other, us normal Matoki have to high sensors and they just slip right past us" oh how I've missed his nerdy talk

"So what your saying is that I'm the only one what can hunt it down?" I said feeling burdoned, Daehyun put his hands on my knees and smiled

"Your not half Matoki so it's not your responsability, these heavy burdons don't have to be on your shoulders anymore, your a free person now" he said with a happy smile, I smiled back but deep inside I was feeling nothing but guilt

"So all you need to do is find another half Matoki. There has to be more then just two out there right?" I asked Youngjae but the speaker turned back to Himchan

"They're extremely rare creatures, most of the time the children don't get their Matoki parent's powers, only one in 1,000 pregnancies work" he said making the room feel awkward

"Yah why are you so clueless" Yongguk groaned before hitting Himchan across the head, my aunt behind Yongguk squealed with delight as she saw the brotherly playfighting

"Stop it Jess" I mumbled so no one heard it but one person did

"Maya are you still in touch with your aunt Jessica?" Jongup said out of the blue making the room turn quiet

"Um..." I began to panic, my aunt looked at me and gave me a slight nod before picking a photo up and throwing it in my direction... and obviously my instincts kicked in and I caught it before it even got within a foots distance... busted...


Okay guys so this chapter is long overdue but I've been brainstorming lately for the second series of this story as well as My Hippity Hoppity Heart so those who are subscribed to both stories there's a lot for you to look forward to. Okay I wasn't too sure on the storyline of the new season... tell me what you guys think about Maya's new personality and also it's be great if you guys could give me some new ideas for a new story photo (I dunno what it's called... heading photo... story logo) I want to kick the new season off with a season 2 header ^_^ and also I'd like to dedecate this chapter to a very talented reader called sarahsohn77 who is an amazing singer so if you guys could check her out her YouTube name is so if you ever have time please go heck her out ^_^ I'll try to write soon >_< THANKS FOR READING YOU AWESOME READER-NIMS :D ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)