The Six Bunnies


My dad left soon after he revealed that I'm the only one that can save Daehyun, to be honest I dont know what I'm going to do but if the times comes that I have to give him my life then I will. 

"Oppa, come with me" I said taking Daehyun's hand and pulling him to the door

"Where do you want to go?" he said confused, I winked and handed him his coat

"I really want to go some where but I cant go alone" I smiled, he just nodded and followed me to the car, we got in and I drove off

"How do you know your way around Seoul, I thought you havent been here before?" he asked looking around us, I pointed to the sat nav on the dash board, "ah" he said embarrassed. 

"I saw this place on a video online, it should still be open" I giddily said driving for about half an hour before pulling into the car park of the COEX mall

"This is where you wanted to go?" he said amused, I pouted and lightly his hit arm

"Oppa I've never been to a COEX mall before, and I heard it has an aquarium" I must be grinning like a Cheshire Cat as I jumped out of the car because he was laughing so hard he almost fell to the floor when he got out the car, but then we both looked around us in awe... this place is HUGE, I took both of Daehyun's hands and led him towards the entrance. He smiled and me and pulled me towards him so he could put his arm around my shoulders

"This place is really impressive" he mumbled looking around us, the place closes at 10pm so we're good on time but I didn't have much money on me. I noticed a shop to the left of us with a REALLY cute dress in the window... Daehyun saw me looking. "You like that dress?" he said starting to walk to the shop

"I dont have that much money, it obviously looks expensive" I said feeling embarrassed, he laughed and reached into his pocket, pulling his wallet out he opened it to reveal that it was full of notes

"I'm an idol, I get paid per month and it just so happened to be my pay day yesterday" he said puffing out his chest, I laughed and little but shook my head

"I dont like people buying stuff for me" I mumbled, he sighed and put his wallet back in hsi pocked before taking my hands

"I am your boyfriend, therefore I have the responsibility to buy you pressents and make sure you have a good time" he said looking into my eyes sending me into another trance, I nodded and followed him into the shop absentmindedly. The dress was in on a stand in the shop, we walked over to it and he put my next to it and smiled a breathtaking smile, "wow it'll look great on you, try it on" he said handing me the dress off of the rack, amazingly it was my size

"Okay" I said walking over to the changing rooms, but he took my hand and spun me around before kissing me softly on the lips, when he pulled away he smiled and spun me around so I was facing the changing rooms. I went in and got changed while my mind was still numb from the kiss, after I got changed I walked out and found Daehyun sat on a seat facing the changing room, "what do you think?"

"You look amazing" he said standing up with a bewildered, I blushed and smiled at his comment. He took one of my hands and spun me around once, I was wearing a blue nylon dress that came above my knee, there was a chiffon skirt attached and one baggy sleeve made of the same material... it was beautiful. He pulled me in for a kiss but then a worker came upto us and cleared , we stopped kissing and he looked at her while I hid my face in his chest.

"Sorry to interupt you, but that dress comes with a free necklae if your interested?" she said with a professional smile, Daehyun looked at me and then back at her

"Yeah I'm interested in that, can I see them?" he said following her back to the desk with hsi arm around me, once we were there she got out a box with six different chains... all of them were really pretty... "Can I take all of them?" he said shocking me. 

"Sorry sir but you only get one with the dress" she said with the same expression as me

"Yes, um I'll take this for my girlfriend here" he said looking proud, the girl picked out the silver chained necklace with a black stone in the milddle of a heart, "and I'll take the other 5 seperatly" he said getting out his wallet

"Sir they're 15,000 won each" she said hesitating

"I'm aware of that" he said winking at her, she nodded and put them all in pretty boxes

"Oppa why are you buying them all?" I whispered, he looked down at me and sighed

"The colours of the stones are B.A.P's coloures, you see when we debuted we had a Matoki each that were different colours" he said smiling down at me, "mine is black and it's called Kekemato, Yongguk hyung's is red, Zelo's is blue, Himchan's is pink, Youngjae is yellow and Jongup is green" he said pointing at the necklaces, they're all the same design but the stones are different colours.

"Wow" I said picking up the black one, I blushed and smiled at it... his is black eh?

"Thank you" he said handing the worker the money, she nodded and took it and after I got dressed we left with the necklaced boxed and bagged, "I'm just going to the toilet, can we meet at the food court?" he said pointing to the sign that points to the food court; I nodded and he ran off to the toilets... I was about to walk over to the food courts when a shop struck my interest. I walked over to the window and saw a pair of diomand ear rings... they're 100,000 won... I got out my purse and saw that I have 1500,000 won... I can get them for Daehyun... I walked in and walked over to the counter

"Hello miss how can I help you?" the man at the counter said with a smile

"Yeah, um can I have a look at those diomand earrings in the window?" I said shyly, he nodded and walked over to the glass door that opens to the display cases. He picked the earrings up and brought them back, he handed them me and let me have a look... these would totally be perfect for him, "can I have these wrapped?" I said handing them back

"Of course, would you like wrapping paper or a bow?" he said showing me the list of different wrappings

"Can I get a black bow?" I said remembering what Daehyun had told me in the dress shop, he wrapped the box and put it in a bag with their sign on it, "um I dont suppose you can put it in a plain bag?" I said making him jump, he smiled and nodded

"I take it this is a suprise for your boyfriend?" he said handing me the bag, I blushed and nodded, "well good luck" he said waving me off. I ran to the food court and when I got there I saw Daehyun waiting for me

"Where did you run off to?" he said grinning, he took my hand and leaned in for a kiss

"I got you something" I said not telling him what

"What is it?" he said leading me into a bibimbap restaurant

"You'll have to wait a bit" I teased, he linked his fingers in mine and sighed

"Okay baby I trust you" he said making me blush... he called me baby... for some reason it made my heart flutter. When we got to the restaruant we sat down and looked at the menu...

"It's way too expensive here, let's go to a samgyupsal place" I said starting to get up, he took my hand and sat me back down

"You dont like expensive things do you?" he said amused

"My parents didn't bring me up with expensive restaurants and designer dresses" I said shyly, he laughed a little but nodded

"Your just so adorable" he said taking my hand across the table, "now you pick anything on the menu and I'm paying" he said picking up the menu again, I did so too

"I'd like the Dolsot Bibimbap please" I said putting the menu down

"You didn't pick that only because it's the cheapest thing on the menu did you?" he said putting his menu down too, I shook my head but it was true

"I've always liked Dolsot Bibimbap" I said, that part was true, he nodded and rang the bell for a waiter

"Hello I'm Seungho, I'll be your waiter for today, what can I get you?" the waiter said looking at both of us

"Can I get one Dolsot Bibimbap and one Sogogi Bibimbap please" Daehyun said in a professional voice, the waiter nodded and wrote them down

"And what about drinks sir?" the waiter asked him, Daehyun looked at me 

"I'd like a glass of water" I said scilently, Daehyun gave me a full smile

"Can we have two glasses of water please?" the waiter wrote it down and walked off to the kitchen

"Do you want your pressent yet?" I said putting the bag on the table, he nodded and reached for the bag, "not so fast" I said before pointing to my lips, he smiled and leaned over the table to kiss me 

"Am I allowed it yet?" he said sitting back in his seat, I handed him the bag and he took it gingerly

"I hope you like it?" I said with a smile, he took the box out and unwrapped it, he opened the box and gasped

"Maya, they're awesome" he said taking out the earrings he already had in and replaced them with the ones I brought him, they really did suit him

"I'm glad that you do" I said blushing, he leaned across the table and kissed me again... today really has been strange, it started badly but now it's become one of the happiest days of my life

"The box..." he said suddenly realising where I got it from, "baby these must have cost a bomb" he said worried, I shook my head but the price was still aching my pocket.

"No it really wasn't that much, and anyway it was totally worth it, they look great on you" I said pointing them out again, he just smiled and nodded but I felt that he wasn't going to drop it any day soon. The waiter brought our food back and our drinks, IT TASTED AWESOME, honestly I've never had something so amazing before

"It's really good here right?" Daehyun said noticing me glee, I nodded and had another bite if my bibimpab, "their desserts are the best too, and they're pretty cheap" he said nodding to me, I was too busy eating the amazing food to answer so I just smiled and nodded

"Ohhh they have cheesecake" I said excitedly looking at the menu, Daehyun's head snapped up and he looked at me with a blank face... "what?" I said worried that I'd put him in a bad mood

"Nothing much, just that you are the love of my life and I will always be with you for the rest of my life no matter what happens" He said all at once, a smile erupted on his face when he saw my bright red cheeks, why is he so much of a smooth talker. "But seriously I knew you were the one for me before but now that you love cheesecake it's certain, I have already fallen in love with you, I will eventually marry you and I will spend eternaty by your side" he said taking my hands in his... my mind was up on cloud nine as he said those words... no one has ever said anything like that to me before

"I love you too Jung Daehyun" I said kissing his knuckles

"I love you Maya Williams, always will" he said kissing my forehead, after that we had cheesecake and went to the aquarium, and after that we went home, the others were already in bed and Daehyun stayed in my room all night... of course we got told off in the morning because we left without telling anyone and we turned out phones off... but we really needed that time together... I really enjoyed our Date to The Coex Mall... ;)


So guys, like I said here's the lovey dovey chapter, and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while AGAIN... MIANHAEYO, but I will try to be more consistant with my uploads, I also have a new fan fiction so if you guys havent checked it out yet it's called Welcome Home and it's another B.A.P fan fic... but that doesn't mean that I wont be uploading as much. Anyway the next few chapters are going to be more light and uplifting but as you can tell Daehyun is getting into a bit of danger and soon it'll become a little more dark... but not for a while and also there's going to be a new character that could be making Daehyun jealous ;) anyway please anticipate and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT, I really love reading your comments ;) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)