The Six Bunnies
“Hey Josung oppa, this is Maya” Josie shouted as she ran from the elevator, I can’t believe she’s 23,000 years old. I followed her into the fancy looking restaurant, it was a circular room with the elevator planted directly in the middle of it. I walked over to Josie and who must have been Josung, he was a tall guy with caramel dyed hair. “Maya this is Josung, he’s the manager in the restaurant, he’s a Mitoki” she said hyperly jumping up and down.
“Nice to meet you, your Mrs and Mr William’s kid right? They were a nice couple, they came here once when you were a child, you were the most adorable kid ever” he said pinching my cheeks, when he let them go I rubbed them making him laugh. “You had short hair back then as well, but your hair was a lot less curly an your freckles were only on your nose” he said leaning down to get a better look at my face, he smiled and patted my head. 
“Oppa can she work here please? Just something to do while the others are training, she’ll be a great model to get new customers in as well” she giggle and put her arm around me, Josung looked at me and rubbed his chin thinking. 
“Hyung I think you should hire her, she’s cute” a guy popped up from behind the bar and rested his arms on the bar, a girl with curly pig tails in ribbons popped up too and nodded. Does everyone here look like models? Josung nodded and put his hand on my head
“Sure, would you mind working here?” he asked with his pitch black eyes, I nodded shyly making the two behind the bar cheer, they jumped over the bar and offered me their hands
“I’m Woosung but my name here is Dylan for marketing purposes, and this is Boyoung, but call her Bella for marketing purposes” I shook both their hands and bowed a little, they all seamed nice. After that Josie took me back down stairs to the training room where the members were all waiting for me, everyone but Daehyun. I stood silently with B.A.P while Josie attached herself to Yongguk’s arm.
“Hey guys bring it in, we’ve got an announcement to make” Daehyun’s voice boomed through the training ground, everyone crowded around him and a mid aged man. “Okay is everyone here?” he asked the people around with a stern voice which seamed extremely out of character. The people nodded and Daehyun offered me his hand, I took it and he brought me to him, all the guy’s eyes on me
“Hey hyung who’s the babe?” asked one guy with huge eyebrows, Daehyun clenched his jaw shut and cleared is throat.
“She’s my fiancé so if I dare see anyone flirting with her I’ll have their heads” Daehyun shouted in a loud voice, the men looked away and slouched. “She’s your new teacher for the new assignment” everyone laughed and looked at me like I was crazy
“No offence sir but she’s about half the size as us, how is she supposed to teach us combat? Can she even fight?” the slug eyebrow guy said with a sarcastic voice, I grinded my teeth and looked up at an amused Daehyun who quickly straightened up. 
“Ahem, if your unsure about her then how about a little warm up? In groups of five you’ll go against Maya Williams and try to beat her, who ever manages to land a punch on her will get dinner on me” he challenged, I looked up at him shocked, 5 on 1? That’s hardly fair. 
“I can do that, but hyung your buying Italian when I win okay?” said eyebrows, he chuckled and linked his fingers in mine, he leaned down to whisper in my ear
“Take down ‘eyebrows’ for me will you, he’s thinking about taking you from me, he’s actually fantasising you in la…” I blushed as he said the last word, I looked at a daydreaming eyebrows and glared at him. “That’s my girl” he whispered sweetly in my ear almost making me melt, he removed his hands and cupped my face before kissing me in front of everyone. “Now go kick some ert’s butts” he said before winking, he re-joined an extremely happy looking B.A.P.
“Good luck guys, your going to need it” Minho shouted before running off wit B.A.P to take cover behind a bolder, “and GO!” he yelled before ducking. Of course the first one to attack was eyebrows, he yelled while he stormed towards me. A few seconds before his fist was about to collide with my face I moved sideways and moved my foot out so he fell on his face, I didn’t even have to take my hands from my jacket.
“What is that girl? There’s no way she’s human” eyebrows shouted while pointing a shaky hand at me, there was a small cut in the middle of his hair line that was extremely bleeding. 
“That’s right” I said with an emotionless face, getting into my new job I picked him up by his collar and stood him on his feet, “I’m a half Matoki” I stated before turning around to the rest of the fighters. “From now on I’m your teacher, please work at your hardest and I promise to make you skilled enough to track down and fight the rouge halves” I shouted before putting my hands on my hips. “So who’s next?” I asked loudly… I finished kicking their butts in 10 minutes.
“Maya you were ruthless” Jongup joked after everyone was on the floor, I blushed and guiltily looked at the hurt fighters
“I didn’t think that Matoki and Mitoki were so… slow” I shrugged as I helped eyebrows on his feet for the second time, “but he was the least slowest so I guess you can say he’s the best candidate for fighting” I pointed to the bruised face of the smiling eyebrows.
“Awesome, can someone get me the medic please? I lost a tooth” he croaked before falling to the floor, Youngjae walked forward and opened his black suitcase
“You couldn’t have gone easy on them? It leaves me less of a job to do” he said getting out a needle with the same green liquid inside as back then, eyebrows saw the needle and got to his feet before fleeing to the other end of the room. He couldn’t have moved that fast when we were fighting?
“Nah doc, please don’t, you know I hate needles, please” eyebrows begged but Youngjae flashed over to him and stuck it right in his arm
“Sorry Woohyung but this is the only way to make you heal faster, so it up” Youngjae said grumpily and then flashed back over to us leaving a passed out eyebrows in the background.
“Never mind Maya being ruthless, hyung your just mean” Zelo said awkwardly hiding behind Youngguk, Zelo was scared of needles? Cute. Youngjae quickly healed the injured and joined us along with the middle aged man
“Maya, I’m the king Song Jaejoong, your parents were strong and heroic people. I also hear your engaged to my nephew Daehyun? Though I don’t see a ring” he said looking down at my left hand… THE KING? NEPHEW? I looked towards Daehyun who avoided my eyes, the king lifted my left hand and beckoned Daehyun over. He quickly appeared at his side and lifted his left hand too, the king took it and put his hand over mine. “There” he said as silver rings appeared on our fingers, “perfect” he said with a proud face.
“Your highness we didn’t want to make it ring official for a few years now, Maya wants to wait” Daehyun said looking at me with an apologetic face, the king’s smile faded a little and he put his arms around me and Daehyun
“Well now you have, those rings were your grandmothers so listen to me boy, if you want her to stop aging then you marry her before the end of next year If you don’t then you’ll have to split with her and we’ll have to erase her memory, would you like that?” the king’s voice was evil and cold, it made me turn ice cold and my hands began to shake with fear as he tightened his grip on my arm. I winced making Daehyun gasp
“Okay I will, please just let her go” Daehyun pleaded with the king who didn’t let go but instead he smiled and rubbed my sore shoulder
“That’s more like it, now I have some duties to attend to, you two have fun” he said with a warning gaze, he let go of me and walked towards the elevator. When he was out of sight my legs gave way and Daehyun had to catch me
“Maya are you okay?” he asked me while checking my shoulder, I nodded silently and tried to stand up but I was shaking so much it wasn’t going to happen. “Okay lets get you sat down” he said picking me up bridal style, we walked over to the elevator in silence but when we were inside the members, Minho and Josie crowded around me
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry about my father, he’s a bad man” Josie apologised and bowed a full 90 degree bow
“I’m fine, just a little shocked that’s all” I explained with a wobbly voice, I could just hit myself right now for being so weak, “but why does he want us to get married so quickly?” I asked a silent Daehyun. He had a blank expression on his pale white face, he looked like he was holding his breath and he was stood stiff, “Daehyun?” I said in a louder voice, he jumped and looked at me with scared eyes
“We’re going to get married in less then 2 years” he said in a half excited half frightened voice, the members laughed at their nervous members but now that he mentioned it I too began to feel nervous… getting married at my age? What would people think? This ring as well, I tried to get it off but it wouldn’t. Umma, Appa, Aunt Jessie… help me
“So I guess we will be having that double wedding after all” Josie sang to Yongguk who nodded stiffly, he looked at me and Daehyun and sighed
“I guess now the king will throw an engagement party for the four of us” he said thoughtfully, “but knowing the king he’ll most likely hold it in Mato but for that to happen Maya would have to be immortal” he muttered to himself while he thought, Youngjae had enough of the silence and gladly stepped in
“Maya the kin will have to make you immortal by the end of today, all that he will do is give you a small vile of purple liquid that tastes like energy drink, then he will ask you to kiss Daehyun for whatever reason is beyond me. Then you will be given an hour to pack your things and we will be beamed up to Mato, any more questions?” Youngjae said so quickly that his voice ended up a little higher then usual
“Nope” I said blushing at the thought of kissing Daehyun in front of the king, then the elevator dinged and there in front of us was the king
“One more thing, as the boys would have already told you, you’ll have an engagement party at the end of this week, pack your stuff tonight and come back here by 10 pm tonight. As for now would you and Daehyun please come with me, we have a serious matter to take care of” the king said with a straight face, we followed him down the hallway and into the nearest room on the left.
“Uncle please re-consider, I don’t think that Maya is old enough for this, cant you wait for a couple of years? Just wait until she’s 19, please your highness?” Daehyun begged when we were all inside the waiting room, he hid me behind him and looked as if he was ready to cry. 
“Daehyun, I don’t want to wait any longer then next year, how long have your family been waiting for this? They’ve been waiting to have their pride restored since your sibling decided to wonder out by himself to Mito and threaten to make them extinct” the king said without taking a breath, Daehyun winced and stiffly pulled me in front of him
“I’m sorry Maya” he apologised and looked down at his feet with guilt, I looked at the king and felt completely useless next to him, he was crushingly powerful… I had no choice but to go along with him.
“Will I hurt?” I asked Daehyun who remained painfully silent, I took that as a yes. I cleared my throat and turned to the scary man, “if I agree to do this could you please promise to leave us alone until we’re ready to get married? You allowed Yongguk and Josie over 100 years, could you please give us some time too?” I asked the king, he looked behind him where Josie was silently stood, she looked at her father and gave him a little smile while playing with the huge diamond ring on her left hand.
“Okay, I’ll give you 3 years, no more! But for now you need to take something, it’ll hurt for only a moment but that’s what the kiss is for” the king said becoming soft meat from only one look from his daughter… she must really be something
“It's not much. But thank you” Daehyun sighed in relief and bowed a thanks to his uncle, the king just scowled and took out a vile form his front pocket
“Let’s just get this over with, just take this and kiss, job done” he mumbled and then left the room, I looked at a sorry Josie just before she left and opened the vile lid
“Well here goes nothing” I muttered and lifted it to my lips but Daehyun put his hand over it, “what?” I asked the upset Daehyun
“Just wait a moment Maya, give me a moment” he said sitting on the edge of the table, he took the vile from my hand and looked at it. “If you take this then you will never age a day, there is a drink you can take to make your appearance age like a human but once you stop taking it then you will revert back to your original maturity age. You’ll have no friends, you cant stay in one place longer then one life time it’s a horribly depressing life” he said getting louder and more angry as he continued to scowl at the vile. I took it from him and downed it in one go, he shot up and took hold of my shoulders
“Oppa I don’t have any friends apart form you guys, I have no family left and I’ve never stayed in one place longer then 5 years so it’s all goo…” just then my heart stung like crazy, it made me hunch over and I could hardly breathe. 
“Maya listen to me okay? The pain will get worse, you have to tell me when it gets too unbearable” he said franticly, I nodded and tried my best not to yell, about 20 seconds later I’d had enough. “Too much?” he asked checking my face, I nodded and he cupped my face and kissed me… a few seconds later I out.
YESSSSSSSSSSSS I'VE FINALLY UPLOADED A CHAPTER WHOOOHOOOOO >.< OMG it feels like forever since I uploaded, but seriously I have been so upset about not writing over my holiday and over the past week and a bit :'( I've had a load of ideas over the past few weeks but unlike the past few chapters I'm going to leave you totally clueless for the next chapter because it's going to be a BIG one :D anyway you guys are ABSOLUTELY amazing, you've waited for so long and you've been so patient it makes me so happy :D please continue to read my fan fictions and to those who have subscribed to my other fanfictions I'll be uploading a chapter from Welcome Home tomorrow :D ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)


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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)