
The Six Bunnies

CHAPTER 23**** Paparazzi

"AGAIN, AISH just because you've had a break doesn't mean you can slack off, your dancinng has gotton a whole lot worse" the instructor has been yelling at them for the whole 2 hours we've been here and he hasn't even noticed I'm in the room either, I thought that the members were going a great job with the new dance.

"Hyung, go easy on us, we've been through a lot okay" Himchan moaned while sat of the floor in a pool of his own sweat, now I understand the reason why they have over 15 automatic air freshners in the room.

"Why would I go easy on you? Your come back is in a few weeks and Daehyun hasn't turned up for one practice session" he seamed furious but he doen't know why Daehyun has been forced to stay at home to practice instead on here

"Daehyun wanted to be here but he's not feeling very well, Maya tell he won't beleive us, you tell him will you?" Zelo pleaded, the man turned around and finally noticed me, he walked up to me and looked me over once

"You've got nice body" he said with s face full of thunder, all of B.A.P looked my way when they heard my heart thump like a humming bird... Youngguk came over and placed himself between him and myself

"Hyung she's Daehyun's girlfriend" he warned but the instructor suddenly looked at Youngguk with a sarcastic smile

"I mean she'd be a good dancer" he said walking over to me again, he took my hand and dragged me (literally) to the mirrors. The other members looked at him in confusion, "just copy what the others..." I cut him off

"I already memorised the dance" I said bluntly, he looked at me surprised before arranging the boys behidn me, he started the music and I danced along to the dance, even the spray can part. In the end the heat of the room was almost too unbearable, I sat down with the others and fanned myself with my hand

"Well well such a little talented mouse we have hear" the instructor said clapping slowly, I laid down and tried to calm down my heavy breathing, the heat is making it hard to though

"Why is it so frickin hot? doesn't this room have windows?" I gasped and looked at Zelo, he nodded and pointed to the top of the wall... three tiny rectangular windows were letting in about as much air as a crack in a wall

"What's wrong with the air conditioner?" I said sitting up, all the members looked at Jongup

"What?" he said looking away full of guilt

"Jongup did a flip but his shoe fell off and broke the air con" Youngjae breathed, I stood up and sighed

"Well I'm off" I said grabbing my bag

"Noona dont leave us" Zelo said, he's calling me noona because the instructor is here

"Sorry Zelo, I've got to give Daehyun his medicine" I said before sayign goodbye and leaving before the instructor had time to stop me. I ran back to the dorm and got the elevator up, once I was outisde the dorm I got my phone out and rang the number

"Yobosaeyo?" his voice answered me

"Daehyun oppa, I forgot the password let me in please?" the door opened and his smiling gorgeous face appeared at the door, he opened it fully and steped out before taking my face in his hands, he kissed me and then moved his hands down my neck, across my shoulders and down my arms leaving a trail of goosebumps on my skin and making my mind go crazy 

"Come on" he said in english before pulling me slowly into the dorm, he closed the door and pushed me against it, after untying my hair he looked at me with a satisfied smile and stood REALLY lose to me. 

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed" I said biting my lip, he smiled wickedly and leaned in to kiss me softly, but then he kissed me again more roughly

"Come to bed with me" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my body

"What?" I said snapping out of it, but before he said anything be fell to the floor unconscious, "told you should be in bed" I said taking his wrists before dragging him back to his room, I put him on his bed with mush difficulty, I sighed and put my hands on my hips... Youngjae said this would happen, after the transfusion he told me that I'd start to beome a little weaker and my powers would start to fade away, I'll becoming a full human soon much to my liking. I smiled at his sleeping face and started to put the covers over him but he suddenly put his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of him.

"O...OPPA" I stuttered but then noticed he was still asleep, I tried to take his arms off of me but he just moved to his side. I put my hand on his chest so that I could try to ush him away but there was no chance that I'd win against my alien boyfriend. I felt my cheeks burn up as he pulled me against his body and put one of his legs over me, "oppa" I whispered loudly, his eyes opened and looked at me with a smile

"Your face is red" he joked making my bury my face in his chest but then I realised what I just did, I looked up and was about explain my actions when he leaned in quickly and kissed me sending my mind blank, he paused for a second to breath before returning his lips to mine. He put his hand on my hip and but then he started to lift my shirt

"Wait!" I yelled pushing him away, he looked at me surprised before realising what he'd done, he stood up and walked out the door leaving me sat up in his bed like a plonker... just what was that?

"We're back early" I heard Youngguk's voice, he walked up the hallway and stopped when he saw me, "Maya what's wrong?" he said rushing over to me, I looked up at him and sniffed for some reason. "Why are you crying?" he wiped what must have been a tear off of my cheek

"D...Dae...Daehyun... he..." I muttered not able to say anything sane

"Maya what did he do? JONGUP, MINHO GET IN HERE" he shouted... Minho's here? I looked up and saw Minho walking through the door

"Why is she crying?" he said sitting down on the bed, he puy my head on his chest and started to rock me lightly, "shhhh Maya it's okay I'm back" he cooed while my head

"Where have you been? I've been needing you pabo" I cried while hitting his chest, he chuckled and held me at arms length

"You've lost weight" he said concerned, really? I didn't notice, "have you been looking after where while I was at Mato" he said to Youngguk who hisitated but nodded

"You've been to Mato?" I asked while drying my face with my t-shirt, Zelo ran in and gave me a tissue

"Yeah, um you should have known that, you should be abe to read my thoughts" he said getting suspiscious, I looked at Youngguk for help but he ratted me out

"She gave blood to Daehyun and now she's turning human" he said bluntly, I looked down and closed my eyes so I didn't see his reaction, I braced myself for a shouting at but it didn't happed. I looked up and saw him smiling

"She's going to be human?" he beamed, he's... happy about it? "Your going to be safe Maya, your not going to be chaced by your uncle" he said shaking me

"What?" I managaed to say through the shaking

"Oh, we got a message from your uncle, he said that your free so long as you become human, which I think he thought was impossible, that he'll let you and us go" he said squishing my cheeks together

"That's good, not can you stop touching my face like that?" I mumbled, he let go and took my hand before pulling my to the ktichen where Daehyun was stuffing his face with cheesecake, once he saw me he froze and his eyes teared up

"Maya, I'm forry" he said with a full mouth, "It waf fe cure" he muffled with a mouth full of cheesecake

"That is true, it's part of the last transition" Youngjae said writing down in his note pad, I blushed at the thought of them all seeing what happened in the bedroom

"Oh god Daehyun stop thinking about it" Zelo and Jongup said at the same time, they clenched their hands to their heads and bent over in embarrassment

"I can't help it, she's absolutely gorgeous and I'm a guy it's only natural to think about touching your beautiful girlfriend's body okay" I blushed, this is too much for my heart to handle, I sat down on the table and put my head in my arms

"HYUNG THAT'S GROSS" Zelo and Jongup yelled before running out of the room, but they returned soon after with a phone in their hands

"Yoboseyo?" Youngguk answered, "what do you mean pictures? hyung slow down and tell me slowly okay?" Youngjae put his laptop in front of Youngguk who's eyes turned as wide as saucers, "we're screwed" he said looking down at me

"They've got a picture of Daehyun and you kissing" Youngjae said putting a hand on my shoudler

"Who has? My uncle?" I looked up at him and he shook his head

"Something even worse then your uncle" Himchan groaned looking at the laptop

"What's worse then him?" I'm still not getting it, they said that it's worse then someone that wants to kill me

"Paparazzi" Youngguk said turning the laptop around... there we were kissing at the door... this was only about half an hour ago... I scrolled down and saw thousands of comments...

'this person is so horrible' 'how dare she take our Daehyun away from us' 'she's bad news' 'obviously she's fake' 'I hope she gets run over by a car' I put the laptop screen down and closed my eyes to stop my tears. 

"Maya ignore what they say, the best thing we can do is stay inside the dorm..." too late, I ran out the door and out of the dorm, not caring if I got photographed, I need to get away from them

"Miss, excuse me Miss" I turned around to see 2 men running towards me, one with a camera and the other with a microphone, I tried to run away but a black journalist van was at the exit, "miss are you going out with Jung Daehyun from B.A.P" the man asked me shoving a microphone in my face

"P...Please leave me alone" I stuttered trying to get the microphone out of my face, the van door opened and a flood of men with flashing camera's came running towards me, the lights blinding. "Please" I begged covering my face but they didn't stop, one of the men put a foot behind me and tripped me up spraining my anckle. *Crack* I screamed out in pain as I landed on my wrist, the people didn't stop taking photos or filming. "Please Daehyun help me" I said low so they wouldn't hear me, I closed my eyes and crawled in a ball hoping that they would go away

"HEY GET AWAY FROM HER" I heard Daehyun's voice yell, I looked up to see Daehyun running towards me, the B.A.P van was coming out of the under ground car park behind him. He rushed over to me and knelt down to sit me up, "Maya baby are you okay?" he said checking me over, he went to touch my wrist but I yelped making him panic.

"Hyung I'll help you" Zelo said jumping out of the car, he put an arm around me and Daehyun on the other side, I limped into the car... the whole time this was going on the flashes of cameras and questions from the other man never stopped. 

"Hyung drive" Daehyun said in a serious tone to Minho who nodded and made the car speed off out of the entrance... that's illeagal... 

"Please drive more carefully" Zelo said putting on my belt

"I'll drive more carefully when my sister is safe" he said making me blush... he called me his sister... I've always wanted a big brother

"Does it hurt?" Daehyun asked really worried, I was about to lie but I knew that they wouldn't beleive me

"Yeah, my ankle does too" I said feeling the throbbing pain in both my anckle and wrist, Youngjae climbed over Daehyun and sat on the floor in front of me, he hovered his hand over my anckle and closed his eyes

"It's only sprained, but it's pretty bad" he said and held his hand out for mine, I held it out wincing, it hurts sooooo much

"Maya what happened?" Jongup said looking frightened, I looked at me feet unable to tell them directly so I thought it to them

"Those little bastards, I'm going to kill them" Daehyun said furiously. I put my hand on his knee and smiled at him

"It was my fault for getting emotional, I'm sorry for leaving the dorm, now those photos will go national

"I dont care, I want BABYS to know about you, I want them to see how awesome you are, how much I love you" he said looking desperatly into my eyes, I blushed but pain in my hand ruined the mood

"Her wrist is broken, she's going to need a cast" he said before sighing and leanign against the driver's seat

"They never know when to stop" Himchan said clenching his hands into fists

"Hyung calm down, the best thing we can to is to take Maya to the hospital, okay?" Minho said taking control, Himchan nodded and gave me an encouraging smile... so now that the paparazzi knows about me and Daehyun, I guess this will be happening a lot more...


Here's another chapter, I hope you guys liked it and please comment and subscribe and I'll try to update soon, A little teaser for next time, the paparazzi publishes the news about Maya and Daehyun all over Korea, please anticipate :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)