
The Six Bunnies

CHAPTER 19****** DAD

"Well if it isn't my 6 favourite blonde guys" a man said standing up from his desk, he walked over to us but then he saw me and froze, "who is this lovely little girl?" he said smiling down at me, Daehyun smiled shyly and cleared his throat. "Ahhh she's your girlfriend then" he said in a soft voice, "well it's nice to meet you, I'm afraid that I won't be able to go to the meeting today but my intern will" he said picking up three folders from his desk. "He'll be here soon so please make your selves at home" he said before running out of the room... that was brief... then the door opened again and who I think was the intern came in, he smiled and greeted B.A.P... his name was Will and his Korean wasn't fluent so I guess he was from England from the accent. But then he notcied me

"Who is this little girl" he said in English thinking I couldn't understand him, I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, Daehyun stiffened and looked at manager Kang. 

"This is Daehyun's girlfriend, she's from England" he said putting a hand on my shoulder, I smiled at Will who looked away from me and totally ignored me.

"Go through to the meeting room, I'm afraid your girlfriend isnt allowed" he said looking at Daehyun who had a full on scowl on his face, I held his hand and smiled making him cool down a bit

"Wait for me here" he said facing me and putting his hands on my lower back before pulling me towards him, he leaned down and kissed me softly before following the others into the meeting room... this was my chance. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw my aunt yelling at the door

"You little son of a , how dare you do that to my neice like that, I can read what Yongguk is thinking and he thinks your A DOUCHE BAG" she screamed but then she noticed me, she turned around and laughed embarressed. "Sorry about that Maya, so you want help looking for the safe?" she said changing the subject

"If you've finished ranting" I said amused, she blobbed her tongue out and dissapeared into the far wall, I looked around the room and used my powers to look through the objects, nothing seamed out of the ordinary... but then I looked on the floor... there's a small box under the floor boards, I called my aunt back and walked over to the box. My aunt floated down to see what it was, when she came back up she nodded

"It's a small metal safe, there's a gun inside it with a few other things that I cant see" she said with a sigh

"Go and check on the meeting, tell me when they're coming back" I said digging my nails into the floor board, she nodded and floated through to the meeting room. I pulled on the floor board and it came up with no noise, I pulled the next two up and pulled out the dusty small safe... it was really heavy. I put the floor boards back and walked out of the room and ran back to the car, put the safe inside and hid it under my jacket and Daehyun's coat. I ran back to the office and sat down just as my aunt came through yelling that they're done, I turned my powers off just as they came out of the meeting room. 

"Okay, so Taesung-ssi will see you next week to check up on you, hopefully your girlfriend wont complicate your career" Will said with a face like thunder, Daehyun stormed over to me and took my hand before almost dragging me out of the door. 

"Wow" I only just managed to say before he picked me up bridal style

"I need to get away from him before I rip his head off, the ist little bastard" he growled before running to the car, he put me in the passenger seat in the front and the jumped in the drivers seat, he pulled out of the car park and drove back to the dorms. I stayed sclient understanding that he was upset, and I didn't want to add to that. We walked back to the dorm and Daehyun started to pace across the livingroom, almost half an hour after we'd got back the others walked through the door.

"Daehyun?" Yongguk called, I ran over to them and they gathered around me

"He hasn't hurt you has he?" Minho said cupping my face, I shook my head the best I could and he let go with a sigh of relief

"He's just been pacing back and forth, I dont know wha's wrong with him" I said worried, they all looked away from me... all but Jongup who came clean

"Will kept saying how you look like a that that ll that your good for is action in the bedroom" he said innocently, I blushed and looked at him wide eyed... did he seriously just say that with that innocent expression...

"Jongup" they all moaned, he looked at them confused

"What did I do?" he said looking around, my cheeks felt like they were on fire as I walked back to Daehyun, he looked at me and noticed my bright red face

"Maya... Maya are you okay?" he said flustered, I nodded but let my anger out by punching the wall next to me, it cracked and when I put my hand back to my side plaster fell to the floor

"Wow Maya, dont take it out on the wall" Minho said running up to me, I turned around and threw him a hard look

"Would you rather it be you?" I said in a hard voice, he shook his head and held up his hands. Daehyun hugged me and rocked me lightly, I relaxed a little and sighed

"Maya it's okay, I'm not that angry" he said with a smile, I nodded but my cheeks still felt warm... this is so embarrassing

"I think it's better if Maya stays here from now on" manager said leaning against the door way, Daehyun stiffened again and a sound what sounded like a growl came from his throat... I looked up at him shocked but he was focused on manager... 

"Say that again" Daehyun said through his teeth, manager Kang straightened up and realised what he'd said

"What? I didn't say anything, um I'll get your coats from the car" Manager Kang said running out of the door

"Daehyun, we need to talk" Yongguk said walking over to us, Daehyun sighed and sat down on the sofa

"Fine" he grumbled... what's gotten into him lately, he's always so angry and easily annoyed, then I noticed something... the lamp behind him was floating... I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw my dad looking back

"Dad?" I squeaked, they all looked at me surprised, I activated my powers and pointed to my dad

"Mr Williams" Daehyun said getting up and bowing, my dad nodded and walked over to me... walking through everything in between

"I see you've gotten used to the life of the dead" I said a little freaked out, he hesitated but smiled and hugged me

"It's good to see you again Maya, sorry we left you like that" he said hugging me closer, I hugged him back and breathed in his smell, I missed the smell of pepermint and ink

"I missed you appa" I said pulling away, he smiled down at me and rubbed the top of my head

"Missed you too Maya, but I'm here on business" he said looking at Daehyun who looked away from his gaze, "Daehyun we need to talk" he said in a hard voice, Youngjae tapped my shoulder and showed me the timer... 

"Appa, we only have 30 minutes" I said ot my dad, he nodded but didn't break eye contact with Daehyun

"Sit" he comanded Daehyun who sat down on the sofa, my dad sat on the coffee table in front of him, "Jung Daehyun your transforming" he said in a hard voice, Daehyun nodded and looked away from me

"What do you mean transforming?" I said but there was no answer, I looked at the others but they looked awya from me, "tell me what's going on" I demanded

"I'm transforming into a Seeker" Daehyun said standing up quickly, my dad stood up too and put a hand on Daehyun's shoulder

"What's a Seeker?" I said taking a step towards him, he looked at me with red eyes

"It's a Matoki equivalent to a Vampire" Daehyun said while looking away from me, Vampire?

"What you mean like Twilight" I said making everyone snicker

"No not like that fairy tale cr.." I threw Daehyun a look making him stop in mid sentance, "I'm sorry, but Seekers are more like hot headded blood thirsty demons with no mind of their own" he said through his teeth

"He started transforming last year and since then we've been searching for a cure, but there's only been one known cure and with your mother gone, there's non" my dad said looking at his feet, Daehyun looked away from me and sat down again

"Why Umma?" I asked but yet again no one answered me, "for godsake tell me" I yelled, my dad walked up to me and took my hand

"The only cure is the blood of a hunter, your mother was a B.A.P hunter before she met me, and when a female hunter turns 18 their blood is the only cure that can stop Daehyun from turning into a Seeker" he said looking at Daehyun, then it hit me... I'm my mother's daughter, which means I have her blood

"I can but used as a cure" I said looking at my dad with hopeful eyes

"NO!" Daehyun yelled standing up, "I will never do that to you" he said taking my face in his hands

"Why?" I asked, he let go and held both of my hands

"Once a seeker tastes a hunters... blood... they cant stop until there's non left" he whimpered, I looked at the others but they didn't correct him

"I dont care" I said taking my hands away from him, "I dont care as long as it cures you" I took a step back but he took a step towards me shaking his head

"No Maya, dont say that, I cant do that to you" he pleaded but I took another step back

"Oppa, you need to be cured, you said that you'll turn blood thirsty right?" I asked, he nodded and sighed knowing what I was going to say

"Then you need the cure before you kill those around you, what if it's not me that you kill but Yongguk or even Zelo" I said gesturing to them, he groaned and sat back down running his hands through his hair

"I'm not going to kill you" he said in a hard voice, I sat next to him and put a hand on his knee

"What if we find a way to stop you from drinking too much, like we knock you out" I said making him stiffen, he looked at me with a shocked face

"That's not a bad idea" Youngjae said using his overly active brain, "for the cure he only needs one pint of blood, now if we correctly measure the amount of blood he consumes and then knock him out before he takes too much then it could work" he said giving me a hug. "Maya your not as dumb as you look"... was that a compliment or an insult?

"Um... thanks" I said pushing him off of me before Daehyun bites his head off

"Maya we have 5 minutes left" Himchan said showing me the timer, I nodded and turned to my dad

"Maya honey, did you find the safe?" my dad asked quickly, I nodded and stood up

"Yeah I left it in the car... which is hid under the coats... which Manager Kang went to collect" I said worried, I diactivated my powers and ran out of the door, B.A.P following me. I got to the car first and found Manager Kang luckily having a cigarette, "heyy manager Kang, can you open the car for a minute?" I said quickly, he opened it and I jumped in checking the safe was still there... it was... I covered it back up and carried it back to the dorm wrapped in the coats. "Thanks Manager Kang" I called, he waved and smiled before going back to puffing on his cigarette.

"Maya?" Daehyun said confused as I passed them going back into the dorm, they followed me in and I put the safe on the table

"Found it" I smiled, Daehyun picked me up and swung me around

"You are amazing" he said happily, he put me down and opened the safe open with his powers... inside was the gun and another metal box... but this one had no lock... or lid

"Is that gun what I think it is?" Youngjae said with a smile, Daehyun nodded and put his hand near it but for some reason a shock of electricity made him pull his hand back

"It's a hunter's gun, the gun that can kill anything" Daehyun said holding his burnt hand up, I took hold of it but right in front of my it healed. "I'm turning into a Seeker so it doesn't like me very much" Daehyun said with a sarcastic smile, I picked the gun up and felt... nothing. "Your a hunter so it doesn't effect you, these things were made to keep your kind safe" he said rubbing my arm, I put the gun back and closed the box... lets hope I never get to use it


Heyy guys, here's another chapter :) tell me what you guys think and I'll try to upload soon :) Oh and I've also got a new Fan Fiction called Welcome Home so if you have any time please check it out ;) England's weather lately has been so weird, one day it's raining and then snowy :/ It's not been sunny though, just really cra weather :( anyway in the next chapter I'll be making it a little soppy and lovey dovey gooey and stuff so please anticipate :) Please comment and subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :) 

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)