Planet Mato and Teacher Minho?

The Six Bunnies


He walked over to the chalk board and drew a triangle, I pulled up a chair and sat down so I could see. When he’d done scribbling he turned to me and pointed at the bottom level.
“Okay, so on planet Mato the army have 5 different rankings, the bottom one is what I am, a Guard” he said jingling his tags around again. “We’re beings who guard the upperlings like the commander, this is because we have special abilities” he started talking with his hands, it looked so wrong. “Then the next level are the trainees, the people who are training to become officers which are the level up” she said slapping the board with his hands. He’s defiantly still drunk. 
“After the officers are the special unit called B.A.P, beings like the Guard but excelled in every way, they have their own personal power plus ones that they share, these being are really rare but recently there’s been a slow down with only 6 in the whole universe” he said before yawning. But then he carried on.
“These special being are normally blonde unlike the usual black haired Matoki…” he was about to talk again but I cut him off.
“What are Matoki” I said while biting one of my nails
“The race on planet Mato” he said with an irritated look 
“Can you not bite your nails, it‘s gross” he said looking aggravated.
“Fine” I said raising my hands like I would if I was getting arrested.
Then he carried on, “Any way, as I was saying, the next level up from B.A.P are the Commanders, there are only 5 chosen every 100 years or so, right now the most talented Commander is a B.A.P member” he said looking at the table, his face suddenly fell. “Hey where’s my drink” he said in an alarming voice.
I snickered “oh I hid it, don’t worry you’ll get it back after this” I crossed my legs and smiled, he bit his lip in hurt but carried on with the lecture. 
“Then at the top of all the ranks are the Ambassadors, but because of the resent war on the planet there have been a lack in Ambassadors because everyone has become wary of the army. Your parents were the most favoured Ambassadors in all the galaxy systems, but because of their popularity with my planet they had a few enemies. If you said someone has killed them it was probably from their sister planet Mito, it was once a single planet with Matoki but they got separated in the war. Almost like Korea.” 
He picked up a rubber and wiped it off, “I think I better leave it here for today, you don’t have to start your new school till next week right?” he said in a normal tone, was he sober?
“Yeah, my Aunt Helen says I should settle in first” I said putting the chair back.
“Then I’ve got all week to educate you” he said smiling at me. I didn’t notice before but it looks like he dyes his hair, I could see the blonde roots up close, he really must be an alien. 
I was woken in the morning by Sophie as she walked in with breakfast, for 5 minutes after that I sat up straight in my bed with my eyes closed, I really hate mornings. Sophie said her greetings and goodbyes before leaving to finish off some chores, after she left I looked at the breakfast she had brought up. My aunt went a little over board with a full Korean breakfast. 
I got up out of bed and didn’t bother changing out of my track suit bottoms and tank top as I walked down to the secret library (which I found out was called the Scarlett Study) with the breakfast carried on a silver tray. Once I walked into the study I immediately saw Min Ho doing his daily cleaning with a blank look on his face, I walked over to the table and laid down the food in the correct setting. 
“Would you like some breakfast?” I said making him jump out of his skin. 
“How long have you been down here?” he croaked, his voice almost gone, serves him right the alcoholic.
“Only just, I brought down some breakfast” I said holding both hands out to the food, he his lips but looked away.
“I’m not hungry thanks” he said before a loud rumble erupted from his stomach, busted.
“If your hungry eat, it’s good for a hangover” I said sitting down with my chopsticks.
He walked over and slouched in his chair, he’s not a very welcoming person is he? He too picked up some chopsticks and began eating. After breakfast I ran upstairs to leave the dishes outside my room and got dressed in some black skinny jeans and a white vest top under a gray woolly jumper. 
Running back down to the Scarlett Study I found Minho writing on the chalk board, turns out that I didn’t have to go to school, I have my very own private teacher. Minho isn’t only the janitor to a secret room in my aunt’s basement but he also works as a private tutor starting from this morning. You should have seen my aunt’s face when he turned up on our door step saying he was sent by my parent’s wishes, she couldn’t say no.
“Okay” he said finishing writing, he dusted his hands on his dark blue jeans and looked at me, “from 9am till 12pm and 1pm till 6pm I’ll teach you the normal school stuff like math and science. Then from 7pm till 10pm it’ll be Mato lessons, you are the only heir to your parents legacy so you’re the only one that can takeover their position as the ambassador.” WHAT THE HECK???
He hadn’t consoled me about this but I had no choice I guess, my parents made sure that Minho would make sure I takeover and look after the Mato and Earth relations. For the next 3 hours I wrote from text books a listened to Minho go on and on about how stupid I was with physics, sorry for being stupid. Then dinner came and we had to hurry to the school room before dinner, we made it just in time before Sophie walked through the large Victorian style classroom.
“Sorry for intruding Miss Maya, but it’s time for dinner. Mr Minho your also invited” she said before escorting us to the dining room, my aunt arrived at the same time as we did. 
“Ah I see you made it Choi Minho-ssi” she said sitting down at the head of the table, Minho bowed respectably making me pull a sarcastic face.
“So Maya, how are the lessons progressing” she said tossing her silvery braid over her shoulder. She had a floor length long sleeved dress on today with golden beading on the wrists and chiffon sleeves that had small gems embedded which scattered sparkles on the table in front of her.
“They’re going well Aunt Helen, Minho is a very good teacher” I said winking at him which made him scowl, evil person.
She looked at me and raised an eyebrow “and what did you learn?” she said in a hard tone, she was testing me?
“We learned about renewable energy and what side effects non renewable energy has on the planet such as the rainforests and landscapes being destroyed.” I said all in one breath, sweat began to form on my forehead but she didn’t seam to notice as she tucked into her steak, she can handle her spicy foods as I can.
After we’d finished an unusually silent dinner me and Minho went back to the study, but when we did we got a shock. When we got down to the study we found 6 blonde Asians stood around the chalk board, they’re the same Asians that were at the funeral. B.A.P.
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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)