A Meeting With The King

The Six Bunnies


A Meeting With The King

"Maya, will you calm down? He's a Mato, something like that wont effect him for long" Youngjae was saying as I paced about my room, I'd been doing so since I heard about Minho's kidnapping.

"He was stabbed through the chest!" I yelled back, he sat on the floor pouting after that. 

"Yeah but he's a Mato, a fully ranked Mato. And I don't think the Halfbloods would kill one of ours, they may be stronger but we know all their weaknesses" Yongguk tried to calm me down too, but without Minho being found safe I don't think I'll be able to calm again...

"We found a trail" Daehyun gasped, running into the room breathing heavily. "Come on Maya, we need you for this part" he quickly walked over to me, took my head and practically dragged me outside.

"Where did you find it?" I asked impatiently, but he didn't answer. Instead we walked up to the place where Minho was taken. What are we doing here?

"Now use your powers to try and find something warmer then the rest of the junk around here" Daehyun pointed to the allyway and gave me a reassuring smile... why was he wanting my to look for a heat source? Shrugging, I closed my eyes for a second and focused my powers in my eyes. Looking around it took me a while before I saw it. Hot dripplets of some kind were splattered around my feet.

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to the floor and lowering my powers I saw exactly what it was I was looking for. "Is that Matoki blood?" I gasped, jumping away from it. Daehyun nodded and leaned down, touching it with the tips of his fingers and rubbing it in with his thumb. "What are you doing!?" I yelled, now jumping away from him, looking at his hand with terror. 

"I'm getting his scent" he said simply, like it was the most common thing in the world. "This is Minho's blood" I looked at him when he said that, my heart suddenly hurt when he confessed that it was Minho's...

"You want me to help too?" I mumbled, taking a step towards him. At first he shook his head, but I took his arm and took a sniff of his hand. It deffinetly smelled like Minho. Focusing on my eyes again I opened them to see a trail, very faint, of a dark green trailing around the corner. "That way" I pointed in the direction, Daehyun looked confused and took a deep breath in, taking in the smell and looked again, but now seemed even more confused.

"I can't see it" he confessed, looking around with squinting eyes.

"I guess it's my half Matoki powers, they must be stronger then your sense of smell" I laughed at a pouting Daehyun and blobbed my tongue out, trying to lighten the mood. He pretended to laugh along before reaching into his pocket and wiping off the blood. "Do you think he's okay?" I asked, taking Daehyun's hand in mine, looking at where the blood had stained his skin. I heard him sigh before he took his hand away to envelope me in his arms.

"I'm sure Minho's fine, knowing him he's probably hitting on some half Matoki chick about now" he tried to laugh but it got stuck in his throat making him choak. My eyes were actually watering from crying at his fail. "Hey!" he coughed, making my laugh even more.

"St...ple...stop... I can't..." I tried to say but it came out in broken letters mixed all together in a hysterical mess... I knew it wasn't that funny... but I needed to laugh... if I didn't then I'd have probably cried...

"Here hyung, some water" Zelo came running with a bottle in his hand. I bit on my lip to stop me from laughing even more as he struggled to drink the water without choaking it all out. "What did you do to choak this much, hyung?" Zelo asked, looking at Daehyun like he was doing a handstand . 

"I was trying to comfort my girlfriend, but instead I choaked and she laughed at me" he explained with a hoarse voice, I nodded in agreement, still chomping down on my lip.

"We should go if we want to catch Minho" I said, clearing my throat and standing up straight. 

"We can't" Zelo said, catching my arm. "The king has asked for you and Daehyun to go to Mato right now to dicuss Minho's capture" he said quietly, turning to an annoyed looked Daehyun.

"You told the king?" he bellowed, making Zelo whimper away from him, nodding. Why was Daehyun so furious? It actually made me feel a little scared of him, looking at how he was glaring at Zelo.

"Why did you have to do that!" I shouted back, pulling the giant Zelo behind me, hoping to shield him... even though his was practically twice my size.

"Because the king doesn't want any of us to be involved with half Matoki business until you've got full control over your powers" Daehyun yelled, still pissed off. Zelo quickly disappeared from behind me, running so much he was a blurr. "The king..." Daehyun sighed, trying to calm down, and finished his sentance, "... will never let us go after Minho" he talked with his hands, like he was explaining it to a toddler. 

"Why? It's not like my powers are weak? I've improved a lot, I can beat a halfblood" I tried to tell him but he shook his head.

"There's no use in talking like that, the king won't let it be" he tried to comfort me by taking my shoulders and rubbing them comfortingly. But the thought of letting Minho be killed because the king of Mato decided I wasn't strong enough.

"No! I'm not letting Minho die!" I declared, looking into Daehyun's eyes, the most serious I'd ever been. Daehyun looked taken back for a few seconds before sighing and finally smiling. 

"I know baby" he laughed and pulled me into his arms, "we'll figure it out. But we have to go to Mato, or we'll be forced there" Daehyun said calmly, pulling away but kept his arm around me. Back at the apartment the memebrs were all gathered in the livingroom, waiting for us.

"You guys ready?" Youngjae asked, getting up from the sofa where the other memebers looked worried. After a few nods from everyone Youngjae handed everyone a vile of green liquid that I'd only ever seen twice. It gives you enough power to get to planet Mato. It leaves a terrible taste in your mouth afterwards.

"In three two one..." Yongguk made the countdown and then we were off, a split second later we were in the grand entrance of the king's palace on planet Mato... beautiful colours on the brilliant walls, floors and ceiling. I almost gagged on the taste developing in my mouth.

"Ugh!" "gross!" "get me a drink! Any drink!" "it's like garbage!" "why!?" everyone started cursing and blobbing their tongues out, rubbing them and clutching onto the guards standing by with mysterious looking bottles with a strange looking drink inside...

"Glad to see you've all made it safely" the king's voice echoed in the huge hall. We all turned to see the king walking out of one of the many doors, surrounded by people dressed up in strange clothes and strange clothes and strange... everything. It's too weird to be on this planet, everything looks... weird...

"Your highness" the members all bowed, making me look weird for staying stood up... by the time they'd stood straight I had no chance to join them in bowing.

"Now, if you'd like to follow me to the guest meeting room we can discuss what's been happening and what will happen" the king didn't leave us to say anything back, rushing past us with the other Mato. We were led into another beautiful room with soft looking sofa and seats. After we were all sat down the king ordered his company of people to leave, and we were lest alone to talk.

"My king, as I..." Himchan began, being the general he tried to take control but the king silenced him with a stern look.

"Now, with this foolish business with the Matoki being captured back on Earth, there is nothing that can be done! I will not hear of any of you being so foolish as to go after the halflings head on! And I will not lose the best members of my army to go after one Matoki, whether it is a high profile Mato!" the king's words cut deep, making me feel small in front of him. It was like with every word he said, Minho was one bit closer to being killed.

"But my king, Minho is better then all but Daehyun and Maya. Losing him would be a big blow to the ranks..." Himchan tried again but was shot down by the same look. Turning to me, the king sat up straight, composing himself.

"Now you, Maya Williams, are a great cause for concern. The Mato that has been captured has grown very close to you, and I have a feeling that the halflings that have taken him are targeting you, indirectly to get you to act out on your own to take you down when you are most vulerable" he said in a more calmer tone, I looked down at my feet. I had a feelng that was the truth.

"But your highness, we can't just let the half Matoki get away with taking one of our own" Himchan had finally gotten out a sentence without being interrupted. But the king looked furious, he got up from his seat and all of a sudden all but me, Daehyun, Yongguk and Josie remained seated. 

"Now that, that matter is over..." the king had started to say... He was trying to sweap Minho under the rug! No! I won't let that be!

"Sir!" I stood up, trying to be as tall as I could so I could stand my ground. "I cannot let Minho die! He is like family to me, and I cannot abandon him" I tried to plead but the king took his spear made of a strange green metal, raised it and slammed it into the ground, shaking the whole room.

"You will not talk to me in such a manner! You may not be a Mato born child, but you are still a halfling, a halfling that will be married to a member of the royal family! I will not have you do something that will endanger everyone around you! Do you understand!" the king bellowed, and I felt my knees shake from the sheer force of his aura, but I had to stay strong! For Minho!

"Maya..." I heard Josie whimper behind me, I could tell that she was crying... afterall it is her father who's telling her and her friends to give up on someone very important to all of us.

"As punishment for your actions, and for talking with such treasonous words, you will be under room arrest until tomorrow where you will marry Daehyun! Then you will remain here, in Mato until you will learn some better manners!!!" both me and Daehyun looked at the king in shock... Married? Tomorrow!?

"But you said we had another year! You can't force us into that!" Daehyun tried to talk back but the king raised his staff once more, and brought it down on the floor... a sudden force came from the blast the staff made on the floor and we were all sent back... but we didn't land on the floor of the meeting room, but on a huge bed in a luxurious bedroom... 

"No!" I rushed to the huge double doors, banging hard on the wood I tried so hard to get the doors to open... but it was no use, we were locked in here until tomorrow... this can't be happening. "Oppa, what am I going to do! Minho! He's going to...!" I screamed while banging on the door as hard as I could. My anger built up inside me, and with it so did my powers. Even with my powers on full, my phasing to my ultimate level... it was not enough... it was like the doors were draining my energy.

"Maya, that's enough! The doors are made of Rosejade, a Mato herb that drains the power of a Matoki... you wont be able to put a di..." I cut Daehyun off by using the last of my power to puch at the wood, splintering a shard off of it. As I fell to the floor exhausted, Daehyun looked at the door, absolutely frozen.

"Minho..." I cried, crawling into a ball, sobbing...



Oh my god! She splintered the door! No one can do that, not even the king! Just what in Mato is my girlfriend? Just how powerful was she? As I looked down at her, huddled into a ball that made her look so small... so heartbreakingly small, I couldn't help but feel in awe of her. Every time she shows her brilliance, it knocks me off my feet. 

"Minho..." she whimpered so emotionally it made my chest hurt. I needed to comfort her... Sitting down in front of her I took her slim wrists and slowly pulled them from under her face. She looked up at me with those beautiful teary eyes, she was so gorgeous and yet so unhappy.

"I got you" I whispered to her, trying to keep my voice low for her. Her bottom lip wobbled as she nodded and suddenly burst into my arms. She was so small as I held her, but she fit so perfectly in my embrace. "We'll get through this... I don't know how, but we will. We'll find the members, we'll escape this place and we'll find Minho... even if it costs me my title or if I'm exhiled..." I looked down at her shocked face and smiled. She was just so beautiful. I brushed her tears from her soft cheeks and kissed her soft lips.

"Please, help me" she cried, holding onto my and crying into my shoulder. I held her head to me, wanting so much to take away her tears.

"Of course baby, I'll always be with you" I said, rocking her slowly, keeping her close to me. Soon after she stopped crying, and fell limp in my arms. Her soft breathing was then, the only thing I could hear... tomorrow... I will marry this girl... tomorrow... I will marry the woman I love........ tomorrow I will go against my king to keep my wife safe!!!!!! 



Sorry, this chapter is a little late ^_^ But I hope you all enjoyed it :D What do you guys think about Daehyun and Maya getting Married? What about the king and his orders to leave Minho to die? I know that I didn't put in all of the spoilers from the last chapter, but if I put all the spoilers as well as the king's meeting and also Maya finding a trail for Minho... then the next chapter wouldn't really make any sense :3 But please be patient and the spoilers will be in the next chapter (so no spoilers for this week, mianhaeyo). There's so much more coming so please subscribe if you haven't already and please comment below if you're liking the chapters so far :D Annyeong ~ Saranghaeyo <3 :)




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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)