
The Six Bunnies


"Maya how come you didn't tell us?" Daehyun said in a hurt tone, I threw him an eveil scowl... how can he say that?

"What do you mean 'how come I didn't tell you'? I waited for you for months but you never showed, after I went thorugh somehting so frightening that even now I'm still having nightmares. I had no one to talk to until I moved here and even now there's only my aunt Jessie and Minho that I can talk to about Mato matters. Where were you for almost half a year? Oh that's right YOU LEFT ME ABANDONED IN AN EMPTY APARTMENT" I yelled back making them all speechless, I my powers so that they could all see Jess

"Y...You've gotten better" Yongguk said awkwardly, I nodded still severely pissed off. My aunt Jessie noticed that they could see her and she floated over to me before crossing her arms and glaring at them with angry eyes

"You evil evil evil people" she shouted while pointing her finger at them, they looked down and sat up straight as if my aunt Jessie would rip their heads off. "You left my neice all alone and as a human at that. It wasn't until a month after that she was able to see me and that just made her hope to see you even more. Especially you" she said pointing a finger at Daehyun who lowered his head even lower.

"Jessica noona we're sorry" Zelo said while being close to tears, aunt Jess looked at him like she'd seen a puppy out on the streets in rain. She put her hands on his cheeks and smushed them around

"Aigoooo baby Zelo-yaaaaaa, soooooooo cute" she squealed while still pinching his cheeks

"Appo" Zelo said wincing and trying to pull his cheeks from my aunts hands, she eventually let go but then she went back to glaring at Daehyun

"I'm still not letting you off, I will always hate you" she said in a harsh tone, Daehyun looked at me with a guilty expression before putting his head back down. I felt kind of happy that he's feeling guilty but then again it hurts me to see him so miserable... even though he deserves it...

"Aunt Jessie stop being so mean to him, I think he's learned his lesson" I said tapping my aunt's shoulder, she nodded but kept glaring at him. "For now you guys are excused, we've got more important matters to talk about" I said sitting down on the sofa, I crossed my legs and looked at them with a serious look

"Maya... when did you become so adult like" Zelo said with a shocked face, I sighed and as I didn't want to cause any more arguments I ignored him

"Okay so you said that I can track the oher half matoki? Tell me how" I asked the stone still members who said nothing, it was only after Minho hit Daehyun over the head with a newspaper that they actually moved 

"I'm sorry, um... you just have to activate your powers" Youngjae said as if it was nothing but a walk in the park, "each patrol is about two hours" he said while smiling...

"YA TWO HOURS? I CAN ONLY USE IT FOR AN HOUR WITHOUT PASSING OUT" I shouted at Youngjae who winced and bowed his head in appology. "This is impossible, why didn't you tell me before?" I looked at him with the best angry face I could

"I thought you were better at your powers" Youngjae said in a low voice, I sighed and leaned back while keeping my temerment under control

"I am better at using them but don't forget that I've only had 4 months and my only teacher was Minho and he's not exactly trained with the subject of half matoki" I tried to sound calm but I think I actually snapped at him... he was taken back for a moment before standing up and bowing a full 90 degree bow

"MIANHAEYO MAYA-SSI" he shouted before sitting back down, Minho came over to me and handed me a bottle of banana milk. I gingerly opened the lid and took a sip of it, "got a new liking for banana milk?" Youngjae said with a smirk, I blushed and nodded

"Yeah, when I came to Busan a shop was selling it at half price, I hadn't had one in years so I decided to get one for a one off but... then I kind of got addicted" I laughed a shy laugh before drinking from the bottle again. "Oh by the way guys I saw the Crash comeback, it was... different" I said after finishing my drink, they looked at me embarressed and nodded

"Trust me you haven't seen the dance yet" Yongguk groaned while rubbing his temples excessively, the other members laughed and patted his back. "Seriously don't they know I don't work with cute?" he sighed and shook his head slowly, I grinned and sat back like a boss

"I know how you guys can be forgiven" I smiled my evil smile making them shake their heads like they were possessed, "dance to crash right here right now" I was feeling very entertained by their embarrassing humiliation

"If it makes you happy then I'll do it" Daehyun said shooting up, then Zelo got up and Himchan and Jongup but the other two stayed down, I got out my phone and started the music. The others got up reluctantly and joined in, it wasn't as much of a cute dance as I thought it would have been, but it is different from their strong and powerful moves in their other music

"OMO NOMO KWIYOWO" I shouted making them lower their heads in shame, their pride and manliness are being thrown out of the window, a perfect punishment for these out of space Aliens that left me alone for 4 months. When the music stopped they groaned and shouted before falling to the floor while curling their hands and toes, I sighed pleased with the results and got up clapping. "Jalhaetda" I praised making them stop their expression of embarrassment

"Are you happy now?" Daehyun said looking drained, I nodded and smiled my first real smile in 4 months, "good so are we all forgiven?" he looked at me with pleading eyes

"Can I ask you one question?" I said sitting back down, he nodded and looked determined for some reason. "Do you still love me?" I put a stern look on my face which I could feel was making him uncomfortable

"Of course I do" he blurted while looking hurt, "I never stopped loving you" he came over and knelt down in front of me

"We can vouch for that, he's NOT stopped going on about you... not even for one bloody day" Youngjae groaned while his hands were clenched in fists.

"So if you loved me why didn't you try to come and find me? Or at least try to talk to me?" I kept my act up, lucky I've gotten used to lying over the past few months

"Because of him" Daehyun shot a finger towards Youngjae who looked around the room whistling, "they literally locked me up in my room after schedules and even while we were doing our jobs Yongguk and Youngjae were watching my every move" he glared at them like a 6 year old who had they toys taken off of them by their parents

"I escaped them once but I only got as far as the gate before they got me again" Zelo joined in with the glaring at his hyungs, they looked down in guilt. "Me and Daehyun wanted to see you so much, we tracked down Minho so that we could see how you were doing" he blurted but then realised what he was saying, he took a quick worried glance at Youngjae and Yongguk but then looked back at me when he saw their dissapointed faces

"Choi Junhong how dare you go behind your hyung's back and use Minho like that?" Youngjae said trying to stand over Zelo... but it failed horribly... "why didn't you listen to us?" he shouted at Daehyun who stood up and glared at Youngjae who is younger then him

"Maybe because I love Maya and I would do anything to make sure that I stay by her side, do you have a problem with that?" Daehyun sounded and looked the most serious I've ever seen him, Youngjae looked away from him cowardly and nodded before appologising

"It was hard to get Minho-hyung on our side, he hated Daehyun after he broke the promise to always make sure that Daehyun never breaks Maya's heart and never make Maya cry. I almost had to drag Daehyun-hyung's corpse back to the practice rooms" Zelo said innocently but it made Daehyun shudder from the memory... must have been a bad experiance for him

"Well done" I mouthed to Minho who nodded and winked at me before patting Daehyun's shoulder, Daehyun jumped and looked straight ahead in utter fright

"I'll just be in the kitchen" Minho said before leaving the room, Daehyun finally relaxed and gave me an exhausted smile. "Who's last peice of cheesecake is this?" Minho's loud voice boomed sarcastically through the room, Daehyun's body became as still as stone and his hands were in fists. He turned his head slightly to see Minho walking through with a small peice of cheesecake on one of my best china plates... oh dear

"Put the cheesecake down Minho hyung" Yongguk warned but Minho proceeded to anger Daehyun, he got a small tea spoon from his back pocket and jabbed it into the cheesecake. 

"Mmmmm it looks tasty right?" Minho looked towards Daehyun before putting the spoon in his mouth, Daehyun bolted for him but Minho was faster then him as expected. Minho flashed over to me and put a hand on my waist before leaning in to whisper something in my ear... I shook my head and tried to pull away but he ducked his head down and kissed me!!!

"MINHO YOU SON OF A BI-" Daehyun lunged for us but the other members kept him at a safe distance, Minho pulled away from me and straighted up leaving me dazed and confused on the sofa... ???

"Minho-hyung that's enough just give him the cheesecake, maybe he'll cool down" Zelo begged but judging by the look of things either Daehyun or Minho will need Youngjae's medical attention by the end of tonight

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU ERTED LITTLE PANSY" Daehyun yelled while struggling against his team members, Minho glared at Daehyun with red eyes, what looked like a drop of purple ink dripped from underneath Minho's now black fingernails

"" that was all that someone managed to way before the drop hit the floor, it suddenly stopped just as it was about to hit the ground and rebounded back onto Minho's finger where what looked like the markings the others had grew up his arm. A purple inked dragon swirled it's way up his arm and the same happened to the other arm, the two dragons went around th back of his neck before slithering down Minho's chest...

"Maya..." Minho looked at me with glowing violet eyes, one side of his mouth lifted as he winked playfully... "... take us down" I didn't waste anytime and closed my eyes... I activated my powers and when I opened them we were in the room... the secret under group practice room that was completely Matoki proof.

"Woah you already know how to transport other people? You must be a conductor" Youngjae said while looking impressed with the room that you cant see an end to... seriously the ceiling above us looks just like the sky and the ground looks just like a valley with a couple of mountains... the only things that keeps me from thinking that this is underground is that it is always morning under here

"NOW!!!" Minho shouted to get everyone's attention, "the real reason why your here is because..." he looked up at the members with the half a smile... his face was detailed with purple Hangul lettering in traditional handwriting, his hair had grown considerably and I could see a hint of purple... why is he purple? Isn't it a girly colour? "Your all going to be trained..." me smiled an evil smile and while looking at Daehyun he said "by me" ... what?

"Oh no" Daehyun said before fleeing along with the others, Minho looked at me and took a step towards me. He towered over me and looked down at me with a strange smile... something told me to run but it was also telling me to fight... unfortunatly the fighting part was stronger then the running. I jumped and flipped over him and as I did I accessed my powers, half my body covered in black markings. I ped my dress and let it fall, I knew that for some reason I'd have to fight today, that's why I put on my shorts and vest shirt under my dress

"You thought ahead as usual Maya, but you've not fought with me before, your in for a-" I jumped up and kicked him in the stomach sending him flying into the nearest bolder before he had time to finish

"I've been training on my own while you were out" I said putting my hands on my hips, he looked at me with amused eyes and climbed out of the bolder. He brushed the rubble off of him shoulder and started to sprint towards me, when he was about three feet from me he reached for me but I was faster and lighter so I ducked under his arm and slid under his legs before climing up his back to sit on his shoulders, I leaned back and flipped him through the air. He landed on him front and groaned in pain... serves him right

"Looks like you've lost your touch old man" Zelo mocked but he shut up with one glare from Minho who stood up and sighed

"It looks like your our strongest fighter" Minho patted me shoulder but then he tightened his grip and lifted me up. "But you don't pay much attention" he said before sending me towards the floor, I was slammed into the floor knocking the wind out of me

"Actually" I gasped making him look at me in confusion, "I'm not the strongest fighter, the person that is stonger in probably on his way here" I smiled at him just before he was slammed into the floor by Daehyun who was breathing heavily in anger

"That was for taking my cheesecake" he said while pointing into the hold he'd made while tackling Minho, Daehyun helped me up from the floor and gave me a little smile. He kept hold of my arms and took a step closer "are you okay miss Maya?" he grinned at me with perfect white teeth. I nodded and smiled back but just as he was about to lean in we were disturbed by a hand on Daehyun's shoulder. "Oh..." was all he said before being thrown into the distance, Minho looked at me with a serious face and took a step towards me

"MAYA NOW WOULD BE A GREAT TIME TO RUN" I heard Yongguk shout but it was too late as Minho grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me towards him, he then put an arm around my waist and hoisted me off my feet

"Minho your hurting me" I gasped as I tried to wriggle out of his extremely tight grasp, all of a sudden all the B.A.P members were around us and it happened so fast it was like a burr. I was pulled from Minho's grasp and pasted through their arms until I was given to Daehyun. They managed to get Minho on the floor and pinned down by Yongguk and Jongup. 

"That was close" Daehyun sighed before smiling again, "he has a reputation back on Mato of being the strictist and strongest teacher on the combat course, every year we prayed that we didn't get him and luckily we didn't... but now we've got to be trained by him because of a rogue half Matoki... perfect" he looked down not pleased with the results

"I managed to put him on his twice though" I said looking back at the others struggling with keeping him on the floor

"Yeah that's because he wasn't in his coach mode... once he get serious one of us will end up in the hospital at the end of the day" Daehyun said remembering a horrible past memory, just then someone flew past Daehyun... it was Jongup who looked extremely shell shocked from the force he was thrown with. The other members couldn't keep Minho under control and sprinted past and headed for the mountain behind us...

"I think we should run too" I said before running after them just as Minho got off of the floor, Daehyun follower after me... I have a feeling that I'm going to regret being back with Matoki business


Another overdue chapter but I will probably be uploading faster becuase I've finished College now, I'll definatly upload another chapter at the end of week because I've got another two stories to update ^_^ I hope you guys liked this chapter and for a little spoiler for the next chapter >_< *SPOILERS* Daehyun and Maya do get back together and go on a little date... but they have a dangerous encounter with the half Matoki that have been targeting Mitoki and Matoki. Yongguk get introduced to a fighter on the Mito side and when he sees her fighting it's love at first sight. *END OF SPOILERS* okay so that's all I'll tell you ^_^ I'll try to upload quicker next time but please tell me your thoughts on this chapter and please keep reading this fanfiction ^_^ ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)