Let's Go Back

The Six Bunnies


“Thank goodness your both okay but what were you two doing at the beach?” Himchan asked while placing his hands on my shoulder’s all mother-like. I looked around the rooms at all the worried expressions who were looking at me and Daehyun with white faces.
“We were on a date” Daehyun removed Himchan’s hands slowly and replaced them with his own. “She’s decided to give me another chance and I wanted to take her to see Busan’s best beach, but there was a half Matoki hidden there and attacked some humans” he looked at me with guilty eyes. “I didn’t mean to put her in harm’s way” he looked at the members asking for forgiveness, Youngjae walked over and patted Daehyun’s shoulder. 
“It’s okay Daehyun hyung there’s nothing you could have done, and congratulations on getting back together” he smiled at us before he was pushed to the floor by Jongup who had his usual innocent smile plastered on his handsome face
“Maya congradz, but Daehyun hyung” his smile was suddenly replaced with an evil grimace as he looked at Daehyun, “if you dare put her in a dangerous situation again and if she ever gets hurt on your count I will never forgive you” and then his smile was back. He carefully picked Youngjae up from the floor and carried him over to the sofa
“He’s scary sometimes” I noticed, he laughed and nodded
“You should see him when he’s in fighting mode, that’s why he’s the best fighter in B.A.P” he smiled faintly but it soon vanished. “I’m so sorry Maya” Daehyun put his arms around me and held me to him “Maya, baby, your shaking like crazy. I’m so sorry” he said desperately while my head, now that he mentioned it I was actually shaking like a cold Chihuahua. I breathed out a wobbly sigh while nestling against Daehyun’s chest.
“Can we move back to Seoul please?” I asked in a whisper, he hesitated but I felt him nod at last making me relax a little, I wanted to be far from this place. “Thank you” I breathed before letting out a massive yawn
“Well I guess we could talk about what happened tomorrow, good night Maya” Yongguk and the others then walked away to their room leaving me and Daehyun stood in the living room. 
“I’m tired” I confessed shyly making him laugh, he then picked me up bridal style and started to walk towards my room. I nuzzled at his neck trying to get comfy and closed my tired eyes, he opened my door with much difficulty and walked over to my bed before laying me down, he put the covers over me and tucked me in
“WAIT!” I called as he took a step away from me and started to straighten up, “don’t leave me alone” I begged, he smiled and sat down beside me, I snuggled into my pillows but I couldn’t fall to sleep. “I’m sorry, but I can’t sleep” I whispered embarrassed but he laughed and stood up again
“I’ll be one minute” he patted my head and left for a moment before returning in his PJ bottoms and a white shirt, he lifted the covers and got in, in front of me. I gingerly grabbed his shirt and scooted over so I was against him again, I nuzzled his chest taking in his Matoki heat and closed my tired eyes. “Maya” he whispered, I mumbled a yes, “I missed you” he confessed I smiled and because I was too tired to answer him verbally I told him through telepathy that I missed him too. He chuckled and remained silent so that I could get to sleep, I closed my eyes and fell to sleep in his arms.
Daehyun POV
I watched her sleep until I too fell to sleep, in the morning I woke before her so I managed to take in more of her beauty as she slept, when she slept she had a bad habit of furrowing her eyebrows. It was kind of cute but in the morning it left lines which always made her frustrated, I smiled as I remembered what it was like between us in the past. I some now short hair from her eyes and kissed her forehead, I always did this in the past too, of course Maya had never noticed before because she was such a heavy sleeper.
“I love you Maya” I whispered before kissing her head one more time and lifted the covers off myself and got out of bed before tucking them back over Maya, “I’ll see you later” I whispered again before hesitantly leaving her alone in her room. I walked into my busy room and got changed along with the others, “Yongguk hyung have you seen my mask?” I asked hyung while looking around the room, he also looked around but there was no sign of it. 
“You’ve lost it again? Seriously hyung your too much like Maya” Zelo joked but I know that it’s true, minus my eating me and Maya are incredibly alike. He like the same food, clothing style, music, TV shows, we also act the same. “But then again your eating habit is becoming something of a problem for the fridge, I can practically hear it yelling I’M SO EMPTY FILL ME WITH CHERRY TOMATOES” he joked again, I looked at him with a ‘really?’ look making him look down embarrassed
“Zelo you’re the one who eats pretty much three cartons of cherry tomatoes every day, your going to turn into one if you keep eating so many” Himchan hyung patted Zelo’s head with a motherly smile, he’s seriously taken the role as group’s mom too seriously. “Now grab your bag we’re off for practice with manager hyung” he pushed he back of Zelo’s head making the poor boy almost fall over, Zelo walked out of the room to try and find his bag. “And as for you, your mask is in Maya’s room, you left it in there last night. Oh and while your in her room leave her a note saying that we’re at practice, she always hated it when we left without leaving her a note” he laughed before leaving the room also.
“We’ll see you in the car hyung” Jongup called while he left with Youngjae leaving me alone, I sighed and finally left the room. I walked into Maya’s room and found my mask on the floor next to the bed, it must have fallen out of my pocket last night. I picked it up and then looked at a frowning Maya, I couldn’t keep back the smile as I beamed at her innocence. Oh right I need to leave her a note, I looked around for a note pad or something and finally found a pack of post its. Taking a black pen I scribbled down in English that we were going to the studio down town to practice and we’ll be coming back around 3pm, I stuck it on her mirror and left after taking one last look at my Maya… but something didn’t seam right… like she was in danger but I had no choice but to leave her.
Maya POV
I was woken up by the morning sun shine, I opened my heavy eyelids and looked straight in front of me… Daehyun was gone… I sat up and looked around but the apartment seamed almost too quiet, I noticed one of me bright pink stick notes on my mirror and walked over to it. “Sorry Maya but manager hyung has told us that we have choreography practice today, we can’t skip it, love you and see you at around 3pm xxx” I read the note out absentmindedly before taking it off of my mirror and looked at Daehyun’s writing… has his writing been this… messy? I chuckled at it before deciding it was time for breakfast, I looked at the clock and saw the time. “Holy cow it’s almost 12pm” I shouted before bolting for the door, my shift at the restaurant starts at 1 and it takes me half an hour to get there. 
“Maya what’s wrong?” Minho called after me as I almost knocked him over as I short distance sprinted out of my room, I jumped into the shower for a quick one and then ran back to my room and got changed ignoring most of what Minho was saying. “Maya you don’t have to go to work, I already called them” he made me freeze in mid movement… I turned my head and glared at him
“Why did you do that?” I growled making him freeze, he scratched the back of his head while looking down at the great big pile of boxes…
“We’re all moving back to Seoul, even you” he smiled at me hesitantly, I looked at the boxes and then looked around only just noticing that my apartment was pretty much empty… “you were too busy thinking about work to notice anything else around you, typical innocent Maya” he patted me head before walking into the kitchen with an empty coffee cup. I blushed at my ignorance and walked into my room where Minho had put about 5 large cardboard boxes, I got dressed in my pale blue jeggings and my ACDC shirt that was longer at the back. Then I started to pack, there’s no way that I’ll fill 10 boxes with the amount of stuff I have, I’ll probably only need about 2 of them…
“Oh will you look at that, I really did need 5 boxes” I talked to my self in embarrassment as I looked at the fully packed, sealed and labelled boxes. Minho suddenly came up behind me and blew in my ear, of course I screamed like I was being murdered and fell to the floor after loosing feeling in my legs… I’m such a looser. “YAH MINHO-YA WHAT THE HELL AT YOU DOING” I shouted at him while holding my ear with both hands, he laughed his head off before calming down and patting me on the head
We’d moved my boxes into the moving van outside that Minho had rented along with the last few things, all that’s left now is the furniture
“Awww poor little sister, I didn’t mean to scare you” he cooed in a sarcastic voice before laughing again. 
“Well to be honest I also didn’t think you could have filled all 1 boxes but Daehyun was right, he’s always had good instincts…” but then he stiffened and looked around my room… “watch over her…” Minho mumbled to himself before taking my arm and yanking me off of the ground
“Minho what’s wrong?” I asked him in a wobbly voice, he didn’t answer me until we got to the door
“Another one of Daehyun’s solo powers is a talent to see the future, if he feels unsure about a place then it always ends up being trouble for anyone in that room. In other words before he left he told me to keep an eye out but he didn’t tell me that he had a strange feeling. The STUPID guy” he shouted before dragging me into the hallway immediately after I had finished zipping up my ankle boots and grabbing my bag
“So your saying that I’m in danger?” I asked while trying to keep up with him, just as we got to the elevator there was a deafening BANG behind us… we froze before looking at each other and then looked back at the apartment door… the door was in the hallway and flames were roaring out of it. I bolted for my neighbour’s door the same time as Minho did, I banged on the door and little Mari came running out with her dog betty
“Oh Maya darling what’s happened?” she pointed a wrinkly bony finger to my fiery door
“We don’t know, we just smelt gas and we’d just made it to the elevator when the whole place erupted into flames” Minho lied but she bought it and looked at me with a sympathetic frown
“Oh darling I heard you were moving as well today, what about your things?” she lifted her hand and put it on my shoulder, I shrugged and looked at me feet… to tell you the truth non of my actually belongings were in that apartment, the 5 boxes of things were only my clothes, shoes and books… I do a lot of reading in my free time
“I think I’ll get by, but I need to buy another sofa" I joked but in truth I loved that sofa, “would you help me get the other neighbour’s to safety?” I asked her with a polite smile, she nodded and walked down the hallway to knock on a door. We’d called the fire department and they evacuated the apartment block, but Minho decided that it would be best to call the members to meet us back in Seoul, so we took the massively long drive back to Seoul to where our new apartment was… 
“So Maya what do you think?” he held his hand out to a modern Korean villa…
“Ya Minho, you lied to me… you said it was an apartment” I muttered completely gob smacked at the luxurious house in front of me… “how are we going to afford it?” I gawked
“This is a house built by the joint Mito and Mato organisation that we started when they left you, we called it ERRPD which stands for Earth Research and Rescue Protection Department. We’re doing exceptionally well with the funds from the Matoki royal government because we’re now the King’s new baby, he said that he sees great potential especially for you” he looked at me with a proud face
“He know about me?” that was it I had to sit down, I sat back in the car seat and slowed my breathing
“Yeah Daehyun doesn’t stop talking about you so the King has become quite attached to you” he smiled againbut then he took my hand and pulled me from the car, “well let’s show you your new home” he grinned and lead me towards the huge house
“How many rooms does it have?” I asked when we got to the door, he looked up at the three storey structure, it was built out of a white stone and had 4 extremely large arched windows above us and another 4 on top of them. There was a room with a balcony to the right and was a little further back then the rest of the front of the house… BUT IT WAS HUGE
“It has 4 rooms in the middle and then another 4 on the top floor, here’s two bathrooms on the top floor with an en suite bedroom as well. There’s three rooms on the second floor with en suit but there’s also a shared bathroom, all rooms have under floor eating and air conditioning and there’s also a separate building in the back for cars” he sounded like a real-estate agent, he then opened the door like a butler and smiled at my shocked expression
“This is my home from now on?” I mumbled while pointing a shaky hand to the entrance, he nodded and walked in after me, his boots echoing on the marble cream flooring, there was a large chandelier hanging above us with a crystal detail, two curved stair cases leading to a high balcony where it lead to what looked like an open hallway. I looked behind me and saw that both sets of windows were just for the entrance sending in a beautiful light, I turned back around and followed Minho into an open living room
“This is one of two living rooms, the king says that one living room is never enough so this one is for the guests and the other one is personally for the inhabitants” now he really did sound like he was trying to sell the house. I looked around the neutral room, it was painted in sot browns and creams, the sofa was a beautiful pale brown colour and I immediately walked over to it and sat down… I pretty much sunk into it, I felt like I was in heaven… I looked in front and couldn’t help my amazed expression
“The… garden?” I couldn’t be sure, it was more like a huge field surrounded by extremely tall trees, we were in the lower mountains somewhere but this is going a little too far
“Ah yeah, that’s the main garden for parties, it also has a large patio if you would like to stand up miss?” he helped me off of the comfy sofa and over to the French patio doors, he opened them revealing the cream stone patio that was fenced by a black iron fence that then had several steps the same length as the SMALL front of the house. I looked next to me and saw the rest of the house disappear into the forest
“Just how much money did the king put into this?” I gasped, he laughed but then seriously thought about it
“Only a small fraction of his money, the conversions from Mato to Korea is phenomenal” he also had an amazed look on his face
“South Korea exchanges alien money?” I gawked again, he smiled and brought me back in side
“I think that you can wait for the rest of the outside for tomorrow, but until the members get back which will probably be in about an hour I’ll give you the rest of the house tour” he began to lead me back to the entrance… I have a feeling that we’ll be looking around for a long time
Well here's the late upload, I think I'll also be updating later on today too, I just can't stop writing this chapter :) So tell me what you guys think and I''l write the rest of the teasers in the next chapter. I hope you guys like this chapter and please await the next one. Thank you for reading The Six Bunnies and please continue to read my fanfictions :) THANK YOU '3'
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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)