Just Another Day

The Six Bunnies


"Maya, come on let's go" Youngguk called me making me jump, I sighed and looked in the mirror again

"One minute oppa" I shouted back, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, "aunt Jessica, please" I whispered, I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror, there stood behind me was a faded image of my aunt Jessica

"Maya, what's wrong with your powers, they're so weak" her voice echoed through my mind, I looked away from her eyes and sighed

"I gave me blood to Daehyun to stop him from turning into a seeker" I confessed making her gasp

"But this shouldn't be happening, your powers should have been getting more powerful" her vocie sounded like a bad reception on a radio station

"What? I think maybe it's because we did it by transfusion" I said like I knew what I was talking about

"That's why" she shouted making me jump, "ah sorry, well I can read him from here, he still has 3% or the virus in him, if he bites you now you'll get your powers back" my head started hurting. "Hunny I'm going before you have a nosebleed, bye bye" she said and then she dissapeared

"MAYA HURRY THE HELL UP WILL YOU!!!" they all said at once, I groaned and closed my eyes before looking in the mirror...

"WHAT THE HECK!!!" I screamed while looking at my face in the mirror, B.A.P and Minho came storming through into my room

"MAYA WHAT'S WRONG?" Daehyun shouted grabbing my shoulders and looking into my eyes

"M...my eye..." I stuttered, Zelo and Jongup looked over Daehyun's frozen shoulders and smiled

"AWESOME" they cheered together

"How did this happen?" Himchan asked a smiling Youngjae, I looked in the mirror and looked at my eyes, one of them was the normal brown but the other was crystal sky blue

"Wh...what the hell happened to me?" I'm really upset right now, why has my eye turn blue?

"That's something really rare, it's called a Manun which stands for masked eye, she's truely something Daehyun, keep an eye on her because if the word gets out that she has that eye, all the Matoki and Mitoki will be all over her" Youngjae said before winking at me

"Why?" Daehyun said standing protectivly next to me, he put his arms around me and held me close to him

"Because, she's rare and powerful, seriously, very very rare" he said not taking his eyes off of me

"Oppa" I squeaked while hiding behind Daehyun, Himchen threw Youngjae a warning look making him whimper and leave the room

"It's okay Maya, you don't have to worry about us, afterall we don't know anything about that eye" Youngguk said smiling, I nodded but stayed behind Daehyun

"Oppa don't leave my side" I whispered to Daehyun, he nodded and held my uninjured hand before walking into the livingroom

"I still feel responsible for that arm" he said letting go of my hand for a moment, I looked down at my cast and sighed, he picked some sunglasses up and stood really closely to me, "mianhae" he appologised yet again. Slipping the glasses on my face he smiled, "there, you can't see the eye colour" he said with a dazzling smile

"Kamsahamnida oppa" I said looking up at him, he untied my hair and let it fall to my elbows

"It's grown really long" he said admiring my long brown curls, I nodded making them bounce

"It needs a cut" I said looking at the crazy ends, but he took my hands and looked down at me shaking his head

"No don't you look really cute with long hair, really really really cute" he said quickly, I laughed and nodded again

"Arrasso oppa, ga ja" I said pulling his hand and leading him towards the door

"I don't want to work on my last day off" Zelo groaned putting his mask on

"Oh yeah you start school with Jongup tomorrow don't you?" Himchan said holding back his laughter

"Stooooooooop, I hate the UK customs, I wouldn't need to go to school on Mato" Zelo groaned making my mouth drop

"Seriously? No school?" I said upset, he nodded making me burn with jealousy, "but I've had to go through 11 years of horrible schooling, 11 years" for some reason I'm getting annoyed

"11 years is nothing in Mato, thats like a quarter of a year" Youngguk said making me even more annoyed

"Yeah yeah I get it you live for a long time" I muttered while walking out the door with Daehyun attached to my hand

"Mianhae Maya, by the way aren't you going to start school?" Jongup said making me even feel a little better

"No, technically Minho is still my tutor acording to the law" I said blobbing my tongue out at Minho who frowned

"Yeah that is true, I guess we an start those lessons today" he said throwing a bag at me, lucky Daehyun caught it before it crashed into my injured arm

"YAH!" Daehyun yelled making Minho appologise

"I'm sorry, I forgot your injured" he said scratching the back of his head

"It's okay, sometimes I even forget" I said trying to make Daehyun go easy on him

"No it's not okay, if that hit you you'd be in pain, serious pain" he shouted... my plan failed

"Oppa, don't be angry at him" I begged Daehyun, he hesitated but nodded and carried on walking in silence

"We'll start with maths" Minho said making me groan

"Why math?" I was about to wait for his answer until we got to the main entrance, I put my mask on and put my hood up like the rest of B.A.P, the news still hadden't died down from the other day and the reporters pretty much camped out outside the dorm. B.A.P and Minho got me through the crowd and into the company car, then manager drove off towards the practice rooms

"Okay, you lastly add 5 to it and what do you get?" Minho asked me while my brain worked to it's limit to try and figure out the answer

"Um... 350X?" I said unsure, he sighed and rubbed his forehead

"Seriously, your half Matoki but you can't even figure out a simple elgebra question" he said getting annoyed

"HEY YOUR THE ONE TESTING ME ON COLLEGE LEVEL, I'M ONLY 17 DUMMY" I yelled throwing my book on the floor, "seriously I hate school work, can't we start off with English?" I begged but he shook his head and handed me the book again 

"No, you need to learn" he damanded making me groan again

"At least work at high school level, you know for 7 year olds" I pleaded, he thought about it for a minute and gave up, he got out a book and wrote down a question

"Okay, do you know how to figure this out?" he said like I was a three year old, I looked at the question and wrote down a few calculations before writing down what I think is the answer

"3a + 42b" I said confidently, he looked at it before nodding

"Okay you can do it at this level quite easily, how about we take it one step forward" he said makign sure it as fine, I nodded and he wrote down another one

"53c + 60d" I said after doing that one

"Corr..." he began but got cut off

"Maya how about I teach you the power dance" Jongup said coming over to me, I looked at an angry Minho and shook my head

"No thanks Jonguppie, I've got some work to do plus I have this stupid cast" I said trying to make Minho's ugly frown go away, he looks like SHINee's Onew watching someone eat his chicken

"I'll teach you the parts you can do, please Minho hyung, she's been learning math for over an hour, let her have a small break" he begged like a cute puppy, Minho looked away from Jongup's pleading eyes but knew he'd never win

"Arrasso, but only for 15 minutes, then we start to study English" he said putting the math books away

"YEY" I cheared jumping up, Jongup grabbed my uninjured hand and lead me towards the others

"Hyung Maya want's to learn a bit of our dance" he said happily, Daehyun turned around and looked at the cast

"I'll be okay oppa, I'll only do the simple moves" I said looking at Jongup do some B-Boy moves

"Fine, but only the simple moves" he said uneasy, they did their best to teach me the moves but like school work I was totally useless, "your worse then manager kang at dancing, seriously, your useless at dancing without your powers" Daehyun said making me feel like Song Jihyo the actress, am I really that bad... yes my timing was off and I'm a little stiff but I'm not that bad right?

"Mianhae oppa, I'll try better" I said trying to get out of work, but then Minho came over and threw me over his shoulder and was careful of my injured hand.

"No Maya, we're getting straight to work" he said determined that he was going to teach me something new in a language I'm already fluent in

"Oppa I already know english, I loved there for ages you know" I said in full english making the rest of B.A.P's expressions grow blank

"Maya you still have to learn it's the law" he replied in flawless english

"ARGGGG I HATE YOU" I shouted as he dropped me on my chair, he gave me a question book, I took it and started answering them like there was no tomorrow, I handed it back and slouched in my chair

"Next" he said giving me another question book, we continued this until he had no books left

"Can we break for dinner yet?" I said pouting, Minho sighed and sat down next to me watching B.A.P dance to the last moments of their song

"Sure, we better wait for the others though" he sighed looking absorbed in their dance moves

"They're really good" I said absentmindedly

"Yeah, they've always been good at these kidns of things, on Mato they're admired and loved by everyone" he said full jealousy

"Wanting their life?" I joked, he sighed and nodded

"Yeah I do, they're good looking, talented and adired by everyone, they're now idols" he sighed again

"You sigh too much" I laughed, he sighed again making me laugh

"Maya, that eye you have" he said striking my attention

"Yeah?" I whispered but of course the others could hear even though the music was blasting out

"It's something you need to keep a secret from everyone you know, literally everyone" he said getting serious. "If Mato hears about it, you'll be forced to marry Daehyun and you know what you'll be forced to do after that" he said catching me off guard... I suddenly felt that diomand on my chain that was tucked in my shirt, I looked at Daehyun but saw he was looking back...


"That you'll marry me" he said looking into my eyes with a serious look

"M....M....Marry you?" I suttered while sitting up shocked

"Not now of course, I mean when your old enough and you don't feel too strange" he sat up too and took my left hand

"O...O...Oppa" I felt my cheek blush as he slipped a simple small diamond ring on my ring finger on my left hand

"You can take it off when I'm done" he said smiling, "okay so um... I've been waiting over 2,000 years for this but... um... Maya Williams, I love you and I really can't live without your bubbly and beautiful personality and your cute dimples and your clumsy curls, I want to not grow old with you and live forever and ever by your side, will you please, please please please please marry me?" he said getting closer and closer to my face

"Oppa, are you sure?" I said still shocked, he nodded quickly and continued to stare into my eyes, "I have one question" I said smiling, he hesitated but nodded again, "do you love me more then cheesecake?" I joked but he was taken back and actually thought about it "YA JUNG DAEHYUN!" I shouted making him laugh

"Mianhae mianhae, of course I do you pabo" he said kissing my forehead

"Okay" I said smiling

"Okay about what?" he said confused

"About marrying you, but after two years, and I'm so not doing the baby thing" I said setting boundries, he laughed and nodded

"Okay okay okay okay" he repeated over, "thank you Maya" I said before kissing all over my face, then my lips

"I love you Daehyunnie" 

"I love you Maya"


Okay so this is mixed up chapter, but I'm really tired and I couldn't think right so MIANHAEYO READER-NIMS... So I promise I'll make a better chapter next time... oh and I'll make the ending a little less soppy hehehehehe yeah sorry about that :) please comment and subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)