Being an Idol's Girlfriend

The Six Bunnies

Chapter 26 ******* Being an Idol's Girlfriend

"JAGIYA HAVE YOU SEEN MY CAR KEYS" Daehyun called running aorund the dorm like all the other members, I laughed and picked them up off of the kitchen side and held tham out for him to get them as he strinted down the halls at human speed, manager was in the building so they're trying to act human.

"NOONA WHERE'S MY TRAINERS?" Zelo yelled from the hallway, I walked over and put on the mask B.A.P had got me

"In your bedroom next to the bookcase" I smiled patting his head, he smiled and ran back through the door

"YAH JUNG DAEHYUN STOP EATING CHEESECAKE AND GET READY FOR OUR SCHEDULE" Himchan's voice yelled and shortly after a yelp of pain came from Daehyun as he ran out of the kitchen with a mouth full of left over pizza

"EVERYONE LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO" Youngguk said rounding them all up, I opened the door and put my hood up, the others followed me down the hall still putting their gear on. Manager and a couple of body guards were waiting out front, we stopped for a bit to go over our plan to get through the paparazzi. 

"Put these on, it'll help your eyes" Daehyun said standing really close to me, he took out his sun glasses and put them on me, "your like a celebrity now" he said pulling my hair out of my coat, I smiled and hooked his mask on his other ear

"Ga ja" I said walking out surrounded by the memebrs of B.A.P and body guards, as soon as the doors opened choas broke out, the reporters shouting questions, camera's flashing and camera crews filming my ever move. The car door opened and B.A.P helped me inside before getting in themselves, manager got in the drivers side and instantly set off almost running over some reporters.

"These damn pests, seriously they're not human, they're flippin aliens I'm telling you, aliens..." I looked up at Daehyun awkwardly and took my sun glasses off

"Oppa, why am I going along again? Aren't I safer at the dorm?" I said to manager oppa, everyone in the van shook their heads in unison

"They find their way past the security and go to the dorm, they break in and attack you" Jongup said frightening me

"I hate feeling like a prisoner" I muttered, I pouted and slouched against Youngguk's arm. "Oppa can we get some icecream?" I begged, he looked down at me about to cave in but Himchan hit the back of his head snappin him back to reality

"If we stop they'll get you, your to stay with either me or Daehyun at ALL times" he said looking away from my puppy dog eyes, I sighed and sat up

"Fine" I mumbled and looked out of the window, we got to TS a few minutes later, the reporters were here too

"Jagiya, stay by mine and Youngguk's side, Zelo you stay behind us with Himchan, Jongup and Youngja you stay infront" Daehyun said taking my glasses and putting them on me, he gave me a smile and kissed me quickly on the lips before opening the door. They got into formation and wrestled me through the crowd and got me into the building where I was ripped from Daehyun's arms

"OPPA!!!" I screamed reaching out to them with the hand that wasn't being grabbed, Daehyun ran over and pulled me free while Youngguk and Jongup stayed behind to help security

"Are you okay?" Daehyun said frantically, I nodded but truthfully I've never been as scared in my life, "hyung what room is Taesung hyung?" he asked manager oppa

"On the 10th floor" he said getting ready as we went past the 8th, the door opened and Daehyun hid me behind him... but there was no one there, we ran down the halls and into the room labelled CEO

"I'm glad you made it safe, but where are the other two?" Taesung said looking worried, just then the door opened and Youngguk and Jongup walked in panting

"We're here hyung" Youngguk breathed, "sorry we're late, we had to help the security guards with a stray fan"... that person was a fan? Not a reporter? I looked down at my red wrist and for some reason I was shaking

"Your fans don't like me" I said under by breath but of course they heard me

"Maya, you've suddenly come out of no where and cought out that your going out with Daehyun, they just need some time" Youngguk said walking over to me, he kissed the top of my head fatherly and then rubbed it 

"Hyung, don't kiss my girlfriend" Daehyun said putting an arm around my shoulder

"Mianhae dongsaeng, but she's my little sister, so I'm allowed to kiss her head" he said REALLY embarrassing me

"Oppa" I groaned making him laugh

"Your my little sister too" Youngjae said ruffling my hair

"She's my noona" Zelo said raising his hand cutely

"She's not my sister, she's my daughter so if you don't remove that hand from her and I swear that I'll chop it off" Himchan said creapily behind us, Daehyun removed his hand and threw them in the air

"She's my twin" Jongup said hugging me innocetly around the waist making my blush

"YA DON'T TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND" Daehyun said kicking Jongup's hip making him fall on the floor

"Well, looks like you've grown on all of them, I'm really sad to break you up from them though..." the room became serious and quiet

"What?" Jongup said from the floor

"She can't be allowed to stay with you, she's got to go back to where she came from, she's ruining your image and sending you down hill, I'll give her till tomorrow morning to leave your dorm, manager will drive her back to her house..." Daehyun butted in

"She's got no where else to go, she's my girlfriend I can't just cast her out on the streets" he yelled making my jump, Taesung glared at him for stepping out of line

"Daehyun, stop being irrational, it's just some silly teenage romance that wont last a week, she's going to hold you back and what if you break up? What about the reporters? She's nothing but an attention seeking little fan..." Daehyun ran for him but I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me

"STOP!" I yelled snapping him out of it, "Daehyun just stop this, your career is more important then me, I'll go back to the mansion" I said holding back my tears. I walked around him and looked at the CEO, "I never knew who B.A.P were before they came to my aunt's property, since then they've helped me through dealing with my parent's passing and my aunts. So thank you for creating B.A.P and allowing me to be introduced to them, thank you" I squeaked before fleeing out of the door

"MAYA!" I heard the others call after me but I was already running down the stairs, they can't use their powers in public so I had the upper hand, I took the back door out and ran down the alleyway but out of no where someone appeared behind me and put something over my mouth... chloroform... I tried to struggle against them but my mind started shutting down and my eyes started to close

"MAYA!!!" someone called me but it was too late, my eyes closed and I was chucked into a black van...




... I opened my eyes what seamed like seconds later to find myself tied to a chair, my neck and back hurt and my vision's blurry, I looked around the best I could but saw that I'm in what looks like a factory, an old abandoned factory

"Oppa she's awake" a high pitched voice sang, I looked up to see a middle schooler running on the cat walk above me, "WHOA SHE'S SO PRETTY" she squealed while jumping up and down giddily

"What... what do you want with me?" I damanded making her smile

"Your half Matoki" she said happily, I froze at her words...

"You know about them?" I said shocked, she nodded and jumped down and landed gracfully on her feet

"Sorry about the rough handling, I didn't know how else to get you away from the members" she said cutely, she walked over and untied my hand. "YA OPPA WHY DID YOU TIE HER UP?" she yelled behind her, I looked up again to see Taesung stepping down the fire stairs

"I thought she's run away" he said appologetically, "sorry about the kidnapping Maya but we just need to run a few tests" he said with a calm smile

"You kidnapped me?" I said scared, he shook his head and looked behind me, I turned around to see a really handsome looking muscular guy

"He kidnapped you, I don't like to use my powers" he said bluntly

"Your Matoki?" I said suprised

"Yeah, but the members don't know it, at least I wont have to worry about you telling the others that we are" he said scaring me, I looked around and saw the door. "Your not going to make it, you've lost your powers so you'll be caught before you make one step" he said in a low voice, I started to panic

"What do you want with me? Please just let me go, please, please, please" I begged, he smiled evilly and leaned down so we were at eye level

"We're going to do a few tests to see if your a threat to B.A.P" he said confidently, "we don't know who the new embassador is so we've got to keep you away..." I started laughing, "what?" he said over my howling laughter

"You've got to be ting me" I laughed throwing my head back, just then the doors behing them burst open and B.A.P ran through

"How did they find us?" the middle schooler said scared

"I don't understand I put a spell around the building" the handsome guys said walking to Taesung's side

"MAYA!" Daehyun called down with a smug smile

"You came just in time" I called back, he winked and jumped with the others over the railing, they landed at the same time and walked over to me, Taesung turned around and greeted the boys

"Hello B.A.P, how can I help you?" he said blocking their way

"Yeah we're here to get Maya back" Minho's voice came from the door, he jumped down too and flashed to B.A.P's side

"A Guard, well all the Matoki scum are here" Taesung turned around with a grimace

"Aren't you a Matoki?" I said confused

"No, we're Mitoki" the middle schooler said unhappily, "but me and my brother are supporters of Mato" she said linking arms with the goodlooking guy... where does this leave Taesung?

"I'm nothing but a CEO of an entertainment company" he said getting out a pair of glasses from his pocket, he put them on and sighed, "that and an embassador of Mito to Mato" he said proudly

"In other words he's Mito's lap dog" Himchan said trying his luck, Taesung turned around and shot his arm out sending a small blade their way, Daehyun caught it and sent it back skimming his hair sending a few strands to the floor

"Be careful of your actions Mito, your pushing your luck" Youngguk warmed in a deep voice 

"Tch... since when did you find out?" Taesung said walking towards me

"We knew all along" Himchan said flashing to my side with Daehyun

"And what's with this girl? What role does she play but a useless half blood" he spat making me jump, Daehyun grabbed his collar and growled

"She's the embassador, the William's daughter" he said before pushing him away, the little middle schooler ran oevr with the handsome guy and kneeled...

"W... w... w... what are you doing?" I stuttered, they looked up sadly and yelled in unison

"WE'RE SORRY MA'AM, WE NEVER KNEW" I blushed and got up while pulling on their shirts

"Get up your embarrassing me" I whispered making the others laugh

"Your the embassador? Well I am sorry about the mixup, I guess I got the wrong half blood" he pushed his glasses further up his nose

"Another half Matoki?" Youngguk said interested

"Yeah, there's a half Matoki what could be a danger to the human race and the Mito, we need to get him or her before they strike" he said before jumping up to the door

"We'll keep an eye out" Himchan said helping me to my feet

"You better, there's already been two Mito deaths, we dont want any more" he said before heading for the door, but he paused and turned around, "by the way you've all got practice in the morning, Power is coming up quick and oyu guys are behind" he said and took one look at me before leaving

"Thats just like him" Himchan laughed, I looked up at the handsome guy and sighed

"So..." I said awkwardly

"So..." he said looking away from me, well... things are getting complicated....


Here's another chapter, OH did you guys notice the new back ground and header photo? It's really rough but I'm not very good with editing so MIANHAE <:( Anyway, there's a real twist in the story isn't there ^_^ I wanted to try and make it interesting but I think I failed hehehehehehe anyway please comment and subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)