Maya Seongsangnim?

The Six Bunnies
The kitchen. The bathrooms. The living rooms. The dining rooms. The cinema room. The games room. The indoor hall. The gym. The conference room. The basement. The garage… this place was like a millionaire’s house for goodness sake.
“So you ready to choose your room?” he asked me just as we were coming down the hallway after checking out one of the bathrooms, “the king said you were to pick the first one” he pouted at the thought of loosing his favourite room
“How long has he known about me?” I felt strange knowing that someone knew about me and I’d never met them, he stopped walking so that he could think
“About 10 years, he came down to visit your parents and immediately knew what you’d end up becoming” I gasped remembering that old man with long blonde hair and strange eyes, “yeah that guy, I also came down with him but I wasn’t present when he’d met you” he pointed to the first room in the hallway on the 1st floor. “This one first, this is Zelo’s favourite room” he opened the door to show a large 14 ft by 16 ft room with a small platform where the double bed was, it was already furnished with light pine furniture. 
“I wonder why he likes it” I gawked at the awesome room and walked in, the floor was laminated and there were two large windows to this room, one to the right and one just beside the bed.
“He likes it because it’s the smallest room” my mouth shot open as I gasped, “don’t you just hate rich people” he pouted but soon put one a smile, he walked over to the bed and plucked Zelo’s skateboard from underneath it. “Looks like he’s already marked it” he laughed, to be honest I really didn’t feel like taking a bedroom from a 16 year old that wants this room so much he makes sure that people KNOWS that he wants it
“I don’t want this room then, let Zelo have it” I walked out of the room and looked through the whole of the 1st floor but non of the rooms stood out which made Minho look worried… his room must be on the top floor. We opened the first door and I instantly fell in love, “wow” I gasped as I walked in with wide eyes. It’s a pale sky blue painted room with a white wooden double bed in the middle of the far wall, this is the only room that has a dressing table
“Yeah this is the largest room in the house, it also has a walk in wardrobe” he sighed… this must be the room he wants, I grinned and faced him
“Where’s Daehyun sleeping?” I asked him with untrusting eyes, there’s no way a guy would go for such a girly room, he started to sweat and avoided my eyes
“Um… right across the hall” he pointed to the room right across the hallway, I smiled with happiness when he told me that which made him groan. “Maya you really do know how to choose things don’t you” he gave up on the room and let me check out the other rooms but non of them were as nice as the blue one
“Mianhae oppa” I apologised but I couldn’t stop smiling, I jumped up and hugged him before running down the stairs to the truck to get my stuff. When I’d just got to the back the member’s car pulled up beside it, Daehyun slammed the door opened and flashed over to me with Matoki speed
“Maya are you hurt?” he looked at me with stern eyes and put his hands on my shoulders but when I shook my head he sighed with relief and dropped his head like he’d just heard the best news in the world. “Thank god, if you were ever hurt I’d never forgive myself” he took my face in his hands and kissed me like I was breakable, I pulled on his shirt and felt him smile just before he pulled away. “You’ve become bolder” he raised one eyebrow but then Minho came out of the house and Daehyun removed his hands and stood straight
“She took my room” Minho pouted and looked at Yongguk like he was about to cry, Yongguk laughed but patted Minho’s head like Minho was younger then him. Daehyun looked at me with the happiest face ever, I smiled back but then Minho looked at us and we unlocked the door like we weren’t listening to them. Daehyun took three of my boxes and I took the other two, we walked up to my room.
“So what do you think of the house? Personally it’s too big for me, I prefer smaller places” he said when he put the boxes down on my bedroom floor, I sat on my bed and sighed
“I too prefer smaller places, to be honest I picked this room because of the layout, if it was smaller it would be perfect” I looked around my new room and couldn’t help but smile, it’s like they plucked the idea out of my head
“They probably did” he said reading my thoughts, I laughed remembering when they first read my thoughts, it seamed so long ago. “It does seem a long time ago doesn’t it?” he rhetorically asked, I nodded and he came to sit down next to me. He put a hand on my knee and looked around the room.
“I have a feeling I’m going to get lost a lot” I laughed to myself, he also chuckled a little but then pulled me to my feet. “What?” I asked as he pulled me out of the door, as soon as my feet were outside he took my hand and put it on his cheek
“Think of it like each part of the house is like a part of my body” he smiled cheekily, I blushed and looked down but I couldn’t resist him and looked at his face… still flawless as ever, his brown eyes stared playfully into mine, like he was bewitching me into everything he says. “So let’s go outside my room, what body part would you put here?” he pulled me across the hall to his room, I looked at him closely. 
“Your back, because you sleep here” I said cleverly but then he let go of my hand and lifted his shirt over his head. “O…O…OPPA!” I stuttered, my eyes almost popping out of my head… he’s been working out… I didn’t notice I was staring until he smiled full of pleasure. I looked away from him but he took my hands again
“Then look at me and memorise me, every single detail” he whispered into my ear, he chuckled silently sending warm breaths down my neck. I felt my cheeks burn but ignored it, he turned around and showed me his smooth , he’s definitely been working out. I absentmindedly put my hand on his back but he suddenly stiffened. “Your hand is cold” he laughed, I smiled a little and put my hand back on his back. I brushed my fingers down his back, my skin looking extremely pale on his, I put my other hand on his back and ran my hands up to his shoulders. 
“Oppa you’ve been working out?” I asked without thinking again, he nodded silently before turning back around, he took my face in his hands and kissed me. “What was that for?” I said with a smile, he smiled back and kissed me again
“Do I need a reason to kiss my girlfriend?” he then took a step back and led me down the hallway, I looked around panicked making him chuckle. “Don’t worry they’ve gone out for some food, they’ll be back in about an hour so we best hurry” he kissed my hand before taking me around the house and we came back to my room when we’d finished. “So do you think that you’ll remember now?” he smiled as we sat back down on my bed, I blushed an nodded, “but we still need a body part for this room” he laid down and put his hands under his head. 
“I’ve been saving my favourite part for last” I blushed while trying to muster up some courage, he looked at me confused, I sat on his stomach and leaned down to kiss under his left eye where my favourite little mole was. “Your mole” I smiled at him but inside I was completely embarrassed, he was looking at me in complete shock, his eyes wide open but his cheeks slightly rosy.
“M…Maya” he whispered before sitting up and kissing me by surprise, he made me wrap my legs around his waist and then held me against him while he continued to kiss me strongly. “Maya your really dangerous to be around you know that” he gasped in between kisses, I couldn’t really take in what he was saying because my mind was all over the place, he kissed me one last time before reluctantly taking his lips away from mine. He leaned his forehead against mine, our breathing was heavy and irregular, “I better stop now before I loose all control” he smiled, I gulped and nodded though to be honest I wanted him to carry on.
“Oppa…” I began but dropped it, he was looking at me confused but then his ears twitched… he was like part rabbit or something. “Are they back?” I asked him looking towards the door, he nodded and kissed me one last time before lifting me off of him so he could put his shirt back on.
“I also smell dolsot bibimbap so unless you want the others to eat it before you do I suggest you hurry up” he smiled and leaned down to kiss me one last time, “or before I eat it” he whispered before running for the door. I jumped off of the bed and ran into the hallway… I saw Daehyun’s head disappear down the staircase, I took a shortcut by jumping down the middle of the staircase and ran into the living room where the members were.
“GIVE ME MY BIBIMBAP BEFORE I MAKE YOU” I yelled at the members, they gave it to me like I was armed or something, Daehyun ran human speed into the living room and sat down on the sofa next to Youngjae.
“Wow, since when did you get better then us?” Youngjae joked while patting Daehyun’s leg as he covered his face in shame, I smiled as I gingerly tucked into my bibimbap. “You’ve got some skill Maya” Youngjae nudged Daehyun who groaned and walked over to me and sat down next to me
“I couldn’t have said it better” the front door opened and the CEO of TS walked in, he was followed by his followers. “That’s why I want to propose something, how about the Mitoki and Matoki get together in a training session. After all there is a rogue half Matoki… oh wait there are more then 1 right?” he looked at me reading my thoughts on the night the half Matoki attacked.
“They haven’t attacked any Matoki, they only go after the Mitoki” Himchan said getting up from him chair, the CEO’s face wavered a little before returning to it’s professional look
“Actually last night 3 Matoki and 2 Mitoki were captured a killed, they let one of mine go but she was badly injured, she’s one of my best fighters too. Her name’s Josie you’ve heard of her right?” he looked at Zelo who blushed and nodded while looking at his feet, Youngjae nudged Yongguk with a smile.
“Who is she?” me and Yongguk said together, Taesung was about to answer but Youngjae got there first
“She’s a B.A.B.Y which on planet Mito, is the same rank as us if not a little lower right?” he looked at Taesung who nodded impatiently. “B.A.B.Y means Best Agility Battle Yard… I don’t know why they used yard but let’s ignore that. Also instead of only having 6 members they have about 10. Okay so Josie is a half Mitoki, she’s kind of like you Maya but minus a few things right?” he looked at Taesung again but this time he only gave a short nod back. “She’s the most powerful of B.A.B.Y and she’s also their main weapon against. She has a nickname across the two worlds, the Dark Princess” he looked at an impatient Taesung to finish the explanation off.
“Yes, well she got that name for being cold to other people, because of this she also has a short fuse and when it comes to getting in tight situations she acts before she thinks” Taesung admitted with a disappointed look on his face. “Her father meant to bring her into the world to take over as the next ruler but then when she’s here she causes nothing but trouble” and then he looked at me with a smile. “She’s nothing compared to you though darling, and that’s why we’ve chosen you to train the searchers, after all you can take them down can’t you?” all of a sudden all the eyes in the room were looking at me
“Even though I would usually say no to putting Maya in danger I’m afraid that as of now she is the only one that could take this creature down” Minho put a hand on Taesung’s shoulder and sighed, “I’m sorry Daehyun but this is the only way to make sure that no one else dies” I looked up at Daehyun who was glaring at both Minho and Taesung
“I’m not going to put Maya’s life on the line for some Mito that’s come down to invade, I will not help you or support your plan” he shouted at Taesung who looked down and shook his head
“I had a feeling that you would say that, but I have the upper hand. If you don’t allow Maya to train and take part in this then you will no longer be part of B.A.P in the KPOP industry, either Maya does this or your out” Taesung stood up and held his hand out to one of his followers, they took out a piece of paper and handed it to him. “This is your contract, you have 30 seconds to make up your mind or…” I didn’t let him finish
“I’ll do it” I stood up leaving my food on the floor, “I am my own person, I don’t need Daehyun to tell me what to do” I walked over to Taesung and took the paper from him. “So put the contract away before I set you on fire” I glared at him, he actually looked scared for a moment before taking the paper from me and handing it back to the followers.
“Okay then, I’ll expect you to be outside the TS building at 8am tomorrow sharp, best get a good night sleep. Oh and boys, don’t forget you’ve got another kwiyo comeback soon so non of you get hurt alright?” he said while walking towards the door, Yongguk groaned remembering the crash come back
“You guys are already thinking of another comeback? Has crash even had it’s first stage performance?” I asked an angry looking Daehyun
“No it hasn’t, I’m going to bed” he walked away from me and didn’t even look back, I ate one last spoon-full of bibimbap and ran after him
“Night guys” I said to the others before running up the stairs, I found Daehyun in his room with his face in his hands. “Oppa?” I walked in but he didn’t even move, I knelt down in front of him and looked under his hands. “Annyong” I said cheerfully 
“Why are you doing it?” he asked with out looking at me, I sighed and sat up straight before taking his hands away and kissing him lightly
“Because I’m not as defenceless as I look” I smiled at the grumpy Daehyun and kissed him again this time he took my arms and kept me on his lips, after he pulled away he sighed and brushed the hair from my face.
“I’m sorry, but I will always think that these things will put you in danger, after all I am your boyfriend” he smiled at that word before pulling me onto the bed, he wrapped his arms and legs around me and smiled to himself. “Sleep here tonight” he whispered tiredly, I pulled him away and giggled.
“Okay but I’m not sleeping in these clothes to let me get dressed first okay” he nodded and I jumped off of the bed and ran into my room to quickly get changed into my favourite panda pyjamas made of shorts and a large shirt. I ran back into his room only to find him taking his shirt off, he took one look at me and sighed
“Come here” he finished taking his shirt off and held  his arms out to me, I closed the door after me and I walked over to him nervously. “Take your shirt off” he demanded, I gave him my shocked face which only made him try to take my shirt off himself, after a loosing battle I allowed him to lift my shirt off, he replaced I with one of his own and smiled. “There, now it makes you look like we live together” he smiled happily, I sighed and followed him to bed, I slept like a baby that night.
“But I don’t want to goooooo” I groaned in the morning as the dragged my sleepy carcass outside, they all laughed at me and told me that if they can do it then I can. “I’m not a celebrity so I don’t have to” I struggled against them and tried to run back inside but since Youngjae put a power limiter on me I’m rendered as useless as any other normal human being. They got me into the car and drove me off to the TS building.
“I was beginning to think that you weren’t coming” Taesung welcomed me with a professional handshake when we got inside the hectic TS building, “we’ll be going down to the basement to introduce you to the rest of your group” he led us down to the basement were 15 other people were waiting. “Here we have 7 Matoki and 8 Mitoki, the others are waiting for you in the training room” he pointed to a door next to a small blonde Asian, we walked through into what looked just like my training room at my old place.
“TAESUNG OPPA OVER HERE” a girl’s voice shouted catching my attention… HOLY HELL… A blonde girl came running over with REALLY long legs, she was about the same height as Himchan. Her hair was the same blonde as B.A.P’s and she was covered in tattoos, “ommo when did my brother get here?” she ran over to Yongguk and got him in a head lock
“YAH NOONA LET GO” Yongguk yelled trying to get out of his sister’s head lock, I was about to stop them when something flew past my face, I swore it even cut off a little of my hair. I looked towards the now quiet siblings, two blades were at either side of Yongguk’s sister’s face.
“Please refrain from distracting Yongguk when he enters the training room” an emotionless voice from behind me made my spine shiver… this feeling wasn’t a nice one. I turned around to see a girl the same height as me looking at Yongguk with a blank smile, her hair not blonde like everyone else, instead it was a brilliant fiery orange what wisped down to her waist in silky looking curls… she had a face like porcelain that was sprinkled with light freckles and huge green eyes that was framed with long lashes… she made me sick with jealousy. She looked at me and studied me before suddenly hugging me while screaming… WOW THIS GIRL WAS STRONG. “OMMO I FINALLY GET TO MEET YOU, I’M A HUUUUUUGE FAN” she yelled with a cute Scottish accent while jumping up and down.
“C…can’t breathe” I gasped as she squeezed me even harder, Yongguk came over and tapped her on the shoulder
“Um Josie you can let go of her now” he said warily, she looked at him with an upset face before letting go of me… did he just call her Josie? 
“Okay oppa, but umma and appa talked about her so much and they said that she’ll be marrying Daehyun which made me even more excited to meet my future sister-in-law”… sister-in-law? “We can even have a double wedding” she hugged Yongguk’s arm before kissing a smiling Yongguk… eh? The members must have noticed my clueless face and were so kind as to fill me in
“Maya, Josie is Yongguk’s fiancé, they got engaged about 150 years ago” Daehyun put an arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head, “oh speaking of which Josie are your parent’s here? I’d like to talk to the king for a moment” Daehyun left my side making me even more confused… Josie is the king’s daughter??? She’s going to marry Yongguk??? What????
“Maya you’ve got to come and see the restaurant that we own, you’ve got to come and work for us” Josie said extremely hyper, grabbing my hand she pulled me away from a helpless B.A.P and towed me towards another door… it was an elevator… “I think I’m going to like you Maya, especially since we’re in the same boat” she smiled at me showing me her adorable dimples… she was just like a doll. 
“How old are you Josie?” I asked expecting her to be younger then me, she thought about it before answering me with her youthful smile.
“23,000 years, that’s about 18 if you work it out in Korean years” she giggled and just then the elevator dinged… 2 … 23 … 23,000????
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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)