Half Matoki

The Six Bunnies


I shook my head, this is too unbelievable, theres no way that I'm half matoki, no way.

"No, I cant be, m...my mom was from Busan, s...she was was only 40" I said standing up, Daehyun went to stop me but Minho shook his head. "I think I'd know if I was half alien" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"Do you remember practice?" said Daehyun walking over to me, I nodded. "Well the markings and your hair changing is Matoki, your mother had the same colours" he said taking my hands.

"Why didnt they tell me?" I mumbled, he shrugged his shoulders and hugged me

"Daehyun" said Yongguk, he had a phone to his face and his expression meant business, Daehyun ut me behind his back and they looked at each other without saying anything. 

"Okay" Daehyun took my hand and led me towards the chalk board, opening up the book case he took me down to the secret room from before, it had been cleaned up.

"What's going on?" I said, my mind was confused, in a split second the room turned from calm to tense, the look on Yongguk's face was lodged into my mind, something was wrong.

"Your uncle's decided to try and attack you from head on, his vehicals were spotted a couple of miles away from here" he said running into the far room, I followed him but didn't expect what I saw. It was a large room with an open kitchen, in the middle of the room there was a ten seater table with a low chandelier, the table was fully furnished with plates and cutlery. 

"What about my aunt? And all the staff here, if he's looking for me wont they be in danger?" I said finding him in the kitchen, he looked at me with a worried face. 

"I'm sorry, we cant risk your safety, your not fully incontrol of your powers, if you cant activate them then your uncle could get what he wants..." he paused only just aware of what he'd said.

"What does he want?" I squeaked, Daeyun looked away and carried on looking through the cupboards without answering me, why wont he tell me? I grabbed hold of his shoulder and turned him around, I looked into his eyes and said slowly "what does he want" he chouldn't stay quiet now.

"He wants to kill you" his voice broke, fear filled me, utter fear. I began to shake about the thought of someone wanting to kill me

"Why... why does he want to kill me?" I said feeling my legs turn to jelly, I used the kitchen side to keep me up. He hesitated but replied

"Because your half Matoki, he's a hunter. He killed your parents because he found out that your mother is Matoki and your father was an ambassador, and he wants to kill you because your both" he punched the wall infront of him creating cracks in the plaster making me jump. "I'm going to kill him" he growled, I yawned... how could I be tired at a time like this. He noticed and sighed, taking my hand he took me back upto the study.

"Why are we going back up?" I asked, he scoffed and shook his head

"To be honest I dont know" he laughed but the worried face came back on straight after

"Daehyun, why are you bringing her back up" said Yongguk angrily, the room had changed, the book cases were flat against each other against the walls, the chairs around the table were gone and weapons scattered the tabletop.

"I cant keep her down there, she'd go crazy. Also if she's anything like practice then she'll be more help then all of us put together" he said pushing me forward a little. Yongguk thought for a moment and nodded

"Alright, Jongup come here" Yongguk called Jongup, he appeared out of his room on the top floor and without taking the stairs he jumped right off the banister and landed gracfully on his feet. WOW. He walked over and smiled waiting for his orders. "Change her" he said pointing to me, I took a step back but Daehyun caught me; putting his hands on my arms so I couldn't move, his looked like he was in utter agony.

"Mianhae Maya" said Jongup walking upto me, closing his eyes he put his hands on either side of my face, pain struck through my body from head to toe, not able to keep it in I screamed out. I felt Daehyun stiffed behing me and Yongguk looked away. Tears streamed down my face, why is it so painful it was like lightening passing through me. Then he let me go and I went limp, Daehyun grabbed hold of me to keep me standing.

"W...What the hell did you do?" I said but they were just stood staring at me, I gathered my strength and stood up. My hands had the marking on from before, thats what they meant by change.

"Wow, you look just like your Umma" said Jongup with is usual sunny smile, Zelo and Himchan jumped down from the top level just like Jongup before.

"Haven't you heard of stairs?" I said when they got to me, they laughed shyly. Minho walked into the study but halted when he saw me, he looked between me and Daehyun.

"Well that's something new" he said before walking over to me, taking my hair out of the tie he smiled at the colour, "just like your mother, she'd be proud" he smiled but then Yongguk's phone rang. Everyone stiffened at he took it out and answered it.

"Hello?" he said and then there was a pause, "30 minutes? Okay hyung, yeah I'll keep you updated" he hung up and sighed. 

"30 minutes then?" Zelo said picking up a gun, they all smiled from the adrenaline. I however felt so scared it's unbelievable.

"There's going to be three different groups coming, Daehyun you go with Minho to the high ranked group, Zelo your with me for the middle group and Jongup I'll leave you with Himchan for the low rank..." then he looked at me... how did he know all this? "Maya I want you to go with Minho and Daehyun" Daehyun snapped.

"Hyung how can you do that, she's good but not that good, you should put her with Jongup and Himchan" he shouted stomping over to him, Yongguk stood his ground and glared at him

"Daehyun, I can see it, she's going to do great, you dont need to worry about her" what did Yongguk say about seeing it? Minho seamed to take Daehyun's side but there's nothing he can say. "If something happens then it's better to have the best two to protect her, she's better with you two then with Jongup and Himchan" he said looking between Daehyun and Minho. They both gave in and came over to me, they looked a little on edge.

"Stay close to me and Minho, I dont want you out of my sight for a second okay?" said Daehyun taking my hand tightly, I squoze it back and gave him a little smile. Minho put a hand on my head and ruffled my hair.

"Aissshhhhh" I said tidying it again, I blobbed my tongue out and hit him in the chest, he chuckled and sighed.

"I promise I wont let anything to you, if I do your boyfriend will kill me" he chuckled, Daehyun also laughed which made me less scared.

"So you two are the best then?" I said trying to calm my self down, Daehyun took out his mask as soon as his body got covered by markings, Minho did the same.

"Yeah, we're what you call ninjas type Matoki, we get around better then the others, our powers are different from other Matoki" Daehyun said proudly, he picked up a mask and carefully put it on my face. "There we go, Minho, lets go do a warm up" he called Minho, they took me into another room which was like a gym... this house doesn't surprise me anymore. 

"Dont worry little sis, we'll go easy on you" said Minho but Daehyun scoffed

"I wont, I'm going all out. You should have seen her when we were battling last time, I was using all my strength and she still matched me" said Daehyun stretching a little... he was using all of his strength... AWESOME

"So she isn't a tracker like her mother?" said Minho getting a little nervous, Daehyun shook his head and talked to the other end of the gym; he took Minho with him so it was two on one.

"That isn't fair" I pouted but they didn't listen to me, instead they started running towards me at full speed, but I was faster. First Daehyun made his move with a high kick but I dodged and tripped him up making him do the splits, then Minho went to punch but again I dodged making him fall on his face next to Daehyun. I couldn't help but laugh, we went like this for 10 minutes before Yongguk and the others called us to the room.

"Wow, she's brilliant" breathed Minho dabbing sweat off of his forehead, I giggled and skipped into the study

"Heyy here's the star fighter, we've been watching you, you know" said Zelo before putting him mask on, all of them had their individual markings over their bodies and dressed in black combat gear.

"You watched?" I blushed, Yongguk laughed and nodded

"You might be the best fighter I've ever seen, your so fast" he put his mask on and looked at me with red eyes, there were so many red eyes looking at me, it was kind of unsettling.

"But hyung, why doesn't she have red eyes" said Jongup walking over, he still had that smile, does he ever stop smiling?

"Because she's not full matoki, instead she has the purple colour of her Matoki" said Yongguk putting a piece of my hair out of the way, that reminds me. I got out a bobble and put my hair in a ponytail, there all ready. Yongguk's phone rang just as soon as Youngjae ran in, he was different then the others, he had a headset on and no mask.

"Youngjae oppa, why dont you have a mask on?" I said sorting mine out, he laughed a little and held up a walkie talkie and winked

"I'm on operations, I guess you can say the brain of the opperations, my powers work on a different level then these lot" he bragged, the other whistled and admitted the fact that he was smarter then them.

"Guys they're going to be 5 minutes, we need to get ready" said Yongguk picking up a machine gun, "get into your places" they all scattered, Minho and Daehyun took my arms and led me upstairs and into my room.

"Wow wow no way, I'm not doing that" I said trying to pull away from them as they led me to the window. They laughed and jumped out with screaming between them, but we landed on our feet. "Dont ever do that again" I growled making them laguhed even more.

"Do you see that hill to the left" he said pointing to a large mountain like hill, I nodded but noticed his expression

"We're not going up there are we?" I groaned

"Come one" they both said taking my arms and dragging me again, when we got to the top the fear filled me again, below me was a large line of cars and truck heading towards my aunt's house. How the hell are we suppose to beat them.

"We're dead" I mumbled but Minho and Daehyun had already got their guns ready on the floor, I just ducked down like a coward. Daehyun took the first shot and shot at the lead van which flipped over taking out two other vans making them burst into flames... great shot. Then Minho took out a couple more, but they soon caught on and the car haulted, the people flooded out and started shooting all around. I covered my head and went close to the ground.

"Lets go" said Minho crawling back, I followed him and to the roof of the mansion. The attackers flooded through the gate and ran towards the mansion, Minho stood up and face me. "Count to ten after Daehyun goes down, and remember if you feel outnumbered just call me okay?" he said, I nodded and he stood up doing a back flip off the mansion he landed on his feet gracefully. OH MY GOSH THAT WAS AWESOME!!!

"Maya" Daehyun said next to me, I turned but got a shock by how close he was. He pulled his mask down and mine before kissing me, I shut my eyes and kissed him back. He pulled away and put his mask on before doing a sumersault off of the roof leaving me almost in tears, that could be the last kiss we'd ever have


Sorry for not updating in a while, anyway I know I'm not that good at action but after this chapter there's going to be a lot more romancy and lovey stuff... so anticipate; comment and subscribe... SARANGHAEYO ANNYONG :) 

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)