Playing a waiting game

The Six Bunnies


"Oppa, wake up we've got practice" I yelled whilst shaking Daehyun, he groaned and swatted me away

"Just a few more minutes manager hyung, we dont have vocal today" he mumbled before turning over in his bed, I've been trying to wake him up for ten minutes now. I sighed and rolled my sleeves up before lifting the matress up making him roll of onto the floor, he landed on his knocking the wind out of him.

"YA! AW AW AW AW THAT HURT AW AW" he yelled rubbing the bottom of his back whislt rolling on the floor, "why did you do that" he moaned sitting up and looking at me.

"You should have woken up when I first asked you, the others are getting impatient" I said pointing to him door, he sighed and dropped his head

"Cant we take a day off, I really need a rest" he said standing up, I shook my head and crossed my arms

"Oppa do I need to remind you about what happened yesterday? My uncle tried to kill me and almost killed Zelo and Jongup" I said poking his chest, he huffed and nodded

"Arasso, I get it, I'll get dressed..." he said peeking at me, I blushed and walked out allowing him to get dressed. After a few minutes he walked through wearing his mask... and a white shirt with black trackies... I've never seen him wear such... casual clothes. "What?" he said notcing my staring, I shook my head and looked away with a red face

"Nothing, lets just get down to practicing, after what happened last time I want to try and control my powers more" I mumbled in a hurry, he chuckled and unhooked his mask from one ear before putting his hands on my hips and leaning close to me

"Trust me, after the way you woke me, you'll not be getting much concentrating done" his whispered in a dangerously y tone... NO! CONCENTRATE MAYA... CON...centrate... he leaned down and lightly brushed his nose up my neck before whispering in my ear "I'll make you pay"... my legs felt weak as he pulled away and ran down the stairs... I fell to the floor with a pounding heart and bright red face... I really wont get much done today if he's going to be acting like this all day... 


"Concentrate Maya, remember what Yongguk hyung told us" Daehyun said whispering on my neck while I was trying to fight Minho who took his chance while I was distracted, I dropped to the floor and slipped under Minho's legs and standing up behind him. I grabbed his shoulders and kicked his back sending him into Daehyun's arms "that's better Jagi" he shouted with a dangerously cute smile, I blushed and nodded

"Your not distracting her enough, I cant even touch her she's too fast" Minho breathed falling to the floor in an exhausted heap, I skipped over and patted his shoulder

"I'm distracted but I'm just too good for you" I said blobbing my tongue out, Minho went to get up but he couldn't... he just laid on his back and sighed

"Fine, fight with Daehyun, I'm giving up" Minho said before getting up slowly, I looked at Daehyun in a panic... this was what he wanted...

"Oppa, dont leave us, please dont leave me with Daehyun please please please" I begged but he just blobbed his tongue out and left... OPPA! PLEASE! Wahahahaha

"Well well, this is an unexpected turn of events" he said smirking, I shook my head and took a step back making him take one forward. He put his mask back on with a sly smile, his eyes turned red and he ran for me. I jumped over him and ran for the door but suddenly it closed and locked... I'm dead...

"Oppa please, I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry I woke you up that way" I begged but he didn't listen, he just cocked his head to the side and stood his ground... I sighed and gave up, looks like I'll be fighting him whether I like it or not. I took a mask from the bench but hesitated putting it on, Yongguk said that the mask helps put a cap on our powers so we dont let too much out... I put it on anyway and faced him. My vision was blurry and eveything was more distorted... I cant do this... I took the mask off and ran for him making him take a step back, I faked a punch and tripped him up before pinning him to the ground

"Your supposed to wear a mask" he said from under his mask, I smiled and huffed some loose hair out of my face 

"Aniya, unlike you I know how to put a cap on my powers myself" I said blobbing my tongue out again, his eyes hinted a smile as he removed his mask to kiss me... I froze allowing him to make his move, he stood up and picked me up over his shoudler, "YA NO FAIR" I yelled making him chuckle

"Didn't I say that I'd play fair, you threw me out of bed, it's like eating my cheesecake, you will pay" he said before putting me on my feet... he likes cheesecake that much??? wow.

"Well then, I wont play fair too" I said smiling, I ped my jacket and took it off slowly before throwing it to the end of the room, I had a tight white vest top on that was starting to cling to me. He bit his lip and shook his head, I remembered I also put on the shorts from before so I took my damp trackies off... he looked at my face with a painful face

"Your just evil" he said taking a step towards me but I took a step back, I smirked and grabbed his collar before pulling him to me

"I'm going to make you suffer" I whispered in his ear before pulling away, I walked past him with a smile and waited... I heard him running towards me and I waited till the last minute to flip behind him, I put my hands on his waist and blew in his ear. He turned around but I was already on the other end of the room sat on the bench, he sighed and ran towards me with full speed. I stood up and walked three steps before he'd got to me, he went to grab me but I ducked and pushed his arms down and kissing his cheek before slipping threw his legs and pushed his forward. He looked at me and sighed before lifting the corners of his shirt, he whisked his shirt off and looked at me with half smiling red eyes.

"Two can play that game" he said while taking off his mask, he ran for me whilst I was... distracted... and this time managed to catch me, he grabbed my hips and pulled me to him making me put my hands on his stomach... MEEEEEPPP... I smiled and rubbed my hands up to his chest slowly and put my face close to his

"I gladly except your challenge" I whispered against his neck, he bit his lip and looked at me with his red eyes. I slipped away from his hand and jumped away from him, "let's just practice, looks like you need it" I shouted making him sigh and put his hands on his hips in frustration

"Ya, I'm a top level fighter on Matoki, your a begginer" he said pointing his finger, "aish this girl" he said in a strong Busan accent. I giggled and copied him making his cheeks turn red, "ya I dont sound like that" he said flustered, I copied him again making him stomp his feet

"AIIIIIIII SO GROSSS" I said in disgust at his sudden aegyo, my fingers curled at the sight "OPPA STOP IT!" I yelled but he carried on doing it, I banged on the door and yelled "SOMEONE LET ME OUT, DAEHYUN'S BEING GROSS" the doors opened but they all came running through to see themselves

"AISHH YA JUNG DAEHYUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Youngjae said in disgust, Himchan however ran over to join him... what a sight... I got out my phone and recorded them doing it... I'll keep this for an important day... After they'd calmed down and  got changed we all went up for dinner, the staff and maids were still buzzing about what happened the other day, most of them were talking about how handsome Yongguk was as most of the staff were female.

"Maya, where were they holding you?" "What do the others look like?" "Are they all that cute?" "How old are they?" "Can you give me their phone numbers?" I got these questions all the time, to be honest I wish I could tell them about B.A.P but they have to be kept a secret, especially that they're aliens...

"We're having something simple today" my aunt said smiling, for some reason she was taking me into the kitchen, I looked at Minho who shrugged his shoulders. "I hope you all like noodles" she said opening the door, as soon as she did I got a big whif of ramyun soup... OH MY GOD WE'RE HAVING RAMYUN!!! I clapped my hands and jumped up and down, for the whole time I've been here I've not had ramyun. I walked over to the pan and grabbed some chopsticks before swishing the noodles around, ohhhhhh it looks soooo good. My aunt laughed and walked over with some bowls, I shook my head and put my hands infront of me

"Aniya, I haven't had ramyun in a long time and I'm going it the old fashioned way" I said taking the lid of the pan, I lifted some of the noodles in the lid and cooled them down before consuming them.... OHHHH GOSH THEY'RE SOOOOO GOOD.... I looked at my aunt who had a worried espression on her face, I laughed and finished my mouthful before saying "this is how I used to eat them with my parents, they'd go down to the oriental shop and buy two packs of ramyun. They'd get the table and burner and cook them at the table, instead of bowls we'd get the mismatched pan lids and eat them lie this" I said smiling.

Minho smiled back and reached up at the pan lid above our heads and got down two pan lids, he handed one to my aunt and he had the other, we ate the ramyun like I used to with my parents bringing back the memories. I felt a tear run down my cheek frightening Minho and my aunt

"What's wrong?" Minho said wiping it away, I shook my head and laughed

"I'm just happy remembering my parents" I said through my tears, Minho sighed and my aunt relaxed with a smile. "Sorry for making you worry" I said wiping my wet face, my aunt shook her head and looked down at the pan lid

"My brother really liked ways to bring the family together, our parents were always working so when they were home he'd make cakes and pastries with our sister Jessica" she said before putting the lid on the counter top. "Excuse me" she said before leaving, I also put mine down and looked up a Minho who was still holding the lid.

"Your parents were really good people, I bet you really miss them" he said putting the lid down, we started walking out of the kitchen and I caught a glimpse of my parents looking in before they dissapeared

"Nah, I see them about now and then" I said with a smile, he clicked his fingers remembering

"Oh yeah, you see ghosts dont you?" he said before looking around a little frightened, "are there any in this building?" he whispered making me laugh

"I dont usually see them unless I concentrate" I said looking at my phone

"But it's still impressive, I wish I could see ghosts" he said throwing me a brotherly smile, I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket

"Come here" I said taking his hand, he tried to pull away alarmed but I tugged on it and put both my hands around his, I closed my eyes and breathed in. I opened my eyes and looked down the halls... this place has a serious ghost problem

"Wow" Minho whispered with a large smile, "this is awesome, a little creepy but awesome" he said looking around him, one ghost lady walked past us in a beautiful golden hanbok, she bowed slightly with a shining smile before walking away. Minho blushed and looked after her

"Hey, dont interact with them" I said pulling him closer, "once you make interaction with them they follow you around for the rest of your life" I looked down the hall and noticed a familiar face... "Peter" I mumbled

"Who's Peter?" Minho said looking down the hall, the little blonde haired boy ran off when Minho noticed him

"Peter is the first ghost I ever saw, I made the mistake of interacting with him and since then he's had no choice but to follow me every where" I said looking away and down at our hands, I sighed and pulled mine away from his making all the ghosts vanish. "Because of me he had to leave his mother in England, since I've come to Korean he's been avoiding me" I sighed before walking back to my room, Minho walked straight past me and went straight into the closet. 

"Maya" I turned around to see Daehyun smiling at me, I pouted and crossed my arms "okay I'm sorry about before, I'm not a morning person" he said holding his hands up. I laughed and walked over to him before pulling on his shirt to kiss him, he kissed me back and put his hands on my waist. I put my arms around his neck and smiled, "what?" Daehyun said with a confused smile, I shook my head and kissed him again. Suddenly our kisses got faster and Daehyun kicked the closet door shut...


Hi guys... How many BABYs cried today because you couldn't go to B.A.P's solo concert? WAAAHAAAAA :'( but I'll be in Korea in a year anyway so if they make it yearly I can go to the next one :) hehehe... anyway I'll upload the next chapter in a few hours with more action and the end of the Uncle storyline, but it'll come to a sad ending unfortunatly... but the next storyline will be more happy hopefully you guys will like it :) please comment and subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)