World Wide

The Six Bunnies


"Well doc, is she going to be okay?" Daehyun said after the doctor had finished looking at my injuries

"She'll be fine, she'll need a cast on her left arm but her anckle will be fine with a splint and bandage" he said with a warm smile, Daehyun sighed in relief and kissed the top of my head

"I can't believe that the paparazzi would do a thing like that, just to get a scope" Himchan said clenching his hands in fists

"Oppa it's their job, I heard journalism is a tough job, the pay isn't that great either" I said watching the doctor type on his computer 

"Don't make excuses for them, what they did was wrong, they hurt you on purpose Maya" Himchan said squishing my cheeks together 

"Hyung let her go, you know she tries to make others look better then people make them out to be" Youngjae said looking at the doctor with distrust

"Youngjae don't talk about my girlfriend like that" Daehyun warned, Youngjae's head snapped up and looked at Daehyun...

"Hyung please don't think those thoughts" Youngjae said under his breath, well at least my sensative hearing hasn't gone away

"Well I'm only thinking about what I'm going to do to you if you keep thinking like that about Maya" he whispered all at once making my head spin, "how long will she be in the cast for?" he said turning to the doctor

"Only for about 4 weeks but after that she'll have to wear a splint to help the bone grow stronger" he said giving a warm smile to me sending chills down my spine, Daehyun suddenly looked at him with a threatening look

"He's thinking about you in weird ways" he whispered while putting his jacket over my shoulders, I blushed at his jealousy and smiled 

"Hyung they've already got it on the news" Jongup said showing us his phone, we clearly showed the camera man's foot tripping me up, they even zoomed in and put a red ring around it

"Oh god" I groaned looking away

"I see this was a press accident?" the doctor said leaning down close to my face, Daehyun picked me up and put me on his knee so I was even further away from the doctor

"What's he thinking" I whispered as quiet as I could

"You don't want to know baby" he whispered back, I sighed and concenrated, maybe not all of my powers have gone...

'She's just so y, I wish I could get under that...' I cut the connection off and held back the sick coming up my throat

"Told you" he said glaring at the doctor

"Yeah, yes you did" I said looking away from the doctor and snuggled up to Daehyun's chest, I could tell he was smiling as I fiddled around with his jacket zipper

"Looks like we're going to another doctor to get an x-ray done" he said picking me up

"I could get her a wheel chair if you want" he said still looking at me, Youngjae stood in front of us and bowed before smiling at the doctor

"I think we'll be fine but thank you for offering" he said before coming back to mine and Daehyun's side

"Youngjae is the best at reading minds" Daehyun whispered quietly, I looked at him to confirm which he nodded at

"Wow" I said with a smile, he blushed and looked down making Daehyun hold me in one arm and swat Youngjae with the other

"What did I do?" he said loudly, Daehyun eyed him and he instantly bowed his head and carried walking down the hallway. We walked into another room where a female doctor was waiting

"Annyonghasaeyo I'm doctor Choi, your Maya William's right?" she said not looking at me, she was paying attention to all the good looking guys in the room. I nodded and helped me over to the machine through a glass door, he sat me down on a chair and put my arm lightly on the table, "your a really pretty girl aren't you" she said with a professional smile, I blushed and stayed quiet, not knowing what I'm supposed to say. "Just keep your arm there okay hunny" she said before walking back into the controls room, I watched how awkward the boys were reading her thoughts, especially Zelo who tried his best not to listen.

"Your so adorable" I said under my breath but the others heard and blushed as red as one of Zelo's cherry tomatoes

"Okay we're done honey" she said talking back in, she helped me back to Daehyun's lap and sat down in front of her computer. "Your arm is broken but it's not that bad, you wont need surgery" she said flashing some pearly white teeth

"Okay, are you going to put a pot on?" I said looking at the screen, she nodded and sighed

"Unfortunatly yes, but on the bright side you'll get to pick a colour" she said happily, "as your a high schooler how about pink?" she said with a confident look

"I'm 18" I confessed while feeling my cheeks burn

"So your a college student? I'm sorry, your just so small and young looking, I thought you were this young man's little sister" she said gesturing to Daehyun, I turned even more red and looked at my feet

"She's my girlfriend" he said holding back his laughter

"Oh, well, um, how about a light blue? They're pretty popular with girls your age" she said standing up, Daehyun picked me up again and followed her into another room which had all the equipment to fix my arm.

"Maya we've got to go, we've got practice" Youngjae said peeking over Daehyun's shoulder, "don't worry, Daehyun can stay here" he said with a smile before heading out of the door with Zelo, Jongup and the others waved their goodbyes before leaving.

"Okay first we're going to.." I cut her off

"Mianhae, I'm not good with hospital stuff" I said nuzzling my head in Daehyun's chest, he chuckled and apologised to her

"It's not a problem, I'll get it done as quick and fast as I can" she said before taking my arm gently, I closed my eyes and kept my head on Daehyun's chest. I think I must have dozed off for a minute because when I opened my eyes she was putting the last of the coloured material on, "okay all done" she said rolling her chair over to her desk.

"Will I need anything on my ankle?" I asked feeling the pain pulsing in my leg

"I'll put a small ankle brace on it, it'll be fine in a couple of weeks, I'll prescribe some painkillers for your arm and foot" she said before standing up with a peice of cloth in her hand, "I'll just put a sling on" she said starting to put it around my neck. After she gave me one crutch to help keep weight off of my injured foot.

"Thank you" I thanked her before leaving, manager drove us back to the dorm where I was instantly put on the sofa... this is so not going to be fun 

"You look like you saw a car run over a puppy, what's wrong?" Daehyun said sitting next to me

"I don't like being grounded" I mumbled turning the TV on, he chuckled and put his arm on the sofa behind me and put my head against his chest

"Have a little sleep" he said with a smile, I snuggled up against him and closed my eyes... I must have been really tired beause when I woke up my head was on his lap and the dorm was pitch black... I looked up at Daehyun's sleeping face and smiled, he looked really handsome when he slept

"Oppa, good night" I whispered before settling back down and closing my eyes

"WE'RE BACK" Minho's voice boomed through the dorm waking me and Daehyun up

"Ya Minho, we were sleeping" Daehyun's sleepy voice said while he rubbed his eyes, I sat up and stretched my healthy arm

"Sorry, I didn't know" he appologied and yawned

"Tired?" I said amused at how he looked like a three year old when he's sleepy  

"Very, I've had a very normal day" he said sitting down next to me

"Isn't that a good thing?" I said confused, he sighed and shook his head

"Nope, I've been used to weird for over 2,000 years of my life" he said with a sarcastic smile

"WOW YOUR OVER 2,000 YEARS OLD?" I yelled making him cover his ears

"Yes I am, I am a Matoki you know, we live many many many of your life times" he said standing up, he strethed before going down the hallway

"Does that mean that your that old too?" I said looking at a sleepy Daehyun, he nodded and looked down, "so I'm going to grow old and dye while you stay the same?" I said suddenly getting upset

"I wont let that happen, there's a special power in Mato that the higher ups give to those Matoki who fall in love with humans" he said looking at me with a determined face, "they'll deffinatly give it to us because they'd see what you did to save me, that you'd give your life for me" he said a little upset with the last bit

"Would they really give it to us?" I said a little wary

"They're a little strict with the rules though, only those who have been together more then two years and has to have a baby within a year after the power is given" WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT'S THAT

"A" I said moving away from him, he laughed and shook his head

"We don't have to have it done for a while yet, while we're on Earth we age the amount of years we want to, I can age with you till your ready" he said in the middle of laughing. I blushed and looking down at my cast

"It's not that funny" I mumbled but that made him laugh even more, I used my free arm to punch him in the arm making him stop

"Okay okay okay I get it, I'll stop" his smiled faded a little and he untied my hair letting my curls bounce to my waist, "your gorgeous" he said before kissing the top of my head. "Maya" he said hugging me, I nodded and snuggled up with him again.

"I two years" 


"I want to ask you something" 

"What do you want to ask me?"

"I want you to say yes" 

"Yes to what"

"That you'll marry me"


Heyy guys here's a pretty normal chapter :) It'll be pretty normal for a while till I can come up with some thing else ^_^ I hoped you like it and I hope you comment your thoughts... also the last bit was really greesy :S sorry about that but I wanted to but something really romantic in there :3 please comment and subscribe :) ANNYONG ~ SARANGHAEYO <3 :)

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Plz Plz Plz update soon ♡ I miss this fic :c
Chapter 39: Plz update soon ♡♡
Chapter 39: I can't wait till the next chapter Cx
Sungyeol101 #4
Chapter 36: It's late... i know Cx but plz update!♡♡

I wish i knew about this fic sooner :((♡♡
IUTheHackingPanda #6
Chapter 35: Update soon please~!!!!
asian7707 #7
Chapter 34: Cant wait for the new chapters^^
asian7707 #8
Chapter 34: Update soon plzzz~~~!¡!¡!¡
Chapter 30: CONGRATS FOR FINISHING COLLEGE!!!^.^ Update Soon Plz~!
sarahsohn77 #10
Chapter 29: Oh u actually mentioned me!! I feel so honored :)