Problem Solved

The Six Bunnies


"Did you enjoy the date?" Daehyun said with a confident smile, I nodded and blushed remembering the really normal date we had yesterday, the members really did give us a hard time but when I showed them the thoughtful gift from Daehyun they softened down and let us off the hook.

"Yeah, I loved it" I said leaning on him, we were sat on the sofa watching TV, the others have gone into their own rooms to give us some privacy, "hey oppa, thank you again for the necklaces" I said looking up at him... but something wasn't right about him... his eyes had turned completely black and his face was pale white. I stood up and walked over to the other end of the room. "YOUNGGUK OPPA" I yelled to behind me, Youngguk and the others came running into the living room, Daehyun bolted for me growling like a wild animal, Youngguk appeared in front of him and grabbed Daehyun's throat before lifing him up and throwing him to the ground. "NO STOP IT" I screamed and ran for them but Jongup and Zelo grabbed me around the waist so I couldn't move, I tried to get out of their grips but they're too strong

"Maya stop, there's nothing you can do, leave it to Youngguk" Zelo begged but I can't just stand by and watch Youngguk beat him up

"Let me go or I'll use my powers" I said glaring at Jongup, he looked at Youngguk who had Daehyun in a painful looking body lock, "now" I said through my teeth, Daehyun's yells were sending shivers down my body. Jongup groaned and let go of me the same time as Zelo, I ran forward and used all my strength to get Youngguk's arms off of Daehyun.

I then activated my powers and used as little amount as I could to knock Daehyun out but accidentally I got Youngguk and Jongup too..."Oops" I said shrugging my shoulders making Zelo laugh, I helped Himhan, Youngjae and Zelo put the knocked out members to their bed... but Himchan and Youngjae took Daehyun into the back room... "What are we doing in here?" I said looking around the small room, Zelo closed the door and moved some coats out of the way to reveal a small pannel with three buttons on it, he pushed the bottom one

"We're going underground" Zelo said winking, Youngjae groaned and jumped so Daehyun was higher up his back

"I dont remember this thing going this slow" he gasped, Daehyun wrapped his arms around Youngjae's head and mumbled something in his sleep

"What did he say?" I said holding back my laughter, Zelo and Himchan however didn't hold back as they doubled over in laughter.

"Please... dont" Youngjae said with a funny face that I thought was serious

"Sorry oppa" I said holding back my laughter, there was a ding and Zelo opened the door... I didn't feel the room move but for some reason the dorm wan't infront of us... it was a gray brick room that had a large cage like cell on the far wall with chains on the floor and wall

"What are you going to do to him?" I said frightened by the gloomy room, Youngjae walked past me and opened the cell door and dropped Daehyun on the foor accidentally

"Sorry, my fault" he said lifting his hands in the air

"What are you going to do to him" I said again, Youngjae looked at me and thought about what to say

"We're going to chain him up so that he doesn't try and kill you" Himchan said with his confident coy smile, I looked at the sleeping Daehyun and shook my head... why is he chaining him up? Just a moment ago he was holding my hand and kissing me just like any other boyfriend... this is not fair, I'm going to fix this, I'm going to cure him no matter the price.

"Guys I've thought of an idea" I said excitedly, they looked at me frightened by my sudden outburst

"What is it?" Youngjae said walking upto me, I looked at Daehyun's sleeping face once more and nodded, this is a good idea... I hope

"Transfusion" I said confidently, Youngjae's eyes suddenly glowed with interest

"Transfusion as in blood transfusion... that could work" he said rubbing his chin, I smiled at my smart idea

"Haven't we already tried that way back when, it didn't work" Himchan said ruining my pride, Youngjae laughed and little and shook his head

"Remember back then we didn't have a living donator, Youngguk hyung killed him before he had a chance at killing Zelo" I looked at Youngjae shocked at his words, he sighed and turned back to me. "Okay so our mentor back on Mato became infected by the transformation, we tried everything to find a hunter and when we found one he grew hostile towards us and shot at Zelo who was a hundred years younger so thats like... um..." Youngjae took a moment to work our his calculations, "13 years old?" he said like it was a question but nodded and carried on with his story, "anyway Youngguk is ultra protective of Zelo and when he saw that Zelo was hurt badly... things didn't end well" he said scratching the back of his head

"In other words Youngguk killed him, we collected the blood but it was too late, the transformation was already complete and he went on a ramage on Mato and destroyed most our energy sources, that's the main reason why we're here" Zelo said informatively... he's quite a good speaker.

"So you never got the chance to do a living transfusion?" I said trying to understand the situation, they all nodded at the same time and I smiled. "There's a chance we can save him" I said full of joy, they also smiled and for some reason we ended up having a grou phug. "Can we do it tonight?" I said in a hurry, Youngjae laughed and looked at his watch

"We'll have to do some tests first, Zelo go and wake Youngguk and Jongup, tell them to help you bring the stuff down here" Youngjae said calling the shots, "Himchan hyung can you get me my laptop from my room and my case" he said with persuasive eyes, Himchan nodded and ran with Zelo to the lift. 

"What do you want me to do?" I said feeling helpless, he looked around and sighed

"I don't know, I guess all we can do is wait for the equipment and hope he doesn't wake up, you put the amount of power output like I tought you right?" he said making sure, I nodded and he smiled befor patting my head, "good girl, your a really fast learner" he smiled at me with a proud smile... good to know I'm good at something

"Maya..." Daehyun suddenly mumbeld making us jump, we looked at him but he was still asleep... OH MY GOSH HE WAS SAYING MY NAME IN HIS SLEEP..... EEEEEEEEEEEP

"Wow, he really likes you" Youngjae said with slightly rosy cheeks, I however must look like a ripe red cherry tomato... speaking of cherry tomatoes Zelo came running towards us with two suitcases, Himchan and a sleepy looking Jongup followed. 

"Ya Maya, why did you knock me out too? I thought you had control of your powers" Jongup groaned while dropping the suitcase on the floor, Youngjae swatted him on the back of the head and opened his suitcase before getting out an electrical divice of some sort

"Oh my babies did small mean Jongup hurt you" he said pretty much the divice, I looked at Jongup for an explination but he was still groggy from his forced nap.

"Jongup take Maya over to the other cell, if Daehyun wakes up and he's still in Seeker mode she'll be the one in danger" Yongguk said coming out of the elevator, he walked over to me and looked me dead in the eye, "Maya remember what I tought you about the fields?" his eyes looked tired and his voice was still rough 

"Sure, use only 30% of my powers and if anyone tries to get through knock them out" I said remembering one of his lessons, she smiled and nodded before ruffling my hair

"Be careful Maya" he said before Jongup took me over to the other cell across the room, this one has a seat and a heater... good thing because this room was freezing.

"Sorry about a minute ago, I'm not a happy go luckly person when I wake up" he said with a baby faced smile... seriously? I always thought nothing could make him angry

"It's okay" I said with a smile, just then Himchan came in and sat down next to me

"Guess who's going to be your protection" he said winking at me, I pushed him away playfully and laughed

"I'll leave her in your clumsy capable hands" Jongup said groggily before leaving and locking the door after... yep deffinatly not a morning person

"So what tests are they going to do?" I said looking over at Daehyun for the hundredth time

"First Youngjae does a mind test, he connects wires to Daehyuns head and feeds the information through to his laptop, then he does a bloods test, pretty normal just to see if his body is ready for the transformation before hand, I mean he's going to be in pain for about 2 weeks..." I cut him off

"Why will he be in pain?" I said suddenly regretting coming up with the idea

"His body is regecting the Seeker part of him, it'll be pushed out of his body at all ends if you know what I'm saying, it's sort of like when someone has food poisoning and the flue all at once, the only good thing about it is that his mood swings will die down" he said making a joke out of a serious situation, the Himchan that we all love and need in a crisis

"So how long will the transfusion take?" I said really interested in the subject for some reason

"Only a couple of minute's, Youngjae will pay attention with how much blood is entering his system, when enough has been supplied you get a plaster and an ungly looking bruise on your arm" there he goes again... I hope I'm not left with him for long, I mean I like him as a friend and all but he can get a little annoying... but I think it's intentionally... I think.

"Okay, we're ready to do the tests, Maya do you want me to read out the results when they come through" Youngjae shouted at me, I nodded and he opened the cage, I tapped into his conscious and made sure he was still under, Youngjae put the wires on Daehyun's forehead and quickly left locking the door after himself. He checked the screen and smiled, "his mind is only 60% taken over by the Seeker virus, we can go a head with the blood tests" he shouted so that I could hear... 60% already? When exactly did it start? It must have been years ago that they found out

"They're doing the bloods now right?" I said checking with Himchan, he nodded and focused on the rest of s, fear and worry replaced the smile that was there a moment ago... he must really worry for Daehyun and s, his expression was almost like a mother when they see their kid climbing a tree with no way to get back down.

"Okay I'm taking the blood now" he shouted pulling out a needle... I felt my stomach churn... I forgot that I'm afraid of needles... this is going to be fun... he took the blood and ran out again locking the door, he did some other sciency, technical, nerdy stuff and checked his laptop, "bloods are fine we can go a head with the transfusion" he shouted while fist pumping the air, reliefe fiiled me as I sighed, Himchan did the same but then Youngjae came over with a needle attached to a very long tube that was attached to a machine that was attached to Daehyun... I dont know if I'm going to last without throwing up... but it was over really quickly, I guess I was a cry baby over nothing

"Youngjae check his obs" Youngguk said pointing at the screen, Youngjae ran over and tapped on the key board a bit

"Things are going to plan, his body is rejecting the Seeker virus... now who's going to be incharge of clean up duty?" Youngjae said looking around, all of a sudden eyes flew to me but I shook my head

"I can't, I'm a girl so I cant go with him while he's... ahem on the toilet" I said beginning confidently but I soon turned shy at the thought of taking him to the toliet...

"Okay I nominate Youngjae" Jongup said raising his hand

"Himchan" Youngguk said raising his arm

"Youngjae" Zelo said smiling cheekily at Youngjae

"Youngguk" Himchan yelled thowing his hand in the air

"Looks like Youngjae's on clean up duty" Jongup said high fiving Zelo, Youngjae groaned and when the computer beeped he angrily hit the space bar, the machine stopped working and Youngjae came into take the needle out of my arm, he put a plaster over it and smiled at me before walking back to his station

"Youngguk and Himchan carry Daehyun back up to his room" Youngjae called while putting away his stuff, the two groaned but picked a still sleeping Daehyun up off of the floor and on their backs, I walked beside them and looked up at Daehyun's face, he was turning pale and was sweating a lot

"Dont worry about him, tunring pale and sweating is part of the process, he'll be fine in two weeks, just you wait and see" Zelo said patting my head

"I'm older then you" I mumbled but he just laughed and ran ahead into the elevator room... well I guess things can only go up from now... right?


So guys, here's the full chapter, please comment your thoughts and tell me what you think :) I might be uploading again either in a few hours (it's increadbly early right now *4am* and I havent had much sleep) or tomorrow depending on if I'll be updating my other fan fictions :) anyway please comment and subcribe if you haven't already and thanks for being awesome readers and carry on reading my fan fictions :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)