Bad Beginnings and Blonde Asians

The Six Bunnies


I was awoken from my crimson red dream by loud bangs in the door. I looked at the clock only to find that it was 4am, I groaned and jumped out of bed before running down stairs after putting on my dressing gown. I was alone in the house, my parents were managers for an idol group so they travel a lot. I got to the bottom of the stairs only to freeze at the sight of flashing blue lights, something was wrong. I ran to the door and unlocked it but just as I expected there, stood in front of me, were two men in uniform.
“Miss Maya Williams?” said the taller man, I nodded hesitantly before feeling the stinging of tears.
“I’m sorry…” began the smaller one, but I cut him off
“Is this about my parents?” I said in a loud voice, they looked at each other and then at their feet before the smaller man nodded.
I fell to the floor, screaming for my parents and the hope they’d gotten it wrong, that my mum and dad would drive up to the house and assure me that they’re unharmed. But. It was confirmed when I saw two people stood at the bottom of the drive. It was my parents but they weren’t there really, they’re spirits. I’d been able to see the dearly departed since I was a little girl, and the black crosses on their cheeks told me they’d been murdered. They disappeared after they gave me a reassuring nod, I broke down, I rolled into a ball and held my torso before crying till my eyes burned and my throat sore. 
As I’m only 17 I was taken to the only relative I had, my aunt Helen. She was a cold person with silvery gray hair that’s always tied in a hip long braid, when the police had dropped me off at their house she showed no indication of sadness despite it was her brother who had died. She simply led me into the house with her long bony fingers on my shoulder, massive jewelled rings on every finger. The thing about my aunt is she likes to show off her wealth, being the owner of a multi billion business she lives life in luxury.
“Thank you for taking me in Aunt Helen” I said in a croaky voice, my throat still sore.
“It’s the most I could do, I mean you are my niece Maya, despite being half Asian your also half English” she said in fluent Korean, she always loved the language and culture of Korean but nevertheless she didn’t feel the same about the people.
“Still, thank you” I said looking down at my feet, she didn’t say anything back, instead she tightened the gip on my shoulder until we stood outside a door on the second floor in her large mansion. 
“This is your room, hopefully everything is to your taste, dinner will be in 15 minutes. There are a few decent clothed in the closet, put something respectable on” she looked at my clothes with a spiteful look. I must admit I did look scruffy in my faded blue jeans and blue chequered shirt.
I nodded and she walked off down the hall, I sighed and looked at the light wooden door, it was quite pretty with a flowery design around the edges and the brass handle was in the shape of a rose. I turned it and opened the door. The room was large; a light wooden 4 poster bed with fresh lavender coloured bedding, pastel purple walls with opened showing beams, the beams on the wall to the left held mirrors between them. Apart from the bed and a dressing table with a white chair there was no other furniture in the room, it made it look like a lonely place. 
I walked over to the mirrors and lent on one but then the mirror opened and I fell flat on my face, I rubbed my nose and looked around. This must have been the closet she was talking about, but it was more like another room for luxurious clothes, I looked at one of the tags and noticed it was my size. The others were too but I also noticed that she’d left the price tags on them, these rich people. I peeked in a few of the wardrobes in there and found a knee length white dress with lace around the open button neckline. It was cute. 
I was about to leave for dinner when I noticed an old looking door at the end of an isle. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened it. there was a set of stairs the led down, I turned the lights on and walked down the gray carpeted stairs. At the bottom was a set of white double doors which had light pouring out from under it, I opened them at the same time and was bewildered by the sight before me. 
A huge two story circular room full of shelves of books and boxes, the room was lit by 5 chandeliers; four small ones and one huge crystal chandelier. In the middle of it all was a large oak desk surrounded 10 dark wooden chairs with red velvet padding, one the desk there was a large engraving of a bunny shaped logo. I looked towards the second storey though it was more like a balcony that ran along the perimeter of the room, it contained more book cases filled with files and boxes. I walked towards the table and brushed me hand along the surface, looks like someone has been cleaning the place, there’s not a speck of dusk anywhere.
Suddenly there was a loud bang behind me so I spun around to see a tall young dark haired guy with folded arms in front of the now closed doors, my heart pounded in my chest which wasn’t because the guy was irresistibly cute, but because he had crimson red eyes.
“Who are you and what are you doing here” he said, his voice was low and hard. He put his hand on the mop which was inside a bucket at the side of him. “I asked you a question” 
“I’m Maya Williams, I’m Helen’s niece” I said in a wobbly voice, all my was confidence blown away since he said ‘who’. 
His eyes widened, “are you Harry and Chae Rim’s daughter?” he asked after tightening his grip on the mop handle. I nodded and a smile erupted on his face.
“Well, its nice to finally meet you Miss Maya, you don’t know me but I knew your parents, this is their office… kind of, I’m the janitor Choi Min Ho” he said before walking towards me.
I took a step back but I couldn’t escape him and before I had a chance to run he embraced me in a breathtakingly strong hug, I tapped his shoulder and with an ‘oh’ he let me go. I gasped for air before leaning against the desk behind me, he chuckled before walking back over to his mop and bucket. He pulled on a book on one of the book cases and it moved forward to reveal a small janitor’s closet. What is this the house of secrets?
As if he read my mind he chuckled and turned to face me “hehe yeah this house is kind of weird, but you get used to it” he must have seen my shocked expression which made him looked confused. “Didn’t Mr and Mrs Williams tell you?” his voice concerned. I shook my head slowly before making a break for it, I ran towards the door that said exit above it but before I even made 8 feet he was already at the door. I stopped in my tracks before he held out his hands in reassurance, but trust me it wasn’t working.
Feeling my legs going numb I fell to the floor, my vision turned black. Next thing I know I’m in my room looking at the ceiling, I looked around for Min Ho but he was nowhere to be seen. I gave a sigh of relief but when I looked at the alarm I almost flew out of bed, it was almost 8 am and today was my parents funeral. I was about to open the closet door when I noticed a dress bag hung on my door, there was a note attached. I took it off and read it, ‘sorry about yesterday, I know it’s your parent’s funeral today so I guess you should wear this, it was your mothers. Again about yesterday I’m sorry I scared you from Choi Min Ho’ 
I opened the bag to find a knee length lacy dress with a beautiful amethyst stone lavender brooch, I would have cried if it wasn’t for the time, I don’t want to be late to see my parents off. I got dressed quickly and decided to let down my hair, my mum always said that I should leave my hair down. I untied my brown waist length curls and looked in the mirror, I looked more like my mum with an Asian like face but I had my father’s hair, dimples and hazel eyes. 
I looked down at the brooch and smiled my mother’s smile, thank you for giving me a wonderful life mum and dad. I looked in the mirror and saw my mum and dad standing at either side of me, their hands on my shoulders and a proud look upon their faces. Then the door opened and they disappeared, my concentration breaking. A young girl with shoulder length blonde hair walked in dressed in a black floor length dress.
“Miss Maya, it’s time for the ceremony” she said in full English, she was British by the sounds of it.
“Yes, thank you” I said back in English, she looked surprised by my flawless accent, well I do have an English father… well did. 
I followed her out of the room, loads of people stood outside each door, all dressed in black and all with their heads down. This is a sorrowful day.
“I’m Sophie Michaels, I’ll be your lady in waiting” she said this time in Korean, she was quite good. Wait a moment… lady in waiting… am I royalty or something?
“Will you be going to the ceremony?” I asked while putting my coat on at the doorway.
“No Miss, I am not permitted to leave the house without a supervisor I’m afraid” she said fiddling with a small silver bracelet, it had a flashing red light on it… a tracking device.
I said my goodbyes and got in the car which was waiting at the end of the drive. It was me, my aunt and two other people in the car; a woman who had her black hair tied tightly in a bun and a man with short gray streaked hair. Both of them wearing black. I looked at my aunt who had no emotion on her face, but I saw a hint of red around her eyes, I guess she did cry once in a while. She looked at me and I saw a hint of a smile, “you look like your mother, very beautiful. And your fathers curls” she brushed a stray curl back in place “I’m glad my mother’s curls haven’t gone to waste” she said before her face became blank again and she looked out the window again.
I pulled on one of my curls and noticed she had let her hair down too, she had the exact same curls, thick lush curls. She looked a lot like my dad and I’d only just realised, his eyes, his lips and nose. A familiar face. I opened my old black clutch back and picked up my phone, after checking my messages I found one from my dad. It was in Korean. He never used Korean in texts except for emergencies. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed and clicked read. 
‘My little Maya, this message is top secret and if your aunt is around don’t read it yet and wait till your alone’ I looked at my aunt and back at my phone, tempted to read it but that would be like ignoring my father’s last wishes. I put my phone back and closed my bag. Looks like I’ll have to wait.
My parents were buried side by side in a private grave in Bucheon, both of their buried in their wedding attire, but they were in closed caskets because they had been killed by shots fired at close range. The police recon it was a suicide but I know they had been murdered, I’ve seen the evidence but I cant tell anyone I see ghosts to I guess there’s nothing I can do. Their graved were decorated almost immediately with a small white marble fence and white marble stones, their double black headstones read ‘Here lies Hye Min Williams wife, sister, daughter and mother’ ‘ Here lies Harrison Williams husband, brother, son and father’. 
Most people cried but I could not, I know my parents wouldn’t want me to cry, they’d want me to be strong and capable. At the ceremony there were 6 people who had struck my interest, 6 blonde Asians who were standing at the back, two of them cried but the others stayed silent. They all wore black masks, all of them wore black hoods to conceal most of their face, but what struck me the most was that they all had the same symbol on a chain. That symbol was in the hidden library.
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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)